The dilute platinum is believed to be the combination of the platinum gene and the dilute gene. The albino mutation refers to a recessive coloring in which eyes are pink and the coat has no pigment, resulting in a white Syrian hamster or white dwarf hamster appearance. It has not yet even been documented as a gene or given a genetic symbol, but it is believe to be a recessive gene. They have white fur on the belly and under their paws. The combinations and possibilities are many! It is distinguished from the closely related Djungarian hamster as it has smaller ears and no dark fur on its crown. Experts believe this change in winter white hamster colors is triggered by the length of days. It is my belief that female Chinese are solitary and should never be sold in pairs. Some people have believed that their hamsters were sick since they always look wet. The black gene is a recessive gene. The argente gene is a recessive gene. There are a number of significant elements to should really think about when deciding if a hamster is the suitable pet for you and your family. Shades: Solid black with common white faults. Irregular white patches or spots – also called banded, spotted, or collared, if the mottling is confined to the neck. Contrary to some claims, the different colors and markings of hamsters do not indicate personality differences. It is distinguished from the closely related Djungarian hamster as it has smaller ears and no dark fur on its crown. Breeding to an opal or to another hamster carrying the opal gene, though, will produce some opal babies. Russian Dwarf hamsters include two main types: the Winter White (Djungarian) and the Campbell’s. The normal coat is short and flat. Let’s look at this a bit more in-depth. Gallery Of Hamster Colors There are 5 main species of hamsters: Syrians, Campbell Russian Dwarf, Chinese, Roborovski Dwarf and Winter White (Djungarian) Dwarfs. Syrian hamsters are often seen in colors diverging from the usual gold, as a result of accumulated years of breeding. Since lilac fawn is the two-gene color of opal and black-eyed argente, you are only missing the red-eyed argente gene to get to blue beige. There is plenty of mixing and matching of colors, both on the major back and stomach areas as well in more specific areas around the eyes and ears, not to mention stripes and spots. You can also find black dwarf hamsters, orange and white hamsters, and many other variations. While hamster colors may seem like a surface issue, there is in fact a large body of science behind how genetics influences hamster coat colors. These hamsters were first found in (surprise) Syria in the 1930s, and then soon after made their way further west. For the latter, she gives the rich description of “a blue-gray or purple-gray color with a dark gray dorsal stripe, an ivory belly, and black eyes.“. Article by Agnes Krause. Campbell’s dwarf hamsters are typically quite confident and friendly, but may be prone to nipping. Most of the varieties were discovered in the last 10 years. It is not difficult to breed blues if you have both an opal and a black hamster -- but you must have both genes. Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters are very similar in appearance to the Winter White, and they are the most Dwarf Hamsters found in pet shops.They are distinguishable from the Winter White by its smaller ears and, in particular coloration – lack of dark patch on the crown of the head.. Campbells do not turn white in the winter, and they are … 138. These are two totally separate genes even though they share the term "argente." The dilute gene is one of the least understood of the Campbells genes. Some silver early while others silver later in life. Also due to the black gene, all two gene colors are self. The Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster inhabits the steppes of eastern and central Asia, digging burrows which may extend up to three feet underground. The lethal part of the gene means that there are no hamsters with two platinum genes. Thus, there are opal satins, opal mottled satins, opal platinum satins, etc. Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli) is a species of hamster in the genus Phodopus. Hamster coat color genetics are of course akin to genetic science in the broadest sense, as fur and eye color are determined by genes inherited from each parent. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Campbell's Russian dwarf can live in pairs and look very similar to the Winter White dwarf hamster. The fur on its belly is usually white or off white. If they have it, you need to avoid breeding two ruby-eyed mottleds together. Squeaks and Nibbles is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Squeaks and Nibbles is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Breeding to an argente or to another hamster carrying the argente gene, though, will produce some argente babies. We’ll also see how the wide variety of colors seen today are also often influenced by the surge in hamster breeding, as well as environmental adaptation from group to group. Due to the silvering nature of the black gene, all hamsters with two black genes (which includes the blacks as well as the combined colors using black such as blue, dove and chocolate) will silver with age. The opal gene is a recessive gene. Occasionally a mutation occurs resulting in a new colour. The rex coat is often sparse and remains curled even in adult hamsters. This is just the nature of this coat type. The only true albino hamsters belong to the Campbell’s Dwarf hamster species. Dove is a argente and black genes. There are a couple of mutations that result in albino coloring. It is also the color you will get if you breed two animals of different colors if they do have any common mutant genes (i.e. You would then breed two of these normals together. While these hamsters have been bred extensively since that time, it is interesting to note that all golden hamsters in captivity descended from just 13 original hamsters captured in Syria. All babies would be normal carrying argente and black. Blue fawn is a combination of the opal and argente genes. You would then breed two of these opals together. This is an important point regarding the complexity of hamster colors. A black and white Syrian hamster? To get doves, you would breed the argente to the black. Roborovski dwarf hamsters are generally tame and rarely nip. A typical wild dwarf hamster is almost 13.5 mm in length and has a tail length of 5 mm. Next lets talk about safety measures when sexing dwarf hamsters on … Shades: Cinnamon or sandy with no tipping. Campbell's dwarf hamsters are born with one of four coat types: normal, satin, wavy and rex. Breeding to a black or to another hamster carrying the black gene, though, will produce some black babies. To get chocolates, you would breed the BEA to the black. However they are particularly nervous and, combined with their very small size and extremely lively nature, this makes them unsuitable for young children who will want to play with them, as they could easily escape when handled.It is recommended that they are only handled in an area where they will be easy to … From this pairing, you should get approximately 9/16 normals, 3/16 opals, 3/16 argentes, and 1/16 blue fawns. You would then breed two of these normals together. However, as of today, this breed has over 40 color variations. This is an interesting environmental adaptation in which the white winter coat of Russian white hamsters changes to brown during the summer. This is a good reminder that the process and trends behind hamster colors and genes do not exist in a vacuum apart from other animals—far from it. Since blue fawn is the two-gene color for opal and red-eyed argente, you are only missing the black-eyed argente gene to get to blue beige. Vanderlip cites instances of a blue hamster type within the dwarf hamster family. The surviving babies are entirely healthy and normal, however, and can be bred or kept as pets without any concern for health problems (beyond those of any Campbells). The title of Syrian hamster is often used interchangeably with the golden hamster, or even the Syrian golden hamster. You need to know if your mottleds have this dominant ruby-eyed gene or not. Lots of pellets seeds dried fruit and it be able to find the right home will make it easily. If a hamster has two albino genes and two black genes, instead of being a combined color, he will be albino since the albino "masks" the black color. One popular color is brown Syrian hamsters. She discusses a “blue-gray” Djungarian coat as well as what she calls a “sapphire” Siberian hamster. Roborovski hamster Dwarf winter white russian More Info Beginners' Guide Hamster Care FAQ: Russian Campbell Hamster - colours and patterns. Blue beige is the three-gene color which is the combination of the opal, red-eyed argente, and black-eyed argente genes.To breed a blue beige, you would start with two different two-gene colors like blue fawn and lilac fawn (beige works equally as well if you just make substitutions). All have one platinum and one non-platinum gene. Blue is a combination of the opal and black genes. Naming. The opal gene can be carried recessively and not show up in the coat at all. All babies would be red-eyed argente carrying black-eyed argente and black. It does mean that the number of babies in litters born to two platinums are 25% smaller on average than those born to a platinum and a non-platinum. These dwarf hamsters also scent mark their territories using glands located behind their ears. The satin coat is shiny and gives the appearance of being wet or greasy and the gene enhances the fur's color and gives it lift. The red-eyed can easily be confused with Albinos, and indeed they are impossible to differentiate by phenotype alone. To breed a dark beige, you would start with two different two-gene colors like beige and dove (chocolate works equally as well if you make the substitution). Those hamsters who did have two platinum genes (got one from each parent) die in the womb and are reabsorbed by the mother. There have been reported color coat “mutations” resulting in a Syrian orange hamster. There are three types of genes Campbells Dwarf breeders track. Thus, there are no combined colors with albino. Campbell Dwarf Hamster — With no relation to the soup brand we are all so familiar with, the Campbell Dawrf Hamster is instead, a name given by British Zoologist Oldfield Thomas.This was in honour of of the man whom collected the very first Campbell Dwarf Hamster specimen from Mongolia in 1902, named Charles William Campbell.Thus confirming the Campbell Dwarf Hamster… Their curiosity wins out over their fear. So you would breed the beige to the dove with red-eyed argente being the overlapping gene. This is yet another example of the complexities and boundless varieties that come with hamster colors! All babies would be normal carrying BEA and black. The hamsters are primarily available in mottled (banded, collared or spotted) and platinum (pearl) patterned varieties. Hopefully this article has served as a window into genetic and evolutionary hamster colors! It is my belief that female Chinese are solitary and should never be sold in pairs. So you would breed the blue fawn to the blue with opal being the overlapping gene. Coat Types: Short haired, satin coated. The hamster has no fully accepted common name, winter white dwarf hamster and Russian dwarf hamster are among the most often used. There are four different types of dwarf hamster, most of which are usually available at your local pet shop. If it is another gene, it is closely linked to the black gene. A variation of the Roborovski is a white-faced variety. Since blue is the two-gene color for opal and black, you are only missing the red-eyed argente gene to get to RE Lilac. The Campbell dwarf hamster is similar to the Russian winter white hamster, though it does not change color, and can’t handle the extreme low temperatures that the winter white can. Since blue fawn is the two-gene color for opal and red-eyed argente, you are only missing the black gene to get RE Lilac. A calico hamster? The rex coat is a soft, short coat which is curled so as to be "lifted" from the body and the whiskers are curly. In reality the gene only enhances the furs colour and gives it lift. Winter white dwarf hamsters aren’t shy around people. Apr 8, 2016 - Dove Campbell's Dwarf Hamster | My Hammies World: Campbell's Russian Hamster Colors, Patterns And Coats Campbell's dwarf hamster typically has a narrow dorsal stripecompared to the Djungarian hamster and grey fur on the stom… Most also have white paws and a chin stripe while some have white patches on their bellies too. Thanks to advanced breeding practices, Russian campbell hamsters now come in a variety of coat types, patterns and colours! It does her no harm. Confusion arises because of their physical similarity to Campbell's dwarf hamster, consequently, the name Djungarian hamster and Russian dwarf can refer to both winter white and Campbell's dwarf hamsters.. Campbell’s dwarf hamsters have cheek pouches which are fully grown in 11 days and the dwarf hamsters can store food as big a… All babies would be opal carrying RE argente and BE argente. Hamster Wet Tail – How To Spot It And What To Do, Your Pregnant Hamster – How To Care For Her During Pregnancy & Birth. Between them, you need to cover the three genes needed for blue beige with one color overlapping. Just look at this description from Dean Marvin Warren in his book Small Animal Care and Management: “Golden hamsters can be found in single or solid colors, two-colored or banded patterns…In addition to the regular black eye color, red or ruby eyes are also common. They are usually a mix of these colors and with different patterns such as patches, spots, and stripes. George Grayson. Being dominant means that a hamster only needs one of these genes, and he will have the platinum pattern. There are few rare eye colors, mainly the ruby-eyed cream Syrian hamster coloration. while they have mated get rid of the male (enable them to try this some cases to verify he gets the activity completed) and that's all … A hamster with a satin coat appears wet or greasy. The argente gene can be carried recessively and not show up in the coat at all. These hamsters typically have gray-brown fur on their backs with a darker stripe along the center of their backs. Best Gerbil Cages – Finding Housing For Your Pet! The golden hamster is the species you’ll most often find in pet stores. They are very similar in color to the doves except that the chocolates have black eyes. So you would breed the lilac fawn to the blue with opal being the overlapping gene. To begin, the common Siberian hamster often has a grey coat with a white stomach. Main colors for the Campbell would include agouti (wild natural color), argente (sandy), and albino (white). Rat Names – Over 200 Great Ideas For Naming Your Pet... Hamster Breeds – Differences, Similarities, and Choosing the Best One. Campbell's dwarf hamsters are born with one of four coat types: normal, satin, wavy and rex. Below I will provide key facts, images and a description of the four different dwarf hamster species.It’s worth knowing that Campbell’s and Winter White dwarf hamsters can breed together to produce ‘hybrids’.These hybrids are a controversial topic in the pet industry … It is not difficult to breed blue fawns if you have both an opal and an argente hamster -- but you must have both genes. This can be avoided by only breeding ruby-eyed mottleds to unpatterned or to platinum dwarves. The hair tends to be a bit longer and thinner also. You would then breed two of these argentes together. Though we’ve covered a number of common hamster species and hamster colors, there are certainly more out there to be studied and appreciated. The ones mentioned below, along with other non-standard colors for this group, are a result of genetic mutation. From this pairing, you should get approximately 9/16 opals, 3/16 blue fawns, 3/16 blues, and 1/16 RE Lilac. You can find so many color combinations! You would then breed two of these normals together. Platinums can range from mostly colored with very few white hairs to mostly white with very few colored hairs. Below we’ll talk about the many different coat colors possible for hamsters, which species show which colors, and how genetics and external influences can impact hamster colors. Hamsters can occasionally be found with one ruby eye and one red eye.”. It also means that the gene cannot be carried. To breed an BE Lilac, you would start with two different two-gene colors like lilac fawn and blue (chocolate works equally as well if you make the substitutions). Since lilac fawn is the two-gene color for opal and black-eyed argente, you are only missing the black gene to get BE Lilac. The Russian Campbell's Dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli) is an adorable and energetic species of hamster. Campbell's dwarf hamsters are available in six basic colors plus many variations thereof. As you can see above with the platinum gene, it removes all color. Hamster Colors – A Rainbow Of Tiny, Furry Friends, explains in her book about dwarf hamsters, Guide to Care and Treatment of Rats, Mice, Gerbils and Hamsters, Albino and pink-eyed dilution mutants in the Russian Dwarf Hamster, Caring for Dwarf Hamsters Guide: All You Need to Know About Keeping Dwarf Hamster As a Pet, Dwarf Hamsters: Everything about Purchase, Care, Nutrition, and Behavior. The winter white dwarf hamster is a unique dwarf hamster with a magically fluffy, white winter coat!Its other special feature is a dark dorsal stripe on its back, which the Campbell hamster also has (it’s a sub-species of the winter white).. you breed an opal to an argente when neither carry the other color). Being recessive means that a hamster needs two of these genes (one from each parent) to have the black coloration. Campbell’s dwarf hamster. Mating an argente to a black-eyed argente will give all normals carrying these two genes but no argentes with either black or red eyes. All hamsters with two black genes (which includes the blacks as well as the combined colors using black such as blue and dove) will silver with age. While the hamster is largely seen as, quite simply, a cute and cuddly pet, the genetics and overall range of hamster colors is complicated (and fascinating!). They look very similar to the chocolate dwarves with the exception of the eye color. Combining the different mutations has produced new colors. Colours and Markings of the Campbell’s Hamster Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters are born with one of two coat types, satin and rex. The Campbell’s Dwarf hamster (Phodophus Campbelli) ... Campbell hamster colors. Campbells Dwarf Hamster Colors and Patterns: Agouti color of Campbells in the wild: Normal: Single gene colors: Albino / Opal / Argente / Black / Black-eyed Argente: Two gene colors: Blue Fawn / Lilac Fawn / Blue / Dove / Beige / Chocolate: Three gene colors Black-eyed Lilac is the three-gene color which is the combination of the opal, black-eyed argente, and black genes. You would then breed two of these normals together. Here is another fascinating example of how environment and climate impact hamster colors! The Roborovski hamster is also called the “desert hamster.” Roborovski hamster colors are usually light-gray, sandy, or gold. From this pairing, you should get approximately 9/16 opals, 3/16 lilac fawns, 3/16 blues, and 1/16 BE Lilac. It is not difficult to breed lilac fawns if you have both an opal and a black-eyed argente -- but you must have both genes. There are a number of factors at play for us to examine, as veterinarian Sharon Vanderlip explains in her book about dwarf hamsters: “Color is often determined by the interaction of several genes.”. A less common coloring for the Chinese hamster is a mostly white body, a result of genes that code just for white markings on a hamster coat. With both wild as well as domesticated Chinese hamsters, there are often combinations of colors, leading to an appearance that combines coloring for a brown hamster and grey hamster. Let’s start off with the most common species of hamster, the Syrian hamster. Edited by muffin hamster, 05 January 2012 - … Suppose a hamster has two opal and two black genes, the resulting color would be the combined color of blue.