You should new see a whole list of supported games in Flawless Widescreen, scroll down to "Grand Theft Auto V" and Click on it. Reply Quote 0. 4- Once the Flawless Widescreen program is installed open it, Click on "installed Plugins" and then "FWS Plugins". (I'm already using this app called "Flawless Widescreen" and all the fixes are checked as well as the "letterbox fix" but it doesn't work at all) Thanks! last edited by stillhere @Tengerecki @Tengerecki I'm pretty sure that's just how the minimap is aligned. Allows you to set the field of view in first person mode to whatever value you want, bypassing the standard limits of 85º horizontal and 55º vertical. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto V). Are there any other methods that work or I could try? Original Poster 1 year ago. Try flawless widescreen then youtube how to make it work with fivem you gotta change some text in a document for it to work right. Allows you to set the field of view in first person mode to whatever value you want, bypassing the standard limits of 85º horizontal and 55º vertical. Flawless Widescreen was created in an effort to make it easier to craft fixes, patches and hacks to get games functioning correctly in UltraWide/Surround/Eyefinity gaming resolutions, often developers neglect these enthusiast users. Last edited by Quokka; Apr 19, 2015 @ 1:47am < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . § 1.1: Ingen tolerance for scripts, decrypting eller andre tredjeparts-programmer eller lignende. (Eksempler på dette kan være, crosshair, mod menu, og flawless widescreen) § 1.2: Ingen tolerance for trusler (DDoS og lignende mod serveren eller andre spillere) § ⦠Installation instructions: Find your GTA V installation folder (e.g. In reality, the best viewmodel settings for CSGO are entirely up to each individual player, even though there are some safe ideas that users should generally stick too. 6- Now you should be seeing a Settings tab, configure the settings to your perference or use mine. just a headsup for those wanting more FOV or to fix letterbox cutscenes for 21:9 or or multi monitors setups, Flawless Widescreen now has a fix. The popular FOV mod uses an .ini file so it doesn't work in FiveM, Flawless Widescreen also doesn't work. It should have files such as ⦠Replies. Report Save. stillhere. level 2. Mumbles. A command that works in the console? It's highly recommended that you use Flawless Widesreen to increase your vehicle fov by at least 5 degrees, or else you will have a hard time seeing the handlebars. The internet is full of guides claiming that they have the âbest viewmodelâ for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. 1. share. So ever since starting FiveM I have noticed how heavy the game is on my PC.