$table["gender"] = $list["names_gender"]; ) { if ( $tab == "ALL") { $table["derives"][$i]["derives_id"] = $list["derives_id"]; combine them and you get the meaning of Marisol. $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_unusual = '$unusualtype' ORDER BY names_name",$db); exit; // Name Links // while( $list = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { It is a combination of the names Maria & Soledad. Maresol is a derivative of the Spanish name Marisol. Discover the full name meaning of Marisol… Marisol - Name Meaning, Origin & Popularity. It can be a combination of Mar (meaning "sea" in English) and Sol (meaning "sun" in English), or it can be a combination of the names Maria and Sol. $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_name REGEXP '^[$reg]' AND names_oldtestament = '1' ORDER BY names_name",$db); ", Definition of ".$table["name"]. AND derives_id != '" .$table["id"]. "' include('admin/tmpl_header.php'); if( strtoupper($tab) == "ALL" ) { $reg = strtoupper($tab) . $data .= "$i\n"; if (!$index) { $result_d = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_derives WHERE derives_name = '$nameID' LIMIT 1",$db); } else { $show == "listgreek" || include('admin/tmpl_extraboxes.php'); In 2018, within the family of girl names directly linked to Maresol, Marisol was the most popular. $show == "listnewtestament" ) } /////////////////////// Apr 25, 2017 - biblical meaning of name jennifer - Yahoo Image Search Results. Marisol is a Spanish name, a shortened form of María de la Soledad ("Mary of [the] Solitude"), a title given to the Virgin Mary.Literally translated, Marisol is a portmanteau of "mar" + "y" + "sol" in Spanish— which mean "sea and sun". strtolower($tab); } Marisol name meaning, American baby Girl name Marisol meaning,etymology, history, presonality details. if(!isset($table["meaning"])) $table["meaning"] = str_replace("", "", $list["names_meaning"]); $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_name REGEXP '^[$reg]' AND names_greek = '1' ORDER BY names_name",$db); function fn_names_menu () { $data .= "$i\n"; See more. } else { case 'listgreek': if ( $show == "listman" || } $show == "listwoman" || $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_name REGEXP '^[$reg]' AND names_man = '1' ORDER BY names_name",$db); if ( $tab == "ALL") { Parents from 14000+ Cities across 200+ Countries Prefer Haimom. Marisol is a graceful and modestly unassuming name while maintaining a lovely lyrical and poetic quality. Marisol may refer to: require_once('admin/dbconnect.php'); strtolower($tab); case 'listhebrew': The name is a derivation of Maria combined with the name Sol or the element 'sol'. 5 years ago. } } Maresol is irregularly used as a baby girl name. if ($tab == "ALL") { break; case 'listman': $show == "listnewtestament" The meaning of the name Sol is Sun . $show == "listoldtestament" || Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. if ($show == "listunusual") { } /////////////////////// Marisol means Bitter. Pertaining to the Bible, the sacred text of Christianity. Marisol Origin: Latin: Marisol in Wiki Encyclopedia: Wikipedia: Google: Search Marisol in Google : Barcode generator: Voice & Language: Text-To-Speech (TTS) The Name Day for girls named after Nuestra Senora de la Soledad (Our Lady of Solitude) is Holy Saturday (the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday). Although some names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby's birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success. Marisol is a Christian Hebrew baby girl name. Numerology offers an insight into the personality by assigning numeric values to the letters contained in names. strtolower($tab); The meaning of Marisol is unknown. $show == "listnewtestament" if ( $tab == "ALL") { The names Maresol, Marise, Marizol, Marysol, and Marzol are derivatives of Marisol. echo ". } reset($table["derives"]); "; The name Marisol is a girl's name of Spanish origin meaning "Mary of Solitude". Both the origin and meaning of the name Marisol is inherited by all variant forms. break; , Baby names meaning in Urdu, Hindi Marisol is used mostly in the Spanish language and its language of origin is also Spanish. Marisol Meaning Combination of María and Sol or Soledad. } It also resembles Spanish mar y sol "sea and sun". Marisol is a :gender_spelled name of Hebrew origin. // Headers // It is also of Spanish origin, where its meaning is "sea and sun". echo $mainbox_start; $unusualtype = "1"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_name = '$nameID' LIMIT 1",$db); $show == "listman" || } $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_places = '1' ORDER BY names_name",$db); Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information. $result_d = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_derives WHERE derives_name_id = '" .$list["names_id"] . "' $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_id = '$nameID' LIMIT 1",$db); $show == "listnewtestament" 'functions/getnames.php'); You are pragmatic, thorough, strong-willed, practical and stubborn at times. if (!$nameID) { It’s meaning is ‘Mary of Solitude.’ Soledad – Its origins are Spanish and means ‘solitude’ or ‘solitary’. M : 13 A : 1 R : 18 I : 9 S : 19 O : 15 L : 12, Marisol Numerology Analysis;Loyal , Successful in Business , Curious , Discreet , Athletic , Perfectionist , Prescient. $nameID = $_GET['id']; if ( $tab == "ALL") { It is not ranked within the top 1000. $mainbox_title = "Browse Baby Names A-Z"; $nomsg = "No Entries in the Database for '" . $show = $_GET['show']; Send us will publish it for you. // of Names // A spelling alphabet, voice procedure alphabet telephone alphabet etc. Apr 25, 2017 - biblical meaning of name jennifer - Yahoo Image Search Results .. for ($i = A; $i!="AA" ; $i++) { mean? Hasn’t added any information. if ($show == "list" || Gender: Meaning: Rebellion, overthrow. ) { // Names // (slang) Sexual. $i = 0; default: A combination of Maria, “beloved”, and sol, the Spanish word for “sun”. strtoupper($tab) . "' Analysis, gender of Marisol, acrostic poem about Marisol other details; What Does Marisol Mean and History? Is there Marisol name in the Bible/Torah/Quran? Marisol is a play in two acts written by the Puerto Rican playwright José Rivera. Marisol Character Analysis of Meaning Here is the characteristics of Marisol in details. $show == "listoldtestament" || She's confident and beautiful inside and out (also very funny). break; if (!$show) { // Show Individual // } else { L is for Love, the way we feel for you. Users of this name Somber , Sensitive , Hardworking , Stubborn , Patriotic , Gentle , Rich and Humble, M : Zealous A : Helpful R : Dreamer I : Zany S : Elegant O : Mysterious L : Healthy. Origin of Marisol American Names Christian Names Hebrew Names Spanish Names Popularity of Marisol Marisol currently has … $mainbox_title = "Browse Unusual Baby Names A-Z"; $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_woman = '1' ORDER BY names_name",$db); { } if( strtoupper($tab) == $i ) { $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); See also the related category spanish. $show == "listman" || Meaning and information about Marisol, What does Marisol mean? 10 Is there Marisol name in the Bible/Torah/Quran. strtolower($tab); $show == "listwoman" || } There are more explanations of the origin of this name. M is for Marvelous, you’re great to be around. Marisol Name Meaning. $show == "listplaces" || $show == "listwoman" || $show == "listunusual" || There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology. $table["derives"][$i]["derives_gender"] = $list["derives_gender"]; Name Compatibility Test. 3. /////////////////////// break; $show == "listplaces" || The work earned Rivera a 1993 Obie Award for playwriting. The meaning of Marisol is "of the sea". if ( $tab == "ALL") { Marisol definition, French-born U.S. artist of Venezuelan heritage, best known as a sculptor; in U.S. 1950–2016. $show == "listunusual" || $mainbox_title = "Name Meaning and Biblical Context of " .$table["name"]; Bedad – Has a biblical meaning and means ‘solitary’ or ‘alone. Marisol is generally used as a girl's name. if($table["derives"]){ In 2005, the American Girl series launched a Latina-American doll named Marisol but she hasn’t improved the usage of this relatively underused name. Biblical context: The Biblical baby name Mary is the Anglicized version of the Hebrew name Miriam and its meaning is their rebellion, rebelliously. Definition and meaning of the name Marisol. A is for Alive, that’s how you make me feel. Pronunciation of ".$table["name"].". $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_name REGEXP '^[$reg]' AND names_hebrew = '1' ORDER BY names_name",$db); "; case 'listoldtestament': $reg = strtoupper($tab) . $result_o = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bnames_names WHERE names_hebrew = '1' ORDER BY names_name",$db); } else { break; } if(!isset($table["history"])) $table["history"] = str_replace("", "", $list["names_history"]); $show == "listman" || $table["name"] = ucfirst($list["names_name"]); if ( $is_derive == "0" ) { $list["names_history"] = trim($list["names_history"]); Send us will publish it for you. Spelling of Marisol M-A-R-I-S-O-L, is a 7-letter female given name. Marisol Origin / Usage is ' Spanish Baby Names ' . Its meaning is "Uncertain, Maybe Bitter".