GIRL! There are a plethora of things we can try to CLEAR an overloaded Emotional Solar Plexus, and half the fun is finding what works for you. The shift away from fear and separation is HARD, and evolutionarily, we're deep in it together. If you see the inward pointing triangle on the lower right-hand side of your bodygraph colored in, you know that you are an Emotionally defined being because of your consistently defined (energized) Solar Plexus. (Authority is your way of aligned decision-making.) You need to give yourself time and Richard Beaumont describes what it is to have Emotional Authority and how to use it in this highly visual and informative film. Parker, Karen Curry, New World Library, 2009. A defined emotional solar plexus always means that your authority is emotional. We're usually able to read the emotional state of a person or of a group of people real accurately real quick. In the video below is an excerpt of a class on Solar Plexus as the Authority in the Human Design System chart. Consequently, the Emotional/Solar Plexus is also the center of addiction, whether it be to food, sex, drugs, or alcohol. Every Human Design type except for reflectors can have emotional authority. There's a filter. It is so important that we really commit to the practice of shifting into the seat of conscious awareness when that energetic emotions rollercoaster starts and instead of engaging, observe and release. The top-tier factor in decision-making according to Human Design is whether your Emotional Solar Plexus Center is defined or undefined. Human Design. There's this constant tug-of-war happening here between awareness and action as we ride the waves of our emotions. BAD BAD CALL. Learn to notice nervousness in the body. Regardless of the channels, those with a defined Emotional/Solar Plexus experience their emotions as waves. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO DEAL WITH THIS!!!!!! Did this resonate with you? Tuesday, 9:17:35am RELIEF Nevermind. At it's most basic, core level, when we feel nervous, it's because we're emotionally uncertain. In Human Design we have two kinds of authorities. This website uses browser cookies to maintain your user session but no information is shared with 3rd parties. Romantic love, anguish, poetry, empathy, compassion, magnificent works of art, soaring pieces of music, and even revolution are all contained in the Emotional Solar Plexus Center of the Human Design … Gate 6: THE GATE OF FRICTION This is the most complex gate of the Solar Plexus and the most difficult in terms of finding the awareness within the wave. ... Get in touch: Don't get me wrong though: you still need to feel all your feelings. I invite you to make yourself comfortable, turn of f you r mobile & enjoy :) Jakub This is especially true for relationships. Damn. My human design profile is a emotional manifestor 4/6, right angle cross of rulership. It usually goes one of two ways: We become a sponge and just take in all the chaos/fear/anger/joy/sadness those around us experience as our own and MAGNIFY it. We've also probably developed a lot of "not self" strategies to dodge, divert or placate just to avoid getting into it with those around us. Think of it like watching the tide come in and go out over several days. I NEED A BOSTON CREME DONUT, JOYCE! Look for patterns. Human Design is all about ENERGY. I burned out very quickly because the emotional intensity was overwhelming and I would soak it up like a sponge. Richard Beaumont describes what it is to have Emotional Authority and how to use it. And we've probably been carrying around baggage that doesn't belong to us FOR YEARS, which is dangerous, exhausting and unhealthy...that is, unless... We become a sieve, and allow intense emotions to flow around us and through us. Decal Design ... Human Design System Tool Design Osho I Ching Classic Songs Plexus Products Graphic Illustration Fun Facts Waves. Almost as significant as Type itself, is the Solar Plexus Center. I FUCKING LOVE HER. Some work for me, some work better, some don’t work for me at all (physical activity), but I’ve witnessed them work for others — so they’re important to include! Think about it in terms of our last presidential election here in the US: how many people cast a vote for 45 that was motivated by fear or anger or a deep sense of helplessness? Emotions work in a wave, moving from hope to pain and back again. FRUSTRATION Joyce in accounting drank all the coffee and didn't refill the pot. Energetically speaking, this center governs our feelings, sensitivities and emotions. When the solar plexus in your chart is colored in and thus defined, you ALWAYS have an Emotional Authority. There are absolutely gifts that come with having this center open. If your Emotional Solar Plexus is defined in the chart, you have emotional authority. The overall goal for this center is to be wise about your emotional cycle, to understand your personal peaks and valleys and plateaus so that you're always in a place of emotional clarity when making decisions. This film is 38:22 minutes in length. Hierophant Publishing, 2013. We can't project or predict what's going to happen so our emotional energy just kind of vibrates and fluctuates along that energetic wave until it can find somewhere to land, either scaling up into full-on fear or dissipating into relief and calm. Some days, the tide is super gentle and the undulations in the waves are low and lovely. I'm going to leave you with this GEM from The Untethered Soul: In Human Design terms, our job through the Emotional/Solar Plexus Center is to observe our emotions and then address and release our fears that no longer serve us, because with each release, we get one step closer to oneness. This is your wave in motion. But instead of "catch and release," think of it more as "observe and release.". When we're FEELING ALL THE FEELS, we can either amplify them or mirror them back, depending on how well we work within this open center. Confrontations make us nervous because we have no idea how the other person will react, and we KNOW we will be IMPACTED by that energy if it doesn't go well. And that the channels they're connected to (the pathways between our centers) are all empty? It is the Solar Plexus Center that is truly the focus of our evolutionary time, and it is the Solar Plexus Center that so much defines the nature of what it is to be a human being. The Definitive Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation. AND NOW BEES ARE FLYING IN!!!! For you, though, this manifests as impulsivity, which is making a decision when you're in the highest high or the lowest low of your emotional cycle. This is where we experience emotional polarities: euphoria and depression, passion and pain, guilt and forgiveness. Human Design Solar Plexus Center. In these first nine posts, we're going to zoom in on each of the nine energy centers in the Human Design chart, and explore how we're impacted when they present as open/undefined in our charts and how we're impacted when they present as closed/defined in our charts, so get your chart ready! When we feel like this, we get so focused on the FEELING that reality gets completely distorted. Having it undefined means that you are very sensitive to emotions, open to the emotions of others as you take them in and feel twice as strong. In terms of self-care, your alone time needs to come when you're in the valley of the emotional wave. Vincent van Gogh’s Human Design Vincent van Gogh, like Freud, has a defined Sacral but no pathway for the Sacral center to consistently vocalize itself. GOD I HATE THAT BITCH. Is this really my feeling to feel? And poor guy who drew the short straw and had to be "the guy who keeps Al Roker from blowing away on National television." Just know: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. They carry emotional energy with them at all times, and the kind of emotional waves they experience are determined by the channels that are activated near this center. with Jaclyn Michelle, Episode 10: Human Design with Jaclyn Michelle, © 2018-2021 Jaclyn Michelle DeForge | All Rights Reserved, ☀️CLICK HERE TO BOOK A RECORDED SOLAR TRANSIT READING ☀️. The Emotional Solar Plexus is the Center that is truly the most creative Center in the Human Design Body Graph. 2. Want to keep up to date on all things interior creature? We sit firmly in the seat of our consciousness as the witness and just experience, observe and release. ... You have an undefined Emotional Solar Plexus, which can cause you to try to keep everyone else happy, … Do I need to hold onto this? Check out the free preview before purchasing. This means the center isn't just undefined, it's like WIDE OPEN. It depends on what energy gates are activated on the design … And the rule is that if you are emotionally defined, you need to … According to The Definitive Book on Human Design, which was co-authored by the dude who channeled the technology (yeah, remember the Ibiza-beach-eight-day-channeling story? When we’re looking at the Solar Plexus Center, we’re looking at two phenomena. You might struggle with what to do when people get emotional around you. The other half of the world's population has this center closed. How to make decisions easily according to your Human Design inner authority Emotional solar plexus. Human Design Activation Guide. GIRL, SAME. If you're new to this series and are looking for a quick primer on the principles of Human Design, follow this link for a brief explainer. When we have this center open, we are empathetic and very open to really experiencing (and even absorbing) the emotions of others. Let’s talk about decision-making. J/k. This is why meditation can be our biggest ally in working with the Emotional/Solar Plexus Center. RUDE. Those are gates. I don’t hold on to it and claim it as my own and I don’t burn out. The Human Design Analyst LLC is here to help you learn about the Body Graph and use it. Roy Lichtenstein paints the many faces of the Emotional/Solar Plexus Center, like sadness & strife... Our Human Design is comprised of nine centers, thirty-six channels, and sixty-four gates, all of which present as either open or closed, connected or absent, on or off, respectively. This leads to strategy of avoiding conflicts and unpleasant truths. THAT GUY), where, to paraphrase, we're in a period of time in our evolution where we're leaning into our oneness and shared consciousness and evolving away from our separation. May 8, 2016 - Emotional Wave - Tribal, Individual, Collective. In Human Design, this is shown through a Body Graph. GracePoint Matrix, 2016. Imma quote Gabby Bernstein for a minute: FEAR has also taken up residence in the Emotional/Solar Plexus. Emotional authority is rooted in feeling rather than thinking. Parker, Karen Curry. The ways emotional and physical trauma are processed by the body are interconnected. The energy centre in Human Design that is responsible for emotions is called the Emotional Solar Plexus. I live with my partner already for 10/11 years. For those of us who do, our goal is to learn about our emotional energy and become wise about feelings through this center. I feel like we've all been there at one time or another. Everything about being yourself is about making decisions correctly as yourself, and in making those decisions correctly as yourself, following your Inner Authority. We'll learn about them soon. Last Monday, we talked about centers in general and took a closer look at the Head/Crown Center. Alternatively, you can be sure it’s a “no” when your answer is inconsistent over time; ie, “yes” when you’re on the high part of your wave and “no” when your wave dips lower.