For Sale. Embryo's. Price for a pair of 6-8 year old ewes $300.00 (or $175 for 1). favorite this post Jan 26 ISO Bottle Ewe lambs $0 (sux > Northeast NE) hide this posting restore restore this posting. Spring rams and ewes will be available for sale at the farm beginning in May. Nicki Handpugh. For sale as a group but will consider splitting the mated ewes from the weaners. Estimated weight at 28 to 30kg on the hook, good mouths, farm consistently scanning in the high 170’s. Livestock; Sheep; For Sale White Suffolk Stud Ewes & Lambs, mixed ages, all in excellent condition, MN1 Stud, will split if required. Very friendly, and easy to handle. Will make great show stock and fantastic breeding ewes. Price (excl. Harry Pearson. Box 23. 5 ewes for sale. Powranna Weekly Sale . Ewes for Sale — Jackson View Farms. $ 200 . Dorper/Wiltipoll Cross Ewes for Sale. Report. Babydoll Wethers for sale from $400 each plus GST while stocks are available. We have raised commercial Dorper hair sheep for their heat and parasite tolerance and their superior carcass qualities and carcass weights. This advert is located in and around Wettenhall, Cheshire. Commercial & stud sheep for sale and lambs for sale across all states of Australia. is the home of Farms & Farm Machinery magazine and has over 40,000 new and used agricultural machinery items for sale across a wide range of farming categories including agricultural parts, tractors, UTVs/ATVs, seeder drills, sheds, spreaders, tillage & seeding, backhoe loaders, mini tractors, sub-compact tractors and more. 368 - 4.5yo Ewes & 146 - 3.5 yo Genuine large framed plain bodied ewes in very good order. With planning consent for the erection of 4 semi-detached or link houses in a site extending to around 0.5 acres (0.2 hectares) with mains services available. SheldonPugh Flock. M 0412070971. To achieve this, a combination of four breeds were tasked to provide specific traits to the breed: White Dorper, Poll Dorset, Texel and Van Rooy. They are trained to electro-net and to 5-8 strand tensile wire fencing and are very tractable for training herding dogs. $250.00 each. Two x nearly one year old $280 each Two x two year old $250 each Two x three year old $230 each Will sell individually or multiple (two or more negotiable price). The Australian White Sheep breed was founded by three NSW sheep studs in an attempt to produce a haired, self-replacing meat sheep that required little maintenance. Related clearing sale Items | Map. Reluctant sale of 400 classed one mark 2 Tooth Ewes. North West, Western Australia. $350.00 each or $1600 for 5. Sheep for sale $250 (Letcher) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. 7 Herdwick Store Rams £ Login for pricing 9 mo Stafford, Staffordshire. We run 500 Stud Dorper Ewes alongside a commercial Dorper flock of 1000 ewes, as well as 100 Stud White Dorper Ewes. Report. $4,800 for entire herd. 3 days ago. Properties For Sale in Ewes, Langholm, Dumfriesshire. Expecting lambs in June when the weather is warm, the grass is green and plentiful. GST): $150. The line-up of 4389 1.5 to 5.5-year-old ewes sold to an average of $203, 319 ewe lambs sold for $155 and 1556 wether lambs averaged $115. Early, TX 76802 Cell: 325-642-3630 Fax: 866-574-8696 Email us at [email protected] Search for: Search. 3 days ago. £70 per head, delivery available. Southdown rams for sale. 24 ewes and lambs for sale - $4,800 (Albertville, AL) 24 ewes and lambs for sale. Sheep's milk products are a great way to enter a new market, as it is so unique and scarse, with our experience new m arkets has always been easy to enter, as long as we can supply them consistently. High dyke farm. Pure Australian White Stud Rams - Contact Us. Ireland's Trusted Marketplace Ads ... Ewes . North Coast, New South Wales. We have a good number of White Suffolk and Poll Dorset Stud and commercial ewe lambs available for sale from early in the year onwards. A total of 86 ewes were presented for sale by Cian Devaney, with the top price of €245/head being achieved for a pen of five Texel-cross hoggets scanned carrying 10 … Slow roasting the mutton results in a truly delicious eating experience. Report Ad. Finished to a very high standard throughout this home is an opportunity not to be missed. 27 Herdwick In-Lamb Breeding Ewes £ Login for pricing 56-60 mo Holywell, Flintshire. This is my personal herd that I'm having to sell. They also enjoy browse up to 3-4’ tall. Report. Wattle Farm, Temora, Jeff Sutton on 0418 203 440. Protects lambs from foxes very well. Sheep ewes for sale. Vaccinated ,fluked and B12 Scanned in lamb to texel and Cheviot Due to lamb from 5th April approximately No calls after 9pm Please no time wasters or people looking for a chat We will gladly register your new purchase with Katahdin Hair Sheep International (KHSI) for a fee of $20/sheep. They are Suffolk and Dorest. Ewes, Used Sheep For Sale in Killarney, Kerry, Ireland for 70.00 euros on Land for sale . Report Ad. Both rams and ewes have beautiful horns, the horned dorset rams are much larger with more spirals. Amarula is located on 2200 acres, 50km East of Moree. We also have, Three (3) ewes at 2-3 mths, and Three (3) ewes at 11 mths . Tagged and wormed. Call on 0428 419 495 Private Seller Ewes for sale, see photos below. We couldn't find what you’re looking for right now. Buy and sell farm supplies quickly and easily on Farm Tender, Australia's premier agricultural market place. Our ewes thrive on mixed pasture, mineral salt, water, & hay in winter. Our members have sheep breeding stock, and you can find the best deals with our classified ads on our site. Suffolk Rams for Sale - VIRGINIA KINLEY (Logan Village) 29-Aug-18 11:47 AM AEST; Bottle fed lambs - Farmboiz (Blackbutt 4306) 28-Aug-18 12:52 PM AEST; Pure Breed Suffolk Ewes 2018 Drop and Rams - martin butler (Teesdale Victoria) 26-Aug-18 12:21 PM AEST; Merino Breeding Ewes with lambs - Ramsout (Neales Flat, South Australia) 8-Aug-18 06:30 PM AEST EPC = EXEMPT. 6 month old Stud Rams. Amarula is committed to breeding highly productive Dorpers that are high yielding, moderate frame and fertile. Advertisement. Meatmaster ooie te koop / ewes for sale. Merino ewes sold for a top of $326 at the Nutrien Cooma Feature Store Sale which was held via AuctionsPlus on Friday. Asking price: €70 . 2 pedigree ewes for sale. Sheeps (Rams & Ewes) for sale Whatsapp 27631521991 . Weight Range – 40 kgs to 70 kgs. 3. . Ideal for first time buyers or buy to let investment. $ 275. Lot 903 – Auctions Plus. Tagged and wormed. 4. . No. 2. . Bred ewes for sale - $250 (Decorah) We have 5 Bred Katahdin, Katahdin/Dorper ewes for sale. 30+ days ago. 3 Herdwick Store Wethers £ Login for pricing 36 mo Knutsford, Cheshire. Merino Ewes.5 yrs, 1 mark, spring shearing, mulsed & backline, joined to (20) White Suffolk Rams, 1 Dec 2020, $325 incl. both scanned , wormed, heptivac and vit min drenched. Offers Over. R 1 000 . Arrange a viewing today Selling as reducing ET work 1-3 crop ewes. I ve 4 Shetland x zwarble ewes with Suffolk lambs at foot. 2 pedigree ewes for sale. Suffolk cross ewes for sale in Keysborough 3173. Please Contact Wanted: ISO of sufflock sheep Peterborough 06/02/2021. price is each. Soay Ewes with lambs at foot for sale. Kwazulu Natal. Report. Yearling Ewes Available Sired by Winchester or Velocity March 2019 Yearling Ewe pictured at 9 months old. yasloc stud sale Glen Innes Sheep Fri 05 Mar 2021 Colin Say & Co For Sale. 17 days ago. Ladismith, Garden Route Interior. Ethnonymie. $ 430 . $180 to $190. Call between 9 AM and 9 PM. Flock Rams Available Year Round - Contact Us. Report Ad. 3 days ago. Ewes with lambs at foot . Lambs and ewes. Category: Ewes. Vendor has used professional expertise to breed a line of sheep with high levels of worm resistence and a bare breach to avoid mulesing. Bordertown S.A 5268 (Siding Road) P/F 08 87521941. ... Copper injection set to improve health of sheep. Dairy sheep for sale!Breed: East Friesian X Awassi 20 ewes, 1 ram.This is an ideal opportunity for someone who already is in the industry of cheese making and has a setup. 3 gorgeous, pedigree, Grassroots registered Valais Blacknose Ewe lambs. Ewes For Sale. favorite this post Jan 13 Bred Ewes $275 (sux > Herman, NE) hide this posting restore restore this posting. Stud Ewes. both scanned , wormed, heptivac and vit min drenched. For Sale White Suffolk Stud Ewes & Lambs, Temora, 2666. On hep p, enzovax, toxovax system. Check Price. Ardene Australian White Sheep Stud would like to ensure all our valued clients, that our 7th annual sheep sale will be conducted in a safe auction environment. Commercial Dorper Hair SHEEP FOR SALE Genesis 31:8 says: "If he said, ‘The spotted shall be your wages,’ then all the flock bore spotted". March 2019 Yearling Ram Pictured at 2019 NAILE (9 months old) Winchester x ZWT 6292. Jackson View Farms | 129 Beechcraft Drive, Stroudsburg, PA, 18360, United States, Homegrown meats including beef, pork lamb and poultry. Perfectly marked and from top bloodlines. Also have 4-7 month old ram and e... Tel: 8604282954 . Proven ewes are experienced females that have already lambed at least once. Bred ewes for sale - $1 (St. Peter) I have 15 bred ewes for sale, due March 15. Tuesday 8th March 2016. Here you can find Dorper lamb meat for sale, Dorper sheep in Texas, Dorper bucks in Texas, Dorper ewes in Texas, and Dorper lambs in Texas. Rightmove receives a fixed monthly fee from Nationwide for introductions made via the Rightmove platforms. Easy care, low maintenance sheep. Not in-lamb. 3rd lambers and very tidy sheep £50/life. Toby Johnson. View Herdwick Sheep for sale in the UK. Ewe Lambs for sale admin 2016-11-18T02:30:14+00:00 Stud and Commercial Ewe Lambs for sale We have a good number of White Suffolk and Poll Dorset Stud and Commercial ewe lambs available for sale from early in the year onwards. Used as recips but didn't hold. change your cookie settings Ils parlent l'ewe. All health treatments up to date. Report Ad. Come to call. David Knowles. Pick up only. They are small and hardy.... . At Voyageur Farm of Lewisburg, PA we raise Katahdin hair sheep of excellent quality. Ewes For Sale. Call 207-838-5813 or email us for prices in mid May. 17/01/2021. Photos. Looking to purchase 50 ewes bred! EAST FRIESIAN EWES FOR SALE All ages of east friesian ewes for sale. Ewes with lambs at foot . For Sale. Ewe Lambs for sale. It's up to you if you choose Nationwide or a different lender to suit your mortgage needs and circumstances. Map data ©OpenStreetMap £50 . Sheep for Sale & Goats for Sale - buy and sell classifieds for sheep and goats. P.O. Highview romneys. Comments: 366 Mixed age rising 4 - 6 yo 1st cross BL ewes to be sold scanned in lamb to White Suffolk rams. Buy & Sell on Ireland's Largest Sheep Marketplace. Come to call. The ewes are due to be scanned on 8th March and plan for delivery imeediately afterwards for 1 week pe... More Information. South Road, Western Australia. Call between 9 AM and 9 PM. R 2 500 . I ve 4 Shetland x zwarble ewes with Suffolk lambs at foot. Age: Mixed. I’m sometimes slow to update all my listings, so if you’re looking for something you don’t see here, let me know and I’ll tell you what else I might have available. Below are our current ewes available for sale as breeding stock. The Sutton family's stud sold all 21 ewes offered for a top of $650 and an average of $476. Ryehill Park, Eskdalemuir, Langholm, DG13 0QF. . Situated within easy walking distance of the town centre and local facilities. Pant y groes. For Sale. E All of our ewes are gentle, used to people, and accustomed to being worked by our border collie. Location: YORK, WA. Bucket trained. Make an offer: Seller: donedealuser (#e8a) Feedback: 0 0. Breeding stock and lambs available! EWE & Ram SALES 2019. Airlie bloodlines. 3 days ago. Flock Rams. Black Babydoll Ram for sale $5,000 plus GST, Birthed 22nd September 2020 and available after … 08/02/2021. Shorn – 14 Feb 2016 Not Crutched. Please enquire to Kym 0412070971. Range from 2 years (never lambed) to 6 years old. The meat from our lambs is mild & tender using any cooking method. Report. Ardess Australian White Flock Rams. price is each. This advert is located in and around Wettenhall, Cheshire. Location: Killarney, Kerry 4 more ads from this seller Entered/Renewed: 3 days ago Ad Views: 212. These are kathadin/dorper cross. Keysborough, VIC . £2,750 Each For Sale 3 gorgeous Valais Blacknose ewe lambs for sale. 180 December shorn 1.5yo ewes for sale. NEW EWE LAMBS AVAILABLE OCT 12,2020. Devizes, Wiltshire. If you choose to raise Dorset Horn sheep, you are helping ensure the survival of future generations of this incredible animal. Price for a pair 1 -3 year old ewes $450.00 (or $250 for 1). Stud Rams For Sale. Soay Ewes with lambs at foot for sale. Offering Merino Ewes, Dorper Sheep and More for Sale Regardless of whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Farm Tender is Australia’s ultimate online marketplace. View Stock for Sale. Contact: Paul Keppel 0427195184. A very tidy line of classed young ewes. Negotiable. Aussie white cross Wiltipol ewes 14 months old in excellent condition, been running with Aussie white ram for 4weeks, 20 ewes available, have had two vaccinations and been drenched, first in best dressed, best cross bred meat sheep, full shedders, photos speak for themself! $210. Babydoll Rams for sale from $800 plus GST while stocks are available. . 600 Wairere bred five year old ewes for sale in Wairoa region. 15 mule ewes. Sheep ewes for sale. Age – 3.5- 3.6 Years. Farm Tender provides a convenient and comprehensive online marketplace for buyers and sellers to advertise and purchase sheep stock and much more. 3rd lambers and very tidy sheep £50/life. We have 9 beautiful black headed dorper ewe lambs for sale they are great quality, about 7 to 10 months old and they may have already had the opportunity with .... Kismet is now breeding and selling Southdown crossed with White Suffolk rams. They also enjoy browse up to 3-4’ tall. 9 results We couldn't find what you’re looking for right now. We use cookies sire of the weaners. $1000.00 if you purchase all five. Local call rate. Suckers, lambs, hoggets, ewes, wethers, rams and goat listings online every day. 180 December shorn 1.5yo ewes for sale. 15 hours ago. $150. We will be adhering to Covid19 guidelines throughout the day, on property, with a Covid19 Safe Plan in place. I sold the ram already because some of these were his daughters and I didn't want to cross him back over them. Pearson farms . Dohne Sheep For Sale 800 NSM Ewes – PURE DOHNES. Damara ewes for sale. at any time. Sept 2017 drop. For Sale. Sale type: Private Sale. to optimise your experience on our website. 3 Blue Texel, Beltex Cross Breeding Gimmers £ Login for pricing 24 mo Lincoln, Lincolnshire. The top priced stud ram sold for $3500 to young Victorian stud owners, Patrick Anderson of Kings Veldt Border Leicesters and Kasey Shields of Santana Vale stud. Find the stock you’re looking to purchase by searching and creating email alerts for livestock listings created by Elders extensive, National network of livestock agents. Dorper Sheep sheep for sale Horned Dorsets are listed as an endangered breed with an estimated global population of less than 5,000. Premium Member. New. Stock for Sale. Great bunch of mule ewes. Sept. Shorn unmulsed. For Sale in Mayo: Blackface mountain full mouth ewes for sale . With a large and very bright dining kitchen and mature and pretty gardens, this spacious and flexible 3 bed semi detached bungalow is situated in the village of Eskdalemuir, made popular by The Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Centre, the largest Buddhist Monastery and Tibetan Centre in the western world... William Street, Langholm, Dumfries and Galloway, DG13 0AU. George Johnson. Looking for ewes for sale? Sale Yard PIC – MAEV0510. Discover All Sheep For Sale in Ireland on DoneDeal. Mosspeeble, Langholm, Dumfriesshire, DG13, SPECTACULAR AMENITY AND WOODLAND ESTATE IN SCOTLAND’S SOUTHERN UPLANDS, A Unique Development Opportunity adjacent to River Esk, Craighaugh, Eskdalemuir, Langholm, Dumfries and Galloway, DG13, This stunning home is perfect for a large family and offers wonderful flexible living. ! Here’s what you can try to find more properties: 18. Wiltipoll Ram, 6yrs old exellent breeding age (breeding age goes to 10-11yrs, lifespan 14yrs). Niagara region. Head in Lot: 93. Born April 16, 2015 as Single, Raised as Single, QUA 182’s Lambs: 3/2016, 2/2017, 2/2018, 3/2019, 3/2020, QUA 182's Dam: QUA 170 Born 2014 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 182's Sire: QUA 166 Born 2014 as Twin, Raised as Twin, Ewe QUA 213 (pink stripe, orange withers), Born April 2, 2016 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 213's Dam: QUA 172 Born 2014 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 213's Sire: CAP 544 Born 2014 as Triplet, Raised as Triplet, Ewe lamb QUA 292 (pink stripe top, blue withers) $225, Born April 15, 2020 as Quad, Raised as Triplet, weaned July 29, 2020, Date, Wt: Birth, 6#; July 4, 35#; July 29, 41#, QUA 292's Dam: QUA 254 Born 2018 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 292's Sire: NWT 7086 Born 2017 as Triplet, Raised as Triplet, Ewe lamb QUA 293 (pink stripe right, blue withers), Date, Wt: Birth, 5.5#; July 4, 40#; July 29, 46#, QUA 293's Dam: QUA 254 Born 2018 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 293's Sire: NWT 7086 Born 2017 as Triplet, Raised as Triplet, Ewe lamb QUA 295 (pink stripe right, orange withers), Born April 15, 2022 as Twin, Raised as Twin, weaned July 29, 2020, Date, Wt: Birth, 10#; July 4, 60#; July 29, 70#, QUA 295's Dam: QUA 213 Born 2016 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 295's Dam: QUA 213 Lambs: 2/2018, 2/2019, 2/2020, QUA 295's Sire: NWT 7086 Born 2017 as Triplet, Raised as Triplet, Born April 25, 2020 as Triplet, Raised as Triplet, weaned July 29, 2020, Date, Wt: Birth, 11#; July 4, 41#; July 29, 52#, QUA 307's Dam: QUA 182 Born 2016 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 307's Dam: QUA 182’s Lambs: 3/2016, 2/2017, 2/2018, 3/2019, 3/2020, QUA 307's Sire: NWT 7086 Born 2017 as Triplet, Raised as Triplet, Date, Wt: Birth, 11#; July 4, 48#; July 29, 61#, QUA 309's Dam: QUA 182 Born 2016 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 309's Dam: QUA 182’s Lambs: 3/2016, 2/2017, 2/2018, 3/2019, 3/2020, QUA 309's Sire: NWT 7086 Born 2017 as Triplet, Raised as Triplet, Born April 28, 2020 as Triplet, Raised as Twin, weaned July 29, 2020, Date, Wt: Birth, 9#; July 4, 39#; July 29, 47#, QUA 314's Dam: QUA 139 Born 2013 as Twin, Raised as Twin, QUA 314's Dam: QUA 139’s Lambs: 2/2014, 2/2015, 2/2016, 2/2017, 3/2018, 3/2019, 3/2020, QUA 314's Sire: NWT 7086 Born 2017 as Triplet, Raised as Triplet. Our sheep make excellent breeders, pets, and meat animals. Will consider other breeds! Pick up only. Local call rate, 0191 687 0349 favorite this post Feb 2 Ewe lambs $0 (Wolsey) hide this posting restore restore this posting. Register with SellMyLivestock to see breeders and farmers with Herdwick Sheep to sell. Devizes, Wiltshire. Excellent mothers who shed well. Post your classified ads for free at Sales Calendar. First-cross ewes met a buyer frenzy at the 42nd annual Forbes first-cross ewe sale on Thursday when the whole yarding of 12,000 ewes averaged a record $361. Wettenhall, Cheshire East. 4 Dorset polypay cross and 1 shetland. Sheep Equipment . 3 days ago. Posted on November 14, 2018 September 10, 2020. The Ram photo shows the Ram that has been running with the ewes, he is also the. Suffolk cross ewes for sale in Keysborough 3173. Older dorper ewes for sale, proven breeders that have been running with a white dorper ram, 1266209729. . Ewes For Sale; Category: Ewes For Sale. Here’s what you can try to find more properties: 0131 291 0073 Les Ewes sont une population d'Afrique de l'Ouest, vivant principalement au sud-est du Ghana et au sud du Togo – où ils sont majoritaires –, également au sud-ouest du Bénin. R 1 650 . Report Ad. If either of these ewes would fit into your flock, please CONTACT us right away! Soay are a rare breed of sheep. We have ewes and rams available throughout the year . £2,400,000 . $200 + gst =$220 0488 609 211. Ring Rob Stratton. 21 hours ago. Au Togo, la ville de Notsé est considérée comme la "capitale" ou berceau du peuple Ewé. £85 . Priced at $350 each + GST Neg. We will have Show Quality, Commercial, and Small Farm Lambs. Ewe lambs are born in 2020 and may lamb 2021 or 2022 . For sale a number of maiden dorper ewes all purple . Prime Cattle – 10am. David Knowles. The Wrae, Langholm, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. With Kaya stud ram. This chain-free, well-presented two-storey (1st & 2nd Floor) maisonette offers spacious accommodation in move in condition, and is well-located for Langholm town centre with its' many amenities. Check back, as this page is updated regularly as I work through photographing and updating info on new animals for sale. 368 - 4.5yo Ewes & 146 - 3.5 yo Genuine large framed plain bodied ewes in very good order. A dispersal sale of just under 90 in-lamb Suffolk and Texel-cross mule ewes took place on Friday last, February 5 at Dowra Mart. south dakota > for sale... « » press to search craigslist ... Lambing pens (sheep,ewes) $0 (mml > Madison,Mn) hide this posting restore restore this posting. There were 4673 head of sheep offered in total and 22 of 29 lots sold. Meatmaster ooie te koop / ewes for sale. Continue reading “NEW EWE LAMBS AVAILABLE OCT 12,2020 ” Texas Dorper Brian Clark. Aussie white cross Wiltipol ewes 14 months old in excellent condition, been running with Aussie white ram for 4weeks, 20 ewes available, have had two vaccinations and been drenched, first in best dressed, best cross bred meat sheep, full shedders, photos speak for themself! Kapunda, SA . We have 9 beautiful black headed dorper ewe lambs. Call Graham on 02 6026 5215 or 0428 265 215. Discover All Sheep For Sale in Ireland on DoneDeal. Buy & Sell on Ireland's Largest Sheep Marketplace. Try Nationwide’s quick quote calculator ›, View our security centre to find out more, Shared ownership properties for sale in Ewes. Ardess Stud Ewes. Sort: List. Ensure you're up to date with our latest advice on how to avoid fraud or scams when looking for property online. Contact: Denis Warnick, 0409 897 018. Sheep & Lambs – 20 mins after conclusion of prime cattle sale North West, North West. favorite this post Jan 1 Bred Rambouillet Ewes $210 pic hide this posting restore restore this posting. If you continue we'll assume that you are happy to receive our cookies. Taunton, Somerset. contributors. All of our ewes are gentle, used to people, and accustomed to being worked by our border collie. ! Lambs due from mid march. May 2020 born. Located in stunning scenery, in the hills of the Southern Uplands, with open views over the Ewes Water valley, a great opportunity to acquire a charming & well maintained, 2/3 bed cottage in excellent order with a host of useful stables, garages & outbuildings set in garden /paddock circa... An excellent site in a pleasant and popular residential area. Visit the Sale Page. Kismet Stud has a good number of White Suffolk sheep for sale throughout the year - White Suffolk rams, White Suffolk ewes and White Suffolk lambs Skip to content Call Graham on 02 6026 5215 or 0428 265 215 George Oare. If you are looking to find Dorper ewes for sale in Texas, Dorper bucks for sale in Texas, Dorper rams for sale in Texas, Dorper lambs for sale in Texas, North Texas Dorper sheep for sale, and North Texas Dorper lambs, then look no further. Ideal line of low maintenance ewes for a small farm. Been running with type 4 stud dorper ram. Merinos top at $378, 1stX at $366 at Dunedoo's 73rd annual ewe breeders sale. However, if you would like to, you can Framed WINDMILL print. For Sale. 302 Garmon Dr. Sale Catalogue Stud Rams Stud Ewes. Four ewes various breeds and one lamb, comes when . £50 . For Sale. Demand for Border Leicester ewes was fierce at Wattle Farms' 8th Annual on-property sale on Friday. Big framed, full shedding, Saltbush bloodline ewes. Pure Australian White Stud Ewes - Contact Us. In the breakdown of the ewe age groups, 538 genuine 2.5-3.5yo ewes from flock dispersals averaged $231, 2301 1.5yo ewes averaged $214 and 1550 5.5yo ewes averaged $178. 15 North of England Mule In-Lamb Breeding Ewes £ Login for pricing 1-50 mo Buxton, Derbyshire. ! £70 per head, delivery available.Bucket trained. Been wormed, fluked. Favourite. Spacious three bedroom first floor flat in the popular and bustling town of Langholm, Dumfries and Galloway offering excellent transport links and a good range of local amenities. 0272710206 For sale a number of maiden dorper ewes all purple tags lamb all offspring from a registered stud ram ewe lambs are 8 months old 200 each, 1265932513 Report Ad Two x nearly one year old $280 each Two x two year old $250 each Two x three year old $230 each Will sell individually or multiple (two or more negotiable price). . Sheep - Ewes & Rams, Rehome Buy and Sell in the UK and Ireland We found 547 adverts for you in 'sheep', ... £85 Each For Sale 15 Mule ewes. Our ewes thrive on mixed pasture, mineral salt, water, & hay in winter. Contact Cathy (08) 8555 4186 or email Tasmania Livestock Exchange – TLX .