21 - Doll Demon's Soul. Demon's Souls. Colorless Demon's Souls can be traded with Blacksmith Ed to obtain an upgrade. I never bought it and I still have all the souls + 3 coloursless demon soul. A Complete Demon's Souls Trophy Guide and Road Map. Old Hero can be encountered in the second zone of the Shrine of Storms Archstone (4-2). My game is glitched or something? Boss: Old Hero, use Thief's Ring and Poison Cloud, also Soul Ray to speed things up. List of Weapons. Certain demon souls transmute into magic, miracles, or weapons. Use Hero's Demon Soul for Second Chance at St. Urbain. 22 - Mixed Demon's Soul. Mini-Boss: Primeval Demon, then reload the area for almost Pure White. 29 - Dragon Demon's Soul. The ones listed below in green with a bold N/A for trading can be consumed. DO NOT CONSUME THE DEMON'S SOULS UNLESS THEY HAVE NO OTHER USE! Read on to learn strategies, drops, and stats about the Abjudicator. How to unlock all trophies in Demon's Souls Remake 2020 on PlayStation 5. This is the page for the Meat Cleaver weapon in the Demon's Souls Remake for PS5. I think there are only two or three souls used for weapons and spells, the swollen demons soul and pureblood are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. Old Hero Boss Soul Without eyes or lips and brought to life by the Old One, this hero of legend equips a huge curved sword made out of crystals. This is a guide on how you can beat the Abjudicator boss in the Demon's Souls Remake for the Playstation 5. Reply. 27 - Hard Demon's Soul. Demon's Souls refer to the souls of named bosses that you receive when they are defeated. They are able to be traded or used elsewhere for a much better benefit than just increasing your Soul count. Use Swollen Demon Soul for Regeneration at St. Urbain. Demon's Souls PS5 Guide & Walkthrough Wiki ... Swollen Demon's Soul( / ) 1130: Demon's Souls Related Links. The PS5 remake of Demon's Souls is about as much of a faithful recreation of a game as you could hope for. While that means we can experience all the great memories of the older title with a fresh coat of, admittedly extremely gorgeous, paint, we will hit those same frustrations as … 28 - Red Hot Demon's Soul. Regeneration with Swollen Demon’s Soul (Adjudicator) Resurrection with Pureblood Demon’s Soul (Maiden Astraea) Second Chance with Hero Demon’s Soul (Old Hero) ... Sage Freke is not listing the spell. What are Demon's Souls? Upon its death, you will receive the Swollen Demon’s Soul exchangeable with the Regeneration miracle or consumable for 13200 souls. Hero Demon's Soul is a boss soul dropped by the Old Hero. 24 - Wriggling Demon's Soul. Objective: Return to 4-2 with Pure White WT and get Magic Sword "Makoto" 3-2 Demon's Souls PS5 Guide & Walkthrough Wiki Read on for this weapon's stats, upgrade information, and where to get it! 19 - Hero Demon's Soul. Unlike other Demon's Soul upgrades, where the weapon must usually be at least +7, these weapons can only be upgraded with Colorless Demon's Souls. 20 - Storm Demon's Soul. When you defeat each boss, it would be in your best interest to not consume its soul if it is your first time playing through the game. 25 - Eroded Demon's Soul. 26 - Pureblood Demon's Soul. 18 - Swollen Demon's Soul. 23 - Yellow Demon's Soul. There are some that are used for multiple spells/miracles, such as the Dragon God's soul is used for Firestorm and Fireball spells and the Wrath of God miracle.