h�bbbf`b``Ń3� ���ţ�1�x4>F�c0a� {CW Delta Dental. Delta Dental pone a tu alcance el cuidado dental que deseas con programas innovadores y costos que se ajustan a tus necesidades. Enroll. DeltaVision Provider Search. Box 919 Ankeny, IA 50021 800-544-0718 www.deltadentalia.com Payer #CDIA1 Delta Dental of Kansas 1619 N. Waterfront Parkway P.O. The information provided on this site is for general education purposes only and is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or a substitute for professional medical or dental advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 0000003470 00000 n Delta Dental of Idaho is the leading dental benefits carrier in the state, providing quality, affordable dental benefit plans for both companies and individuals. Sign up for direct deposit (use the “EFT and ERA” tool). Electronic Claims Payor ID: WDENC . Delta Dental is America's largest and most trusted dental benefits carrier. Electronic Claims Payor ID: 05030 Individual Dental Policyholder Claims Attn: DDIL – Individual Claims P.O. Find a Dentist Giving Back Our Foundation promotes dental health, advances dentistry, helps Iowans access dental health care, and more to keep Iowans smiling. Find a dental plan Delta Dental reimburses out-of-country claims based on the 90th percentile of Manhattan, New York fees. Electronic Claims Payor ID: 05030. Electronic Attachment Dental Payer List March 2010 Payer Name NEA Payer IDPayer Name NEA Administrative Services Only, Inc 089002 BCBS of Texas 034004 AETNA 037001 BCBS of Wisconsin 026022 Aetna DMO 037018 Payer #DDPIN Delta Dental of Iowa P.O. Delta Delta Dental Of Michigan Payer Id.. Dental . Payer Name Payer ID 07000 DELTA DENTAL INSURANCE OF MN CDMN1 DELTA DENTAL INSURANCE OF NE 07027 FLEX COMPENSATION R7004 MEDICA OF MINNESOTA CX026 WILSON -MCSHANE R7002 ZENITH ADMINISTRATORS TLY21 . Delta Dental network dentists will handle all claims and paperwork for you. DENTAL PAYER LIST Commercial Advantage by Peach State Health Plan Medicare Advantica AETNA ... BCI SNP ID- Medicare Benefits Inc. (Alan Sturm) Blue Advantage Blue Cross Complete – Michigan ... Delta Dental Ins Co - Texas Delta Dental Ins Co - Utah Delta Dental of Alabama Delta Dental of Alaska We are a not-for-profit organization seeking to improve the dental health of all It is important to bring your ID card to your dental visits. 0000005104 00000 n TriWest Healthcare Alliance Community Care Network (CCN) 2 6.10.2020 Behavioral Health Phone: 877-226-8749 (877-CCN-TRIW), follow BH prompts Fax: 866-284-3736 Email: BHHelp@TriWest.com Dental Delta Dental PAYER ID PAYER NAME ENROLLMENT REQUIRED 10896 1199 National Benefit Fund 10001 AARP 10916 ACS Benefit Services, Inc. ... Texas 13461 Delta Dental Insurance Company – Utah 13462 Delta Dental of California 13463 Delta Dental of Colorado 13509 Delta Dental of Connecticut 0000010004 00000 n Payer #NIS01 DELTA DENTAL OF IDAHO P.O. The information provided on this site is for general education purposes only and is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment, or a substitute for professional medical or dental advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Claims Appeals Mailing Address. Please continue to use the Payer ID 05030 for any DeltaCare DHMO specialty claims you submit on behalf of your specialists. 800-356-7586 Payer #04614. 93524 Advantage Dental Plan - Roseburg, OR No 52133 Advantage Health Solutions (Salt Lake City, UT) No CPPSA Advantage by Superior (PO Box 537030, Sacramento, CA Yes Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. Delta Dental is comprised of a national network of 39 independent Delta Dental companies that offer dental benefits in all 50 states and other U.S. territories. 0000023896 00000 n Payer ID: DCILD *Please note: ECS is available for utilization/encounter submissions by general dentists for Illinois DeltaCare members who appear on your DeltaCare monthly rosters. We’ll help you simplify your administrative processes with Provider Tools demonstrations and other new ideas for increasing efficiency. We serve insurance companies, dental plans, self-insured employers, and third-party administrators by enhancing dental claims and billing processes … Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Hours and Information Link to information about EDI system maintenance schedules and downloadable, printable guides that provide details on specific EDI real-time transactions. Keep your oral health in … When submitting an electronic claim to Delta Dental, please use the following payer ID number: 91062. Delta Dental's helpful mobile app allows subscribers to search for dentists, plus access claims, coverage, and ID cards - and much more (right on their mobile device). Crescent Dental - Meritain Health 00986 Delta Dental Plan of Texas (DDIC) 01036 Crowe Paradis Service Corp. 20572 Delta Dental Plan of Utah (DDIC) 01037 Custom Benefit Administrators 39170 Delta Dental Plan of Vermont (Northeast) 02027 0000003584 00000 n Box 5402 Lisle, IL 60532 800-323-1743 deltadentalil.com Payer #47598 DELTA DENTAL OF INDIANA P.O. All We Do Is Dental For more than 20 years, we have been dedicated to delivering on our mission of improving the quality, cost effectiveness and accessibility of dental care for our customers. Consider asking other dentists for their recommendations. 0000007321 00000 n Eclaims.com provides a searchable payer id code list, spanning all states for BCBS, MDCR and MDCD. What is the turnaround time for claims processing? Delta Dental has the largest network of dentists nationwide. Delta Dental has the largest network of dentists in Iowa and nationwide — just one of many reasons to choose Delta Dental of Iowa. This website is the home of Delta Dental of California; Delta Dental Insurance Company; Delta Dental of Pennsylvania; Delta Dental of New York, Inc.; Delta Dental of the District of Columbia; Delta Dental of Delaware, Inc.; Delta Dental of West Virginia, Inc. and their affiliated companies. When a different address is used, your clearinghouse may not recognize it as a valid address for … Box 43026 Phoenix, AZ 85080 800-352-6132 www.deltadentalaz.com Payer #86027 Delta Dental of Arkansas P.O. Does this include DeltaCare USA utilization/encounter submissions? 0000024251 00000 n Delta Dental of Tennessee is a part of Delta Dental Plans Association. Payer Type Enroll PR/USA AultCare Dental (Oh) AULTC USA Automotive Machinists Local 289 Health & Welfare Trust Grp#F32 TEMU1 USA Avesta Group Insurance TLU34 USA BAC TLU35 USA BCI Administrators, Inc. USA Stay informed by attending a free, live Box 5402 Lisle, IL 60532 800-323-1743 deltadentalil.com Payer #47598 Ask for a new ID card — You can always request another copy of your ID card by contacting our customer service team. We cover more Americans than any other dental benefits provider - and strive to make dental coverage more accessible and affordable to a wide variety of employers, groups and individuals. 3M’s dental plan is a “silent” Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), which provides discounts for services. Contact us by phone or mail, or fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to you! Call 1-844-791-5988: If you are inquiring about Delta Dental of Minnesota members whose ID begins with a 9 and who has an Individual and Family Plan. Delta Dental Customer Service: Phone: 844-825-8111 Delta Office Toolkit (DOT): https://ddfgptoolkits.com Claims Mail to: Delta Dental of California VA Community Care Network (CCN) PO Box 537007 Sacramento, CA 95853-7007 Electronic Payer ID: CDCA1. Box 2870 Boise, ID 83701 800-356-7586 deltadentalid.com Payer #82029 DELTA DENTAL OF ILLINOIS P.O. We even have a built-in toothbrush timer to help them keep up 0000022492 00000 n Electronic Attachment Payer List (April 2008) Payer Name NEA Payer ID Payer Name NEA Payer ID AETNA 037001 CustomCare (Southwestern Bell - Exec) 037009 AETNA Life and Casualty 037004 Delta Dental CA - Tricare Delta Dental of Michigan Payer #26004 or 07000. <<163E59ED8694F745A7AF4664A64C9E95>]/Prev 177729/XRefStm 1159>> Search by carrier or state in one easy step to locate the correct payer id … 0000002312 00000 n Tu estilo de vida tiene un impacto profundo en tu salud y cuánto tiempo vives. No, this would only apply to your DeltaCare DHMO patients listed on your Delta Dental of Illinois monthly roster. Currently, Delta Dental processes all claims in less than three (3) business days on average from the date the claim is received. Delta Dental uses this information to ensure the claim is processed under the correct member. Delta Dental of Illinois Attn: DDIL-Group Claims P.O.Box 5402 Lisle, IL 60532. Box 5402 Lisle, IL 60532 Electronic Claims Payor ID: IDIND After your claim is received, Delta Dental of Illinois will review Password? Enroll in an individual plan. 665 0 obj <> endobj Dales una vida llena de sonrisas con Delta Dental Protege lo más querido Planes individuales para toda la familia CONOCE MÁS AQUÍ ¡Sonríe! If you have questions regarding errors or to request an “Electronic Claims Submission” guide, contact Delta Dental’s Customer Service Center. 94276 Delta Dental of Texas(Irving TX) 94276 Delta Dental of Utah (Irving TX) 02027 Delta Dental of Vermont (Northeast) ... Payer ID Payer Name 47009 Health Plan Services (Lincoln, NE) 22099 Horizon (Blue Cross of New Jersey) (Indianapolis, IN) 22099 Horizon BCBS NJ ( Po box 1311, MPLS) Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. Get started by calling your practice management software vendor’s support center for details about how to submit claims and attachments, check benefits and eligibility, and accomplish other activities electronically. We serve insurance companies, dental plans, self-insured employers, and third-party administrators by enhancing dental claims and billing processes … Explore our dental plans. 0000028547 00000 n (DDIC) – Boise, ID 83701. We cover more Americans than any other dental benefits provider - and strive to make dental coverage more accessible and affordable to a wide variety of employers, groups and individuals. Payer Claims List Payer ID Payer Name Req. 694 0 obj <>stream It is recommended that members see dentists in the United States if possible, to receive the full benefits of their dental plan. ���w �0$< Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. Delta Dental Foundation opens $500,000 COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund to address needs of dental clinics and nonprofits in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. webinar. Transmit free real-time, pre-populated claims with digital attachments and pre-treatment estimates. Looking for an individual or family dental plan? Search by carrier or state in one easy step to locate the correct payer id code, neccessary to route EDI transactions to the correct payer. endstream endobj 666 0 obj <>/Metadata 11 0 R/Pages 10 0 R/StructTreeRoot 13 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 667 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 668 0 obj <> endobj 669 0 obj <> endobj 670 0 obj <> endobj 671 0 obj <> endobj 672 0 obj <> endobj 673 0 obj <>stream If the insurance company you work with isn’t on the list or if they are on the list, ... Delta Dental of Massachusetts: 0000004553 00000 n Vyne Dental’s ® unified end-to-end electronic platform promotes efficient transactions between payers and providers. We usually process claims within two weeks unless additional information is required from you or the dentist. Delta Dental of New Mexico offers individual dental plans for your individual needs. COVID-19 Announcement. To order a new ID card, call Delta Dental's Customer Service at (651) 994-5436 or (800) 465-8953 (toll-free). View our cost-effective choices for individual dental insurance and get an instant online quote. 0000023599 00000 n h�b```b``y���� ��A��X��,��800���3�,��0ѯ�f� � `H@ Box 9085 Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9085 800-524-0149 deltadentalin.com Payer #DDPIN DELTA DENTAL OF IOWA Compare the more important features offered: How will the vendor help you if you have a question? 0000009017 00000 n 0000004469 00000 n Forgot 665 30 If you visit a non-Delta Dental dentist, you might need to file the claim yourself. Payer #CDOR1 Delta Dental of Arizona P.O. Box 789769 Wichita, KS 67278-9769 800-234 See processed claims in minutes (when clinical review isn’t necessary), including Delta Dental’s payment and the patient’s payment portion (maximums and deductibles are updated in real-time, too). About 3M's Dental Plan Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. We believe everyone deserves a healthy smile. Address for all claims (paper and electronic) for Delta Dental of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and North Carolina: Delta Dental PO Box 9085 Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9085. ��p.�x�ش`0>' #�&�}�_{�1��. Dental Payers Last updated on 06.19.2010 www.Availity.com 1 Payer Name Payer ID 0000000914 00000 n Delta Dental of New Jersey is a part of Delta Dental Plans Association. trailer 0000001159 00000 n Compare pricing and features to find the best fit for your office. More than 3,400 dentists are submitting their claims electronically to Delta Dental. Januar PAYER ID PAYER NAME ENROLLMENT REQUIRED 13199 AFLAC – Medicare Supplemental 13529 AGIA, Inc. 13197 Alan Sturm and Associates - Dental 13198 All Savers Life Insurance 10965 Allegiance Delta Dental Of Michigan Payer Id.Delta Dental Insurance Company. 0000001502 00000 n Delta Dental has the largest network of dentists in Iowa and nationwide — just one of many reasons to choose Delta Dental of Iowa. 0000010932 00000 n Payer PayerID 1199 National Benefit Fund of NY (PO Box 1149) 13551 1199 S.E.I.U. 0000013817 00000 n Box 2870, Boise, ID 83701. Provider Tools also gives you a list of your Delta Dental patients, claim status, treatment history and a reference library. 0 Payer 276 List Payer ID Payer Name CDIA1 Delta Dental of Iowa (Ankeny, IA) CDKS1 Delta Dental of Kansas(Whichita, KS) 94276 Delta Dental of Louisiana(Irving, TX) 02027 Delta Dental of Maine (Northeast) 23166 Delta Dental of Do the reports provide the level of detail you need to run your business effectively? Delta Dental now receives more than 72 percent of our claims electronically. We have discount and fully insured plans to fit your needs. Payer ID Payer Name Enrollment 10001 AARP 10916 ACS Benefit Services, Inc. 10923 Administrative Services, Inc. ... 13460 Delta Dental Insurance Company – Texas 13461 Delta Dental Insurance Company – Utah 13462 Delta Dental of California 13463 Delta Dental of Colorado. Additionally, the specialty claim payer name and ID for DeltaCare has not changed. This site is the home of Delta Dental of California, Delta Dental of New York, Inc., Delta Dental Insurance Company, Delta Dental of Pennsylvania, Delta Dental of the District of Columbia, Delta Dental of Delaware, Inc., Delta Dental of West Virginia, Inc. and their affiliated companies. We also pride ourselves in providing outstanding service and support to our participating network dentists. DeltaCare USA has a different payer name and ID for ECS. Request a Payor. You can search by payor ID or Payor Name for payers that accept electronic claims and attachments, or that provide electronic insurance eligibility verification. © Delta Dental. EDI system maintenance schedules and downloadable, printable guides that provide details on specific EDI real-time transactions. Information provided on this site is for general education purposes only and is not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or a substitute for professional medical or dental advice, diagnosis or treatment. %PDF-1.4 %���� List Payer ID Payer Name Type 02027 Delta Dental of Maine (Northeast) Benefit 23166 Delta Dental of Maryland(Mechanicsburg, PA) Benefit 04614 Delta Dental of Massachusetts (Boston, MA, Milwaukee, Benefit CDMI0 A message to the members of the Delta Dental Community: The overall health of our Delta Dental employees, members, dentists, clients and brokers is our top priority. Delta Dental Attn: Claims Processing PO Box 9120 Farmington Hills, MI 48333 Electronic Payer ID: 07000 Need More Help? BCBS of Texas 034004 Delta Dental Plan of Tennessee 003001 ... Payer ID Pennsylvania Blue Shield Dental Plus 022015 The Dental Companies (TDC, Inc.) 008005 Phoenix American 054004 The Dental Concern (TDC, Ltd.) 008006 Phoenix Home Life 054003 Three Rivers Health Plans 041001 Use Provider Tools to simplify your office administration. 0000017526 00000 n xref View (or download and print) benefits details, per procedure, per network. 0000005750 00000 n No employer needed. Mail: You can mail paper claims to: Delta Dental of Idaho, P.O. For Delta Dental PPO, DPO and Delta Dental Premier claims. If you conduct electronic transactions, you’ll need the Payer ID of the insurance carrier. Appointment tracking, recall and billing features. Eclaims.com provides a searchable payer id code list, spanning all states for BCBS, MDCR and MDCD. (ex.907000000) Dental … Do these features support all your business needs? Username or Provider Disputes Mail to: Delta Dental of California General customer service Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m 800-524 If your spouse or child is on your dental plan, they will have the same member ID number as you. Payer #99010 Idaho Delta Dental of Idaho P.O. 0000001355 00000 n Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. Box 5402 Lisle, IL 60532 800-323-1743 deltadentalil.com Payer #05030 Delta Dental of Minnesota is the claims administrator for 3M’s dental plan and provides access to the Delta Dental PPO (formerly DeltaPreferred Option) and Delta Dental Premier (formerly DeltaPremier) network of dentists. 0000011932 00000 n Delta Dental is America's largest and most trusted dental benefits carrier. Which member company is yours depends on how your dental plan was purchased. Payer Elig. endstream endobj 693 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[13 652]/Length 45/Size 665/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Delta Dental of Idaho P.O. EDI system maintenance schedules and downloadable, printable guides, Your Tax Identification Number (TIN, EIN or SSN), Medicare Fraud Waste and Abuse Attestation, Communicate With Your Patients Who Speak Another Language, Register your National Provider Identifier (NPI), English to Spanish phrase guide for dentists, Continuous Orthodontic Coverage Form for DeltaCare USA. A Message About Delta Dental of South Carolina’s Coronavirus Preparedness. Find a Vision Provider. Delta Dental -the largest dental network in the US. For other Delta Dental Plans Association member companies, visit the Delta Dental Plans Association website. Delta Dental of Washington is a part of Delta Dental Plans Association. Keep your oral health in … Payer #NIS01 DELTA DENTAL OF IDAHO P.O. Link to information about startxref Delta Dental of Washington offers private dental insurance plans to meet the needs of individuals, families, and employers. If you conduct electronic transactions, you’ll need the 5.2017 Visit the enrollment site today to learn more and enroll. 0000012900 00000 n Dental plans provided by Oregon Dental Service (ODS), dba Delta Dental Plan of Oregon and Delta Dental of Alaska. Cada sonrisa cuenta una historia, protégela. Read about our efforts to continue serving our customers. �B65�;8>�������P�eCO�����d�f0Oa��p�!�ay�� �W1�sX��l�����T�H�30�D�m�a`� Box 2870 Boise, ID 83701 800-356-7586 deltadentalid.com Payer #82029 Illinois Delta Dental of Illinois P.O. Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage … Connect with your Delta Dental to learn more. Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. Get started by contacting different vendors and ask for product information and pricing. 0000003976 00000 n Delta Dental Foundation opens $500,000 COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund to address needs of dental clinics and nonprofits in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. Check eligibility, benefits and claims status. 0000002923 00000 n 0000007209 00000 n %%EOF Vyne Dental’s ® unified end-to-end electronic platform promotes efficient transactions between payers and providers. Use your practice management software to do more, including to communicate with insurance carriers electronically. Delta Dental works to ensure you receive the best possible service. Delta Dental of Alaska is a part of Delta Dental Plans Association. Keep in mind that Delta Dental ID cards only show the policyholder’s name, as it is their benefit plan. H�\��n�@���C�c�H(R��R�V�� �d�6��C�~��Zi�`>4��<2�f�݅~r�GڽM�؇.�e�����N}����v�|������o��λp��v�ϴy���ݭ��`�Y�;�}8��ߛ�����q�kg�+�j�:;�D?��9��簇]������b���u͕���2���elZ�M8YV�Z��5]��B�߾/v8����%>.��$^��� y~!�$���Ӓ�$��G�#ؓ=X�V��+r~"?���%�>>�������ߒ�`z�����(�Q�,p:���g���Y�,p:���g���Y�,pV��⬔���������yy�=*zT���Q٣�Ge��+毐�b� Secure Fax: 916-851-1559 . Find a Dentist Giving Back Our Foundation promotes dental health, advances dentistry, helps Iowans access dental health care, and more to keep Iowans smiling. 0000001943 00000 n During the current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, please be assured that Delta Dental of South Carolina is continuing to deliver uninterrupted service to our members, clients, network dentists and producers. Box 2870 Boise, ID 83701 800-356-7586 deltadentalid.com Payer #82029 Delta Dental of Illinois P.O. Payer ID of the insurance carrier. 0000014765 00000 n Review our dental and vision insurance plans and find a provider near you. Through our national network of Delta Dental companies, we offer dental coverage in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. En Delta Dental te damos seguridad CONOCE TU PLAN AQUÍ Conéctate Eligibilidad, beneficios, reclamaciones Disponible desde nuestro portal CONÉCTATE AQUÍ hoy mismo ¡Buscanos en Facebook! 0000000016 00000 n Delta Dental of Illinois Attn: DDIL-Individual Claims P.O.Box 103 Stevens Point, WI 54481 . Caring for our employees, customers, and providers during the COVID-19 outbreak. Frequently Asked Questions Box 2870 Boise, ID 83701 800-356-7586 deltadentalid.com Payer #82029 DELTA DENTAL OF ILLINOIS P.O. Delta Dental of California and Affiliates is a part of Delta Dental Plans Association. Start by registering for an Online Services account and logging in to use Provider Tools.