Swim to the other side. Is there a known issue with this or does anyone know where I might be missing a monster. There's another one beside the Cenote Tomb Base Camp; The last one is at the room in front of the giant double gates; Cenote - Tomb Locations San Cordaba Location. It's my first play through and I'm on hard mode so I'm hoping I don't have to restart, if you can't interact with the crank your standing in the wrong spot. the top one is a good place to start. it’s shown on the map next to the ore symbol. Starting from the Kuwaq Yaku Ruins base camp — near the temple and the town’s market — … You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Relic 1. I restarted and had no issues, so I'm assuming it was a random glitch. Survival cache (6) - this relic is under water. An effigy is right next to the Cenote Temple Runis Base Camp; From where the ambush happened, go up the ledge and move forward. The challenge tomb is to the northeast of Kuwaq Yaku. Story / Mission Guide; … I feel like I've checked every where. Well I never got the "glitch" because it turns out I simply MISSED one. Survival cache (5) - found under water, near Rusty Sword relic. Survival cache (7) - found in a cave in Cenote. The Doll (5) can be found during the exploration of the Tree of Life tomb when you're setting the platforms into motion. And calling something like this a glitch, that's just plain thick-headed. There are 5 Relics at Cenote. Ein Cenote (spanisch; Mayathan tsonoot, in Ortsnamen meist dzonot) ist ein dolinenartiges Kalksteinloch, das durch den Einsturz einer Höhlendecke entstanden und mit Süßwasser gefüllt ist. Relic (2/28) Chuspas (Quechua/Day in the Life of the Inca) - Just south of the Paititi Market Base Camp is a large white building with the blue dye dripping from the windows. Alle handelsmerken zijn eigendom van hun respectievelijke eigenaren in de Verenigde Staten en andere landen. Cenote - Crypt Walkthrough. The “Relic Malfunction Detected” message will appear after the mission “The Heist.” This is when you install the chip Johnny is on, but after you do, your own relics begin to fail. Glitch. Region: Paititi Quest Giver: automatic Requirement: having finished Path to the Hidden City Join Unuratu in the Market District When you first set in foot in Paititi, it is up to whether to explore the surroundings […] Cenote – Respected – Challenge Walkthrough. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole The Hidden City mission. Cannot 100%! Shoot an arrow at the rope section of it to pull it down. Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider document, mural, relic, map, and backpack locations guide By Justin Towell 05 January 2021 Because you just know you'll need every one of … it’s in the bottom room of a building. This relic is located at the bottom of the water at the beginning of the cenotes area. Cenote Mystery of the White Queen relic, mural, and document locations Porvenir Oil Fields relic, mural, and document locations Kuwaq Yaku document locations Survival cache (4) - found in San Cordoba tomb, near Primitive Doll relic. You can shoot him from a distance or explode the orb to set the enemy on fire. Overview | All Collectibles How to get the Lockpick Cenote | 100%. I’m trying to 100% the game however in the Cenote area it says I haven’t collected a relic and survival cache but I’ve counted the greyed out collected items and there’s the … Ragingsquall 8 years ago #22. tragik00 posted... wow dude i was trying to help and now you got a problem? Shadow of the Tomb Raider Related Article Story / Mission Walkthrough. Journal of T. Serrano 5 (5) - this document is near the left wall, in the place where you will be attacked by enemies. This message means that you are basically slowly dying, and there is nothing you can do about the chip you have installed. have you looked to see if any of the turnstyles are blocked? Cenote Zaci: An Old Traditional Relic is now down the tubes. The cache is right next to the water. Journal of T. Serrano 5 (2) - this document can be found during exploration of the caves located in Cenote. I even looked up a video on youtube to see what I was doing wrong. So I'm in the Cenote and have just got the first water wheel turning. Primitive Doll (3) - this relic is in San Cordoba tomb. Climb the stairs and enter through the door to find the relic. Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s Cenote challenge tomb is along an offshoot of the path that takes you to the main story destination in the area. Let op: dit mag ALLEEN gebruikt worden om spam, advertenties, en problematische (lastigvallende, uitlokkende of grove) berichten te rapporteren. Knight’s Morion . Here's where they are. Rope-pull five effigies down. Follow the alley to the left of relic #1 (above) and dig up a survival cache (2/34). As far as I'm concerned there isn't a glitch for that. Journal of T. Serrano 2 (1) - located right next to Cenote Vista campsite. Documents; Relics; Survival cache; Documents. Is there a known issue with this or does anyone know where I might be missing a monster. The issue being that I do recall collecting that relic, and I even went back to where is supposed to be and the chest is already open. I know that the monsters make noise the whole time but I'm not able to use the crank to move spouts any more. 1/5 – When jumping into the body of water in front of the temple, head to the right side of the temple to find an effigy. And calling something like this a glitch, that's just plain thick-headed. User Info: dandan. Collections may contain murals, documents/photographs, and/or relics. Reward "Caiman's Breath II" (Skill) Check Out the San Cordaba Guide! In this part of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider walkthrough you will find the location of the hidden relics of the Cenotes area. dandan 7 years ago #1. Every time there's a missing page, or relic, or stonebite it turns out I just missed one. A Warning (4) - this document is near a water body. i’ve been all over the area and can’t find a way into that room to get the relic.