The phone number for Denver County District Court - Civil Division is 720-865-8301. Colorado court officials tried to hide misconduct when they gave a multi-million dollar contract to a former Judicial Department employee who threatened to expose it … • COURT … When decisions of the court are appealed, they are appealed to the Tenth Circuit Court … Court: Tenth Circuit › Colorado › US District Court for the District of Colorado Type: Social Security › Social Security - SSID Title XVI Disclaimer: Justia Dockets & Filings provides public litigation records from the federal appellate and district courts. COLORADO STATE GRAND JURY INDICTMENT . District courts handle felony criminal matters, civil claims in any amount, juvenile matters (including adoption, dependency and neglect, juvenile delinquency and paternity actions), probate, mental health, divorce proceedings and water cases. Of the 2019-2020 term of the Denver District Court in the year 2020; the 2019-2020 Colorado State Grand Jurors, chosen, selected and sworn in the name Welcome to the Colorado State Judicial On-line Payment Process. Please navigate to Denver City & County Court to search Denver County court cases. Colorado Court of Appeals hears appeals from district court cases, probate court and juvenile court. Colorado Supreme Court exercises supervisory power over all state courts and has original jurisdiction to render decisions involving all procedures of other courts. Webex Available (Dec. 7, 2020): Webex Instructions September 16, 2020: EOIR to Resume Hearings in Non-Detained Cases at Certain Immigration Courts. DISTRICT COURT, DENVER COUNTY, COLORADO Denver City and County Building 2nd Judicial District 1437 Bannock Street, Room 256 Denver, Colorado 80202 Phone number: (303) 606-2300 COURT USE ONLY WILDEARTH GUARDIANS, Plaintiff, v. GOVERNOR JARED POLIS, in his official capacity, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT; COLORADO It does not contain case documents. If you want to search for a specific detail involving a particular case, the best way to request a search is to contact the very court where the action was filed. Of the 2020-2021 term of the Denver District Court in the year 2021; 2020-2021 Colorado State Grand Jurors, chosen, selected and sworn in the name and by the authority of the People of the State of Colorado, upon their oaths, present the following: COUNT 1: 37284 Wayne Aspinall Courthouse 400 Rood Avenue Grand Junction, CO 81501 Map it. 1, Denver, 413 U.S. 189 (1973), was a United States Supreme Court case that claimed de facto segregation had affected a substantial part of the school system and therefore was a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.The entire district in Denver, Colorado, must be desegregated.In this case, black and Hispanic parents filed suit against all Denver … Denver, CO 80203 . DISTRICT COURT, DENVER, COLORADO 1437 Bannock St. Denver, CO 80202 Plaintiff/ Appellant: SONY A LEYBA, V. Defendants/ Appellees: CAREER SERVICE AUTHORITY BOARD of the CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER; CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, a Colorado Municipal Corporation; and the DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY for the CITY AND COUNTY OF DENYER. Denver County Court. 720-508-6715. There are 164 judges on the Colorado District Courts, each appointed by the governor from a list of names compiled by a nominating commission. Superior Courts. In a felony case, if after a preliminary hearing the County Court judge decides there is sufficient evidence to prove the defendant more likely than not committed the crime, the felony case is “bound over” to Denver District Court. U.S. District Court LaPlata County Courthouse Suite 150, 1060 E. 2nd Avenue Durango, CO 81301 Map it. The United States District Court, District of Colorado, welcomes you to CM/ECF. Attorney General for the State of Colorado, brings this action against Defendant, McKinsey and Company, Inc., United States (“McKinsey” or “Defendant”), for violating the Colorado Consumer Protection Act, Colo. Rev. The United States District Court for the District of Colorado (in case citations, D. Colo. or D. Col.) is a federal court in the Tenth Circuit (except for patent claims and claims against the U.S. government under the Tucker Act, which are appealed to the Federal Circuit). District Court, City and County of Denver, Colorado City and County Building, Room 424 1437 Bannock Street Denver, CO 80202 Plaintiff: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO Defendanta: ESTEVAN BARRIENTOS SARAH MARIE LORE SHERRY BETH SWAIN MARTYNAS CALKA BRIAN HERNANDEZ D OTA MAURICE HOFFMAN MISHA NICHOLAS … Stat. Generally speaking, the level of court you litigate the lawsuit in is determined by the amount of money at issue in the case. The United States District Court District of Colorado. DISTRICT COURT, CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, COLORADO 1437 Bannock Street County Court is where all misdemeanor criminal cases begin and end, and where most felony criminal cases begin. General Structure of Colorado and Denver Civil Courts. DISTRICT COURT, DENVER COUNTY COLORADO 1437 Bannock Street Denver, CO 80202 (303) 606-2300 COURT USE ONLY Case Number: Plaintiffs: CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY, COLORADO LATINO FORUM, and SIERRA CLUB v. Defendant COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT, AIR POLLUTION CONTROL … Should an immediate release be needed you will need to go to the court and make your payment in cash. Trial courts District courts See also: Colorado District Courts The district courts are the trial courts with general jurisdiction. Court Announcements. : GJ Case No. Colorado district courts are the state trial courts of general jurisdiction in the U.S. state of Colorado.. Denver County court records are not included. They have original jurisdiction in civil cases with any amount in controversy; felony criminal cases, domestic relations, family law, and cases involving minors cases (including adoption, dependency, juvenile delinquency, and paternity actions), probate, and mental … Users may contact the Court's ECF Help Desk, toll free, at 1-866-365-6381 or 303-335-2050. Ctrm: 259 . The court address is 1437 Bannock Street, Room 256, Denver, CO 80202.