General. I decided to match the damage to daggers because 51 unmodded damage is uncalled for (and I am willing to take a damage reduction to remove that bloody decay timer). As far as i can remember, none of the other religion weapons have a time duration. N5 - Child of Jhebbal Sag. General. Having lvl 3 altar is not enough. If anyone wants it, head to my workshop and pick up Fist Weapons or The Goblins Stash. Reaching the highest level of worship with Jhebbal Sag will grant you access to the deadly Claws of Jhebbal Sag. This symbol, placed upon the earth, has power. Thus, the altars of Jhebbal Sag tend to be built of crude stone and hacked into a basic likeness. Conan Exiles. Worshiping this god will assist in taming animals, making this process a lot … I’m tossing a link here but if moderators have some kind of policy against it and remove it, my username is Waffle_Goblin in Steam. From Conan Exiles Wiki. - Surrender is learned by speaking with Child of Jhebbal Sag or interacting with sources that gives you the "Use E to Interact" like the Waterskin, Scrawled Note or the Runestone at the start. Jens i understand that you had to balance them out but 10 Minutes? So, these things have a 20 minute timer that turns on after equipping. In terms of pure numbers the damage might not be that high, but the speed gain is immense, even more so than the daggers. Die Macht von Jhebbal Sag erhebt sich und das Tier übernimmt die Kontrolle. The minimum space to put them in is like 8x12, which is beyond ridiculous considering their actual size is more like 6x8. Is this really an intention? Sure, or one hundred leather for a thick leather (I’ve suggested this before), make the conversion rate horrible so only those actually drowning in the material would use it. And they arn’t even that good in pvp, the damage isn’t that high and you can easily outmatch them by running in circles. Too much polish would be reminiscent of man without the component of the beast. It’s bloody hard to find a spot that doesn’t flag one of those issues. I just wanted to come on and post about my irritation at Funcom and provide feedback. This way you have to use it very quickly after making it. Be the first to share what you think! Please keep in mind that we have to balance weapons and items not just for PvP, but for PvE as well. Feast of Jhebbal Sag. Feast of Jhebbal Sag A ritualistic meal in honor of Jhebbal Sag: Type Consumable Grade High … Also final boss is a SPAZ! In honor of the god who hunts, lord of beasts and claws and fangs, this meal is prepared to sate even the most hungry predator. I’m at the point where I may not bother with pets, which is a pity. The latest free update to Conan Exiles lets you explore the atmospheric but dangerous Midnight Grove dungeon. Thus, the altars of Jhebbal Sag tend to be built of crude stone and hacked into a basic likeness. Du kannst versuchen, dich der Religion von Jhebbal Sag als würdig zu erweisen, oder beginnen, deine eigenen Begleiter zu zähmen. Jhebbal Sag was once worshipped by all living things. Removing said timer and dropping the damage would be, IMO, much more acceptable. Description [edit | edit source] Jhebbal Sag is the Lord of the Beasts, as well as the god of animals, nature, and savagery. - Byset is learned by speaking with Mek-kamoses which also teaches Religion of Set. save. 6. But from what we have learned over the last 5 months of release is, a majority of players will exploit things if there is no consequence. It is uniquely related to Jhebbal Sag.Defeating the Werewolf Impisi and consuming its Flesh of Remembrance will give you the knowledge of Jhebbal Sag's altars and religious items. I'm currently playing on an RPvP (Solitude Reborn) and I would like for my character to use the Claws of Jhebbal Sag. Making a small pen allows for easily stacking of towers of these in honeycombed walls, and just more lag. N6 - Ghost of the Giant King. I mean they cost a lot so you have to farm for it like an hour for about 10 minutes of fun, that’s ridiculous. The Claws of Jhebbal Sag are an incredibly powerful weapon that allows you to move extremely fast, both in and out of combat and you can take down a lot of dangerous enemies with it. He rules over all animals and beasts, including men. It’s probably nearly impossible to not have some resources become overabundant given the many different playstyles, locations and whatnot. If they get you caught in the animation, all you can do is roll, and then your just punishing your own stam. I don't know. Normal animals will shy away from it - some primal element within them recognizing an ancient language that they have forgotten. i think thats only fair considering how op they are in terms of damage output. Feb. 2017 um 6:22 Uhr Quest - Child of Jhebbal Sag & Warmaker Klael Does someone else meet the weird looking bat yet, you actually can talk to?! lol, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. The groves of Jhebbal Sag are said to be the places where the god walks when he chooses to visit this world. Is this really an intention? How long is the decay timer on the claws? Though the Lord of Beasts prefers natural locations for his sacred groves, it is understood that men no longer live in the deep wilds of the world. I’d be happier to see them implement some form of trading at set city so that players could sell off excess resources for something they need. Just don’t use it as spawn point or forget your HAZ MAT suit (Silent Legion) when in that base (LOL). I’m no leatherworker, but I’m sure some sort of explanation could be given - layering fabrics for warmth/protection is a real thing after all. Grove of JhebbalSag is one of the Feats in Conan Exiles. naachi. New … Here is a new weapon type - the claws! A figure that cannot be interacted with at the moment. A large Pen means either leaving it in the open, or building a base/wall around it to raise pets. We didn’t want players to run around with them indefinitely, hence the decay timer. You can't really run from claws. Well, I updated one of my mods to include the Jhebbal Sag claws with lowered damage. It bounces back and forth between "Overlapping" and "Not enough contact". All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Help: Jhebbal Sag Shrine. I understand the concept of matching the pen size to the pet size, but there has to be some room to bend on that…. IE, you can create a factory of 30 smelting stations and firebowl cauldrons. Lateralus. To have a weapon that has a nice new moveset, but damage wise is average. Counters for jhebbal sag claws? Claws can be ground into bone meal in a Grinder. We added the countdown timer on the Potion of Midnight to prevent people from using it as a quick getaway from fights. But still, fifty boxes seems… excessive. Conan Exiles. All rights reserved. GAME INFO: You are an exile, outcast and downtrodden, sentenced to walk in a barbaric wasteland … ), I made a shrine. Conan Exiles Conan Exiles: Jhebbal Sag freischalten und Midnight Grove betreten. Conan Exiles. 1 year ago. Right now there aren’t any plans to introduce smaller, single pens, but we do know that this is something that’s been highly requested by the community. I'm thinking a Grit build would work, but I'm not exactly sure how I would build it. Follower of Jhebbal Sag are all about controlling and hunting beasts. I agree but likes I said they could find an alternative as the tar is very needed maybe you could do 10 leather for 1 tar? I like what you did with the carpenter bench i really love it that’s what I wanted to see more off. I get that it ruins some people’s immersion to ever throw resources away, and it’s probably near impossible to not have leather in abundance given the amounts of tar needed for… everything. Those who cross it will become a cursed - and a test … There are two reasons for this: Claws of Jhebbal Sag - setting a decay timer on these is uncalled for. Conan Exiles > General Discussions > Topic Details. 0 comments. Given the material cost for them and the fact they should be endgame items, I think the decay timer is completely unwarranted. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. And how to get Flesh of Remembrance. The dungeon certainly seems to be a suitable … Mazikeen October 14, 2018, 3:24am #1. This week’s Conan Exiles community newsletter is all about the new Midnight Grove dungeon and the Jhebbal Sag religion path. best. This devastating weapon allows you to truly tap into your inner beast and unleash furious swipes with razor sharp claws, much like like Jhebbal Sag’s champion. Too little polish would alienate mankind. But more beasts remember in this country than any I've ever seen.> - Beyond the Black River. Alle Diskussionen Screenshots Artwork Übertragungen Videos Workshop Neuigkeiten Guides Rezensionen Conan Exiles > Allgemeine Diskussionen > Themendetails. 30sec? The problem isn’t that the pens are too large, it is that they’re ‘fake’ size is too large. Thanks in advance for taking time to ready my plea! roro4066 October 29, 2018, 4:41pm #1. i have given a shot to these special sign you craft at the new religion altar and i have to say it’s really too expensive for the cost its cost…unless i’m missing sthing here? View entire discussion ( 1 comments) More posts from the ConanExiles community. hide . However, I don't really know how to build around them. 100% Upvoted. Mong August 11, 2019 ... One major factor affecting it’s strength is auto lock, if you disallowed auto lock while using the claws of jhebbal sag you’d significantly reduce it’s combat effectiveness. For the Jhebbal Sag Priest and Archpriest, see the Priest page. I can not even run out of my base to get me a thrall or pet on follow in 30sec…, well, they aren’t an important part of our settlements scenery they ARE our settlements scenery^^. But it seems to be the ghost of the Giant King. Some timers are way to short. They require like empty squares ALL AROUND them. You know, give those merchants something useful to do. Sort by. Though the Lord of Beasts prefers natural locations for his sacred groves, it is understood that men no longer live in the deep wilds of the world. Though time has dimmed the memory of the Lord of Beasts, still there are animals and men who remember. We’re, of course, always open to listen to feedback, so I’m going to forward your messages to Oscar, our lead designer. Something that requires starmetal to make needs to be permanate. I've never seen it. Oct 4, 2018 @ 2:27pm Claws of Jhebbal Sag So, these things have a 20 minute timer that turns on after equipping. After finally taking time to run the Midnight Grove and get the feat (I know, its been out forever. The Midnight Grove is a dungeon “meant for a party of several high-level players,” full of dangerous wild creatures, including a particularly brutal bull, and guarded by a werewolf champion of Jhebbal Sag. Claws are easy mode, but they aren't un-counterable. We also wanted stables to be an important part of your settlements’ scenery and they needed to be large to accommodate bigger creatures. not really, ive watched clips where skilled user get plenty of kills with no target lock. Feast of Jhebbal Sag - Official Conan Exiles Wiki. Since it’s an instant teleport we wanted to avoid players hoarding them to use as an escape tool. We expected players to tame multiple pets at the same time, and tests results show that this is what players are doing. If that was you in the video, the problem was that you turned and ran. There are two reasons for this: Claws of Jhebbal Sag - setting a decay timer on these is uncalled for. It needs star metal, a lvl3 altar, flowers from dungeon bosses. no comments yet. I can not put the shrine on foundations of any kind in any location. I don’t like what you did with some of the timers with the last Patch. Could melt the leather or smth idk. (P.S. The claws do seem to be able to be repaired, but then we ran into a bug where the repair never ends and can no longer be equipted. PVP people always need risk/reward choices when building bases and crafting stations to prevent mass producing something without consequence. As you need the tar for basically everything you end up with hundreds especially if you plan on having a lot of bombs or making a base anything… As you need steel. Here is a new weapon type - the claws! I understand your frustrations, but there are balancing reasons for why we made these decisions. Also take into account how many hours we should spend for farming certain things especially on multiplayer as a lot of the things that have to be done eat up massive chunks of time such as farming volatile glands which can take days even on 10x servers. … In this episode, of Conan Exiles 2018 we take a look at the new Jhebbal Sag religion and the midnight grove. I'm not used to PvP, and I know little to nothing about Meta in Conan.) Too much polish would be reminiscent of man without the component of the beast. © Valve Corporation. Once you reach the highest level of worship you can craft the Claws of Jhebbal Sag. Future Funcom streams. Sure, but it wouldn’t be easy to balance. share. Sign In. General Discussion. I just wanted to come on and post about my irritation at Funcom and provide feedback. I got my alter to lvl 3... no claws even available to be made. 12 vs 12 PvP Battles. Pet pens - as mentioned by others, they are entirely too large. Jump to: navigation, search. The midnight potion for example. 729. Could you please balance the game and find a use for every resouce so we don’t have to have over 50 boxes full of leather please! I've heard that there's an ancient grove sacred to Jhebbal Sag somewhere in this forest, said Conan. Info about Jhebbal Sag Religion Feats. Too little polish would alienate mankind. Help . Special Blood Letter knives allows them to extract Bloodfrom their victims and sacrifice it to their bloodthirsty master. Diese Gegenstände ermöglichen neue Bewegungskombinationen, und ein Krieger wird im Kampf zu einer wilden Bestie. horseshoe bend Claws of Jhebbal Sag | CONAN EXILES Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp. Thank you very much for the feedback. I agree with keeping the Pens large. Just playing devil’s advocate, but you don’t have to have 50 boxes of leather. Hey, all. To have a weapon that has a nice new moveset, but damage wise is average. Any ideas. General Discussion. Update 2.1 introduces the brand new PvP map “The Call of Jhebbal Sag” including a new PvP ruleset called “Conquest”. The Midnight Grove is a dungeon in Conan Exiles. Cant seem to out run, do loads of damage, loads of hyperarmour. Upgrade to Grove A place for worshipping Jhebbal Sag Crafted at Retreat of Jhebbal Sag: Feast of Jhebbal Sag Is it cumber sum, yes. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. ps4, pc, discord. You need the 4th Feat to craft them. be grateful . Here the Pictish god Jhebbal Sag, the Lord of Beasts, rules and he might send blessings or a terrible curse. Für die Freischaltung müsst Ihr in den neuen Dungeon Midnight Grove, und dort „Jhebbal Sags Champion“ besiegen, einen der Bosse im Dungeon. 51 damage is hardly end game. Mit dem neuesten kostenfreien Update zu Conan Exiles kannst du den stimmungsvollen, aber hochgefährlichen Dungeon „Mitternächtlicher Hain“ erkunden., try putting a max damage mod on them! General Discussion. And it takes 20 star metal ingots to craft. You can attempt to prove yourself worthy to learn the Jhebbal Sag religion or start taming your very own pets. Register. pve. Not that I have much of a problem with that, I don’t play “at the edge” anyway, and something being slightly too easy or too hard (relative to something else) is no big deal to me. A werehyena who may have quests to offer in the future. Gamepedia. I just fail to see a point in making these. Could you please balance the game and find a use for every resouce so we don’t have to have over 50 boxes full of leather please! Rüstest du diese Gegenstände aus, färbt sich die Welt rot. Conan Exiles. On the other hand, maybe striking fear in your opponent’s heart with the new off-hand combos and specialist… Read More I agree but likes I said they could find an alternative as the tar is very needed maybe you could do 10 leather for 1 tar? 434. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the ConanExiles community. Though Jhebbal Sag rarely visits such altars, he will receive sacrifices made here and eventually provide the power to manifest his avatar. von Vanessa Krahn (Mittwoch, 12.09.2018 - 12:42 Uhr) Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). If the pens have to be so big, could you fiddle with the overlapping or ground contact requirements? pc. report. JHEBBAL SAG SIGN balanced? Posted by 6 … Inside a chamber at the end of a hallway. I know RP and PVE people would say “What about me” but TBH, you have less to worry about, as no one can destroy your Pen. Hopefully it was dead, otherwise, somewhere out there in the wilderness there is a panther struggling frantically to maintain its grip on a tree, a bear casually slapping a deer on the rump or a very confused pack of wolves sliding across an icy lake. These claws were harvested from the limbs of some poor creature. No.