2 Tokens: Gain a 3 / 4 / 5 % Haste Status Effect 10 seconds after hooking a Survivor, for a duration of 10 seconds. The starting Anima Cell in Torghast now offers a stronger selection of Anima powers. Compared to the first week of the game when I hit 60. Les « combats » avec des armes Nerf sont des parties amusantes à jouer avec des amis ou de la famille ou même avec des joueurs que vous avez rencontrés sur Internet. from experience, we know that the Devs only play and are aware of only handful of classes. Hex: Devour Hope is a teachable Unique Hag Perk. Comment by RobNajjar on 2021-01-08T23:25:08-06:00. would like to sincerely thank wowhead for all the help in my time playing wow you guys were absolutely amazing. I've spent 10's of thousands of gold and time going through floors and levels only to get to the end and not be able to kill the final boss. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Il faut bien toujours que les écrivains d'une époque rendent au public ce que le public leur a prêté, et l'écrivain n'est jamais si heureux et si populaire, que lorsque le public lui a beaucoup demandé, et lorsqu'il lui a beaucoup rendu. Site officiel des joueurs Notes de mise à jour de The Lodestone Actualisé le - Yeah, I know each layer is supposed to be harder than the last - but even dropping down to a prior layer, I still couldn't get past the final elite sub-boss even on the 2nd floor of the place. Achat Nerf elite demolisher 2 en 1 à prix discount. Apple2o posted: Blight has already been sold so time to nerf the only good part about him. The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger. Wir raten dringend davon ab, Nerf Rival in anderen Ländern zu erwerben und nach Deutschland einzuführen. Hope to see Blizzard nerf the melee damage from the later floors especially the final boss on floor 18 or provide a few more defensive anima power into the mix. This page was last modified on 14 February 2021, at 14:39. Guess by now people complain about something not being fun if it's not faceroll. When a Survivor is rescued from a Hook at least 24 metres away, Devour Hope receives a Token. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":34785,"max_magic":632,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":130,"magic":93,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":69,"attack":69,"version":"96","experience":1047.7,"acc_ranged":381,"acc_magic":381,"acc_melee":381,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":300,"defence":69,"max_ranged":300,"id":"12889","armour":1447,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Protect and deflect melee do not help against this attack, so Soul Split and food, preferably Salve eels or better, are helpful. login. Montalembert. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":48871,"max_magic":792,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":142,"magic":102,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":102,"attack":102,"version":"142","experience":11604,"acc_ranged":3031,"acc_magic":3031,"acc_melee":3031,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":792,"defence":102,"max_ranged":792,"id":"12900","armour":3031,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":19738,"max_magic":450,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":109,"magic":78,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":96,"attack":96,"version":"134","experience":7230.6,"acc_ranged":2232,"acc_magic":2232,"acc_melee":2232,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":688,"defence":96,"max_ranged":688,"id":"12898","armour":2829,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. They shouldn't nerf this yet after 3 weeks and raiding in its 2nd week, our guild is just now getting ready to start some Heroic content. Every class in our guild has had a player in Discord complaining about the new levels. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Hope devourer is a Dungeoneering boss monster that can be fought on the Warped floors of Daemonheim, beginning at floor 51. Layer 8 was already a cakewalk on "struggling" specs... What are you guys going to complain about next time when you are still struggling on layer 4? When the Hope devourer roars with visible overhead text, deactivate Protect from Melee and Protect from Magic or their curse equivalents to avoid the special attack. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":24760,"max_magic":500,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":117,"magic":84,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":90,"attack":90,"version":"126","experience":4170.6,"acc_ranged":1566,"acc_magic":1566,"acc_melee":1566,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":576,"defence":90,"max_ranged":576,"id":"12896","armour":2458,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Damage reduced for 4 and 5 player groups. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":15735,"max_magic":350,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":100,"magic":72,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":93,"attack":93,"version":"130","experience":5534.4,"acc_ranged":1876,"acc_magic":1876,"acc_melee":1876,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":632,"defence":93,"max_ranged":632,"id":"12897","armour":2639,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Comment veux-tu qu'on adapte … Ouvrez les portes du plus beau magasin du Web ! - Page 4. It resides closest to The Rift of all its kind. SM + Dots will do pretty much the same DPS if not more.I'm done with this game not gonna keep paying for incompetence. One of the walls near the entrance to the boss chamber originally bulged out, allowing players to safespot the boss. The only reason people are complaining is because the content is live and they can't complete it, if they don't know when new levels open up, they won't go into content their character is not ready for. It has never been gutted, it has never been bad. It requires level 101 Dungeoneering to encounter and fight. the last 1.5-2 weeks have been utterly horrible and unplayable to a point for me when trying to solo run Torghast on my Outlaw Rogue. P.S. The third attac… Killers only have the item in Survivor lobbies as a warning that the Key might be used, and even then their only real recourse is just to be insanely paranoid and play as sweaty as possible, or … Il y a plein de chose à nerf et la seul chose qui est nerf c'est un sort de rox mdr. Two-Year Club. Surely, they tied the levels to the progression of your character somehow. This boss monster is the highest levelled behemoth of Daemonheim. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":22107,"max_magic":475,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":113,"magic":81,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":84,"attack":84,"version":"117","experience":2651.4,"acc_ranged":1101,"acc_magic":1101,"acc_melee":1101,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":500,"defence":84,"max_ranged":500,"id":"12894","armour":2125,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Anima Cells drop more often and Rares/Starting Anima Cells offer more/stronger Anima Power respectively. The fourth attack is prayer-eating attack that only affects players with protection or deflection prayers active, dealing massive damage, disabling prayers, healing the boss, and increasing its attack, strength, and defence. Just my opinion they should suggest to the player base to go down in a level and retry the content.I also think they should silently timegate any future levels. Like for example for shadow priest Kyrian cov ability it basically removes mindflay and does not generate insanity, while mindflay not only generate insanity but proc dark thoughts (reset MindBlast cd and make it instant) so basically, if I use my Kyrian cov ability I'm shutting down half my spec just to what?....release blue pulses. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":10000,"max_magic":200,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":84,"magic":60,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":63,"attack":63,"version":"88","experience":624.6,"acc_ranged":223,"acc_magic":223,"acc_melee":223,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":240,"defence":63,"max_ranged":240,"id":"12887","armour":1230,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. I think it is a mistake to nerf this and instead Blizzard should post a suggestion to go down in levels if the one you're on is to hard or cannot be completed. Use Soul Split to heal and nullify the special attack. 3 Tokens: Survivors suffer from the Exposed … and … Devour_Hope 7 post karma 34 comment karma send a private message. Hex: Devour Hope: A Hex rooting its power on hope. The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger. An update fixed the wall, removing the safespot. Thank you. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Perks support Mouse-over functionality (desktop version only): hovering over the modifier words with your cursor will reveal the values behind them. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":10000,"max_magic":200,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":84,"magic":60,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":99,"attack":99,"version":"138","experience":8401,"acc_ranged":2577,"acc_magic":2577,"acc_melee":2577,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":736,"defence":99,"max_ranged":736,"id":"12899","armour":3031,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Avec un nerf comme cela c'est un gros Bienvenu au eniripsa recon, au eca chance, au sacri sacrifice, etc ... Faudra pas s'étonner de voir des compo random gros kikoo rox, qui foncera dans le tas et profiterons aisément de c'est procéder tout aussi péter que la corrup l'était et ne seront pas inquiéter d'une quelconque manière de ne pas pouvoir sauvé leur allié qui aura rush … urantia-uai.org. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":24760,"max_magic":500,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":117,"magic":84,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":87,"attack":87,"version":"121","experience":3591,"acc_ranged":1299,"acc_magic":1299,"acc_melee":1299,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":550,"defence":87,"max_ranged":550,"id":"12895","armour":2287,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. For Dead by Daylight on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "4.5.0 Mid Chapter update." Lien direct; Partager sur Facebook; Partager sur Twitter; Score : -1970. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":15735,"max_magic":350,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":100,"magic":72,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":75,"attack":75,"version":"105","experience":1410.7,"acc_ranged":609,"acc_magic":609,"acc_melee":609,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":400,"defence":75,"max_ranged":400,"id":"12891","armour":1694,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Cette coupe grossière double canon blaster 2x4 t . As someone who is a casual player and doesn't do mythic+ dungeons or anything beyond LFR because I don't have the time and usually play by myself this is awesome. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":48871,"max_magic":792,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":142,"magic":102,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":75,"attack":75,"version":"105","experience":1410.7,"acc_ranged":609,"acc_magic":609,"acc_melee":609,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":400,"defence":75,"max_ranged":400,"id":"12891","armour":1694,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Fracturing Forces and Eye of Skoldus enemies' health and damage reduced by 50%, now increase assassin health by 5% per stack (was 10%). L'huppermage est la classe ayant le plus de mode viable. Honestly, I'm already sick of Torghast! Blight's a good killer. The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger. Pop has already been gutted. The Hope devourer's stomp attack deals damage equal to 1/6 of the target's maximum life points. Your child can fly the ship, load up the 2 cannons with NERF darts, and fire at those pesky Rebels with the press of a b. Figurine - Personnage . Vendu et expédié par JN Trade. I started going down in the levels and found that I am able to finish a level 5 and that probably is where I should be at this stage of the game. The Hope Devourer now uses his attacks to drain prayer correctly. 181 €99 151 €66 … crit. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":12544,"max_magic":260,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":92,"magic":66,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":69,"attack":69,"version":"96","experience":1047.7,"acc_ranged":381,"acc_magic":381,"acc_melee":381,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":300,"defence":69,"max_ranged":300,"id":"12889","armour":1447,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Ahead of today’s reveal, the big storyline leading up to Patch 2.03 was the community-requested nerf of both the Frenzy and Stinger. Sad that Blizzard has to cater to the kids who are missing brain cells, but it is what it is. I saw this right after finished my layer 8 run... well then. Fracturing Forces and Eye of Skoldus enemies will no longer ambush players who have recently been in combat. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":31058,"max_magic":576,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":126,"magic":90,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":63,"attack":63,"version":"88","experience":624.6,"acc_ranged":223,"acc_magic":223,"acc_melee":223,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":240,"defence":63,"max_ranged":240,"id":"12887","armour":1230,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. I truly appreciate the hard work you guys put in, thank you very much. ( Go regarde la final de la dofus cup un sadida à 50% res terre s'est fait torcher au rayon obscure ). 1 Overview 2 Lore 3 The Deathslinger's Perks 4 Load-out 4.1 Weapon: Death to Bayshore 4.2 Power: The Redeemer 4.2.1 Power Trivia 4.3 Add-ons for … Meaning a class might be struggling but because the devs are unaware of it due to incompetence it won't receive the needed help. Many translated example sentences containing "dévouer" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. 2 Tokens: Gain a 3 / 4 / 5 % Haste Status Effect 10 seconds after hooking a Survivor, for a duration of 10 seconds. Pop went from 30s to 60s to 45s. im on layer 7 but yea torgast is a little bit frustrating and every elite is a dps rage before they hit like a truck and cna no longer be taunted/cc. 3 Tokens: Survivors suffer from the Exposed … Plus ses emprunts sont nombreux, plus il est lui-même un homme de génie. Aujourd'hui jeudi 19 novembre 2020, faites vous plaisir grâce à notre sélection Nerf elite demolisher 2 en 1 pas cher ! The behemoth has four main modes of attack: the first is its aura attack, a special ability that deals damage to all players in the room, as well as lowering their combat skills, but which can be blocked with the use of Protect from Magic or Deflect Magic. get them help and support. I can imagine I can solve it just upgrading my gear beyond the (currently average) 181 ilvl I have, y'all forgot Empowered Imperial Consular F---ing SIn bolt spam!Imagine Sin bolt 33k, melee 22k, Sin bolt, Sin bolt, Sin bolt, Melee 27k, Dust can't do anything 5sec Sin bolt, Sin bolt, Sin bolt, all within 15secs "Player dies". Anima Cells dropped by rare creatures within Torghast now always have at least 3 choices to choose from. The aura hits at regular intervals, always dealing the same damage depending on the behemoth's combat level. I say that because some of the covenant abilities just don't make sense at all. what's this? 2 LA RBVDE BELGE . Charlesfire5 - ANCIEN ABONNÉ - 26 Novembre 2019 - 19:07:34. Vendu et expédié par PAK Trade. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":38960,"max_magic":688,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":134,"magic":96,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":99,"attack":99,"version":"138","experience":8401,"acc_ranged":2577,"acc_magic":2577,"acc_melee":2577,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":736,"defence":99,"max_ranged":736,"id":"12899","armour":3031,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. The boss's fifth attack is the standard stomp attack that behemoths use on players who stand under them. Hex: Devour Hope: A Hex rooting its power on hope. When a Survivor is rescued from a Hook at least 24 metres away, Devour Hope receives a Token. Major cooldowns reset at the end of a floor. Jeu D'adresse. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":34785,"max_magic":632,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":130,"magic":93,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":96,"attack":96,"version":"134","experience":7230.6,"acc_ranged":2232,"acc_magic":2232,"acc_melee":2232,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":688,"defence":96,"max_ranged":688,"id":"12898","armour":2829,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Why tho? He was introduced as the Killer of CHAPTER XV: Chains of Hate, a Chapter DLC released on 10 March 2020. -Download CATS for free and get a free gift using this link: http://get.gameinfluencer.com/SHNJ Thank you Zeptolab for sponsoring this video! Attack the boss and activate offensive prayers and potions to help counteract its stat draining effect. Page de Devour Hope. ","aff_ranged":40,"lifepoints":0,"experience":0,"name":"Hope devourer","release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","aggressive":true}, {"ranged":60,"attack":60,"version":"84","experience":538.8,"acc_ranged":150,"acc_magic":150,"acc_melee":150,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":200,"defence":60,"max_ranged":200,"id":"12886","armour":1132,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Also when Ion had his interview he said they will buff struggling classes. However will keep an eye on upcoming changes. get reddit premium. Alternatively, players can opt to exclusively use Soul Split throughout the entire fight, as the boss's special attack does not affect this curse. There is need for difficulty, but moderate, as guardian druid I could solo up to layer 8 boss, but there is no way to kill the thing with 1 million hp and unnatural power making him cc immune after 30 sec of combat, that is not challenging but impossible. The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger. And now it works for Devour Hope. Vous recherchez un site qui vous guide, vous conseille sur votre achat Nerf elite … Répondre. 2 Tokens: Gain a 3 / 4 / 5 % Haste Status Effect 10 seconds after hooking a Survivor, for a duration of 10 seconds. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":19738,"max_magic":450,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":109,"magic":78,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":81,"attack":81,"version":"113","experience":2282.4,"acc_ranged":901,"acc_magic":901,"acc_melee":901,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":475,"defence":81,"max_ranged":475,"id":"12893","armour":1973,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Nerf Test Range 360 Die Nerf Rival Produktlinie wird ausschließlich in bestimmten Ländern vertrieben und ist aufgrund lokaler rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen in Deutschland nicht erhältlich. Freddy gameplay with the following perks: Spies from the shadows Monitor and abuse Nurses calling Devour hope Audio gameplay. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":17623,"max_magic":400,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":105,"magic":75,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, Monster JSON: {"ranged":60,"attack":60,"version":"84","experience":538.8,"acc_ranged":150,"acc_magic":150,"acc_melee":150,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":200,"defence":60,"max_ranged":200,"id":"12886","armour":1132,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. The second attack is an extremely rapid melee attack that can be halved by praying against melee. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":43635,"max_magic":736,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":138,"magic":99,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, {"ranged":102,"attack":102,"version":"142","experience":11604,"acc_ranged":3031,"acc_magic":3031,"acc_melee":3031,"max_spec":0,"aff_ranged":40,"max_melee":792,"defence":102,"max_ranged":792,"id":"12900","armour":3031,"restriction":"dungeoneering","release_date":"2 November 2010","aff_melee":40,"aff_magic":40,"examine":"A dark behemoth that feeds on hope. Always has been. When a Survivor is rescued from a Hook at least 24 metres away, Devour Hope receives a Token. remember me reset password. Go nerf écaflip parce que j'ai -60 res. Pop + Corrupt is … The behemoth has four main modes of attack: the first is its aura attack, a special ability that deals damage to all players in the room, as well as lowering their combat skills, but which can be blocked with the use of Protect from Magic or Deflect Magic. Health and damage of all creatures in Torghast reduced by 6% at Layer 1, increasing to 26% at Layer 8. ","aggressive":true,"release_update_post":"Dungeoneering – The Warped Floors","style":"[[File:Attack-icon.png¦25px¦link=Melee]]","lifepoints":14049,"max_magic":300,"members":"Yes","weakness":"[[File:Zero weakness icon.png¦25px¦link=No weakness]]","level":96,"magic":69,"poisonous":false,"name":"Hope devourer"}, https://runescape.wiki/w/Hope_devourer?oldid=35341595, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function.