The orishas, or gods of the Yoruba, were former ancestors such as Oduduwa, the legendary ancestor of all Yoruba … Find more Russian words at! Moringa leaves rank among the most nutritionally rich plant material in living existence on the planet. What is Cinnamon Called in Yoruba Language? Reply. Home; About Us. 08472-273122 Tweet Liquorice, Olive leaf Pls kindly help with dis plant in Yoruba language, I want to get dem. houseleek in yoruba. Plants, Herbs and Organic Products in Yoruba Language September 16, 2019 By EarnBase Leave a Comment In today’s post; I will be sharing with you something very important if you want to be productive in organic production; you will appreciate this more importantly, if you are from the West – Yoruba land. 6 Shares. Yoruba names for herbs, fertility herbs, Plants & Spices. Share 6. 2-907/14/20/9, Gubbi Colony, Badepur, Gulbarga. Technical Translation Specialized translation of documentation, guides, and manuals produced by technical writers; Document Translation Quick and Accurate translation checked by a dedicated quality assurance team in terms of style, grammar, and relevance; Medical Translation Accurate medical translations of leaflets, … HERBS AND ROOTS BOTANICA, ENGLISH AND YORUBA NAMES ... • Ocimum gratissimum- Clove basil- … H.No. Others 4 Comments. ... Calendula officinalis – pot marigold is Ododo-Maria in yoruba. Liquorice, Olive leaf extract, Phyllanthus amaru and Reishi Mushrooms Reply Adeola what is the common name for Acacia nilotica Hi, Adeola. Some herbs in yoruba language Cloves (locally known as Kanafuru in Yoruba language, mkpumkpu in Igbo, Kanumfari in Hausa) is one of the ingredients used in preparing the very delicious and healthy FarhM's Chilli Sauce, also known as Shitto ! Russian words for clove include гвоздика, гвоздичный, долька чеснока, луковичка, пробиваться, гвоздичное дерево, зубок чесночной головки, раскалываться, прокладывать себе путь and раскалывать. Guess what, as tiny as the cloves are,They have nice healthy and soothing smell especially in FarhM's Chilli Sauce. jute leaf in yoruba. Lawsonia inermis – henna, cypress shrub, egyptian privet, alkanna is laali in yoruba. (10) For the temporary relief of toothache, apply a crushed clove or oil of cloves to the painful tooth, or plug the cavity with cotton wool soaked in the oil. Posted In Uncategorized | No comments . Alligator pepper (Afromomum melegueta ) is of the plant family Zingiberaceae and it is locally known as ose oji igbo and ata ire in Yoruba language. This unique powerhouse of nature is only now gaining popularity throughout Nigeria, but has been planted and eaten in the north of Nigeria for generations, where the Moringa plant is known as ZOGALA.After harvest and … They are, in fact, not a single group, but rather a collection of diverse people bound together by a common language, history, and culture. All the names of herbs and plants in yoruba language. Thanks. Cinnamon is called Oloorun in Yoruba. The Hausa language, apart from being the first language of many people in Nigeria and Niger, is an important second language to many communities in surrounding areas. Yoruba Name For Cinnamon Health Benefits Uses. Institution; … There are four major languages in Nigeria. June 17, … African spinach (green) is Efo Tete not just Efo.Efo is the general yoruba name for all leaft veg. list of diseases and their yoruba equivalents/names Today’s article is to serve as a reference, for those who may want to connect to their roots, learn to communicate with others (patients, doctors, health workers, bypassers), or even for those curious enough to search the web for the Yoruba name(s) of certain diseases. Pls kindly help with dis plant in Yoruba language, I want to get dem. These are English (official language), Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo. Despite this, there is no reliable guide to the scientific names of Hausa plants using a modern system of transcription. The Odu was revealed to the Yoruba people by the god Eshu Elegba. YORUBA SECRET TO CURE PROSTATE CANCER. The Yoruba are one of the largest African ethnic groups south of the Sahara Desert. Presently, over 32 million of people speak this language. By Efo igbo, efo tete efo yanrin, ego shoko etc. In the inspection of this, Cinnamon has been observed over the years to be of high benefit, has high nutritional value and usefulness to humanity. The botanical name of the plant is Trigonella foenum-graecum. Lola. They are a seed with many healing powers. Syzygium aromaticum or Clove is konofuru. Cinnamon is a derivative from the epidermis of a tree (bark) called Cinnamomum. Just want to thank you for this wonderful information about Yoruba medicine and Some herbs in yoruba language. Cherry in yoruba is Agbalumo. is a social media network for Nigerian Languages and Culture, where you can post, discover and share Nigerian videos, pictures, words, pronunciations & translations in Nigerian Languages (currently Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba) (9) Peel and chop the onion, the shallot and the garlic clove . (8) Scatter half a chopped onion, half a garlic clove , and 2 dessertspoonfuls of salt over meat. In this post, we’ve also highlighted some of facts about this spice and its nutritional benefits. 5 (2) BOTANICAL NAMES OF HERBS & PLANTS IN YORUBA – ZIGIHOW.COM.NG Yoruba Medicine – History The medical traditions of the Yoruba people of western Nigeria developed within a culture that deeply respects and venerates ancestors. Tweet. Moreover, plenty of communities in Africa, Asia, and Europe also use Yoruba as their primary language. It should be noted that the Santeria tradition, which was brought to the Americas by African slaves, is descended from the Yoruba teachings. is a social media network for Nigerian Languages and Culture, where you can post, discover and share Nigerian videos, pictures, words, pronunciations & translations in Nigerian Languages (currently Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba) Here you find names of herbs and plants in yoruba language or english. Yoruba Medicine, Its Origin and More information. In this post, we’ve include some other information about cinnamon like its benefits and unique properties. Journal Keep up to date with the latest news. In Yoruba, Fenugreek is called Eru in Yoruba while the Hausa people call it Kimba. Moreover, alligator peppers called names like paradise, Atare (in Yoruba), Chitta (Hausa) or Guinea Pepper. While there are different types of Obi, the one used for most spiritual works is Obi Abata (Trion Clove Colanut). It is a beneficial spice that has great medicinal effects. HERBS AND ROOTS BOTANICAL , ENGLISH, AND YORUBA NAMES published on March 10, 2017 7 comments posted by Bouqui Ademola. Welcome to L2s Health wise where i reveal free info on self therapies as part of my NGO vision to my society. Hi Men: With the following herbal grains and fruit you can manage your prostate antigen, Yoruba call it 'ito' or 'atogbe". Yoruba is a popular language in Nigeria and Benin. Herbs are plants with aromatic or savoury properties that are used for medicinal purposes, …