Just watched The Good the Bad and the Ugly the other day, and while it's an absolute epic and is deserving of its praise and IMDB rating, I didn't find myself as invested as I did the previous edition. The 'rustic charm' was made for the panorama. In the Man With no Name trilogy the third movie to be made (The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (GBU)) is sometimes said to be set before the first of the movies to be released, A Fistful of Dollars (FFD).. Part of the evidence is the clothes worn by Clint Eastwood's nameless character. His version of Star Wars isn't really Star Wars. 0 0. 9 years ago. Once Upon a Time in the West also deserves a shout out if we're talking about Sergio Leone westerns. All the character flaws required in a bad guy, but with aspects of goodness that shine through, & a vulnerability in the scenes that need that. He portrayed a certain sinister look in The Good, the Bad & the Ugly and a certain charm in For A Few Dollars More.  Share. The final scene with the watch is the scene I most associate with the trilogy. The online encyclopedia for the Dollars Trilogy and related media that anyone can edit! Can’t deny how amazing all three are though. Or Alec Baldwin's speech in 'Glengarry GlennRoss.' Watch those films again & he's almost as charismatic in the films as Eastwood. Another scene, when a bad guy is killed, just before the final battle at the cemetery, Wallach quickly makes the cross sign over himself, displaying the hidden decent person, before turning to the cynical, man-of-low-morales self. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1966) While there were previous two movies in the “Dollar Trilogy” (Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More), the final film in the series, a three-hour epic about competitors chasing after buried treasure in the post-Civil-War west, launched Eastwood into stardom.In the film, Eastwood totes an 1851 Navy revolver as his main sidearm. It portrays a dirty & dusty atmosphere that portray's what the films wants to put across. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Ennio Morricone: The Complete Dollars Trilogy - Ennio Morricone on AllMusic - 2008 I really enjoyed Lee Van Cleef more as a protagonist than a villain. Aside from the look, pace, and feel....it's like you could tell someone like Leone watched all the Westerns before him and melted them together to create some penultimate western. He picks up a poncho late in GBU and that is what he is wearing at the start of FFD. The three questers spiralling towards the graveyard. The Dollars Trilogy (1964-1966) Review. The Dollars Trilogy. Buy and Sell Group I think Eastwood’s character is at his best when played against the more demonstrative Tuco and Angel eyes. It's a big budget action film set in space fantasy land. Wallach wasn't as 'over-the-top' as you'd like to think. A Fistful of Dollars is too much of a Yojimbo ripoff for it to be my favorite, but it is good. He truly acknowledges the mythology behind the genre. This three character centered plot was rare for the time. Favorite film of Leone's Dollars Trilogy? all play different characters in each movie. The Man with No Name becomes Han Solo and Boba Fett. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Also, just the fact that you found the close-ups 'unnerving' & felt the director was going for 'disgust' means that the Leone & the actors achieved what they were aiming for. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Sadly, High Noon is not amongst them, so I won't know what you're talking about. Movies: Dollars Trilogy (1964-1966), The; Fistful Of Dollars, For A Few Dollars More and The Good The … I can never settle on which is my favourite. These films (Dollar Trilogy) never reduce the actor to raise his voice to assert their authority or act like a wild man to carry intent behind their threats. What is The Dollars Trilogy?. Likewise, someone like Lucas could watch these films and make Star Wars from them. He just happens to be the guy that takes most of the credit for the success, but other things contribute greatly to their success. Gotta agree. Tge Good, the Bad and the Ugly is my favourite all the way. Eastwood's eyes give the impression that he recognises the vulnerability. They're probably Clint Eastwood's best work, and he went to to have a stellar career, but he isn't the only thing that contributes to the film's success. I think he was going for a huge, bombastic, in your face style and I always think he succeeded tremendously in that regard. Tuco shoots Blondie in the desert. This. It's all evident in his eyes. For a Few Dollars More is the film I enjoyed the most of the three. Apparently, his career was struggling at the time, and got relaunched because of the performances in those films. All feature original trailers. When I said those things, I was comparing them to the newer films that are supposed to be filled with great acting, and truly carry the meaning of 'bombastic', 'in-your-face' & 'over the top.' Other than that gigantic plagiarism lawsuit, sure. The Dollars films are essentially fairy tales/operas set in the West. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Guns of the Man with No Name Thoughts? Nothing in their conversation indicates any of this. It comes down to FaFDM and TGTBATU for me. Improve this answer. By the way the Trilogy, although Sergio Leone did not originally intend it to be a trilogy, is also called "Dollars trilogy". “For a Few Dollars More“by Sergio Leone (1965) Clint Eastwood & Lee van Cleef, Badlands of Tabernas, up from El Paso fake village. He does it without weeping, crying or telling sentimental tales. The homepage of Trilogy Education Services' website prominently displays the phrase “Universities Trust Trilogy.” Trust is an important part of universities’ bargain with Trilogy. Before I start this, I just want to make one thing clear, the Dollar's Trilogy isn't a trilogy. As a result, his films (even the prequels) have a similar charm. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, The Gap between /r/Movies and /r/TrueFilm, Press J to jump to the feed. This article should be renamed to Dollars (film series) to bring it inline with the naming convention pertaining to film series.Let's discuss. I've made a point to see it now. Dollars Trilogy (Italian: Trilogia del dollaro), also known as the Man with No Name Trilogy (Italian: Trilogia dell'Uomo senza nome) or the Blood Money Trilogy, [citation needed] is an Italian film series consisting of three Spaghetti Western films directed by Sergio Leone.The films are titled A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965) and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966). Alenanno Alenanno. It's three unconnected films in which Clint Eastwood plays a similar character in each, The Man With no Name . You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I’ve always enjoyed Few Dollars More the most out of the three. As each movie progresses, however, his motives become more noble. I've been seeing the Dollar Trilogy quite a lot lately. Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef's back and forth in For a Few Dollars More was fantastic and I realize Van Cleef is known as an iconic film villain actor but I loved his character as Colonel Mortimer. This thread is locked. I just found it fascinating that Leone was able to achieve so much with so few words & such subtle expression changes. Wikis. Because GBU takes place first in the whole trilogy. Eli Wallach as Tuco was fantastic in The Good the Bad and the Ugly but Eastwood kind of took a backseat to him in the third film. In the Dollars trilogy, Eastwood’s Man with No Name acts as a trickster without scruples who merely wants a massive payday. Solid music in the 2nd & 3rd films. 'A Fistful of Dollars' had The Rojos, the Baxters & Eastwood in the middle. The outfit, originally worn by Eastwood's character in the Dollars trilogy of films, was mirrored down to every last detail, and serves as an excellent homage to the classic Western trilogy. The films were not made as a trilogy.If you like westerns then you should watch Once upon a time in the west or the wild bunch both are superior in my opinion. Think Denzel Washington & Gene Hackman shouting at each other to assert their authority in 'Crimson Tide.' The supporting actors were great in themselves :- Others in the films contributed greatly to their success. That's really fascinating to me. Magnificent Bastard: "Blondie" or "The Man With no Name", starts as a ruthless conman willing to gun down bounty hunters to keep his heist with his partner Tuco going where he turns in Tuco to be hanged only to shoot the rope at the last minute. With the latter, they just don't know how to translate it into today's context. You've piqued my curiosity. For a Few Dollars More is the film I enjoyed the most of the three. The acting is underplayed, slow & deliberate. A quick look at the other hits from the era, like 'The Dirty Dozen', 'A Bridge Across the River Kwai', 'The Magnificent Seven', 'The Great Escape' & 'Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid' confirm the belief. Please state whether or not you support the renaming of this article. The Dollars Trilogy theme songs.A fistful of dollarsFor a few dollars moreThe Good The Bad & The UglyStarting Clints Eastwood n somefing van cliffHope you enjoy George understood the mythological form. I never got the impression that Leone wanted us to be charmed...I always thought he was going for disgust. Image: ©MGM. Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery. And so you see, just like mythology, it's a strange feeling that was never truly appreciated during its time and has almost become lost to modern audiences and filmmakers. In the Dollars Trilogy of Sergio Leone (A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965), and The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (1966)), the man with no name, portrayed by Clint Eastwood, wore always the same poncho (without having it replaced or cleaned). Games Movies TV Video. Source(s): https://shrink.im/baneg. Also, it's always fascinating to me how movies evoke different reactions from people. Not being a failure doesn't mean they were enough of a success to redirect company resources toward that might instead be put toward a more successful venture. Log In Sign Up. Quick Question The good, the bad, and the ugly takes place during the civil war, but in fistful of dollars, when blondie is putting the dead Mexican soldiers in the cemetery, we see dates in the 1870s. Still is, I think. Only one is truly great. Crash Bandicoot N Sane trilogy on 60 fps hello, I want to buy Crash Bandicoot n sane trilogy and i have simple question: a game supports 60 fps on xbox one ? And the two movies that took place after? From Wikipedia – The Online Encyclopedia: – 1964 – Clint Eastwood signed a contract for A Fistful of Dollars for $15,000 (US$112,403 in 2012 dollars) in wages for eleven weeks’ work, with a bonus of a Mercedes automobile upon completion. Or any Al Pacino film since 'Scent Of A Woman.' It helps move the tempo or build up tension perfectly. Trilogy Dollar Disc Auctions has 12,075 members. So this has always been a pet peeve of mine but there's no such thing as the "Dollars Trilogy" or the "Man with No Name Trilogy". The whole movie from the arrival of the wagon is Blondie's dying fantasy. Also, I just really love the creepy tune that Lee Van Cleef's music box plays in A Few Dollars More. Just watched The Good the Bad and the Ugly the other day, and while it's an absolute epic and is deserving of its praise and IMDB rating, I didn't find myself as invested as I did the previous edition. The ones I mentioned above, and a handful of others. Press J to jump to the feed. Jun 9, 2016 - This list was compiled by having reddit.com users choose their favorite movies, of which the top 250 were compiled into this list. 'The Good, the Bad & the Ugly' had Wallach, Van Cleef & Eastwood. 0 0. It usually comes down to which one I saw last. It doesn't really matter. The score helped :- Ennio Morricone's scoring deserves all the acclaim it gets. It's way more scaled down and personal. Eastwood, Van Cleef, etc. All part of that epic, grand style of Leone's...and you found it all "understated". Wallach, as Tuco, brings a certain humour in his character. A Few Dollars More is definitely the best in my opinion. I also found the acting to be very awesomely theatrical, melodramatic and over the top...which I loved. The Man with No Name (Italian: Uomo senza nome) is the antihero character portrayed by Clint Eastwood in Sergio Leone's "Dollars Trilogy" of Spaghetti Western films: A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965), and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966). With the former, it was lambasted as mindless entertainment. It's been on TV every so often for a few months, and I've found a new respect for them. Visual Style :- The face close-up & the location shots are great. The Dollars Trilogy Wiki | Fandom. For that reason, they remain timeless. They're all standalone and self-contained movies. That scene with his brother, right after it, he portray's a certain vulnerability that adds another dimension to his character. - LA @ 10:45, 1 November 2007 (UTC) Survey. User account menu. I'm not that old, so I haven't seen too many films from this era. A complete performance, I think. Follow answered Aug 29 '12 at 9:18. r/DollarTrilogy: This is the community for the Dollar Trilogy starring Clint Eastwood. When I think of charming and understated, I think Gary Cooper in High Noon. For a Few Dollars More is one of my all time favorites but the other two are also great. The films have a rustic charm that holds up. I really love that movie, it's probably the most beautiful film I've ever seen. 3,880 1 1 gold badge 25 25 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. The Dollar Trilogy U.S. Laserdisc Box Set Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars more, The Good the bad & the Ugly. 'For A Few Dollars More' had Van Cleef, Indio's gang & Eastwood. Trilogy Metals Inc. is a metals exploration and development company which holds a 50 percent interest in Ambler Metals LLC which has a 100 percent interest in … For the auctioning of Trilogy related items only!. I can't say the same about Abrams (and probably all these new SW directors). He is recognizable by his poncho, brown hat, tan cowboy boots, fondness for cigarillos, and the fact that he rarely talks. "Charming, rustic and understated" are three words I would never, ever imagine for these movies. If "Dollars Trilogy" by filip-davidovic | created - 07 Jun 2011 | updated - 07 Jun 2011 | Public Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc Eli Wallach, a name back then, probably carried The Good, the Bad & the Ugly by himself, while Eastwood just sat back & looked for the camera, doing typical Eastwood things. Just good storytelling and moviemaking overall, especially compared to our current era obsessed with 'gritty' realism, convoluted storytelling, psychological driven narratives, weak integration of soundtrack music, and incoherent/inconsistent thematic content. These films (Dollar Trilogy) never reduce the actor to raise his voice to assert their authority or act like a wild man to carry intent behind their threats. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Dollar's Trilogy should be watched in reverse(ish) order. I don't think there's a single second in any of the movies that I would consider "understated". The Dollars Trilogy is a collection of three films, all featuring Clint Eastwood in the lead role.The movies tell the story of a stranger, who often finds himself helping others or getting caught up in trouble that he would otherwise like to avoid. DollarTrilogy ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, News & Discussion about Major Motion Pictures, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Yeah, as great as Good/Bag/Ugly may be, it's always been a little longwinded for me. — Reddit (@reddit) February 8, 2021 Why It Matters: ViacomCBS Inc (NASDAQ: VIAC)-owned CBS sought $5.5 million for a 30-second in-game spot for the Superbowl, according to Variety. The civil war in the background. The entire ending sequence is perfect where you see the villain realize who Cleef is once he looks at the locket during the standoff and you just see everything in their eyes. The director lets the music govern the landscape and storytelling. Complete Monster: All the main villains (Ramon Rojo; El Indio; Angel Eyes/Sentenza ("The Bad")) are monsters.See those pages for details. We are creating the largest online guide to the Dollars Trilogy and its related media, and you can help! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I find the close-ups of dirty, ugly characters to be unnerving, whereas you find it "rustically charming". The wide shots that include as much of the location as possible. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Lee Van Cleef was perfect in his roles. Still … Reddit user, RedDeadRaccoon, recently recreated Clint Eastwood's iconic "Man With No Name" outfit within Red Dead Online, and the final product is pretty impressive. The wide shots that include as much of the location as possible. Is the dollars trilogy meant to be chronological? There's always 3 parties involved :- It isn't a simple plot of Good vs. Bad, like most films will run with. Personally, I somehow ended up watching them in backwards order (The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, then For a Few Dollars More, then For a Fistful of Dollars), before I knew they were considered a trilogy. Sergio Leone's "Dollars Trilogy" of Spaghetti Western films: A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965), and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966). Mos Eisley looks like the West. The 'rustic charm' was made for the panorama. The Dollars Trilogy (also referred to as the Man with No Name Trilogy) is a series of Spaghetti Western films directed by Sergio Leone, consisting of A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.. Anonymous. Certainly not Eli Wallach as Tuco! Passable movies. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is clearly much better than the other 2. The movies are completely unrelated and marketing them as a series was something United Artists did without the input or consent of Sergio Leone. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.