I am going through the exact same thing and i understand how confusing the same sex arousal feeling is that hocd gives us. One of the commonest identifiers of mutual attraction is prolonged eye contact. Here is a list of them. When you feel attracted to someone do they feel it too? I feel your pain!!! They sit next to you in your intimate zone. hocd false attraction towards friend!! I want to save you from the awkwardness of unknown attraction. Jesse reads a story sent to him by "Maria", and her struggles with mental health issues from a young age. If you mean arousal attraction then no I don't!! Back in November, I noted that 99% of the questions I’m asked are related to HOCD. Have you been to your doctor (GP) about the HOCD before? What I feel is the best approach is to learn, now that you are no longer in a relationship to love yourself again for who you are without needing someone else to make you feel acceptance and loved. If you can show her you want her and respect her, you’re going to make her want you. The attractions I feel for girls feel the same as when i had attractions for guys. Book A Consultation - https://datinglogic.net/consultation/ So I tried to write ONE GIANT REPLY (which you can read here), but it didn’t stop the questions from pouring in.. ... Norepinephrine is also released during attraction, and the combination makes you feel giddy. This "impulse fear" is what drives the confusion in all obsessive compulsive behaviors, and is quite apparent in HOCD as well. SLJ94. Hi, can I ask some question about HOCD ? It’s true that therapists who are not OCD specialists may feel pressure to view HOCD as an identity issue when it is not. Forum User. This is the intimate zone and you can feel the change when someone enters your personal space. Just stay strong and DONT harm yourself that will solve nothing and you have a great life to live. They give me motivation when I feel like I can't do it anymore. subscribe and be the first to receive all new auidos! Mental Health. You need to learn your facts and you need to maybe talk to a different psychologist because obviously they're telling you some weird things. I strongly recommend you make an appointment with your doctor to discuss strategies to work through the distressing thoughts and confusion. Much like the Chinese fingertrap, the more one resists it, the harder it gets. How so? I HATE IT. 2. Does your girlfriend know about your HOCD? Recognize Your Fears and Face Them. You know it's called HOCD, so you should already know this, but you don't mention it, ... or else I can't feel that inner-attraction and the girl doesn't have to look tomboyish either, just have that level of realizem to slam the door in-front of me if all went bad, a sharp mouth, It also seems I'm attached to dark things like Gothic. let me please, first of all, totally reassure you that not only do I know how it feels to suffer, but I can also provide you with exactly what you need in order to recover. Attraction may be influenced less than lust by physiological factors—the appeal of someone's features, or the way they make you laugh—but … somn. Forum User. While this disorder is generally referred to as “HOCD”, it does not always pertain to specifically “homosexual” themes, but can also include fears of bi-sexuality, pan-sexuality, and even fears of heterosexuality. My attraction to females feels so real, and i hate it. Even your concern with your attraction to your own breasts seems to be nothing more than a twist on your fear of being attracted to women. The most important thing I can tell you is to stop avoiding things that trigger your fear. Sometimes I'll actually … There are so many different things that you can do to make women feel attracted to you. Attraction is also associated with higher levels of serotonin, the happy hormone. Women are strong and independent, but they don’t always like to wear the pants in a relationship. "I say, oh, that's interesting, how do you feel about being gay and what can we do about that?' ... so I'm going to synthesise it and make you feel it'... 27 May 2015 - 16:53 . With some professional support, your symptoms can improve. Handsome people confuse you? AlphaChipster. 2. But there are subtle hints, cracks in the nuance of human emotion that hint mutual attraction. You can make a woman feel intense attraction when you interact with her. The unattainable is attractive. No worries, my friend: If you are trying to understand yourself or someone close to you who has HOCD, you are reading the right article. I told my boyfriend about my OCD, and he is really supportive. Thank you for taking the time to read and obey the rules. The primal sexual attraction you sometimes feel for certain people can be misleading. Rule one: If you say you are heterosexual, then you are. Attraction is more than just skin deep – there is companionship, emotional and intellectual compatibility. Prolonged Eye Contact. Attraction is when you look at someone from across a crowded room and lock eyes. This involves tocd, hocd with strong false attractions. I don't want to be attracted to girls, but ugghh the attractions feel so strong. You may be afraid that your therapist will join you in the analytical pursuit of meaning, rather than help you, and then try to get you to accept a homosexuality in you that doesn’t really exist. Join date: Apr 2015. I've bin struggling with hocd for 5 months now. When I'm attracted to girls I feel super happy and warm inside, I don't think this is "romantic attraction" because I can get this feeling for girls I don't know at all. listened to in all 196 countries! You have control over yourself, and you may hastily step back from the edge of the cliff, but might for a few minutes be scared and confused as to why you even had the impulse. HOCD will hopefully disappear for you soon and you can … Before developing HOCD, you would not have given any thought to your sexual preference as it would have been a given. You don’t have to try to use your looks to attract women. If you have HOCD, these thoughts can come so often that, over time, it can become unbearable. Period. Rule two: There are no other rules. Can HOCD make you feel Like you are Gay , from time to time ? In order to feel more attracted to your partner, look at them as a whole and consider all the positive factors that contribute to the quality of your relationship.