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Most of the texts of the early Buddhist Sutta-Piṭaka (Pāli; Sanskrit: Sūtra-Piṭaka) are attributed to his recollection of the Buddha's teachings during the First Buddhist Council. If you noticed, there is a text pop at ~19 seconds, the name : superbqd. Make really brilliant plans that you then forget the next day. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Share the best GIFs now >>> #OS X Movie to animated GIF. Tweet something dumb that you'll regret in the morning. A glass of wine with dinner, a happy-hour beer after work, a cocktail (or three) on vacation: Alcohol is deeply … Regard a Jägerbomb with anything other than fear and revulsion. The principle relies on the finding that all chemicals—even water and oxygen—can be toxic if too much is eaten, drunk, or absorbed. Carry home something random you found in the street. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. 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