If the light is flashing, take your vehicle in IMMEDIATELY to be diagnosed and inspected--a flashing light indicates a serious problem with one of your vehicle's components. even LED's were not coming on to back light the buttons. Oftentimes if the gas cap wasn't tightened enough, the check engine light will display. 2005 Chev Colorado (auto 4wd) 2wd light flashes when in 2wd, 4wd light ok when in 4wd. Here are some of the reasons why the mode light on the 4WD switch might be flashing: The mode light for a selected shift will flash until the shift is complete as indicated by a switch in the front differential. I4/I5 Engine & Drivetrain. My 2006 Chevy Colorado won't switch out of 4HI. The light on the 4HI button flashes continuously. ... 2005 chevy colorado: light flashes..2wd, 4wd light ok when in 4wd - … What the four wheel drive indicator light means. 4wd switches blinking and wont engage i have a 1996 Chevrolet truck and my 4wd swiches just blink when i push the - Chevrolet 1996 K1500 question. Thanks, Vance When I push the 4 wheel high or 4 wheel low button the light on the switch just blinks. 4H light flashes (front axle/diff does not engage) Turn truck off/on Front axle/diff engages - 4x4 engaged (confirmed by having truck up on blocks and verifying wheels don't spin independent any more, also by reversing/turning on dry pavement) 4H still flashing I have tried replacing the TCCM but was not the issue. 2004-2012 Chevrolet Colorado Forum / GMC Canyon. The lights will correspond to the “2” and up-arrow position for two-wheel-drive high, “4” and down-arrow for four-wheel drive low, and so on. Even though there is a button or shifter that is used to activate four wheel drive, auto makers include a light on the dash to let the driver know what setting is being used. No overdraft fees and get your paychecks two days early! If the shift is not completed, the mode light will flash for a short time and then go out (no shift … Where do I start looking for the problem? I dont want to just start swapping parts. ... 4WD LIGHTS BLINK WHEN I GO TO PUT IT IN 4HI OR 4LO AND WONT ENGAGE. Online Banking app! Noticed the dash button was flashing on 4 wheel drive. 2011 Colorado 4WD Hi/Lo Just Blinking? They are roughly ordered by importance, which tends to be by color (red, amber, … Engines/Performance/Tech Questions. Bad actuator. Wait for flashing lights to stop before shifting the knob. When you engage the four wheel drive, a corresponding light is illuminated on the dash. - Answered by a verified Chevy Mechanic We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Get your teen their own debit card! Check the indicator lights in the knob to find out what driving setting you are in if the vehicle exhibits any unusual behavior. Fuse is good, checked for voltage at plug of … 2005 Colorado No lights on transfer case control switch . when I was turning into my work I noticed the tires where grabbing so I know its stuck in 4x4. I just pushed the 2 wheel drive and all the way to work it just blinked it just never stopped. Click a link to learn more about each one. It is not going into 4 wheel drive. If the light is not flashing, check the gas cap. I have a 1996 GMC 1500 Sierra 4 x 4 Pickup with the push button 4 wheel drive. But when I put the truck is 4WD the light just stays flashing, I thought replacing the 4WD … The following are warning lights and indicators found in vehicles built by Chevrolet. When the 2HI button is pushed it starts to flash and the 4HI button quits flashing, but the truck still stays in 4HI. Replaced the switch with one from a junk yard back lights work but no indicator light as to what mode 2wd or 4wd the truck is in. 4wd issues.