I'm currently a Year 4 student and I am at the quest where you need to convince .. Attend the election in the Library. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Hospital Wing to visit Rowan. ... Join us on Discord. Penny will want to … Will you protect me? You will have to wait 5 hours or pay 73 gold to begin the Part 3 Task 4 of the First Date adventure. Tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation with them. Answers: 3 . That hasn’t stopped Emily. Regardless of who you selected, the recommended attribute levels and the gold cost will be the same. Bill will be hesitant and a bit self-depricating. I'm currently a Year 4 student and I am at the quest where you need to convince .. ... Would you join the death eaters? In Year 6, you will be able to attend two new classes, Astronomy - taught by Professor Sinistra, and Divination - taught by Professor Trelawney. – We’ll protect each other. After some convincing Bill will agree to attend the election and help campaign for Penny. Answers: 1 . Answers: 0 . Convince Penny to Help you Brew Wolfsbane Potion - Best Answers. It will display the recommended attribute levels as well as the gold cost of starting it. Convince Penny to Join You: Why do you believe in your plan? But this dance isn’t for my year. Once you are ready, hit the Start button to begin. Convince Penny to Help you Brew Wolfsbane Potion - Best Answers? What creature was the Golden Snitch invented to replace? Convince Skye to make a trade - beat answers? Task 4. Add your answer. Hi. Now that you’re done with the lessons part of the chapter, you can focus on the story. – You’re my friend. This should be easy for any year … – We won’t, I promise. ... Join us on Discord. Convince Rowan to join? Hello everyone, welcome to our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery – Year 1. 4‑H programs and clubs typically meet once per week or once per month and are available for kids and teens ages 8-18. Penny is gearing up to get some votes while Emily is more interested insulting Penny. You will get to make three new friends - Fred and George Weasley, and Cedric Diggory. As some of you may already know, this year contains ten chapters. – I believe in … Regardless of the option you select, it will take some more convincing to persuade your friend to join you. Unfortunately you will have to convince her first. Convince Penny to brew calming draught for you?. Once you enter, you’ll notice that Penny is also visiting him. ... they seem every bit as down as you. What if we get caught? I'm currently a Year 4 student and I am at the quest where you need to convince .. 4‑H Cloverbud programs are available for kids ages 5-7. Do this by answering the following questions, as always green answers are worth 10 points while yellow are worth 5: Penny will have 20 courage, 20 empathy, and 21 knowledge attributes. Answers: 1 . Convince him to give advice in a friendship activity which recommends 19-20 of each attribute and costs 500 gold. Find answers for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery on AppGamer.com. Ask a Question. Your local 4‑H office will help you find the right program for your child and provide you … I'm currently a Year 4 student and I am at the quest where you need to convince .. ... Best answers for Convince Andre to Revise. This behaves pretty similarly to the meal with a friend mini-game. or Your experience can help us. Tapping on the handshake icon will open the task window. Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough section for Year 6 of Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Task 4. Convince Ben to Join You: Why me? Convince Bill to help you get votes for Penny? Here you can find the detailed walkthrough for the first year of your Hogwarts studies. Ask a Question. Tap on the handshake icon to open the task window. Afterward, you’ll need to convince your friend to join you in the Forbidden Forest. But I’m a coward… – You have to face your fears.