The first one you will see most players are using is Tri-Stat potion. Make sure you’re at 35k-40k in health with tri-stat food activated, then balance rest in magicka and stamina, making sure to little more in … Stam DPS are easy - 64 in stam, done. Typically you could drop the Expert Evasion passive for these, however you will have a hard time sustain Roll Dodge without this. If you run into any bugs, UI errors, or have any suggestions or requests please … Ebon Armory: This set will provide 1118 Max Health to all allies before the boosts. Ebon 1. The CORRECT way to distribute your champion points. Reduces the cost of Sprint by 20 Stamina per stage. Make sure to level your Alchemy skill line and get the Medicinal Use passive to increase the durations of buffs you get from potions. Even if you make an overall setup that’s good for everything, it’s still a loss of points if you spent points in Hardy while tanking a boss that deals only Magic and/or Elemental Damage. You usually want to use a S&B + Destruction Staff setup. It reduces the cost of your Ultimates by 15%, allowing you to use Aggressive Horn more frequently and increasing the uptimes of Major Force. These are optional CP you can use if you want to. The Mage Champion Points (Blue) The Ritual: 40 (31) Thaumaturge For those converting a high-level adventurer into a master crafter, redistributing some champion points into the Tower tree is advised especially if they are conside… Im putting points here into Nimble Protector. When you stun an enemy, they get CC immunity for 7 seconds, making you unable to stun them again for the duration. Rest is split between Thick Skinned (between 20-40), a little bit into Quick Recovery (11 or 15) and rest goes into Spell Shield or Heavy Armour Focus to maximize damage mitigation by reaching resistance cap. That means it is actually more than what it says. For example, a Conduit synergy won’t come to you most of the time. In the Champion System, all of your level 50 characters earn Champion Points as they participate in activities that grant experience. If you need to gain more champion points fast, see our ESO Leveling Guide. It’s the best if you want to be tanky while making your group tanky. Grants 3 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery per stage. It gives Weapon and Spell Damage to small amount of allies when you cast an Assault ability. We do things a lot differently here, we don’t taunt everything. Es wurde bereits bekannt gegeben, dass Spieler durch das Konvertierungssystem 70 Punkte schon zu Release von Update 6 erhalten können. So self healing is mostly not a concern for tanks. Frost or Shock staff of your choice. For example, if you put 3 points into Arcanist, you gain 0.9% additional magicka recovery according to the tooltip, but in reality you are gaining nothing. Affects Physical, Poison, Disease, and Bleed Damage. There are some builds that have more Max Stamina on the front bar and more Max Magicka on back bar to utilise this synergy the best they can. Any single point of resistance after that is useless unless there are enemies that reduce your resistances with a debuff which happens very rarely. There is no reason to spam them over and over as long as their effects are still active. Reduces your damage taken by area of effect attacks by 2% per stage. Sentinel of Rkugamz: This set can also be very good in case you have stationary fights as it restores a lot of resources. However, you also need … As it gives you Ultimate, you can use Aggressive Horn more frequently for more Major Force uptime. Reduces your damage taken by damage over time attacks by 2% per stage. 2021-01-14T14:08:42+00:00 By Alcast | Categories: DungeonArenaTrial, Trials | Welcome to the ESO Hel Ra Citadel Guide. Torug’s Pact increases the effectiveness of your enchants and reduces their cooldown, giving your group another way to increase their damage by reducing enemy armour values even more. I think tanks have by far the hardest decisions to make regarding attribute points. Increases your Healing Done by 1% per stage. After doing some research I have decided that I would want to make a Tanky Dragonknight build with a Shield and Sword. Sorcerer Magicka DPS Build Champion Points. Most tanks usually have a burst heal on their bar such as Green Dragon Blood. But, there will be some fights where you will have to self heal. Increase Performance In ESO; Champion Points Calculator; Elder Scrolls Online Webstories; Corsair Virtuoso RGB Wireless; Archive ; Search for: Hel Ra Citadel Guide for ESO – Hel Ra Citadel Trial. But as a tank you need Stamina as your max resource because 1. blocking takes stamina and 2. you want this as your highest resource so that it's refilled by shards and orbs. To make it more clear, if you are getting 50% mitigation from resistances and 50% from blocking, you will have 75% mitigation instead of 100%. Champion System Passives are the individual bonuses which can be gained by spending Champion Points in the various Constellations of the Champion System. Earthgore: This one is more of an automatic emergency. You won’t be dealing any damage but your buffs and debuffs will increase the total group DPS by a lot and that’s what tanks do in ESO. Bleeds and Oblivion damage ignores all block mitigation. Extra enemies (adds) usually deal lower damage and allows players to provide more support with Medium Armour sets if wanted. In 4 man content, enemies are usually not immune to Crowd Control so tanks can use CC (like stuns or roots) on them. When you heal yourself or an ally while under 50% Health, it activates and heals by a ton over time. Maybe to reduce pressure on healers or because there are no healers. Second disadvantage is that it requires you to spend Magicka but also helps Off Balance uptime if using Shock Staff. If you would rather skip all the work and just get a huge list of perfect build templates for all roles and playstyles, you should get our Character Builds Guide where we walk you through step-by-step how to copy the best builds within minutes and you can become one of the top Wardens in The Elder Scrolls Online. Different content can focus on different types of damage and you should build your CP accordingly. Attribute Points can be placed into Health, Magicka or Stamina and you can choose to put them all into one or spread them around between two or three. It’s usually pretty obvious who this is based on size, amount of HP, or just appearance. Remember that there is a ton of good Tank sets to choose from. As we said before, Tank is a support role and your main support comes from your gear, enchants and skills but you can’t just spam your skills and hope to get consistent uptimes on your buffs and debuffs. We will also take a close look at the best tank class in ESO. There are also two synergies that will help your sustain by a lot. Roar of Alkosh: Penetration in this game works in a different way. There are plenty useful Champion Skills you can have, but points are limited. This is all done through a simple and easy to use UI. So we could say that tank is a support role. Your damage dealers and … In 12 man raids there is usually a Main and an Off Tank. Mostly used with Vigor to activate the set so you can combine the damage boost with some off healing. Reduces the damage you take from Martial attacks by 1% per stage. Symphony of Blades: This set is often used in combination with the Blood Altar skill which is an AoE heal over time. A DD and/or Healer will be able to take a beating from an average trash pack enemy easily. We can do it in different ways depending on the content. Reduces the cost of Bash by 45 Stamina per stage. Now, multiply those numbers with the number by 12 and you’ll see how much benefit a single set can provide. Champion points allocations Want to know the latest & proper Champion Points allocation for all of the hardest … Keep in mind that this build is very different from your standard tank setup, there will be a lot of abilities to manage; but you can deal damage, heal, AND buff your allies with this build. Im putting points here into Nimble Protector. Champion Points [300] The Ritual The Attronarch The Apprentice 100 Blessed The Shadow 44 Shadow Ward The Lover 43 Arcanist The Tower 13 Warlord The Lord The Lady 27 Hardy, 27 Elemental Defender, 2 Thick Skinned The Steed 44 Ironclad. A tank without resources is as good as a player who gets disconnected. Last Stand CP is listed here but this will be much less useful if used alongside the Drake’s Rush group buff set since they both provide the same buff. There are not many other options in terms of slottable CP passives for Tanks in the Red CP. Reduces your damage taken by single target attacks by 2% per stage. Read all the tooltips and try to understand the synergy your skills have with passives. 10 Tireless Discipline ↓ 10 Quick Recovery ↓ 33 Preparation, 10 Boundless Vitality (Slottable) 10 Ironclad (Slottable) 33 Rejuvenation (Slottable), 10 Tireless Discipline ↓ 10 Quick Recovery ↓ 40 Preparation, 7 Elemental Aegis, 10 Boundless Vitality (Slottable) 10 Ironclad (Slottable) 46 Rejuvenation (Slottable), 10 Tireless Discipline ↓ 10 Quick Recovery ↓ 20 Hardy, 40 Preparation, 20 Elemental Aegis, 15 Boundless Vitality (Slottable) 10 Ironclad (Slottable) 50 Rejuvenation (Slottable) 10 Tireless Guardian → 15 Fortification, 10 Tireless Discipline ↓ 10 Quick Recovery ↓ 33 Hardy, 40 Preparation, 40 Elemental Aegis, 18 Boundless Vitality (Slottable) 10 Ironclad (Slottable) 50 Rejuvenation (Slottable) 10 Tireless Guardian → 45 Fortification, 10 Tireless Discipline ↓ 10 Quick Recovery ↓ 40 Hardy, 40 Preparation, 40 Elemental Aegis ↓ 10 Duelist’s Rebuff (Slottable), 7 Enduring Resolve (Slottable), 10 Unassailable (Slottable), 30 Boundless Vitality (Slottable) 10 Ironclad (Slottable) 50 Rejuvenation (Slottable) 10 Tireless Guardian → 45 Fortification 15 Tumbling → 6 Expert Evasion, 10 Tireless Discipline ↓ 10 Quick Recovery ↓ 40 Hardy, 40 Preparation, 40 Elemental Aegis ↓ 40 Duelist’s Rebuff (Slottable), 10 Enduring Resolve (Slottable), 10 Unassailable (Slottable), 30 Boundless Vitality (Slottable) 10 Ironclad (Slottable) 50 Rejuvenation (Slottable) 10 Tireless Guardian → 45 Fortification 15 Tumbling → 40 Expert Evasion, 10 Tireless Discipline ↓ 10 Quick Recovery ↓ 40 Hardy, 40 Preparation, 40 Elemental Aegis ↓ 50 Duelist’s Rebuff (Slottable), 23 Enduring Resolve (Slottable), 20 Unassailable (Slottable), 43 Boundless Vitality (Slottable) 20 Ironclad (Slottable) 50 Rejuvenation (Slottable) 10 Tireless Guardian → 45 Fortification 15 Tumbling → 50 Expert Evasion, 10 Tireless Discipline ↓ 10 Quick Recovery ↓ 40 Hardy, 40 Preparation, 40 Elemental Aegis ↓ 50 Duelist’s Rebuff (Slottable), 40 Enduring Resolve (Slottable), 37 Unassailable (Slottable), 50 Boundless Vitality (Slottable) 46 Ironclad (Slottable) 50 Rejuvenation (Slottable) 10 Tireless Guardian → 45 Fortification 15 Tumbling → 50 Expert Evasion. Under these situations we basically don’t use any of the pull abilities. You can obviously use tri-stat potions as an Argonian as well but that would obviously be overkill. Lingering Health Potions are also really good for keeping yourself alive. First and most effective option is a root. Your next biggest goal should be Sprinter, at least 44 points, even more if you want. It can also depend on your build. The Main Tank is what we call a tank that holds the main boss. Damage mitigation bonuses work multiplicative in ESO. There are so many situations where you just sprint in front in order to stack trash packs before your group arrives. Dragonknights can use Choking Talons, Wardens can use Gripping Shards, Sorcerers can use Encase. It increases the damage output of your allies by a percentage. This part applies to every skill you have, Stamina or Magicka. When it comes to jewelry enchants, it can differ depending on the fight. I can highly recommend using MINION addon so you can faster and easier download all the addons, its all automated. Also keep in mind that CP has jump points and you have to be careful while spending your points. It also applies a huge 60% snare on every enemy in it. Reduces the duration of Elemental Status Effects applied to you by 5% per stage. Swap those numbers around for fights where you get more Magic/Elemental Damage instead of Physical like Rakkhat and Z’Maja. This passive provides resources whenever you activate a synergy. All of the related perks are found in the Thief section. Since you are running with a healer, they should be providing Major Courage through Ol… We run no ads on our website, help us keep it that way & get cool benefits! Perfected Claw of Yolnahkriin I’m going for the status effect CP. The enchantments on 1H Weapons are cut in half, so you want to make sure to place your weakening enchantment on the S&B bar and the crusher enchantment on the backbar with the 2H Destruction Staff. Champion Points Leveling Distribution Calculator The Champion Points Calculator for Elder Scrolls Online is a tool for people who are currently leveling Champion Points in ESO. Alcast has been playing The Elder Scrolls Online since the Beta and has knowledge of all types of classes and builds in the game. Powerful Assault: It is a medium armour set that is mostly used by Off Tanks combined with Alkosh. Reduces the damage you take from Magicka attacks by 1% per stage. Champion Points are allocated in a manner that allows for Healing, DPS and Tanking, as well as PvP. These are optional CP you can use if you want to. It’s mostly used when you want to push out as much damage as possible. Right, this is the key part of the ESO Tank Guide. Guide. There are other ways as well such as using Heal over Time skills and items, Resolving Vigor being the best example. If you are interested in a beginner guide I can highly recommend checking out the Beginner Tanking Guide Article. The Hel Ra Citadel Trial is located in Craglorn and is one of the … The Crusher will go to the closest enemy to you that stands in your blockade so you have to make sure nothing stands between you and boss if you are going to choose this as your main way to apply Crusher. This is the spot where you are still wondering how do we handle trash packs if there are no AOE taunts for tanks in ESO. Sadly, there are no other guaranteed AOE roots for other classes. Alcast also publishes videos on, © 2020 by Alcast® | All rights reserved. In this guide we will cover everything you need to know about Dragonknight tanking. Only 50+ characters are capable of earning Champion Points, but those they earn are available to all your characters (even non-50 characters). Again, it all depends on your build but tri-stat food is the best choice for most cases. It provides Max Health, Max Stamina and Max Magicka. |, Pet Sorcerer Heavy Attack Build [Summoner], Magicka Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, Stamina Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, 1 Bar Sorcerer Build Maelstrom & Vateshran, Full Antiquities List with Locations of Leads, Dwarven Ebon Wolf Mount Item Location List,,,,,,,,,,, This works in both situations as it’s usually easier to just press one button to keep yourself alive. Champion Points. For example, Lingering Health + Vitality potion will give you the 47 seconds of Heal over Time with 16 seconds of Major Vitality while the other potion, Restore Health + Vitality will give you a huge burst heal while keeping the Vitality buff up. There are lots of ways to build Tanks in ESO, ... Necromancer Tank Champion Skills. For example, an average healer won’t be able to give you a shard or an orb when you ask for it but an experienced healer will make sure you have the synergy under your feet even before you call for it. Amazing set for sustain for your group. This was added in Update 6 with the Champion System. Green CP is all about sustain and your main resource drain will be blocking so it’s definitely worth spending at least 81 points into Shadow Ward. Torug’s Pact: As you know, we use Crusher enchants on our weapons pretty much all the time. There are “elite” enemies that are immune to CC effects, they cannot be pulled, snared, stunned etc. The only other option to those listed is buffing or cost reduction of damage shield and not all classes have access to damage shields as a Tank. Champion Point Investment Effects; 1 (Min) 105: 20: 1900: 40: 3379: 60: 4435: 80: 5068: 100 (Max) 5280 . Diese Umwandlungspunkte erhält man im Verhältnis 1 CP = 200.000 XP (ab Vet 1). The synergy they provide restores 4k of your highest stat pool so it’s a common suggestion to have more Max Stamina than Max Magicka. You also need to stay in the correct places to get those synergies. The guide below will help you understand the powers that a Nightblade tank contains. Reduces the cost of Break Free by 110 Stamina per stage. We need Elemental Blockade on our back bar as it procs your enchantment on the weapon you cast it with. They are weak and don’t need attention from tanks. It’s really important to have consistent and high uptimes on them. 64 in Magicka, boom, done - easy. It doesn’t give a tanky bonus with the 1 piece but it definitely can be the line between life and death. This effect can occur once every 9 seconds. Alcast is the owner of the website and creates Builds & Guides for everything related to The Elder Scrolls Online. Tanking in ESO is quite different than other MMORPGs. You can swap between these during the combat and have insane self healing with 70%+ Major Vitality uptime. This video (and written guide) just covers my personal opinion on some of the different points and in what … Generally, I’ll take on the target that can one-shot or insta kill someone. 3. It can be a game of managing resources, controlling dozens of enemies, avoiding high bursts, buffing and debuffing all at the same time in certain situations. When you deal Direct Damage you heal for 7% of the damage done. The Tower tree contains a perk for crafting experience (called inspiration in ESO). While one of them is holding the melee enemies, the other tank can taunt ranged enemies and stack them on the melee ones. You could start to put points into damage areas to increase your chance to apply status effects which will be helpful for group content. Copy Our Top Performing Templar Builds. Always keep a bit of the mitigation for the damage type you face less. the progression system in Elder Scrolls Online after Level 50 Attribute Points Distributions for Tanks. Elemental Blockade applies root to enemies who have the chilled status effect on them and it makes the skill one of the most reliable ways to AOE root from the ones that are not guaranteed.