When comparing the Mim (made in Mexico) versions, to similar guitars in its price range such as the PRS, Schecter, ESP or Jackson, it’s more than comparable in sound and tonality. Also, the American Professional Strat runs about $1,450. Nun, diese beiden Modelle "American und Mexican", obwohl sie weit … Replacing the bridge part in American Strat is quite difficult thant he Mexican part. If you’re an extreme guitar enthusiast and someone who loves the premium Fender gives you, such as the quality of wood, slightly clearing, and distinct sounds, you’ll love the American Stratocaster. The American overall has better performance and playability. Strats kommen in verschiedenen Arten und die beliebtesten sind die amerikanischen und mexikanischen Modelle. Amerikano vs Mexican strat Stratocaster ay madalas na tinatawag bilang Strat, isang electric guitar, ay palaging isang paborito ng mga mahilig sa musika. Strats kommen in verschiedenen Arten und die beliebtesten sind die amerikanischen und mexikanischen Modelle. 4. Since you can always mod or upgrade the parts, you wouldn’t need an American. I’ve been playing guitar for over 10 years now, and I’m a total nerd when it comes to gear. It’s best to consider the type of tones you enjoy and decide on the type of wood that suits your taste. Alder generates more presence with emphasized upper-mids, and is it a bit more punchier than ash. I’ve been playing guitar for over 10 years now, and I’m a total nerd when it comes to gear. They attempted to build a guitar with improved playability and comfort, along with a more diverse tone. The topic of Mexican and American strat will always be a hot topic. Sonically, it produces more treble and good sustain resulting in a brighter and more pronounced tone. Although subtle, the additional fret may come in handy if you often find yourself high up the neck, allowing you to reach that bit higher in the pitch scale. You may be able to resell for greater value if it’s an older guitar made in the ’50s to ’70s. Made-In-Mexico ones are still Fender products, and quality instruments. Below I highlighted differences between Player Stratocaster and American Stratocaster. However, the finish doesn’t particularly mean that one finish is better than the other. Unterschied zwischen American und Mexican Strat Unterschied zwischen 2021. The only real difference is some of the hardware. And the bone nut produces a much sweeter tone than metal. It’s just a matter of personal preference. You can replace a few materials to change the tone of your guitar instantly. One alternative is using a bone nut because it is very hard and durable. The good news is the American Stratocaster does hold it’s value pretty well, where you may only lose about 15% in total value if in good condition. Additional room is needed to make room for the 22nd fret, so the neck board is inherently longer. The American Strat’s single coils sparkle more crisply with much more definition than the Mexican Fender. 2. In the end, both types of woods has it’s own unique styles and advantages. I’ve learned a ton over the years and would love to share some tips with you! Well, these two models ‘“ American and Mexican ‘“ though are widely used comes with specific differences. Please note: comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment. You can easily purchase a used Mexican strat for $300 and have it professionally set-up. The American strat gives a modified tone called as delta tone. That same year—1987—Fender’s revered Custom Shop was launched and began building some of the finest Stratocasters ever. That doesn’t mean MIM Fenders are bad or made with low-quality components. A no-frills strat made in the Mexico factory that you couldn't go wrong with. This guitar has been a tradition for over half a century and will be a long-standing tradition for years to come. The U.S. fenders are manufactured in the Fender’s factory located in Corona, California. These sounds are clear without blurring up as you might pile on the gain or distortion. If you want a solid guitar with excellent sound and performance, without the need to pay an extra $500-$800, the Mexican will get the job done. You would think that a Mexican Stratocaster would sound significantly worse than an American Stratocaster considering it’s less than half the price right? By Guitar World Staff 10 April 2017. On the other hand, the Mexican strats are made of five pieces. The American Stratocaster has a bunch of additional features giving the player the ability to improve their performance. The player can dig in hard for aggressively bright tones that still sound consistent and listenable. The Made-In-America ones are higher quality, both in parts and build. The American has a basic tonal balance and a sense of top-end headroom. In short, main differences between a Fender Mexican and American Stratocaster are the price points, the builds, pickups, hardware, and the overall performance of the guitar. On a closer look, you may notice some subtle design and hardware differences between the American and Mexican Strat. For the American Stratocaster, there’s a two-point system, an improvement over the five screws. This allows the truss rod to push the neck in both directions, whereas the Mexicans have a traditional truss rod, where you can only push in one direction. I’m Dan Hoang. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Written by : Prabhat S. This appeal, similar to how athletes mimic their favorite players, is what edges the American Strat ahead. Other features that may raise the cost of the Strat are rosewood fingerboards, or pop-in tremolo arm and locking tuning pegs. It has an innate tone that is airy and bright with a generous sustain and attractively hollow acoustic-like resonance. American Strat vs Mexikanische Strat . While the American strat makes … For example, you can get the Standard Stratocaster which is Fender’s entry level Strat for under $600. The American Strat has 22 frets whereas the Mexican model comes with 21 frets. The Mexican Fender is made from a polyester finish, and the American ones are a polyurethane finish. The American has a unique Bi-Flex Truss Rod. The most visible difference is neck shape and nut width.. but this is NOT a matter of "better or worst". The nut width is slightly narrower on the American Strat, at 1.650” instead of 1.685”. If you listen to the tone comparisons between the two guitars in the video above, you’ll notice how similar they sound. So a considerable difference in price, again due to cheaper labour and manufacturing outside of the States. Cite Wrong. Prabhat S. "Difference Between American and Mexican Strat." Mexican Strat vs. American Strat: What’s the Difference? A cheaper alternative to the MIA Fender Strat is the MIM (made in Mexico) Strat, with the Mexican Standard going for around $600 new, compared to over $1000 for the American Standard. If you are talking “right now” the main difference is the electronics and hardware. For being a guitarist, being a part of the Fender American Stratocaster legacy is a big deal. The entire instrument just hums when you strum, mostly thanks to it’s expertly carved and seated bone nut. Since then Fender has continued to rethink its flagship Stratocaster, introducing dozens of model variations with unique capabilities and cosmetics. For the Player Series model, they cost about $700 but can easily be found for $300 to $500. The American strat is meant to feel like you’ve been playing the guitar for years. With every pickup position, tones ring and chime with a great sustain and snappy-crisp attack. American Strat: American Strat hat einen sehr guten Sound, der so lange da ist, wie du die Gitarre hast. The professional sounds fantastic unplugged. But what’s the difference between the Fender Mexican and the American Stratocaster? Although it doesn’t make a significant difference, it is nice to have the Bi-flex to help utilize every option to make the next rod as straight as possible. So if you’re looking for these premium American Stratocasters, but aren’t willing to fork over the grand and change for them, then I suggest looking at the resale market for them, which is different from the collectibles market. Overall, the wood accentuates greater harmonic content and lets higher overtones ring through. One of the significant differences between the Mexican and American Strat is the wood used for their bodies. The Fender Mexican Strat can produce sounds from gutsy alternative rock to witty jangled Beatle-esque rock and blues music. I hope this guide is helpful in your quest to purchase a Stratocaster. They also added a middle single-coil pickup, which gave the Strat better tonal versatility than Telecaster’s two-pickup design. The Stratocaster is one of the most beloved and iconic guitars out there. Though both the American and the Mexican fenders almost play the same, they are different in various aspects, including their body, routing, frets and … The bridge for the Mexican Fender is made in Korea, and it’s not as robust because it is made out of a bit of Chinese pop-metal and steel. As a player, you’ll experience a more distinct clear note separation, even on the fullest chords. There is no need to resubmit your comment. Well, ang dalawang modelo na '"Amerikano at Mexican'" bagaman malawakang ginagamit ay may tiyak You can always resell the Mexican strat for similar value and purchase the American later when the time is right. To a beginner’s ear, it may be difficult to tell the difference. American Strat und Mexican Strat zeigen viele Unterschiede zwischen ihnen. As a guitar player, you also don’t need to worry about the guitar being picked up, damaged, stolen as you would with a more expensive instrument. The frets are narrow and taller to make the bender much more easier for the player. 6. The Fender Stratocaster went from being seen as a factory gimmick to being the very definition of an electric guitar. There's also a slightly narrower nut width on the Mexican Tele (a mere difference of 1mm!) Zuallererst sollten Sie wissen, dass eine Strat eine Kurzform des Wortes Stratocaster ist, was eine Gitarre bedeutet. The quality isn’t as good, but you should still last you a very long time. I have been saying this a lot of time but IMO all guitar are unique. With a live audience, they won’t hear all of the intricacies in tone and tuning, so it’s fine to be a little off compared to recording in a studio track. It’s more like a proud gift that you’re giving to your son or grandchildren. Some Fender American made Stratocasters can cost $2,200 or more depending the configuration. American Strat und Mexican Strat weisen viele Unterschiede auf. What is the difference between a Mexican Strat and an American Strat? About one in five people play guitar in Mexico. In Mexico they apply a finish of polyester while the American models get polyurethane. Most of them you will not even notice. Another difference between Fender and Squier is where they’re made. Read More ; PMT Guide To Fender Amps. There’s a screw underneath the seventh fret, which anchors the truss rod. Doing so will still add up to be cheaper than the American Strat. In 1954, Leo Fender, a California inventor, his friends George Fullerton and Freddie Tavares set out to build a guitar to improve upon the wildly already successful Telecaster and Precision Bass. One of the reasons that the American is priced higher is the additional quality craftsmanship and cost of labor needed to be manufactured in America. Apparently, the wood is different, and the electronic components are of higher quality in the American strats. When it comes to the American’s playability, it does provide more distinct note separations and a nice chimy high that the Mexican strat doesn’t have. Well, yes it does – all three American models and even the Mexican models share a certain glassy, chimey tone that has helped make the guitar sound so unique. Surely a Strat sounds like a Strat? Since this wood has a closed grain and closed ports, it is typically finished in solid colors. • Categorized under Entertainment,Miscellaneous | Difference Between American and Mexican Strat. Also, the pickup selector consists of the traditional 5-way type. If you have an American Stratocaster that costs over $2,000, why risk ruining it if no one will be able to tell the difference anyways? Phillip McKnight is a Fender player, dealer and repairman, and even he wasn’t sure of the differences between them, aside from their retail prices. This contoured body made it easier to access the higher frets and rests more comfortably on the player’s body. While the American strat makes use of imperial measurements, the Mexican ones make use of the metric measurements. Strats come in different types and the most favorite ones are the American and the Mexican models. It comes down to the components used to build the guitar. As a consumer, you’re paying for this vintage guitar. Again, as with the Strats, the American Tele has one extra fret than the Mexican - 22 vs 21 medium-jumbo frets respectively. Stratocaster oft als Strat, eine E-Gitarre, war schon immer ein Liebling der Musikliebhaber.