It is located on an island at the north side of the zone. Her PH can be any of the named in the zone. He is located in the sewers. No PH. If you're not boxing the Enchanter then you'll want to make use of the twincast proc on Chaotic Delusion every time you mez a new target, Mez AoE Spell: Perplexing Wave (mezzes your target and several nearby targets. Enchanter Charming Guide - Velious So, given that the enchanter charming guide on these forums is closed and we cannot add any new information for velious zones, I'm putting out the call for all you experienced enchanters to give us plebs some advice on l33t charming tactics and zones in Velious. His PH circles around the building. There are two tiers of group armor and a tier of trade skill armor that has better stats. EverQuest is the game that defined the MMORPG genre! [  ] Give Sack for Mizzle to Clockwork VIIX in Ak’Anon to receive 2nd Piece of Staff, 3rd Piece of Staff[  ] Get Dull Diamond, Dull Sapphire, Dull Emerald, Dull Ruby from Nadia Starfeast in Fironia Vie[  ] Give Dull Diamond to a charmed spectral librarian in Kaesora to receive Enchanted Diamond[  ] Give Dull Sapphire to a charmed Felia Goldwing in Skyfire Mountains to receive Enchanted Sapphire[  ] Give Dull Emerald to a charmed Impaler Tzilug in The Overthere to receive Enchanted Emerald[  ] Give Dull Ruby to a charmed Wraith of Jaxion in City of Mist to receive Enchanted Ruby[  ] Combine the 4x Enchanted Gems in Enchanters Sack to create Sack for Nadia[  ] Give Sack for Nadia to Nadia Starfeast in Fironia Vie to receive 3rd Piece of Staff, 4th Piece of Staff [  ] Loot Head of the Serpent from Wraith of the Shissar in Plane of Fear[  ] Loot Essence of a Vampire from a forsaken revenant in Plane of Hate[  ] Loot Sands of the Mystics from The Tangrin in Field of Bone[  ] Loot Essence of a Ghost from the Ghost of Kindle in The Hole[  ] Combine 4 items in Enchanter’s Sack to create Sack for Polzin[  ] Give Sack for Polzin to Polzin Mrid in The Hole to receive 4th Piece of Staff, Final Combine and Turn-In[  ] Combine 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Piece of Staff in Enchanters Sack to receive a Bundle of Staves[  ] Give a Bundle of Staves to a sarnak imitator in Burning Woods to receive 1.0 Epic. As you probably already know Enchanters are made for crowd control purposes and for this they use mez spells. Level 61. Psychic Appropriation is more of a support nuke, it does very little damage but also grants some mana back to your group, which is why I use it. – Give Polzin Mrid Sack for Polzin to receive 4th Piece of Staff. Easy kill with 2 people. ... Haste spells are also the domain of the enchanter, providing incredible boosts in attack speed for members of their group. You can travel through dungeons freely, mesh well with a… Give him Scribbled Parchment to receive Gift to Bozlum. He is located in an underground tunnel in the Gorge. All rights reserved. Experienced enchanters thrive in chaotic situations where they can make the most of their … 2B) Go to Neriak Third Gate and kill Verina Tomb. Let me start off by saying I am not the best Enchanter. Intelligence determines the total mana you can hold, and Charisma is used for charming as well as determining a mobs resistance to your spells. Make sure you have levitate as well. will now respawn 13 hours after being killed and from 5 to 14 hours after zone or server reset. Respawn time 2 hours. Then say “I need a sack” to receive  Enchanters Sack. One is trade skill raid armor and regular raid armor. Xornns Enchanter Guide Introduction. Give her Jeb’s Seal. 2 Creation Guide. Getting there is a bit tricky if you are not familiar with the zone, you’ll need to drop down a tomb and go through a fake wall. You’ll need levitate as it’s located on a small plateu coming out of the canyon. Their primary stats are both intelligence and charisma. Go back to Burning Woods and find a sarnak imitator (-1200, -4000). Slot: HANDS In some areas you will still be Kill on Sight for any number of reasons, though these are very few indeed. Companion's Durability (6 Ranks, 3 AAs/rank) is a passive ability that increases the hit points of the Enchanter's summoned pets (including the Animation, Doppelgangers and Phantasmal Opponent but excluding charmed pets) by 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11% per rank. Halflings 1 - 10 Misty Thicket. 4B) Head to Kaesora and find spectral librarian. I've included it in this macro just to make use of it, for those of you who are actually playing the Enchanter and not boxing it - you may be able to make a better decision about when it gets used than put it in here. ; Companion's Fury (3 Ranks, 7 AAs/rank) allows your pet an innate chance to score a critical hit. Haste spells are also the domain of the enchanter, providing an incredible boost in attack speed for members of their group. This section addresses what comes next. The advantages are that you will get a ton of AAs, bringing the total to over 4,000 for most if not all classes, and the opportunity to get a Journeyman tier 5 mercenary super easy (this quest is available to any character, not just heroics), as well as the decent augment set from the House of Thule tier 1 partisan quests. They can be collected in any order so feel free to hop around and grab items at your convenience. There are of course situations where cooldowns do not matter as much, such as while you're killing enemies in the field and just leveling up or doing mercenary tasks yadda yadda. Instead of using Second Spire an alternative is to not use any spire at all at this time and save Third Spire for after burns fade. Give  Clockwork VIIX  Sack for Mizzle to receive 2nd Piece of Staff. Loot Essence of a Ghost. It  the top of the large temple inside the fire ring. Then say “I need a sack” to receive  Enchanters Sack. Starting Guide Epic 1.5 text / Walkthrough / Discussion Epic 2.0 Discussion/Walkthrough Organizing Your Spellbook Charming Flowing Thought Leveling Through Your 40's Enchanters Guide to the Plane Of Justice Trials The Raiding Enchanter Prt 1 The Raiding Enchanter Prt 2 The Raiding Enchanter Prt 3 Being a High End Raid Enchanter Prt 1 the ghoul arch magus is a rare spawn in Lower Guk, his PH is a kor ghoul wizard. 2E) Go to The Overthere and find Modani Qu`Loni. The Robe is his rare drop. Everquest is a game completely designed around cooldowns. – Before you leave, get an extra Enchanters Sack from Polzin Mrid and use it to combine 1st Piece of Staff, 2nd Piece of Staff, 3rd Piece of Staff, 4th Piece of Staff to create a Bundle of Staves. If you have an existing character, you can go through the same process and upgrade to a Heroic character. The easiest way to get to her is to enter the Qeynos Catacombs from the warrior arena area in South Qeynos.Say> “find your own supply” to receive Empty Ink Vial. He is level 55 and is fairly easy with 2 level 65 people. Charm him and give him Dull Emerald to receive Enchanted Emerald. In Pre-Release which is included with your VV lvl 2 - just load it /plugin mq2enchanter load Redguides Exclusive - NO, this won't work on the other guys build. While it is fastest to level in Hotzones, it is always good to have options on where to level. They have the ability to Memory Blur an opponent (causing them to forget they were being attacked) or Pacify an opponent (making them … I suggest reading through this entire guide at least once before making this decision however. Placing all points into charisma, the High Elf Enchanter begins with a base charisma of 115. Rare drop. Everquest Zone Leveling Guide. The tradeskilled armor has better stats. Give him  Jeb’s Seal. Level 61. This is going to be a rough area as you're going to level up really fast, refer to Enchanter guide and the Enchanter Items section for some advice on quests and items to help out. Moloing is short for mercenary soloing, which consists of forming a group only with one's mercenary companion and going forth to kill mobs or complete quests. Alignment (s) Enchanter is a caster class that has few hit points per level and can wear only the lightest forms of armor, Enchanters are crowd control experts and are the most proficient class at Charming, Stunning, and Mesmerizing enemies. Since leveling speed in Everquest is determined by Hotzones, which changes every now and then it’s hard to find a leveling guide for Everquest. During the burn rotation the idea is to use your hardest hitting spells as much as possible because damage is multiplicative with burns active.