Not the most elegant solution, I grant, but it works. I consider an apochromatic refractor to be the best telescope for a beginner to dive into deep sky astrophotography with. These very popular EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Triplet ED APO Refractors we do offer in 3 different product lines: Essential Line: HOYA FCD-1 Glass lens, AL-Tube, 2.0" Rack&Pinion Focusser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. Changing the bracket is one option, but not one that I was particularly keen on. Buy: Explore Scientific FCD100 Series ED102 102mm f/7 Apo Triplet Carbon Fiber Telescope, 714mm Focal Length, Multicoated, 4.7" Tube Diameter, OTA Only MFR: FCD100-10207-CF. The Sky-Watcher HEQ-5 Equatorial Mount handles this lightweight refractor with ease, creating a rock-solid, smooth ride. £5,348.00 Including VAT and Warranty Explore Scientific … A Dew Heater band is wrapped around the objective to reduce condensation. The front objective lens of the Explore Scientific ED102 FCD-100 is a triplet of air-spaced HOYA FCD-100 glass, and it provides good contrast and colour correction. In stock. The focuser is easily capable of taking the weight of my imaging equipment without pulling it out of focus. 2,736 views … Astrophotography Images using the Explore Scientific ED102 CF F/7 Triplet with a DSLR camera. Imagine how much more you would lose if you had any kind of drop whilst transporting it because no flight case is available! Explore Scientific CF refractor, ED115 or ED102 Wanted. Vendor Explore Scientific Regular price $ 1,215.98 Sale price $ 800.00 Sale. You can use the slot in the cradle ring handle to fasten a dovetail bar using 1/4″ screws. 102mm models come with a heavy-duty 2" dual-speed rotatable focuser, including 2 draw tube extensions. Before upgrading to the ED102, my primary astrophotography telescope was an Explore Scientific ED80. Dew shield diameter: 145.5mm. Personal Upgrade Path. I saw the ED127 F/7.5 version of this telescope with this very addition at the Cherry Springs Star Party in 2017. But I do know that the glass makes a big difference to the clarity and sharpness of your image. The Explore Scientific ED102 CF FCD1 uses HOYA Extra-Low-Dispersion (ED) Glass with Enhanced Multi-Coatings. The Explore ED102 Carbon Fiber Triplet Refractor package also includes an integrated dew shield, cradle ring with handle, Vixen style dovetail plate, Explore finder scope base, and 2" diagonal with 99% reflectivity. The team at Explore Scientific is great to deal with. I’m not a glass expert, neither do I want to be. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 102mm Edt-10207-cf Explore Scientific Ed102 F 7 714mm Carbon Fiber Refractor Telescope 812257013975 at the best online prices at eBay! Explore Scientific ED102-FCD100 Series Air-Spaced Triplet Telescope CF Combo $ 3,299.98 Add to cart Explore Scientific ED102 Triplet Go-To Combo $ 2,299.99 Add … 701 views Explorer Scientific AR102 f/6.5 Review. From the research Ive done it seems like its a good scope, except for the hassle of mounting accessories? Heck no. Dropping 1.5 points for these two small things may seem a lot, but they are important. One of the benefits of this scope is its portability, and the retractable dew shield really adds to that so deserves a line or two in the limelight. There is top end glass and then there is glass that isn’t top end. The back focus is 150mm from the 2″ adapter. £2,395.00 Including VAT and Warranty Explore Scientific 152mm f/7.9 ED APO 152mm f/7.9 Carbon Fibre 3" Hex Focuser. ES-FCD100-10207-CF. Some are not groundbreaking, such as the retractable dew shield. Price - $1.00. This was one of my first issues with my ED102. 0112084(AL), … Dr. Craig Stark's review on Explore Scientific 127 ED using the SCA Field Flattener. Less time refocussing = more time imaging, and more stable images. [Update: I have just ordered a ZWO Electronic Automatic Focuser, it’s a couple of weeks from delivery, but I will also add a review once that arrived [Update to Update! Explore Scientific ED102 Carbon Fiber f/7 Air Spaced Triplet with Hoya FCD100 optics and Integrated Dew Shield; 714mm focal length; 2.5" HEXagonal Rack and Pinion 10:1 two-speed Focuser; Cradle Ring with Handle and Vixen Style Dovetail Plate; Explore Finder Scope Base installed on scope; 99% Reflective 2" Diagonal. The Explore Scientific ED102-FCD100 Series Air-Spaced Triplet Telescope in Carbon Fiber, has the adv. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In the case of the ASI294MC Pro, the correct spacing is 55mm. The Explore ED102 telescope comes with a white aluminum tube with black accents. explore scientific ed102-cf Is Similar To: 127ed Explore Scientific Ed Apo Refractor Telescope Hardcase Dielectric Diag (59.5% similar) Enhanced multi-layer coatings emd are deposited on optical elements to boost contrast and eliminate light scatter is further with the installation of matte black knife-edge baffles in tube assembly. The handle also includes a cut-out to attach additional pieces of equipment such as a guide scope, finder or camera. Article généralement disponible sous 3 à 5 jours. Superb optics and reliable SCA adapter for f/5 to f/8 refractor. £891.00. ( Log Out /  Price:$245.00 . The telescope requires only a single counterweight on the opposite end of my Sky-Watcher HEQ-5, or EQ6-R Pro. I have HEQ5-Pro Mount, which I was using for some time already with 560mm Canon Lens (400mm with 1.4 extender) and Canon 5DIII camera. Compare that to the weight of my massive 8″ Orion Astrograph Reflector which uses 2.5 counterweights at the very end of the counterweight shaft. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 102mm Edt-10207-cf Explore Scientific Ed102 F 7 714mm Carbon Fiber Refractor Telescope 812257013975 at the best online prices at eBay! … By unlocking the telescope from the cradle, you can safely and securely slide the ED102 up or down to find the perfect balance for your equipment. The Explore ED102 telescope comes with a white aluminum tube with black accents. The ED102 102mm f/7 Essential Apochromatic ED Triplet Refractor Telescope from Explore Scientific features a triplet apochromatic lens system with Extra-low Dispersion (ED) glass and Explore Scientific's proprietary anti-reflection EMD fully multicoated optics. Explore Scientific Air-Spaced Apochromatic Triplets have true APO optic and are diffraction limited at .25PV or better ; Genuine ED glass from Hoya Japan is used on all ED APO Triplets at Explore, for superb quality and light throughput ; Enhanced Multi-Layer Coatings … The Explore Scientific ED102-FCD100 Series Air-Spaced Triplet Telescope in Carbon Fiber, has the advantages for astrophotographers and visual astronomers found in our metal-tube ED102 models, but with the advantage of making the instrument much lighter, and a lighter weight telescope performs better on any mount that it is used on. Suffice to say that the glass in this scope is at the top end of the market, especially for a scope in this price range. Shop For. Needless to say, if you are looking to buy a professional telescope for astrophotography, have a good look at the products available from Explore Scientific. or Best Offer. I have also started using the Explore Scientific with an electronic filter wheel, a Xagyl 5-position model. Sort By: Page of 1 : SCA Field Flattener 2" List Price:$245.00. I would definitely have paid a little more for this scope to have the guide rings included in the package. The new Explore Scientific FCD-100 CF Hex represents another major improvement in this field - the overall correction (color and spherical) is setting new standards in this price class. Weighing in at under ten pounds, this telescope can be combined with a camera and filter wheel without overtaxing an entry level mount. Things like Ohara FPL-53 is a top end glass, so apparently is the Hoya FCD-100. Nov 26, 2019 - Explore Scientific ED102 CF Review. Explore Scientific ED80 Essential Series Air-Spaced Triplet … Explore Scientific ED80 Essential Series Air-Spaced Triplet Refractor – ES-ED0806-01. I can highly recommend the Explore Scientific ED102 CF to astrophotographers and visual observers looking for a high-quality telescope that will deliver years of enjoyment. Mar 22, 2019 - Explore Scientific ED102 CF Review. Having just spent over £1,500 on a new scope, the thought of adding additional screw holes (and the risk of doing something that causes damage) really didn’t appeal to me. Shipping typically taking 7 working days Out of stock Explore Scientific ED APO 152mm f/7.9 Carbon 3" FT Focuser. Make sure you have the right mounting bracket for your guide scope, as the Explore Scientific mounting plate is different from the Orion-style bracket. ED127 Carbon Fiber FCD100 Apochromatic Refractor (FCD100-127075-CF) Explore Scientific. After many uses with this telescope, I have noticed the dew shield does not stay locked into place. Tube optique 102 mm de diamètre et 714 mm de focale court à objectif apochromatique à 3 lentilles. You save $70.00! I used three bolts to do this, one at either end, and one in the centre. I hope that this review will help you make your telescope buying decision easier, as I have provided examples of real experience, and real photos captured using this refractor. What do I need to start astrophotography? Explore Scientific hard case for ED102 or other 4" refractor telescope. The ED102 set up for a night of imaging. Explore Scientific 102 mm FCD100 CF Triplet Refractor Specifications. The Explore Scientific ED102 FCD-100 CF Hex (try remembering all that after a few beers!) The Explore ED102 Carbon Fiber Triplet Refractor with 714 mm focal length package also includes an integrated dew shield, cradle ring with handle, Vixen style dovetail plate, Explore finder scope base, and 2" diagonal with 99% reflectivity. The Explore Scientific ED102-FCD100 Series Air-Spaced Triplet Telescope in Carbon Fiber, has the advantages for astrophotographers and visual astronomers found in our metal-tube ED102 models, but with the advantage of making the instrument much lighter, and a lighter weight telescope performs better on any mount that it is used on. Unit price / per . Shop For. My solution is not the most elegant, but it works. The focus distance of the ASI294 MC Pro and Explore Scientific ED 102. Explore Scientific’s 102mm Apochromatic Refractor is essentially the same scope as the ES-ED10207-01 but offers better quality optics. For this, I require a high-quality telescope that could produce sharp, high-contrast photographs on a regular basis. Page 1 of 2 - Explore Scientific ED102-FCD100 Sale - How good? In stock. A, The Ultimate Target for Your DSLR and Telescope, AstroBackyard | Astrophotography Tips and Tutorials 2021. Modest German equatorial astrophotography mounts such as the Orion Sirius EQ-G or Celestron AVX will have no problem handling this lightweight tube, with all of your photography gear included. Weighs 7lbs. £8,920.00. There are two easy ways to attach a guide scope to the Explore Scientific ED 102 CF. This Apochromatic Triplet Refractor telescope is capable of delivering superb deep-sky DSLR astrophotography images. This further “flattens” the field of view in my images and reduces the telescope’s focal length for a wider field of view. The ED102 set up for a night of imaging. Explore Scientific Carbon Fiber ED102 f/7 APO Triplet with Hoya FCD100 Optics 5. Yes, there are better scopes out there, but they will definitely cost your more money. Upgrading to the ED102 from the ED80 was an easy decision, as my loyalty to Explore Scientific was earned over 5 years worth of imaging experience. Personal Upgrade Path. The ED102 comes with an adjustable cradle with a Vixen-style dovetail mount. My Explore Scientific ED 102 Carbon Fiber refractor. Buy risk-free: When it’s time to trade up you’ll get the most value for your used gear. 4.4 out of 5 stars 5 … Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews. This in turn is helped by Explore Scientific’s enhanced multilayer desposition (EMD) coatings on the lens. I hope that you found this review helpful in some way and that you learned a little more about this specific telescope. Hard carrying case for Explore Scientific ED102 Essential Series refractor. My first image with this scope was NGC6992, the Eastern Veil Nebula using my Canon EOD800Da DSLR. My absolute favorite activity is to spend a night in the backyard photographing nebulae, galaxies and star clusters with my camera and telescope. When my camera is attached to the telescope, it is connected directly to the focuser tube as the diagonal is not needed for astrophotography. Ad Number: 233803. To this day it remains one of my favourite images. I start with that because I struggled to find that information when I got my scope, and it took some time for me to achieve focus. And I’d rather have something a little unconventional that works than something that looks amazing but was useless. I mounted the Explore Scientific ED102 to a Sky-Watcher HEQ5 equatorial telescope mount for many years. Designed specifically for Explore Scientific’s ED102 Telescopes, this deluxe storage case offers that ideal combination of security and … The 80mm ED Triplet Carbon Fiber Refractor has been discontinued by Explore Scientific and is out of stock. I also used nylock nuts to ensure they didn’t work their way loose. Diameter: 120mm When using the Explore Scientific ED 102 with a dedicated astronomy camera such as the ZWO ASI294MC-Pro, it can be difficult to find the correct focus distance at first. Trying to find the Explore Scientific guidescope rings was like trying to source hens teeth. Deep-Sky Viewing . This 80mm triplet “APO” holds a special place in my heart because it was my first real astrophotography telescope. Over the course of 4 years, I photographed more than 50 deep-sky objects with it. Sending your ED102 Triplet off to the factory is always an option, but is not required. Despite this minor annoyance, the overall build quality of this instrument is impressive. This comes in extremely handy when performing the star alignment process at the beginning of my imaging session.