MEC president will receive SFA’s 2018 award in Business Leadership for founding Midwest elderberry Cooperative. Numerous clinical trials have been done with the berries and in 2013 the first international conference on elder was held in Columbia, Missouri. Now the #1 berry crop in Missouri, native elderberry remains an under-utilized, commercially viable perennial suitable for sustainable to regenerative farm plans. Missouri is also home to researchers engaged in cultural and selection trials. Each year, the MDA hosts this conference and trade show for farmers and others interested in organic agriculture. This meetup is for landowners and growers alike to learn the real, on-the-ground details about native Black Elderberry production in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Thanks for making the 2020 MOA "Digging Deep" Conference a success! To review most of the presentations given, please go to our. As residents of this Earth, we share one responsibility: to support sustainable systems which will ensure the quality of life for all people. Thursday, Friday & Saturday, June 11 - 13, 2020, at the MU Bradford Research Center. The FEAST! Southwest Missouri State University. To review some of the presentations given, please go to our. To review past presentations given, please go to our Reports & Grants page. River's Edge Convention Center Saint Cloud, MN Chris Patton will present on Growing and Marketing Organic Elderberry in the Northern Midwest. New Growers will also want to attend the separate afternoon workshop designed especially for them. Subsequently, he raised the largest elderberry acreage in the United States. MEC at the MN State Fair Aug. 22-Sept. 2, 2019. Chris Patton’s Hour Nutshell (audiovisual) Presentation for Savannah Institute: Transitioning Elderberry from Hobby to Commercial Crop. Columbia, MO 65201 The Farmers Forum was part of the First International Symposium on Elderberry held in Columbia, MO at Stoney Creek Inn, June 9-14, 2013. Thursday, June 11, 2020, 1 to 5 pm at The MU Bradford Research Center. Toggle Side Menu In this section. Registration fee includes snacks during the New Grower Workshop, and lunch and snacks both days of the Elderberry Workshop and Field Tour. Begins January 19 at 1 pm, Short Course Presentations & Discussion: with Terry Durham, Chris Patton, Jim Riddle and Kurt Rueber and Paul Otten. Holiday Inn Express Join ⦠Twin Cities VegFest Sept. 15, 2019Harriet Island in St. Paul, MN, from 10am-6pmMEC will man a booth with educational materials, examples of elder flower & berry products, and sample River Hills Harvest retail products at this open, free to the public event. The schedule is being put together right now and will be posted as soon as speakers are confirmed. This intensive, hands-on workshop offers you a first chance to learn a lot in a short time, and have your questions answered. Owner of River Hills Harvest ElderBerry Products, Terryâs work with elderberries in Missouri is over 20 years old, starting with his contributions to the Elderberry Improvement Project as a donator of germplasm from wild elderberries on his acreage in central Missouri. His elderberry plantation was among the first to use the recommended culture methods for varieties developed from wild Missouri elderberry plants. MEC will have an elder flower & berry ingredients information booth there for the Friday trade show and sample River Hills ElderBerry products to consumers on Saturday. If you are new to growing elderberries this is the workshop that will get you started on the right track. Savannah Institute’s Perennial Farm Gathering - online. The Elderberry Improvement Project was initiated at Missouri State University and the University of Missouri in 1997 with the goal of developing American elderberry cultivars adapted to Midwestern environments (Byers et al., 2009). About 100 growers attend, so there will be lots of tip sharing, too. Feast Local Foods Marketplace, December 6-7, 2019Rochester, MN - Mayo Civic CenterMEC will have an elder flower & berry ingredients information booth there for the Friday trade show and sample River Hills ElderBerry products to consumers on Saturday. Farmer discounts and student scholarships available! Presentation found on Reports & Grants page. The MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources is sponsoring what it calls the First International Symposium on Elderberry in June 2013. Terry grew food for Missouriâs second CSA, which served 90 families from 1989 to 1995., Audiovisual YouTube link through Savannah Institute. Each year, Durham gathers the best new knowledge and ⦠An, “Beyond an Apple a Day: Minnesota’s role in the Functional Food Landscape”, Sponsored by Savannah Institute’s Perennial Farm Gathering - online, December 6-9, 2020 Farmer discounts and student scholarships available! Sponsored by the Minnesota Dept. Forever Green Ag exhibit, CFANS in Ag/Horticultural Bldg. His two reports at the Conference were dedicated to the topics âUnderstanding ecological function of soilsâ and âEcological diversity in Hemp and Cropping systems increasing economic resilienceâ. Common elderberry is a shrub to 8 feet tall, forming colonies from root sprouts, with branches occurring near the top. Hippocrates, known as the father of modern medicine, called elderberry, âNatureâs medicine chest for the common man.â. Each year, the MDA hosts this conference and trade show for farmers and others interested in organic agriculture. Research papers presented at the Symposium will be published in a peer-reviewed volume of Acta Horticulturae. 7:00 AM Complimentary continental breakfast. Presentation found on Reports & Grants page. Contact Us. This presentation explores how to do so as well as its commercial scale potential and challenges. Not long after he planted his first wild elderberries Durham met researcher Andy Thomas and regional horticulture specialist Pat Byers from the University of Missouri. Terry Durham, owner of River Hills Harvest ElderBerry Products., overview of that meeting is outlined on this pdf. Hosted by The Savannah Institute (links on Presentations page), August 19 - Exploring Elderberry Benefits webinar with Terry Durham and Chris Patton, Midwest Elderberry Cooperative, September 7 - Elderberry Harvest webinar with Terry Durham and Chris Patton, Midwest Elderberry Cooperative, September 29 - Elderberry Processing and Market Opportunities webinar with Terry Durham, River Hills Harvest and Chris Patton, Midwest Elderberry Cooperative, Minnesota Elderberry Growers Field Day, April 4, 2020 The Farm of Minnesota, 24618 St., HWY 15, Hutchinson, MN 55350, Elderberry Information Meeting, March 3, 2020 6:30-8pm Hosted by Farm Table Foundation, 110 Keller Avenue North, Amery, WI 54001. To review most of the presentations given, please go to our Reports & Grants page. American Elderberry. Dear Elderberry Friends, This yearâs workshop organized by Terry Durham of River HIlls Harvest and held at the Carver Center, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri was one of, or perhaps the best-attended, in the 13 years it has been held. The Missouri Elderberry Development Program Educational Objectives The Missouri Elderberry Development Program was initiated in 1997 as a collaborative effort among University of Missouri, Missouri State University, Lincoln University, and USDA-ARS to foster development of elderberry as a commercial fruit crop. The University of Missouri Extension is an annual co-sponsor, and the material presented was very interesting and useful. Join us for two days of networking, learning, and great food. Learn about our services. Terry Durham offers samples of River Hills Harvestâs elderberry products at the Mid-America Organic Associationâs annual conference in Kansas City, Missouri. The FEAST! This University of Minnesota Agroforestry Dept. Terry Durham & his Elderberry Team put on the original and most comprehensive workshop about growing elderberry. At the end of each workshop, Durham teaches the highly-detailed handling techniques mandated at harvest so growers can sell their berries. Missouriâs Terry Durham, ... Terry is the Elderberry Man â he raises elderberries, and turns berries into a line of products made from the 100% Pure Premium Elderberry Juice. presented exhibit will include MEC educational materials, examples of elder flower & berry products, and a potted Wyldewood elderberry plant. MEC at the MN State Fair Aug. 22-Sept. 2, 2019Forever Green Ag exhibit, CFANS in Ag/Horticultural Bldg.This University of Minnesota Agroforestry Dept. Toggle main navigation menu . 2020 Members Meeting at the MOSES Conference, Discussion will revolve about managing our growth as an agricultural cooperative in order to accommodate the increasing number of cultivated elderberry acres. Products. Elderberry is a ânew cropâ, though the wild plant has been harvested for centuries, used by locals for medicine and nutrition. Plus, with over 100 growers in attendance, you'll find new friends and learn tips from the most experienced growers. (just off Hwy 63 south of I-70 at Stadium exit), Group name: Elderberry Missouri is also home to researchers engaged in cultural and selection trials. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results were presented to elderberry stakeholders at two events: 1) Comprehensive Elderberry Workshop, June 1 - 3, 2017, Jefferson City, MO., approx110 attendees (internationsl in scope), and 2)Great Plains Growers Conference, January 11 - 13, 2018, St. Joseph, MO. After the conference, Durham and friends hosted the first Elderberry Festival on the farm. 9:00 Identification and diagnosis of grape bunch rots Dr. Dean Volenberg, Grape and Wine Institute . Each year, Durham gathers the best new knowledge and ⦠Side Menu MU Conference Office. Elderberry Nursery Stock. ___________________________________________________________________. You'll get all the basics, how to prepare your soil, the best orientation for rows, how to use the dynamic growing methods that help keep diseases and pests to a minimum, the precautions that must be taken in harvesting and using elderberries, as well as which selections offer you the product you want, based on your needs and desires. Toggle main navigation menu. 2017 Comprehensive Elderberry Workshop, Jefferson City, MOThe Carver Center, 3804 Bald Hill Road, Jefferson City, MO May 31 - June 1-2, 2017. How can you stay up to date with all the recent happenings with the Missouri organic farm scene and MOA? Friday & Saturday, June 12 & 13, 2020, at the MU Bradford Research Center. 2017 Comprehensive Elderberry Workshop, Jefferson City, MO, Terry Durham & his Elderberry Team put on the original and most comprehensive workshop about growing elderberry. Together we can promote a healthy food supply and restore balance to our planet. The goal of the conference was to ⦠Since 2009, The Comprehensive Elderberry Workshop & Field Tour has been held in central Missouri, home of Terry Durham.