I really want to know what people think of the options/campuses that I'm offered. I should mention that I moved to OC to specifically attend this CC from the valley; after three years spent here, I feel like a change of scenery would be good for me. I am also in the process of putting my paper application together, and will mail it out by the end of this week! Ay, sometimes I wish I would have taken the acceptance. I was considering sending my app in earlier, but I wanted to go to that first as advised. Trying to see if anyone out there went to any info sessions at CSULB or knows more about the program than what's up on their website? I have to choose between them now. Initially, I planned to go to CSULB because I pretty much applied to SDSU for shits & giggles since I didn't believe I could get in (3.3 GPA & no campus involvement). sdsu vs csulb. Good luck to you! I like that CSULB let's you sort of test the waters the first year before committing to a specialization the second. California State University Long Beach . mbb- csulb vs sdsu Men's Head Coach Dan Monson in the season opener against San Diego State at the Walter Pyramid, Long Beach Calif., Saturday … I submitted my CSU Mentor application on 10/13/2014, and I got my campus ID information on 10/15/2014, so it shouldn't take too long until you get it! The CSULB info meeting gave a general overview of their program.  The director, Dr. Meyer-Adams, presented the program pretty well.  She mentioned some highlights and strengths of the CSULB program without being arrogant.  I liked that she was respectful of other MSW programs. CSULB vs SJSU. Thank you in advance. Plus SDSU makes you take a comprehensive exam to even go on to the 2nd year, you fail, you re-apply for the following year. I'd love to hear feedback if anyone has done the fashion design program at CSULB and what their experience was. Five strategies to … I'd like to know who have the best Computer Science program between those 2 schools. Now that I did get accepted, I think it'd be really fun and nice to be in a new area. That's another reason I love LB MSW program. CSULB Departments Directory. I also looked at the stats for how many from each school go on to take the lcsw exam and actually pass. I agree with you.  When I researched schools, I also sensed SDSU is very selective in "weeding people out" and assumed their rigorous requirements probably meant their program is robust and competitive.  Good Luck everyone.. verycrazymom 38 replies 8 threads Junior Member. That guy was so nice, basically held my hand and helped me through everything when I was checking out the school. I applied last year for Fall 2014 for MSW program at CSULB and got rejected   I am a third year, business (marketing) major at a community college in Orange County and applied to four schools: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CSU Fullerton, CSU Long Beach, and San Diego State Uni. Then tack on traffic and competition with others MSW programs you're competing with say  a minimum 500+ people (assuming there's around 100 for each MSW program) versus SDSU, tuition is low and you're only competing with your fellow classmates.Â, I agree, being local is a definite bonus when it comes to getting a job right out of grad school, but in terms of being close yet far with SDSU, it might be appreciated to have someone come aboard that isn't from the immediate area but familiar with the areas needs and clientele and still close enough to do in person interviews like you mentioned as they'll already see the interest in being in the L.A. area just from applying.Â. Anyone else applying/already applied to CSULB's program? Add to Lightbox Download I did take into high consideration the fact that there's a high concentration of MSW programs around L.A., whereas San Diego only has SDSU and USC's San Diego Academic Center for Social Work (which is more focused on military social work in SD). Not everyone would find this credible or worthwhile, but maybe you might be curious: http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/search.jsp?queryBy=schoolId&schoolName=San+Diego+State+University&sid=877&queryoption=TEACHER&dept=Social+Work#, http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/search.jsp?queryBy=schoolId&schoolName=California+State+University+Long+Beach&sid=162&queryoption=TEACHER&dept=Social+Work, http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/search.jsp?queryBy=schoolId&schoolName=California+State+University+Los+Angeles&sid=157&queryoption=TEACHER&dept=Social+Work, I did not think to look at ratemyprofessor, even though I looked at it pretty regularly for undergrad. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. It's only a matter of time. Another option is the graphic design program at SDSU. Blog. Technology Help Desk. try asking this question instead, what is it that you want out of the course that you are looking to take up. California State University Long Beach . I'm specifically interested in their PPS credential. I've gotten my acceptance letter to Fullerton, Long Beach & SDSU-- still waiting on Cal Poly SLO, but I don't think SLO is any better than the other schools I applied to. I have been doing research and to be honest I can not conclude which is a better school in general or which has a better music department. SDSU vs CSULB - Computer Science Program? My experience is with children, so it would be pretty stellar if I could get the credential, but if they wind up placing me elsewhere for my concentration, I wouldn't mind either! Wireless Printing. I passed, though, because of the lack of funding for MA programs at state schools and applied to PhD programs instead. I had completed my undergrad there and logged in one day to MyCSULB and there was a link to register for postbacc classes. 7 benefits of working from home; Jan. 26, 2021. Ultimately I do want to wind up in L.A. as I think there are more opportunities there in terms of job stability and advancement, however coming from San Diego, I won't have the same connections that those interning through L.A. programs will have. My impression is all three programs are good...which probably explains why you applied to them in the first place.Â. Also related, who is going to the informational meeting at the end of the month? Decisions, decisions. Good luck! Very sorry, Saidy. Any advice where should I go? Cheers! I didnt apply too much longer after that and still have not heard back :/ what year program did you apply to? Thanks! It might just be a busy time for applications though. CSULB housing has a week … CSULB Research Guides. Thanks daisydukes. A girl I'm dating is in the U$C MSW program, and I'm nervous for her because of her loans once she graduates.  My opinion is just because she and her classmates attend a "famous" school like USC, it doesn't necessarily guarantee anything, let alone a good after she/they graduate. It seems like you are very determined and doing it for the right reasons. I was accepted here back in 2013! Kokeile sen sijaan kysyä tätä kysymystä, mistä haluat päästä kurssilta. Exhibition battle at The Breakdown 3 April 17th, 2016 Beach Street(CSULB)Long Beach, CA vs Stateside Breaks(SDSU)San Diego, CA. I wish I could attend the informational meetings. Anyways, what would you rank my choices for my major &/or just for the campus/area/atmosphere itself? This site is a great sounding board when it comes to putting things in perspective. SD is such a beautiful area and close to the beach and places like Gaslamp. Plus SDSU makes you take a comprehensive exam to even go on to the 2nd year, you fail, you re-apply for the following year. Anyone else interested in that specialization? Who knows, I may like working with a completely different population. Although, CSUF + CSULB are still a change from where I am now. Hey SocialWaiter, thanks for the info. CSULB students enjoy a pizza in the season opener against San Diego State at the Walter Pyramid, Long Beach Calif., Saturday Nov. 13, 2010. My first choice would be integrated health and the PPS credential would be my second since I would love working with children in a school environment. February 2019 edited February 2019 in College Search ... SJSU, and SFSU. San Jose State University is ideally suited for engineering disciplines because of the multiple benefits associated with the school being situated in the middle of Silicon Valley. It seems SDSU and CSULA both have a high number of reviews from former/current students unlike CSULB. Why educators should appear on-screen for instructional videos; Feb. 3, 2021. I'm really interested in the school, especially since they redesigned the program but don't know if it's better than SDSU or CSULA. I am looking to major in education or political science with the goal attaining my masters than teaching internationally and eventually (hopefully) working in an international non-profit (such as CARE) that works to provide education or works on women's … Yritä selvittää, mitkä professorit ovat yksittäisissä korkeakouluissa, ja päättää sitten mihin haluat mennä. or letter in the mail? Gosh, what I wouldn't give to have stayed in California, especially with the beach just minutes away.Â. Something mentioned in the CSULB meeting is all the nearby MSW programs share many of the same agencies. Thanks again and congratulations on your acceptances!Â.   Proovige selle asemel esitada see küsimus. I have turned in my CSU Mentor application and am in the middle of getting my application packet sorted.  Does anyone know when I would be updated with the campus ID or how they will go about that? By Anyhow, it seems like you're weighing everything and taking everything into consideration...so you'll be fine with whatever you decide. If you are looking for an answer in terms of Rent, Fess and Infrastructure, you are looking at it from the wrong perspective. Some people care about rankings, and supposedly SDSU is ranked higher.  Many people view San Diego as a desirable and attractive location...the beaches are beautiful...there's less traffic, etc.. Plus, it genuinely seems like a strong program.  This may not matter, but they require the GRE while CSULA and CSULB do not. Thanks all for any help. Good luck to you! оның орнына осы сұрақты қойып көріңіз, сіз нені қалап отырғыңыз келеді? Feb. 10, 2021. It's easy! Initially, I planned to go to CSULB because I pretty much applied to SDSU for shits & giggles since I didn't believe I could get in (3.3 GPA & no campus involvement). Also they have D1 Sports. They're all good accredited programs, each with their own niche in producing quality social workers, so it does often come down to location, area of focus and post-grad job prospects. sdsu vs csulb. I finished the school and department applications the second week of november and heard back from the school a couple days later with a campus id. January 11, 2015 in Social Workers Forum. Hi! CSULB vs. UCSD at the George Allen Field on LB State campus. Though CSULB has about a 19% acceptance rate (over 1100 apply) vs. SDSU which has about 23% (over 400 apply) per petersons. CSULB Career Development Center. Anyway, good luck to both of you!Â, Anyone willing to ask the department how many seats are left? Going to either CSULB or CSULA will keep tuition costs low, but the cost of living is high, even in comparison to San Diego. All very good info! Thanks again. Also, if it's possible to commute from SD because I am reluctant to move to Long Beach. Hi guys. Vastaus 1: Jos etsit vastausta vuokran, asunnon ja infrastruktuurin suhteen, tarkastelet sitä vääristä näkökulmista. http://www.reddit.com/r/socialwork/comments/2szq2d/msw_postgraduation_advice. You mentioned acceptance rates.  I respect schools that keep their cohorts reasonably sized so class size is manageable and students can foster a personal relationship with professors. CSULB Clubs & Organizations Directory. Mis on see, mida soovite kursusest välja viia, mille poole soovite? I just turned in my application, though since I haven't had the greatest luck before with this program, I am not holding my breath. Though it would be a dream if i could get in. Maybe visiting the campuses and the respective city/area can give you a better sense/feel of which school is right for you.  Cheers! Then again, San Diego is only 2 hours away so who knows what connections professors and field sites have in L.A. You are right...this site is a great sounding board.  Someone else wrote (paraphrasing) that it doesn't matter where exactly one goes, as long as its a credited school.  In general, it makes sense and is probably true that some jobs only care about a graduate from a legitimate MSW program.  But realistically, where one goes to school has pragmatic significance.  I could be wrong, but I think for initial jobs for new graduates, being local is advantageous.  Like you said, forming connections with local agencies/non-profits/charities, networking, etc... all helps.  If for example someone graduated from a "far-away" school, if s/he is applying to jobs, how practical would it be to go for an interview?  Sure, phone and web-cam/Skype interviews may be possible, but local applicants may have an advantage to in-person interviews.  This is based on what I read from   http://www.reddit.com/r/socialwork/comments/2szq2d/msw_postgraduation_advice, Attending a school outside LA (like SDSU) doesn't exclude or prevent you from getting a job in LA, but I can see how some benefit from attending a nearby MSW program.  Someone else wrote that HR managers and agencies probably form positive impressions if they have previous hires who attended the same school.Â, Someone else posted on this forum that it's not just the school that matters, but the person...what you make out of it and how much work you put into it helps determine your future success.Â. Show Navigation MBB- CSULB vs SDSU Just a heads up, I'm not sure how the departments are different, but when I applied for my MA I never really received any sort of official notification of admittance. I then got a job as a Child & Family Specialist in SPA 6 and with the experience i've gotten from there I wa, Hi everyone,.. :/, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Although CSULB is considered a commuter school there are plenty of students at the dorm that prefer to stay over the weekends. sdsu vs csulb. I'm currently a freshman living on the dorms but I go home over the weekends.