Tile installers create a medium bed of mortar by blending water, cement, coarse sand and other aggregate, then applying it to the subfloor in … Many thin-sets have latex and polymer additives in … Thin-set is a specialized mortar that has been designed to be applied as a relatively thin (3/32" or less) layer. But if you choose a lighter tile and don’t want to see one stain, you’ll have to choose your battle. Thinset or mortar (or thinset mortar, thinset cement, dryset mortar, or drybond mortar) is an adhesive made of cement, fine sand, and a water retaining agent such as an alkyl derivative of cellulose. That way the thinset that comes up between the tiles and that you missed when doing your cleanup (it will happen) won't be as prone to show through the areas where you have thin grout coverage over the thinset. The primary difference between white mortar and gray mortar lies in their ingredients. Use white thinset with a lighter grout and gray thinset with a darker grout. If you will be using a light colored grout, then choose the white thinset. These products may seem similar; however, it's important to understand the difference, so prepare and use them correctly. An all-white backsplash sure does make your kitchen look clean! People used between two and three inches of thinset beneath the tile to ensure that the cement had enough moisture to cure properly. The thinset being the same brand and type. Darker color grout you can use the gray. Ultraflex™ 1 Standard tile mortar with polymer. Today I was using grey versa bond. A little bleach on lighter tile works magic too! What is the difference between thin-set and mortar? White mortar, on the other hand, usually contains only white cement and white sand. White thinset is needed if you are using a light tile with light grout. With some natural stone tile, white is a better choice. Delorean Gray grout with a mosaic backsplash: White grout with a herringbone design: Should grout be lighter or darker than tile? In The Two Towers, he reunited with the Fellowship but told them he wasn't the same man. The difference between Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White in Lord of the Rings goes beyond a wardrobe change. So, all thin-sets are mortars but not all mortars are thin-sets. No longer Gandalf the Grey… Medium-Bed Mortar. This mortar has an above average content of unique dry polymer, resulting in good adhesion to the substrate and tile. Before you head off to buy supplies, make sure you understand the difference between mortar, thinset, and grout. If there wasn’t enough moisture, the thinset mortar wouldn’t have been strong enough to make the tiles stick to the subfloor. After fighting the Balrog in The Fellowship of the Ring and succumbing to his injuries, Gandalf returned to Middle-earth transformed. VersaBond® Professional Thin-Set Mortar A professional formula, all-purpose mortar, polymer-modified to provide good bond strength for floor and tile projects. I have been meaning to ask a question about the difference between grey thinset and white thinset. This isn't related to a specific job. Gray mortar may contain any of a number of types of cement and sand. But, adding thick layers of thinset was a lot of work. The differences between grout, thinset, and mortar for tile projects: I noticed that the grey stuff has always seemed stickier. Standard Tile Mortar with Polymer Ultraflex 1 is a standard-grade, single-component, polymer-modified thin-set mortar for most interior and exterior installations of tile. VersaBond® cures quickly even in cold climates and adheres to most surfaces, exceeding ANSI A118.4 and A118.11 without the need for additives. Types of white cement found in white mortar include white masonry cement and white portland cement. This is in contrast to 'medium-bed' (up to 1/2" thick) and traditional 'mud bed' installations (1" or more).