I have used it for a while without ads and without complaint. Firefox Private Relay will be another email forwarding service. But, it also the Operating System vendors, Apple and Google, that learn our location. Android v8: Settings -> Network & Internet -> Wi-Fi -> Wi-Fi preferences -> Open network notification. In discussing a Windows bug on the March 24, 2020 episode of the Security Now podcast he said "I swear to god, I don't run Windows on any machines anymore. I don't know why this is working though. iOS 11 and 12 have two ways to disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Her Amazon Purchases Are Real. Discusses Brave, Ghostery, Tor, DuckDuckGo and two Mozilla browsers. T-Mobile's "Uncarrier" initiative has done wonders for my wallet and my data usage. They partner with websites, apps and stores to track you when you are not using Facebook. Another reason for my approach to defense. For this reason, it should always be used on public Wi-Fi networks. Choosing: One downside of a VPN, compared to Tor, is that the VPN company normally knows who you are. Subscribe & Save)", APPLE (Siri, Apple Watch and HomePod smart speakers). The batteries were dated March 2028 and they were sold by Amazon. Tmobile implanted a code to control the phone for their Tmobile phone? However, options are limited for the Chromebook being controlled remotely. Canon does not seem interested in supporting Chrome OS. With iCloud Mail, you can have up to three active email aliases. Some surge protectors also offer protection for cable and telephone lines. It's as if it never happened. To see it, tap the "aA" at the left side of the address bar -> Privacy Report. Firefox was tested against Chrome, Internet Explorer and Edge. Also new, periodic reminders about apps that are accessing your location in the background. READERS: This is working as of 05/xx/19. In Aug. 2019, Joseph Cox of Motherboard revealed that "Contractors working for Microsoft are listening to personal conversations of Skype users conducted through the app’s translation service ... [and] ... Microsoft contractors are also listening to voice commands that users speak to Cortana, the company's voice assistant." There are no ads. An email that asks you to logon to read an encrypted message is, Emails that pretend to be from a trusted organization for the purpose of stealing passwords or other personal information can be reported to, Taking a step back, it seems to me like we are living in a time much like the one before seat belts were required in cars. Again, look for Location History and Web and App Activity. The bad keyboard is called "Butterfly", the good keyboard is "scissor-switch". See. MULTIPLE EMAIL ADDRESSES (Last Update: Oct 16, 2020). There are no trackers. For example, Sonos keeps track of what albums, playlists or stations you listen to and shares that information with Amazon. Also see the Location Tracking topic. To prevent this, isolate the streaming box. Office spying was too much for Germany where it was banned from schools in July 2019. If you opt for using your own personal domain, then you can use the Domain Search feature of haveibeenpwned.com to subscribe to your domain and be notified when any of your email addresses have been stolen in a data breach. We're suing Google for harvesting our personal info even though we opted out of Chrome sync - netizens by Thomas Claburn of The Register (July 2020). This triggered long articles in the Washington Post and Ars Technica. This includes the "Analytics & Improvements" section where I would turn off all three options. Then turn on the checkbox for Add Extra Security to my account. The third type is a "secure" site that has gone the extra mile and offers proof of its identity. You are now at the Account & Settings page. Autofill: This ease-of-use feature lets Google save still more information about you. Google said last year that it would fix a bug that allowed sites to detect incognito mode, but no fix ever came. Tap the option labeled Access Point Names, then select the T-Mobile APN currently in use. Need one that works for a MetroPCS t mobile ZTE zmax pro. Andrew,Are you sure that just adding "dun" to APN TYPE will give you Unlimited hotspot if you have unlmted Data? In the US, this was the stated intent, but the scheme was corrupted. My. SimpleLogin is an email forwarding service. To disable dictations: Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> turn off Enable Dictation. AnonAddy also offers email forwarding. In September 2017, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai wrote about this: Turning Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in iOS 11's Control Center Doesn’t Actually Turn Off Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. That is, when Guest mode starts, there is no visible history of anything. This, however, ignores the other thing they provide, DNS. User agents don't work because Netflix insists on Silverlight, which apparently becomes inaccessible when using a UA. by Gennie Gebhart in NY Times (July 2019). There is an option to sign up for Chromebook SPAM from Google that is on by default. In my test of Android 10 with three VPN providers, Private DNS won out every time. Job interview questions and sample answers list, tips, guide and advice. In Settings -> Autofill a particular website (x.com for the sake of example) was set to never save the password. On Android 7, 8, 9 and 10, both options are at: Settings -> Google -> Ads. To see the topic as it existed then: All the ways Slack (and your boss) tracks you and how to stop it by Matt Burgess for Wired (October 2020). For Synology it is Auto Block (Control Panel -> Security -> Auto Block tab in DSM 5 and Control Panel -> Security -> Account tab in DSM 6). Whenever you are offered the choice to Login With Google or Login With Facebook, don't do it. You can check if any of your passwords have leaked in a data breach at. You can test for setting cookies at cookieserve.com. And, if they really are disabled, each Operating System has a number of ways to automatically turn them back on. Description: "Allow apps and services to scan for nearby devices at any time, even when Bluetooth is off. Some scammers, Bad guys might try to open a credit card in your name. Many VPN companies use a VPS (Virtual Private Server). Choosing: One consideration in choosing a VPN provider is their client software. In Networking, maybe disable the Wi-Fi assistant. techies is flatly wrong. Spend the time to learn how to stop the camera from doing this. The Chrome browser extension Shhlack, can encrypt messages. Pretty much same description. Which? You should verify with your VPN provider what DNS servers they use. On iOS, NFC is used for Apple Pay and reading NFC tags. The fake On a 14.4 Wi-Fi-only iPad there were no DNS settings anywhere. Some commercial VPN providers offer limited accounts for free. Get all of Hollywood.com's best Celebrities lists, news, and more. A VPN prevents spying on your online activity by anyone you an see (anyone on the same local network). Amazon.com, A stranger's TV went on spending spree with my Amazon account – and web giant did nothing about it for months, You Might Be Buying Trash on Amazon - Literally, All the Ways Google Tracks You - And How to Stop It, Google's auto-delete tools are practically worthless for privacy, You Should (Probably) Delete Your Google Data - Here’s How, Google uses Gmail to track a history of things you buy, See your purchases, reservations and subscriptions, How to blur your house on Google Street View (and why you should), These 4 Gmail alternatives put your privacy first, The complete list of alternatives to all Google products, How to replace each Google service with a more privacy-friendly alternative, Scam, spam and phishing texts: How to spot SMS fraud and stay safe, Defending against audio deepfakes before it's too late, Deepfake Audio Used to Impersonate Senior Executives, Fraudsters deepfake CEO’s voice to trick manager into transferring $243,000, Listen to This Deepfake Audio Impersonating a CEO in Brazen Fraud Attempt, German schools ban Microsoft Office 365 amid privacy concerns, Office 365 declared illegal in German schools due to privacy risks, How to Save Office Documents to This PC by Default, How Twitter's Default Settings Can Leak Your Phone Number, Twitter URLs Can Be Manipulated to Spread Fake News and Scams, Protect Yourself against Encryption-Based Ransomware, Security Advisory for eCh0raix Ransomware, UK and US warn QNAP owners to upgrade firmware to block malware, How to Disable Interactive Pop-Up Ads on Your Roku TV, How to Turn Off Smart TV Snooping Features, Your smart TV is spying on you. Description: "Turn on Wi-Fi in places where you use Wi-Fi frequently". If you visit a web page, everyone knows that HTTPS encrypts the content of the page. Don't. The only way to even attempt this defense is to use more than one web browser. No phone needed, its an app, so it can be installed on a tablet. If you often use a public network, then consider a privacy screen protector. Or, set a spoken pin to stop anyone else from shopping using your account. Given this lack of understanding, rather than try to educate the public, they are taking their ball home so we can't play the game. If you don't need it, turn it off. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Or, you can use these voice commands: "Hey Google, delete what I just said" or "Delete what I said on [date]" or "Delete my last conversation". Quite a quote about Facebook: "morally bankrupt pathological liars who enable genocide (Myanmar)" (ZDNet April 2019), Facebook does not remove bad guys until they are publicly shamed in a high profile way (Brian Krebs, April 2019), Mark Zuckerberg leveraged Facebook user data to fight rivals and help friends, leaked documents show NBC News April 2019. For more see Crooks Hijack Retirement Funds Via SSA Portal by Brian Krebs. To lock an iOS device, a password/passcode is more secure than a fingerprint or your face. In August 2019 we learned that Facebook Paid Contractors to Transcribe Users' Audio Chats (Bloomberg) just like all the providers of Voice Assistants. Apple Suspends Listening to Siri Queries Amid Privacy Outcry by Mark Gurman of Bloomberg (Aug 2019). Not only are ineffective products not flagged as such, then too, there is the price gouging on said products. Firefox, Brave, Tor and DuckDuckGo (mobile only) are good. One upside is that you can change email providers without anyone knowing or caring. Callerid can be spoofed just like the FROM address in email, so the same advice holds: think carefully before taking action based on a single phone call, especially any action involving money, passwords or personal information. You can't even install an extension in Guest mode. You start with a virgin copy of the operating system. Thank you. They point out that non-techies do not understand what it means for a website to have a verified identity. Also from Fowler: Amazon collects data about third-party devices even when you do not use Alexa to operate them. Also review Google Assistant. That was an easy call. Google Chrome has become surveillance software. There are links to assorted tester pages on my, After VPN: One last test, for IP version 6 connectivity at. If you tend to stream a lot of videos on your phone, this should make a helluva difference. You can use the Voice Match function to insure your personal results are only available to you. nine different Windows patches conflicted with four different antivirus products, leading to multiple problems. In these cases, the use of 2FA made them vulnerable. It does warn that websites you visit and your ISP know what you do, even with private browsing mode. Note: this is done for a Google account, not for a device, thus you must be on-line to make changes. I am not a Mac user, so all I have to offer are links. On one Android 10 device: Settings -> Lock screen -> Secure lock settings -> Auto factory reset (after 15 bad passcodes). iOS13: Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services and then choose, for each app, when it can access your location. In the web interface, click Settings and there is an option to "Allow password reset". If using Wi-Fi, connect it to a Guest network. Available devices will appear in a pop-up or on the notification panel. Google wants you on-line even if it means using an insecure Open Wi-Fi network. If they are that concerned, maybe have a scalable cap instead. The browser has become such a default for American internet users that I never even questioned it.". Its Bookstore Offers Clues, Paging Big Brother: In Amazon’s Bookstore, Orwell Gets a Rewrite, Fake and dangerous kids products are turning up for sale on Amazon, 'Amazon's Choice' Does Not Necessarily Mean A Product Is Good, Amazon’s Choice Isn't the Endorsement It Appears, Amazon still hasn’t fixed its problem with bait-and-switch reviews, Manipulating Amazon reviews: Inside Amazon’s Fake Review Economy. On the June 26, 2020 episode of The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show the show host, Michael Bazzell, suggested disabling SIRI completely. iOS does this much better. Private DNS does not exist on Android 8 or earlier. Store them on multiple pieces of paper in multiple places. Other terms for this are SIM Hijacking and a port-out scam. Google did this for privacy reasons but some people don't like advertising the camera's existence to intruders in a dark room. And, save everything you need to logon to their website. App used: default "Mobile Hotspot"app from AT&T. First, create a new admin account. See how. After all, selling is what Amazon does. We have already seen that just having "FTC" in the name means nothing. The only downside is, when sharing data through a mobile hotspot (tethering), T-Mobile imposes a 5 GB limit (which was recently upped to 7 GB for some). Likewise, the spying (aka telemetry, customization) can only be partially disabled. If an Apple Watch detects it has been raised and then hears speech, Siri is activated. If you know, please share, just spring for clockworkmod tether and then use uc free wifi to turn you pc into a hotspot if you want to connect other devices. The. There will be a checkbox to review Sync options after the initial setup. Their service forwards emails, it is not a second name for a single inbox. In the Location Services section, click on System Services and then turn off the three options under "PRODUCT IMPROVEMENT", For the iPhone 11 only. Defending against Google tracking involves changing options in your Google account, which can be done on a website, as well as configuring options on your mobile device(s), when doing Google searches, in Google Assistant and in Nest devices. Note: This is separate and distinct from smart TVs spying on you which requires no hacking. They also underestimate the hassle of new software for non techies. What if All Your Slack Chats Were Leaked? In brief: Chrome is bad. Traveling passwords: Paper passwords work everywhere, no matter the device, the Operating System or the software being used. Select Manage Nielsen Measurement and opt out. It does not set any cookies. Thus, the use of is hard coded into either the Roku system or one of the channels. When I first signed in to the AT&T website it sent a text with a one-time code to the phone. There are no "jailbreak" equivalent apps. iOS Defenses: Both articles cover a lot of ground. Artificial Intelligence allows bad guys to learn someone's voice and vocal patterns and then manipulate it to scam people. For one, it says that Firefox Now Available with Enhanced Tracking Protection by Default Plus Updates to Facebook Container, Firefox Monitor and Lockwise by Mozilla (June 2019). Defense: Use a land line for two factor authentication rather than a cellphone number, if possible. Also save other information that could prove your identity to the cell company such as the credit card used to pay the bill, the date the account was opened, etc. Doesn't say (its 5 AM local time). No one knows why. The two major web browsers, Chrome and Firefox have decided to hide this. Among things that went badly were his attempt at getting non-techies to use a password manager. In Jan. 2020, some NYC subway riders were, To require a password before using an app, see. However, this turned out to be a dead end. There is no such thing a near and far Wi-Fi. Anything you buy at retail is likely to be more secure. The tablet account should use a throw-away email address. They don't even seem to be reviewed by qualified nerds. All that said, no single approach is appropriate for everyone. Firefox Defense: As of version 72, released in Jan. 2020, Brave defense: Brave has two generations of defense. Bloomberg reported in April 2019 that Amazon Workers Are Listening to What You Tell Alexa. It even picked up some sensitive conversations. On a related note, ftccomplaintassistant.com is definitely bad news. Description: "Allow apps and services to scan for Wi-Fi networks at any time, even when Wi-Fi is off. The New York Times, in particular offers sub-optimal computing advice. Android 9: Settings -> Security and Location -> Location -> Advanced -> Scanning -> Wi-Fi scanning. To backup an iPhone securely, back it up to a Mac or Windows PC and password protect it. First: Fake Reviews: One type of fraud is re-using reviews. Here are step-by-step instructions to stop it, On Roku and Amazon Fire TV, Channels Are Watching You, Watching You Watch: The Tracking Ecosystem of Over-the-Top TV Streaming Devices, How to Stop Smart TVs From Snooping on You, Oregon FBI Tech Tuesday: Securing Smart TVs, Watch a Drone Take Over a Nearby Smart TV, Samsung and Roku Smart TVs Vulnerable to Hacking, Consumer Reports Finds, Web browser fingerprinting - testing the testers, Think you're anonymous online? Two good choices would be, Most off-site file services can read your files. Speaking of reading, be aware that much, if not most, of the security and privacy advice offered in the main stream media is wrong. In the paid version of Slack, the article explains how to tell if your boss can read your direct messages. Use Windows? This article, How to Avoid Spam - Using Disposable Contact Information by David Nield (May 2020) discusses four email forwarding services: Sign in with Apple (for Apple customers only), 10 Minute Mail, Guerrilla Mail and Burner Mail. Perhaps the least secure type of 2FA, is a temporary code sent in a text message to a cellphone. Whew. It is very popular. However, they can still tell which websites you visited. Block the camera from having access to location information. Ten Minute Mail offers a random email address that is good for only 10 minutes (but you can get another 10 minutes just by clicking a button). That is, they record without a person having said the wake word. It's Wi-Fi only, and you can add a VPN for still more security. How is this different from the default APN? Then started working perfect. Also check if the item has been reviewed by a publication or site dedicated to consumer products. This should never occur as this is a private IP address, one that can never exist on the Internet. Written by Brave. Instead, there was an option to "Sign in to Office". According to the, The most secure option involves a physical thingy you connect to a computer/tablet/phone that verifies your identity. Looking at the ftccomplaintassistant.gov site, the first thing to notice is that it does not have the extra identity assurance. More. To identify the fakes, you need to understand the rules for domain names. Amazon Won't Stop Selling Toxic Products In the U.S. Amazon is shipping expired baby formula and other out-of-date foods, What Happens After Amazon’s Domination Is Complete? To prevent this, disable the Siri side button on the iPhone: Settings -> Siri & Search -> toggle off "Press Side Button for Siri". Just cover the light with tape. Also, individual apps can specify their own encrypted DNS. Perfect Privacy provides this information on a, Choosing: Many VPN companies rent their servers. Mainstream models top out around $500 but there are some models that go up to $1,000. If You're Not Terrified About Facebook, You Haven't Been Paying Attention by Carole Cadwalladr of The Guardian (July 2020). More on In the US, the government can not compel you to reveal the password. As of October 2020, it is in public beta testing and allows for 5 aliases and supports forwarding of email attachments up to 150KB. Zoom is changing too quickly for me to keep up with it all, so in August 2020, I removed this topic. I don't know how you can tell. I would have to call the FTC on the phone and ask them. Go slow and ADD a secondary APN. There is a new Privacy Report in Safari that shows which trackers attempted to follow you and which ones it blocked. See my blog (Feb 2020). Exactly what this is, is not explained. Original source: The safest Android phones are the Pixel line from Google which is updated at the start of every month with bug fixes. While there, also click on "Reset advertising ID". A dedicated GPS app can be used to confirm the status of GPS. PenLight, a power company in the US. If open ports are necessary, do not use the default ports. That is, is it really from the Federal Trade Commission, a division of the US Government? Neither can a computer/phone/tablet, which will happily connect to the evil twin network. Techies that say this are thinking inside the box and over valuing So, what level of spying is employed in this case? Some passwords are much more important than others. Some of the advice is right for other techies, but wrong for the general public. There is a Team Viewer Quick Start app for Android that, once its installed, is very simple to use. I have heard good things about textverified.com. I recommended them to use different passwords for their accounts and write them down in a password book.". If your TV has a camera, cover it with tape. If you are, for example, michael@gmail.com and you coach a soccer team but don't want the soccer moms to have your real email address, you could create michaelsoccer@gmail.com and forward it michael@gmail.com. Tony Soprano would not have allowed Siri in his home. When you first setup a new Gmail account on a Chromebook, there are a number of steps. Google Account: Most tracking is configured at, Google Account: See what Google knows about your travels using their, Searching: Minimize Google tracking by not being signed in to Google when making queries. Also see the. I read an article that said victims of Identity Theft should go to ftccomplaintassistant.gov and I wondered if that site was legitimate. Press and hold the Shift key while the system starts up. Android 9: Settings -> Accounts. And, of course, the cell phone companies, who are being being sued for selling location data. Some attributes that are examined are: the computer operating system, what time zone are you in, what language your computer is using, how much RAM memory the computer has, the screen height and width in pixels, what web browser you are using, what version of the browser, what fonts are installed, what plug-ins are installed, what audio and video formats are supported by the browser, and much more. A couple things point to the site being legit. They give you short-term use of a non-VOIP phone number that can be used for SMS and Text Verification on their website. Others like me, in emergencies, wouldn't have to spend hours troubleshooting. In the end, I told candidates to generate unique passwords and save them in the notes app on their phone, or write them down on a card they kept in their wallet. One reason, is that you do not find pre-installed spyware or malware on iPhones (more below). But, as of March 2020, he has given up on Windows. For one thing, TCP/IP ports are closed rather than stealth (see, FYI: Apple is not honest enough to admit when the software has been abandoned. On Android and iOS, the apps can update automatically, but not the OS itself. Disable each. The lowest (best) UL 1449 rating is 330 volts. Looking up this information is called a Whois search and every company that registers domains offers a Whois search. Prime video tracking: Log in to your account at Amazon.com. At the Microsoft Account Privacy Settings page you can delete any recordings Microsoft has of you. While there, take a look at the Analytics Data. Maybe also disable "requests to rate products you’ve purchased" and "Order Updates (Inc. Not sure if there is an official term for this yet, perhaps voice fraud, voice phishing, vishing, deep voice, voice cloning, voice swapping or deepfake audio.