How long does it take for planes to cross the ocean? How long will the footprints on the moon last? Can you kill an alligator with a 20 gauge shotgun? Montana coyote taken at close range with Hevi-Shot Dead Coyote ammunition. The less well placed the shot is, the more power ( damage ) you will need. These areas include thick brush, river bottoms, and dense cedar pockets to name a few. I would imagine its going to be hard to kill them with a shotgun unless you were aiming for the back of the head and were relatively close. What is the best handgun round for alligator defense in your opinion? How much am I looking at? If you're trying to track down the Legendary Alligator in RDR2, don't worry — this guide has you covered with where to find it and how to kill it. Hope you enjoyed, and leave a comment below on what you would like to see nextSHAREfactory™!/en-us/tid=CUSA00572_00 Can we use ground penetrating radar all the way down to the center of the Earth? Save yourself some embarrassment (and a possible prison sentence) and don't try to pass alligator bones off as dinosaur fossils. How do you think about the answers? What state did you pull for? Trapping and killing: It’s a third-degree felony under Florida law to kill or injure an alligator. Save Share. You will need to use an Improved Arrow and hit the alligator in the head to assure a one-shot kill, but doing so is easy. Bullet performance is a big reason that the men like the .17 HMR. 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An alligator attack is not a liesurely thing. You'd hopefully also get arrested. However, I do believe an alligator can be killed with a .410 at that range. i think they will know it's not a dinosaur, and killing any animal is not right unless it's attacking u, u can probably make money from taking pics and selling it to tourist =D, Tell them the bone is the human missing link. The Swamp People use rimfire rifles but they know the Gators anatomy, and can effectively kill them quickly with a headache shot. Punch its head "Don't panic and punch at the animal's head; it's a very vulnerable spot for the alligator," Wasilewski said. Can somebody help me? Otherwise the cat would shred you to pieces. By chance I happen to have handled a Taurus Judge right before I read that email. That's a fcked up question but it's a pretty simple answer. My teacher said they came from dinosaurs and I'm in a need for cash. Some people use archery equipment to dispatch alligators "on the line." Did Britney Spears cheat on Justin Timberlake? You will likely have to prove that you really needed to shoot it and it's going to cost you many thousands of dollars even if you win. Call New Areas. My teacher said they came from dinosaurs and I'm in a need for cash. Also, don't swim alone or at night, dusk or dawn when alligators are hunting for food. Nobody needs a “Assault Rifle”, unless they want one and can afford one, pass the background check, get the Tax Stamp, find a Seller who will sell it to you and then buy it. The 12-gauge shotgun isn’t just a good hunting weapon. The only place to shoot to kill is the brain which is very small and underneath a very thick skull. How many rows have Boeing 744 jet have economy has. and I always see Aligators I could blast their head open and then sell the bones to museum since they're dinosaurs. 1. Who proved that a maachine capable of processsing a stream of 1s and 0s was capable of solving any problem? Yes, If you hit the animal in the proper spot and cause enough damage. <>. The alligator is a federally protected species so if you shoot one be prepared to be prosecuted in federal court. How Kill the Alligator in Red Dead 2 for a Perfect Alligator Skin To get a perfect skin you'll have to find a Perfect Alligator and use the right weapons to kill it. I hunt them in Louisiana every year but we catch them on baited lines and pop them in the back of the head with a .22. It will cost about five years if you lose. That means you’re not allowed to shoot and kill alligators unless you’re defending yourself. “We had him tied to every cleat on the boat because he kept fighting. You need to shoot to kill otherwise you’ll just have a pissed off gator coming after you. It's illegal to kill wild alligators "Only persons under contract with the Commission as nuisance alligator trappers, or their agents and assistants, who have been approved by the executive director, or his designee, shall take, possess and kill nuisance alligators as authorized by permit." “If it’s an animal, they can only get that gator on our property,” Lisa Bass said. What are the advantages and disadvantages of early supplier involvement? With a shotgun I can quickly kill the close ones and switch to the rifle for the others. If you absolutely need to defend yourself against these shotgun-worthy snakes, you can, but I'm guessing there are better alternatives - like my mother-in-law's tried and true shovel-to-head method. The alligator will just sit there while you line up your shot. If you do that enough, you're gonna piss them off enough to let go."