For this specific application, it may be best to contact the lab that tests all of the underlayments and get their professional recommendation. February 17, 2016 What exactly are these and what do they mean? The best option would have been to buy a laminate without underlayment and opting for a specialized sound reduction underlayment. Our Quick-Step RealSound Advanced underlaymet has an IIC72/STC 74 rating. My condo board has the following requirements for “hard surface” flooring. However, these can be a little expensive option. Contact your local acoustic engineer to learn more. One of their biggest decisions was what type of flooring to install in the various areas. The transmission of these sounds through floor/ceiling assemblies (such as those found in multi-level homes and apartments) will be inhibited by underlayments with higher IIC and STC ratings. The hard-surface floors were another issue. Best of luck! Carpeting provides a good noise dampener, so many highrise condos come with carpeting and the condo association may even require that certain portion of floors are carpeted. It is 3mm thick and comes in 100 sq.ft. Where can I buy it and at what cost? Perhaps it would be helpful to speak with a home inspector to identify the source of the problem you are experiencing so that it can be properly diagnosed and addressed! I have done an internet search and cannot seem to find any such thing. 71 Comments The condo has wood subfloors. As a result, some tiles were raised higher than o Lots of the original hardwood floors is exposed. If not, you’d be faced with expensive retrofit of sound panels or even have to demo out walls and ceiling to do a major remodel. It’s usually included in rental agreements, however, as a matter of course. What material would you suggest? Because condos feature multi-family housing, the homeowner associations (HOA) have to take other residents and the building as a whole into consideration when implementing rules. We hope this helps! If you are looking for comfy and quiet, carpet is another safe route to take. This underlayment is manufactured in the USA, is 2mm thick, and comes in 100 sq.ft. You can shop our options here:, Can I use Rhino 72 under luxury vinyl or this underlayment is just foe laminate. When it was brought to my attention that condo require 71iic rating, I researched underlayments and narrowed on: : QuietWalk+ They've asked that the underlayment comply with IIC = 70, STC = 70, thickness = 3mm or greater. Check it out here: I live on a third floor of a condo wear noise easily travels. Some HOAs may even require a certain percentage of condo floors to be carpet. Our building requires that the sound transmission between the floor and ceiling must have a minimum IIC of 50. Your email address will not be published. jumbo rolls, making this a contractor’s dream! The STC rating is 67 and the IIC Rating is 71, which gives you even better noise absorption than the leading premium underlayment! The Condo Documents DO NOT specify ground floors unit need to be soundproofing. It seems like your two options would be returning the floor and buying a new one without underlayment or risking it and adding another sound rated underlayment to your installation. Which most of condo has unless you live high rise. This underlayment is manufactured by Quick-Step in the USA. From our collection, we would recommend Floor Muffler LVT Ultraseal Flooring Underlayment, which is made for vinyl and has an IIC 71 rating. With any flooring material, you should avoid tall transitions between rooms or transitions between different materials; floors should be as flush as possible, for both ease of travel and to prevent tripping accidents. Floor Muffler is one of our most popular options in terms of sound dampening, and has an IIC74/STC73 rating. This is why many apartment buildings, commercial offices buildings, and condo associations require a minimum rating where sound is concerned. I recently purchased a condo on the third floor and am in search of flooring options (not carpet) that provide soundproofing that is close to carpet. The STC Rating is 66db, and the IIC Rating is 67db. Don't hesitate to submit a question to them at! Hi Sherry, thanks for your question! rolls, but don’t let the thickness fool you! The management office is giving me grief regarding the kind of underpadding that needs to be used for the laminate floor that I plan to install, despite I getting the most expensive one from Rona, which is advertised as being suitable for condo's and a … Our condo association is considering requiring an underlayment of ProFlex250 for any hard surface floors. I have had noisy upstairs neighbors who have no insulation under their tile floor. It is the same existing AC unit. Vinyl also provides one of the quietest flooring option to ensure peace and quiet for you and your neighbors. I’m moving to a New Cond second floor and I’m installing porcelain wood look. While looking at underlayment for your laminate floor, you may come across IIC-STC with a number next to them. Really liked your review. Percentage of FHA Loans: FHA will only allow up to 50% of the units to … 100% Trusted Agents Only | Lamudi I don’t want to hear any movement from the second floor. The floor you want has an attached underlayment, but most likely does not provide the sound reduction you are looking for. When it comes to renovating a condo, be prepared for more restrictions than single-family home projects. I’ve done a lot of research into how STC/IIC values really don’t meet the needs for the condo of which I am a board member. We generally recommend underlayment with sound dampening properties to our customers, however it must be installed under your flooring, and it sounds like your flooring is already installed. What are the best underlays for condos that meet our requirements? Hi, is it possible to get your email or phone number to contact you? We don’t have anything close to that. The areas not included within the unit boundary forms a part of the common property or services unit. Hi Jessica, thanks for reaching out! Therefore, to maintain the aesthetics of the condo, you will need something extra to place in front of them or hang something beautiful to cover it up. We do not carry ProFlex250, so unfortunately we cannot provide details regarding the sound dampening properties of this specific underlayment. Luxury Living Chicago Realty is here to help every step of the way. Please let us know if you have any other questions. My question is, if it not logical to think a 5.2mm padded vinyl plank floor will be quiter than a laminate, with the same underlayment? This underlayment comes in 100 sq.ft. The STC rating pertains to airborne noise, such as voices, radio, television, etc. If there is very little difference in the grout lines, then you should be fine adding just the underlayment over it. Concrete is at an IIC of 25 if that gives you reference. Here is the website: Products; Services; Our Work; About; Testimonials; Blog; Contact; Acoustic Underlay Requirements for Condos . What kind of flooring are you installing? You would have to ask your HOA on that one. Brands such as Kronoswiss, Roberts, Quick Step, and Floor Muffler are all perfect underlayments for your condo or apartment. Oct 13, 2014 - Explore Karen Freund's board "Condo flooring" on Pinterest. We have 2 inch solid concrete floors with no acoustical ceilings. We are sorry to hear you are unhappy with the soundproofing in your building. All Condor Group products are designed to fit their purpose. Homeowner associations exist primarily to maintain and regulate a community. If we require an underlayment IIC of 70+ for any type flooring( no ceramic,stone tile allowed) will we most likely hit actual mid 50’s in FIIC? The transmission of these sounds through floor/ceiling assemblies (such as those found in multi-level homes and apartments) will be inhibited by underlayments with higher IIC and STC ratings. Question is: How does an underlayment with a rating of 70IIC compare w. standard wall-to-wall carpet w. a “std. If you are teaming up with a contractor to spearhead your condo renovations, they are likely to provide good advice when it comes to choosing the best flooring for your condo. It even comes with a self-sealing strip to make laying it out as quickly as possible. A unit may include only the space within its four walls, the floor and the ceiling. Can I put this over the wood floor and cover it with carpet and a carpet pad? Get in touch with Luxury Living Chicago Realty 's team of experienced licensed real estate brokers and take the first step in buying or selling a home in Chicago. For laminate flooring installation, we recommend Floor Muffler Ultraseal Silent Flooring Underlayment, which has an IIC 74 rating. What renovations do you have in mind for your condo? What renovations do you have in mind for your condo? I installed a 5.2mm vinly plank flooring on a concrete slab. You may be stuck with cement. Thank you. Thank you! That level will determine if it’s sufficient or not for your living enjoyment. The principles are based on the expectations our customers have of their products: Fit for Purpose. My condo is on the third floor. Contact Our Condo Flooring Installation Team Today. It can be used underneath laminate flooring, engineered, and even solid hardwood flooring! The land on which the building is placed may be owned or leased. You would need to look at the manufacturer product information for each one, as they are all different. Ganerly wrote: ↑ I am changing my condo's flooring to laminate and need to comply with some rules from the property management office. STC Rating is 67db and the IIC Rating is 68db, well above the minimum requirement for apartments and condos! You can also suggest floors with attached cork underlayment that can be used in conjunction with additional sound dampening underlayment to give you the ultimate sound dampening experience. Thank you very much. I hope this information was helpful for you! Hi Sandra, we are not familiar with particular state building codes. Required fields are marked *. Thanks for the information, Seth. Regardless of the type of wood flooring that you select for your condo, this flooring material can bring elegance and warmth into your space. For most, the busy pattern can not only play with your mind due to the angled checkerboard look but also scratch easily and fade if exposed for long periods to direct sunlight. Is there a new law? You can learn more and see other options here:, Hi Ariana, thanks for reaching out. You can shop all of our floors and underlayments here: Call Us: 604.856.4799. ESD Tile is a resource of esd flooring articles, videos, blogs, products, applications and questions written and moderated by Dave Long, president and CEO of Staticworx. Deck ledgers installed in accordance with Section R507.2 shall be a minimum 2-inch by 8-inch (51 mm by 203 mm) nominal, pressure-preservative-treated southern pine, incised pressure-preservative-treated Hem-fir, or approved, naturally durable, No. The higher a number is following these letters, the less noise will be transmitted. Hi Thomas, thanks for reaching out. The floor may be the one thing you use most in your condo. Hope this helps! These are common building items and issues that board members should be aware of to remain in full compliance with all city requirements. The level of sound control of the condo would have been established at the time of construction, so it’s important to know what it is. You do this by depreciating the property; that is, by deducting some of the cost each year on your tax return. Is this possible that your neighbor recently moved their AC to a new location or has a new unit that is now causing more noise and vibrations? What is a condominium?, Hi, Quiet Flooring for Condos . You can learn more here: requirements for approving a site -- its location, its size and amenities, and the adequacy of available utility systems. 100% Free Service. After all, many of us don’t think about the plumbing system until water starts spraying from the walls or creating puddles on the floor, or the toilets start overflowing and sinks start backing up with putrid wastewater. What You Need to Know About Renovation Requirements for Condos. rolls. Hello. Are there any other floors that you would recommend using? By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. and 630 sq.ft. Maybe you want to revitalize the bedrooms with new hardwood flooring or rework your kitchen into a minimalistic paradise of … The effect of this is mostly noticeable in rooms underneath the room in which the underlayment and laminate are installed. 2 grade or better lumber. What type of underlayment would be ideal to bring this total rating to the 59 or higher? Great question! Specifically footsteps. The Luxury Living team is here to share everything you need to know about understanding flooring rules and choosing the right floors for your home. A condo makes for a wonderful home in an urban environment. This premium underlayment is 3mm and comes in rolls of 100 sq.ft. Install this underlayment if you don’t want your downstairs neighbors to hear a peep! We recommend checking with a local sound proofing expert, perhaps they will be able to offer you solutions to try above your flooring and on the walls. It could be a generic code that is building wide, no matter the floor. 65 is our current policy minimum but we are finding other products hitting 72 now so I’m considering proposing a change. Be sure to pay attention to both the IIC and STC rating when purchasing your laminate flooring underlayment. So when we reference IIC and STC, the rating is usually found with the underlayment and not the actual floor. The guys at the manufacturer were fantastic. The area has 5 condo buildings and each one is managed by their own Association and their own ruling of the floor covering. It is 3mm thick and comes in either 100 sq.ft. Are there Florida or City Codes for Condo flooring sound proofing and if so where would I find them. The condo association requires an underpayment with an IIC of 60 and above. Hi Vik, thanks for reaching out. Follow Us: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blog. Maybe you want to revitalize the bedrooms with new hardwood flooring or rework your kitchen into a minimalistic paradise of gleaming worktops and immaculate tiling. Best regards, Hi Patricia, thank you for reaching out. We ship to the contiguous 48 states! Most manufacturers only test on concrete slab, which makes this search extra frustrating. Many on the condo’s board of directors didn’t want carpeting installed in the building – even the hallways – because the existing 10-year-old carpet was heavily spotted and soiled, and most of the spots returned after cleaning. All that we have is a single plywood subfloor and carpet padding…. This underlayment is manufactured by Roberts. Check out this helpful article: That can often mean a remodel, upset neighbors, and frustration all around. What do you recommend for tile? We do offer many vinyl and laminate floors in a tile look. The owner refuses to do anything about it. These guidelines are put in place for you, and your neighbors, comfort and safety. You will want to look for IIC and STC ratings when it comes to underlayments. How to Soundproof a Condo. Hi Erik, thanks so much for sharing your expertise with us! Such by-law requirements could make the individual members of the boards of directors of such associations personally liable for insurance errors or omissions, including those relating to flood insurance. Primary Residence: The condo you are buying must be your primary residence, not an investment or vacation home. Hi Justine, thanks for the question. In order to buy a condo with an FHA loan, you will need to make sure that your purchase meets the following requirements: FHA-Approved Condo List: The condo must be listed on the FHA-approved condominium list. Are you sure 120 is your standard? We also carry several others with above 55 STC/ICC Ratings which are:; and, Hi, I am a condo board and I am require to provide owner with underlayment approved by the board for hardwood/laminate floor as owner wants to remove underpad/carpet. Nothing improves the look of your condo more dramatically than new flooring, and hard-surface floors have taken over from wall-to-wall carpeting. I have completed hundreds of field IIC tests in accordance with ASTM E1007, and can tell you that less than 0.1% of condominium buildings in the USA are concrete with a dropped ceiling (except some kitchen areas and bathrooms). - Answered by a verified Real Estate Lawyer. What you explain your comment is very true, almost none of company tested their underlayment on ‘Wood subfloor ‘. Nino Fleri At least that is how they sold it to homeowners for a vote. One of these HOA regulations includes condo flooring requirements. What thickness of underlayment would you recommend? We are getting ready to replace the carpet on the second floor and during this process we want to put in an underlayment to improve the sound issues….I am looking for the best of the best! Perhaps the underlayment that you have installed is not designed specifically for sound reduction. I have an Armstrong Archetectual Remnant Laminate floating floor on top of the Quiet Walk system., Thanks we are looking at Vinyl Planking Homeowner associations will typically include any restrictions on hard surface flooring in the rules and reference sections of the Code, Conditions, & Restrictions (CC&Rs). Vinyl flooring is 100% waterproof and is a great option in areas where you would consider ceramic tile, such as kitchens and bathrooms. For example, acousticians understand how factors like materials, building plans, and ceiling and flooring assemblies (subfloors, gypsum board attachments, and insulation) can affect sound … Floor should be strong and unpretentious, because it will have to be washed and wiped very often with a …, Dear Bob and Betsy, You may be stuck with cement. What Are The Best Underlayments for Condos and Apartments. Considering your laminate already has attached underlayment, we wouldn’t recommend adding any other cushion under the flooring. I heard one board proposed to vote when amending the documents because she was in a second floor and had to pay for the soundproof, that all floors … You will be able to find all of the ratings for that underlayment here: Well, the board may subject you to fines, liens, or even legal action. Click to tweet. Flooring Permit Affidavit All commercial properties, including condominium units, are required to obtain a permit for flooring (tile, wood, marble). Would putting it under furniture and appliances help at all? Our by-laws state that our floors must have the IIC at 72 or higher, but no STC requirement. of hard surfaced floor coverings (other than by the Developer) or in any other areas are to receive sound absorbent, less dense floor coverings, such as carpeting. There may also be an adoption of guidelines as to what an owner can do to get approval for hard surface flooring if possible. For best results, a WPC composite vinyl core by itself is the quietest – it is waterproof and filed with fluffy noise dampening wood sawdust. When owners want to install hardwood or laminate flooring, strata bylaws often require the use of an underlay with acoustic properties to reduce to the sound transmission to the unit below. Some premium underlayments will have ratings that exceed these strict IIC and STC ratings made by most condo/apartment associations. We do not sell porcelain tiles, so this is not our expertise. Hi CD, you will need to use a carpet specific underlayment for your project. Hi, Looking to soundproof the top floor of a split foyer house with wood floors. Hi Ralph, thanks for your comment. The ubiquity of the rule in NYC tenements, apartments, and condos suggests that 80% carpet requirements is a municipal law, but it isn’t. Bob and Betsy are the dynamic duo that have all the answers for your flooring related questions! The STC Rating is 67db and the IIC Rating is 68, perfect for condos and apartments! We will be sending you an email shortly with our recommendations! Replacing your condo’s worn out or outdated flooring material with a gorgeous wood floor can have a transformational effect. We do a flooring and I will be doing vinyl floors (WPC). The filing of an appeal by trial de novo of this final order tolls the time for the filing of a motion seeking prevailing party costs and attorney’s fees until 45 days following the conclusion of the de novo appeal proceeding and any subsequent appeal. These rolls are 3mm thick and come in rolls of 215.28 sq.ft., bigger than the average sized roll! Question: What is the new law concerning condo air-conditioners? Like many of you here, I am running afoul with the HOA. Proper Opening requirements An elevated building with an enclosure or crawlspace below the elevated floor with proper flood openings (flood vents) in the enclosure or crawlspace can be rated using the elevated floor as the lowest floor. It will be hard for your downstairs neighbors to hear anything coming through their ceiling! Most are for wood or laminate. The recycled fiber construction adds extra insulation and cushioning to make both residents, and downstairs neighbors happy! Just says “carpeting and pad”. Henri Dubuc of Lauderhill enjoys his condo complex, except for one big headache: He hears every step his upstairs neighbors take, starting at 5:30 a.m. This is especially true in densely populated areas where land is an expensive commodity. But anyone that works with condos knows that hard surface flooring may create nuisance problems for the downstairs neighbor. In order to maximize soundproofing, is it recommended or necessary to put additional underlayment on top of a wood subfloor to maximize soundproofing OR is a flooring with a iic72 rating enough to soundproof between floors in a condominium? For those living in apartments or condos, and have the luxury to be able to renovate them, you will have to abide by the standards set forth by your condo/apartment association or HOA. As a leader in condo flooring installation, East Coast Flooring & Interiors knows how vital it is that the floor coverings you choose stand up to high foot traffic and be easy to clean and maintain. To be clear STC values are a factor of the floor-ceiling assembly and are not improved or depreciated by flooring underlayments. Hi Jean, sorry to hear about the noise! We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. To obtain a permit for flooring, please provide the following documents to the permit counter. Second to buying your first condo is making it feel like your home.As you well know, how much you pay for your new condo will impact the work and budget you’ll need to put into remodeling your new place. A great, long-lasting underlayment. What is the best underlayment I can put under the large area rugs I have down? Minimum floors for a building to be classified as "Flats" is four, with a requirement for having at least one elevator or lift for buildings upwards of four floors. We do not recommend using any additional underlayment, as this will create too much cushion beneath your floor and could impact the integrity of the joints in your flooring. For years one condo flooring option has been parquet floors, glued down, and installed directly on the concrete. Hello Hi there – engineering background here. If I have to ask my HOA about this , how do I present it to them? We built a two story home and our kids bedrooms are in the second floor….I can hear every footsteps they make and they are just lightweights! Thanks in advance. This unique underlayment retains 96% of it’s original thickness after 7 days, compared to only 57% by leading 3-in-1 foam products. The guy above me installed a new hardwood floor last year and now I hear every footfall — even when he walks barefoot! rolls, measured 40in x 30ft. This underlayment has an STC Rating of 71db and an IIC Rating of 73db, making it the perfect underlayment to create a quiet oasis in your condo or apartment! The IIC values noted on this page only represent the performance of these underlayments when tested in buildings with 6-inches of concrete and a suspended gypsum board ceiling. My HOA insists that we find a 60 STC rating for a framed floor. Please let us know if you have any other questions! Certificate of Service Also, they are not overly attractive. conform to the requirements of rule 61B-45.048, F.A.C. A beautiful floor that perfectly fits the interior design of your loft or condo, and that will remain as a new one for many years. Hi Jessica, thanks for the question! If you go with a thicker or rigid core LVT, these will also limit any issues from the small imperfections.