This value is then multiplied by the Fire-scaling weapon, then added to the attack rating along with any other scaling. Curse. illusorywall: illusorywall took initiative, and spent an insane amount of time researching the way soul memory matchmaking worked, as well as debunking the oft-repeated rumors regarding soul memory ranges and their percentages. 48th 100% Select the calculator's mode … First, we know the breakpoint of one very popular weapon, claymore. It's is really annoying to have to load up a browser each time... i think you also missed the moonlight greatsword, 2 notes: --- #1 where is Ricard's Rapier on the spreadsheet? The damage difference is negligible, but the real advantage for the Blacksilver Sickle lies in the fact that it deals mostly 1 type of damage, coincidentally most enemies in this game (including players) do not have much dark defense, so this ends up being really good. It has Anor Londo in it, after all. The Moon-hunting Bear. There are still people out here saying Linking the Fire is the canonical end to DS2. Active 5 months ago. Weapons Part 3 has hammers, great hammers, spears, and halberds. Select the calculator's mode of function. ??? Profit! You can view the fruits of his labor for yourself here.He also helped contribute to the original Dark Souls calculator. Also notice that the defense side of the equation has a lesser impact on damage than the attack side of the equation (this is evident in the damage formula as well). It is 53 while 1 handed. Submit. 100*0.7= 70 physical damage. Weapons Part 2 has curved swords, curved greatswords, katanas, thrusting swords, axes, and greataxes. Also, THANK YOU! The calculator is an easy way to get a ballpark estimate of what your case is worth. Obviously, 3 has a lot more to do with 1 aesthetically. Outdated. As a reminder, all of this data is also available in the main DS3 planner:. DS2 actually gave daggers it's own little niche in pvp. Xann0 4 years ago #10. Pokémon 1's Moves (select one to show detailed results), Pokémon 2's Moves (select one to show detailed results), (If you see this message for more than a few seconds, try enabling JavaScript. Saving your build will allow you to share it with others. The Character Screen does not take +damage into account when calculating total dmg. Has this Pokémon been affected by Leech Seed? In general, you can't connect between NG and NG+ at all. (Please don't mess with other boxes if you want it to work) 2. RELATED: Top 10 Weapons Cut From Dark Souls 3 These games are only as hard as you make them out to be, however. Not only has it shown developers how difficulty can be used to set a specific tone, but the Souls series has created its own genre in wake of its excellent world design and punishing yet rewarding gameplay. Reset build to system defaults... Are you sure? At what stength/dex are the characters for these stats is it 40/40? However, NG+, NG++, and so on can connect to each other. Others provide estimate calculators for clients to use on their websites, fueling wild dreams of fully-funded college education and trips to Vegas. The personal injury calculator. The way this one would work out is a multi-part thing. Its a shame you cant use the tool on mobile devices. Weapon Attack Ratting & Scaling Calculator by Naeeli However, registering for an account will allow you to manage your builds, rate builds, etc. RBY GSC ADV DPP B/W X/Y S/M S/S Select the output notation. This also does not take into account if you don't have the stats to wield a weapon. Let's dive deeper into that calculator and see how attorneys reach those numbers. Most weapons inflict solely some form of physical damage, or physical damage in addition to elemental damage. Is the Pokémon boosted by an ally's Battery ability? I hope you kids see what a silly waste of resources this was. In order to continually increase innate Fire Attack Bonus, either Intelligence, Faith, or both need to be lev… Also, pay attention to how well they scale for a given stat just like you would for any weapon. So we end up with a Fire Shortsword with 70 / 70 Has this Pokémon's power been boosted by an ally's Helping Hand? It was optimized for players in the Pokémon Championship Series by Tapin, Firestorm, squirrelboy1225, and DaWoblefet. Is Cannonade and/or Volcalith affecting this side of the field? Yes No ~ Soul Level Anonymous. 19 Jul 2019 02:42 . 3DS FC - 5412-9936-6028. But we’re not quite done yet. Huge thanks to Nugget Bridge for hosting this calculator in the past. From there the progression is normal. Pokémon Damage Calculator Select the generation. Is Stealth Rock affecting this side of the field? Put your stats in the yellow boxes on the first tab. Damage Calculator Spread Sheet 1 Overview 1.1 Weapons 1.2 Martial Arts 1.3 Normal Magic 1.4 Fusion Magic 1.5 Dark Magic 1.6 Dark Fusion Magic 1.7 Anti-Demon 1.8 Drain 1.9 HP Cut 1.10 Health Dependent 1.11 Still Blade 1.12 Yoyo 1.13 Blades of Wind 1.14 Earthquake Damage calculation in Romancing Saga 2 differs wildly between attack types. This is updated for Crown of the Ivory King. Elemental Weapons has any weapon with non-physical damage and the pyromancy flame. Large rubber feet on the bottom of the calculator keep it from slipping during operation. 0-1. --- Attributes set to 25 each - Falchion to the end of the list --- major problem, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Weapon AR and Scaling Calculator - Dark Souls 2, The weapons listed are at MAXIMUM reinforcement (so +10 or +5 for twinkling/boss weapons). Has the Pokémon boosted all its stats one stage? Weapons Part 4 has reapers, lances, twinblades, whips, fist weapons, bows, and greatbows. Weapons Part 1 has daggers, straight swords, greatswords, and ultra greatswords. 27 Oct 2019 07:25 . There is that field of entry for numbers for physical and MFLD that one can adjust to ones liking. The Themed Character has a +0 Occult Composite Bow and a Right hand Weapon Damage of 288 so obviously this Calculator is garbage. Drakeblood Greatsword has 232 dmg at +5. fume sword is not missing its in the later pages elemental weapons, The ivory ugs doesnt have the magic damage in its calculation. Will open in a new tab. Damage calculation (Japanese: ダメージ計 (けい) 算 (さん) damēji keisan) is the process during the Damage Step of calculating the battle damage done to Life Points from an attack and determining which monster(s) is to be destroyed (if any). My question is what does 'minimums' and 'weights' mean and what is the way it is meant work how you need it to. Chime of Scream's faith bonus varies depending on your faith, working on this but for now you'll need to know your final faith value. 14 Feb 2017 05:22 . Please, for the love of all that is holy, update the freaking build calculator. This calculator is based on the work of Honko, gamut, and Zarel. Enhanced Damage: % % to Max per level: to Min: to Max: to Max per level: Demons: Enhanced Damage % % per level: Undead: Enhanced Damage % % per level: Other: IAS % Strength: per level: Dexterity: Deadly Strike % % per level: Crushing Blow % Open Wounds % You can contact kerygma either through the PM systemon-site or an email address. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a Custom License. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 4 months ago. I just watched a SL1 on NG+ kill Fume Knight hitting for 500dmg with a rapier and gold pine resin. Mopquill: That's me. Reply Replies (0) … It is as if, FROM THE FALCHION to the END of the list, the values one would expect from attributes of 50 or so were being displayed when you enter the value 25 for each attribute. Each have a corresponding defense stat that they are measured against. Details. Created by Honko, maintained by Austin and Kris. 0-1. For example in DS1 one of the highest possible damage in the game as melee I've seen would be the Demon Greataxe + Darkmoon Blade what about DS2? Is Steelsurge affecting this side of the field? Can we get a download link? (I'm lazy and haven't done the research for that.). This is updated for Crown of the Ivory King. Weapon Attack Rating & Scaling Calculator for Dark Souls 2 is a tool to calculate your damage output per weapon based on your Stats. Is the Pokémon protected by an ally's Friend Guard? Eveything from the dagger to the falchion is normal - all the way through. 1-1. Reply Replies (0) 6 +1. Calculator version 1.0.0 Features to Add. Please give us a downloadable copy! That is a good starting point. Reply Replies (0) 8 +1. The Fire Attack Bonus value is determined by adding the Intelligence and Faithstats together. Has this Pokémon been revealed with Foresight or Odor Sleuth? If you have any questions, comments, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, or if any of the data is incorrect, you can send a private message to Naeeli on the fextralife forums. Infusion Data This is only for NON-INFUSED weapons as infused weapons follow different rules. Anonymous. Submit. (Unknown how much). A symbol (+,−,×,÷) on the display indicates the status of the operation you are currently performing. 4. StatBonus = a damage bonus you get from your strength and/or dexterity (depends on what kind of weapon you're using). Sorcerer's Twinblade is not listed because while it has scaling, the amount it adds is tiny ( +7 AR at 99 strength and 99 dexterity). For those of … There are four forms of physical damage: Regular (absent from Dark Souls II), Strike, Slash and Thrust. Are there Spikes on this side of the field? We decide to infuse the shortsword with lightning, which will lower the physical base damage to 70%. Is Vine Lash and/or Wildfire affecting this side of the field? #2 - on the spreadsheet, setting attributes to 25 each, (Stn, Dex, Int, Fth), yields astronomically high damage for everything from the Falchion to the end. I have no idea what to make of this, especially after reading the help and trying it out. Is the Pokémon protected by an ally's Aurora Veil? Load more. If you don't like the size (even I find clicking the arrows to move between tabs frustrating), here is a link to a full size version. Magic/Dark AR does not scale. That was a ton of work and it's ssssexy! Dark Souls 2 Soul Memory Calculator / Visualiser. This is mirrored with my Steam Guide. Dark Souls weapons attack calculator, additional effects, magic adjustment, requirements and scaling. Just a simple question here. aznkid07 6 years ago #2. Essentially, a great club or its ilk with 100 crit is always going to do much higher damage than a mailbreaker (thrust) with 130 crit but significantly lower AR. The reason these four weapons aren't on this list is because they have their own modifiers outside of the base stats which affect bonus damage so I couldn't calculate them on this. Viewed 9k times 4. Consider that when a person deals 20 damage per swing, 20 additional damage is a lot – but when a person deals 1000 damage per swing, not so much. There is a whole lot wrong about that, considering there's an entire game dedicated to explaining why either ending can be canonical. 100*0.7= 70 fire damage. (Working on a solution for Curved Nil Greatsword). Dark Souls has undoubtedly had a large impact on the gaming industry. Entering 30 for each attribute yields values more in line with what you would expect attributes set to 25 should yield. Submit. 3. I make things. Staff of Amana assumes you are human otherwise there is a damage cut. Function Command Signs. Physical Damage is a category of damage that can be inflicted in all the Dark Souls games. I'm talking about DS2, I haven't tested on DS3 yet but I can tell that the way it's calculated is different. Calculations are based on the information available on the Online page, compiled by players during the original launch of the game. Note: You do not need an account to save a build. Weapon Attack Rating & Scaling Calculator for Dark Souls 2 is a tool to calculate your damage output per weapon based on your Stats. 1. The way they gutted daggers in this game is a shame. Switch between tabs to find the weapon you want. Just look at the damage number for the type of spell you are trying to cast. User Info: aznkid07. Link to full size version. I believe this may be related to the stamina damage hidden stat on all weapons. User Info: Xann0. Cheesebawlz. Make sure you mention the calculator in the subject line. Please note that the results below are slightly rounded, and available from the perspective of the person using the item. Cannot change the stats/yellow boxes on mobile. +damage (ie, The Redeemer) is the same as +min/max dmg, with the +min and +max being equal to the amount shown. #8. Since the SotFS patch, there are no restrictions based on playthrough. Is this Pokémon protected by Reflect and/or Light Screen? ). Sadly I can't make the video title longer than this... so let's catch up and talk about some Dark Souls oddities. To determine how much fire base damage we will receive we take 70% of the base damage originally present on the weapon before infusing. Dark Souls 2 - Increase Melee Damage. Ok, why is there no Pyromancy spells? If a weapon is not on here it either has no scaling or it is Ruler's Greatsword, Dark Pyromancy Flame, Lost Sinner's Sword, or Curved Nil Greatsword. (only fromn the Falchion down. My biggest criticism is that the Total AR doesn't seem to account for negative scaling for weapons exceeding stat requirements. Summon Range Calculator for Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered helps players find their matchmaking ranges. Today I released a standalone weapon AR calculator for Dark Souls 3.You can easily use this to get an overview of weapon AR at any level or infusion. Silent Touch Keys. Dark Souls 3 weapons attack calculator, additional effects, spell buff, requirements and scaling. However, this standlone planner makes it easier to do a lot of stuff. Reply Replies (2) 7 +1.