They are used to a very high degree in project execution. The following points highlight the top eleven techniques management accounting. This is the critical control function of management. Control Technique # 8. In management, Controlling is one of the most important functions in an organization which is goal-oriented.Types of Control techniques in management are Modern and Traditional control techniques. As a matter of fact, you'd probably need to use project control techniques in possibly all aspects of the project. To enable managers effectively control the organizational activities, a large number of controlling techniques are available.2. Funds Flow Statement 8.Cash Flow Statement 9.Decision Making 10.Revaluation Accounting 11.Statistical and Graphical Techniques … And since management involves directing the activities of others, a major part of the control function is making sure other people do what should be … 3. Control Techniques. Budgetary Control Economic order quantity. Since the quality of management ultimately brings success or failure of an organisation, this quality should be assessed. Some of the important techniques are: Financial Control: Finance is related with mobilization of funds and their utilization and the return on them. Monitoring and control techniques. This practice is intended to promote bottom-up cost control techniques and encourage a widespread consensus over cost management strategies. First, we’ll discuss budgetary control. 1. Control Techniques: Many techniques have been developed to control the activities in management. (2) Measurement of performance – The next step in controlling is the measurement of actual performance. Feedforward, feedback and concurrent controls are also types of management control techniques. Modern Techniques of Controlling: Some popular modern techniques of controlling are described below: (I) Management Audit: Management audit is a modern technique of controlling; in which the aim is to examine the efficiency of the management’s philosophies, policies, techniques etc. in successfully running an enterprise. And then we shall deal with other control techniques and methods. TWO TECHNIQUES Traditional techniques Modern techniques 4. The matrix correlates the relationship between two baseline documents. The realm of project control techniques ranges from cost management to people management to risk management. A manager should know these techniques and in which situation it should be applied.3. After strategies are set and plans are made, management’s primary task is to take steps to ensure that these plans are carried out, or, if conditions warrant, that the plans are modified. The list is very long, and it is difficult to describe them all. Therefore, We need to discuss specific techniques for managing the control process. The techniques are: 1.Financial Planning 2.Analysis of Financial Statements 3.Historical Cost Accounting 4.Standard Costing 5.Budgetary Control 6.Marginal Costing 7. ‘Management Audit’ is an attempt for this purpose. This maps, or traces, the project’s requirements to the deliverables. Management Audit: (A) Concept and Meaning: None of the control techniques evaluates the quality of management. This may be done through traditional or modern techniques of control. There are a range of monitoring and control techniques that can be used by project managers, including: A Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM). Managers use a large number of tools and techniques for effective controlling. Measurement may be done simply through personal observation or through an elaborate system of accounting, reporting and communicating. Managers use project control techniques to produce a focused and successful project delivery. There are two types of techniques of controlling. Let’s take a look at some inventory-control techniques you may choose to utilize in your own warehouse.