He is alive and well. Saved from reddit.com [OC] My moon themed character sheet got a positive response on twitter so thought I'd share it here. He wants to lane to read the book because it fell out of the pocket of one of the people that came in and raid his village killing all but him who his under his family's dead bodies. If you're using Pathfinder, there's a hybrid class called the Skald which could help incorporate any singing well. Please, allow me to give you a hand with this: https://mtg.gamepedia.com/KamahlAn out-of-the-box barbarian/druid type. Some of these are tongue-in-cheek, some tell the questioner to stop asking, some add details that have no plot hooks, some can be turned into plot hooks if you desire, and most should give you a seed for a conversation. Obviously they conclude the innkeeper is a Medusa. And the biggest one, basicly to achieve your manhood status was to take a pilgrimage for one year, and bring the silver dragon back an offering from said pilgrimage. If you survived, you would have to appeal to the clan to allow you a second pilgrimage or be banished. The main-question for a Barbarian, for me, would be the reason for him leaving his tribe and travelling the world. I personally don’t like the way WotC has approached the character backstor… Could be an interesting change from the regular chaotic nature. Make his/her rages a fit of rampaging joy! Brown Bears are strong. someone close to you is sick. We tried to record everything including the question being asked, the n… Sub the animal handling/companionship into devotion to Sehanine. Were the… Path of the Wild Soul Features . 6-9/10: Barbarian 3 or 4/Druid 6. Remember. The elder was your closest compatriot and ever since his murder you have retreated to a dark place. I once rolled up a decent Intelligence, high charisma barbarian who was worldly and intelligent but liked playing up the "barbarian savage" stereotype to screw with people. He is on a coming-of-age quest to earn his first name, but doesn't know what that actually entails so he just went looking for adventure. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When he gets provocked out of combat, make him react stoic but serene and polite, avoiding conflict even if that means humiliation. Get Wild Shape ASAP. But plot twist! But what about the fictional side of the character? Ahlyssa Mitchell, Lawful Good Human Druid that works as a Sailor. "Ooh, I am sorry! Just think of something unique that embodies WHY your character flips shit and goes hulk, whether he's a bear nomad, or a Crossfitter who takes steroids and has too much to prove. These are: 1. The campaign was called "learning to read". you need to adventure to find a cure The Monster made his first appearance in the 1818 novel Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Every culture has some sort of barbarian archetype, try looking at different historical resources to draw some inspiration! I'll start: An RPG where you play as cats in a urban to semi-urban environment, similar to Mouse Guard. Unfortunately, because of scheduling issues, I was unable to get a tester completely new to D&D. Make him stomp and overkill grounded enemies if he has rage to spare. As a barbarian it's easy to avoid raising his int. So she's a very motherly figure until someone threatens her "babies" at which point.... Well you know. Press J to jump to the feed. Your Barbarian is looking for a good Baby Mama! Answer with wisdom quotes. I've always wanted to play a momma's boy barbarian who's comes from a nice tribe that taught him how to be a vicious killer, but Mommy always sends him letters asking him if he's doing okay and sending blueberry pie. Ooo I like that. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you want your barbarian to be nicer and more considerate of their feelings (I don't know why you would do that, but hey your character) he could attempt to do things to gain their favor: bringing them heads of dragons or other big beast, collecting shiny things for them or taking care their dirty work. I didn't mean to.. What do you mean, you people?" Ideas for a Barbarian's Story Hey Guys, I was just wondering if any of you had any decent ideas for the background/story of a barbarian. Well, actually it is, but I think we can do a lot better. Barbarian name generator . Alternatively he could be trying to return all the stolen items to their rightful owners. Here's what happened this week at the House of Ideas! See more ideas about fantasy characters, character portraits, character art. Int checks to see how well he remembers letters and their sounds. ", Flaw: "I harbor dark, bloodthirsty thoughts that my isolation and meditation failed to quell.". My current barbarian came from a tribe that followed the way of the mammoth. If you're lucky, someone might tell you your idea exists. As they live on a tribe they have to live on a simple way, they do not have tons of wealth, but what they have is very valuable for them. Barbarian's are illiterate. A big full moon on the chest or face for example. Evil in the forest could come from perhaps a dracolich (green/black), or give you elements to tie to the character. Appearance 6. Prepare for 'King in Black: Black Knight' with a look at Dane Whitman and the Ebony Blade! In D&D, the Background choice offers some mechanical support for what a character as before they became an adventurer, but … Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin ... Divination Wizard - Backstory ideas and mechanic tips and tricks for AL. I found it easier and easier to write this character's backstory because it wasn't the traditional, western themed "brute-from-the-northern-tribal-lands.". #1 Oct 28, 2019. This would be cool with a DM that encourages RP moments, or is needing some story guidance for a homebrew. Flaws 5. Upon finding them, he/she will attempt to seduce them to gain their seed. Even the most rote published adventure or campaign undergoes variation and changes due to player and GM actions and ideas. Kill any kobolds lately?" I suggest the Oxford World Classic or Penguin Classic version. "If you know yourself, there’s nothing left to know. ", Ideal: Self-Knowledge. He was a prince among his people and had been sent to university in one of the big cities of the south. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Players have a lot of decisions to make when they put together a Dungeons & Dragons character. Funny/Interesting D&D character design ideas. He's friendly, not particularly bright, a bit too trusting, and very good at hitting things with his ax. I currently have a character concept for a chaotic good high elf barbarian wielding a greatsword, but I'm having trouble coming up with a good backstory for him. What about danger sense? Totem Spirit (Bear) makes me a tank, keeps me in bear form longer. Always calm, and (as you mention) stoic until the rage over takes you in battle. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press J to jump to the feed. He does his best to keep a cool façade in the heat of battle, but once he actually starts raging and cutting loose, his more savage nature reveals itself as he becomes a berserk force of violence. I've been planning a dex-y elfish zealot who follows Ellistraee and I may borrow some of your ideas! Fun Thread: Name some ideas you have for Role Playing Games which would be cool. So bookmark this article and keep it in mind next time you are writing a backstory for a character. You are not writing a biography of your character, you are describing their origins and establishing the theme of that character. However, a red dragon burnt the entire place to the ground (he's only ever met two other survivors) and that explains the burn scars on the left side of his body, his blind hatred of all dragonkind, and his levels in Barbarian. In story, this can be explained as the result of some curse, anger issues, multiple personality disorder, traumatic trigger, etc. (Inspiration was Kotal-Kahn from Mortal Kombat X) with a varient Shark Totem . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Did they grow up on the streets of a bustling metropolis? He could avenge his family. Sounds like a good potential idea. Jan 29, 2021 - Explore Hannah McDaniel's board "D&D Charcters", followed by 181 people on Pinterest. Built specifically with Barbarian players in mind! Everyone dragged out - killed/burned/eaten/etc. Caesar's commentaries on the The Gallic War might give you some inspiration. Complexity is the enemy of clarity, so keep a backstory simple. Sorry for the long response, I love character creation. His followers also had to go through the test of the mountains, the type/size of the bear they came back with established their position in the ranks. The Barbarian V1.1. I have! Yeah I can see that there might be a similarity there, as you implied. [5e] - Looking for Elf Barbarian backstory help! This might not be what you're going for, but the basking in the moonlight kind of reminds me of Solaire, except moon-focused. Backstory description generator This backstory description generator will generate a fairly random description of either a fortunate or unfortunate backstory depending on your choice. family/friends/personal. It's comfortable and serves good food. Having escaped slavery a group sets up a multi-racial (mainly orc) settlement up in the mountains. He had lines of classical poetry tattooed onto his arms in his people's rune language. Thanks! You witnessed the slow destruction of the forest. it depends on the dm really. All in all, he was a sick heap of testosterone, body odor, and cruel ideations. 2-3: Barbarian 1/Druid 2. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its Fifth Edition future. Weapons were designed in 3D and some backstory of the character can be found on my patreon. So the story revolves around his meeting people amd doing quest and people teaching him the letters as he goes. I'm thinking of something like a rude dude who is culturally unaware of others, but doesn't mean to be ignorant. I'll keep that one in mind. He's technically a human and a mage, but his pit-fighter-to-hermit-to-champion-of-the-forest trope works well for your character. The goal is to get laid and get them/or you knocked up... You could have him apologize for his behaviour all the time. These participants had a variety of experience with Dungeons & Dragons from those who have never been a DM to those who have been creating dungeons and characters for decades. Seemingly ever-alert for danger, he speaks little, being polite yet terse in his actual dealings. Personality Traits 2. What's New in V1.1. queue RAGE. Something to make a barbarian likable is to find a reason why they rage. I'm currently working on a Mayan themed Barbarian. What is his goal, what does he want to accomplish and why is he here? Basically - backstory and personality. The seventh in a series of class specific character sheets. I'm thinking of something like a rude dude who is culturally unaware of others, but doesn't mean to be ignorant. I'm getting a "good-cop, bad-cop" vibe from this... very reminiscent of The Lego Movie! I see this character as a lone wolf type, lived either at the outskirts of town or deep in a secluded wood. A very important thing about their culture was protecting each other. The best part though. This two page character sheet keeps all of your essential character crunch on one sheet and all your character's backstory, traits, allies, and enemies on another. He was created on a rainy November night in the late eighteenth century Ingolstadt, Germany, by the medical student Victor Frankenstein. A barbarian could be pretty much anything, it's mostly a term that relies on the eye of the beholder. Older sibling. Saw one on reddit recently: Your players stay at an inn. Currently my favorite barbarian character is "Honey of the Badger Clan" - she's a stout halfling barbarian who was raised by badgers, and her totem is the Badger (the big hairless barbarians have a similar totem called the "Bear" but it's clearly inferior). If there is an incoming battle time he can prepare to, make him paint himself whit white powder. some dnd backstory ideas that give your character a reason to leave home that isn’t “everyone in my family died.” (just to say: i have nothing against those backstories (i use them a lot), but its fun to mix it up!) If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. He was a total momma's boy (explaining why he took proficiency in cooking) and served much of his adult life in the towns militia. Another thing about him is that he's crazy-devoted to Sehanine Moonbow, elf goddess of the moon, though you wouldn't necessarily know that right away from meeting him. d8 – Leopard Totem Personality Traits 1. barbarian exposed to this realm feel s emotions powerfully and magic saturates their body. Again, this is the only sentence that matters: Your character had a problem, then met a guide who gave them a … A backstory tells the tale of your hero as they grew up and became the adventurer they are today. If your offer was accepted, you were now a man and a respected member of the clan. As barbarian ages/comes to grips - he can start to control the rage a bit more. Hand in hand with how a backstory helps players develop a character’s identity this also means they’re another way for a GM to provide more agency for the campaign. Sehanine was the only thing that allowed you to keep your sanity, and you decided it was time you ventured out to put a stop to the evil destroying your home. He actually paid for lessons to learn to read so he'd be less of a hindrance, he always volunteered to carry equipment for the weaker party members, and he made himself invaluable protecting the rear or flank whenever things got hairy, using his self sufficiency to full effect while the rest of the group coordinated to handle the main problem. Conan the Barbarian is a character who could easily support tons of story ideas because REH wrote him doing so many different things. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: [r/dnd] [5e] - Looking for Elf Barbarian backstory help! Get creative bruh. I dropped his int low and his quest is to learn to read. The Black Knight Rides Again in a New Comic Series This March. If the players go exploring, they'll find in a secret basement extremely realistic stone statues of different people. Lena Yiucko [ Welcome to TALESTRIS ]☄️ First Character of a small IP I started with the Artstation challenge Light Age: Space Opera. Family: You were raised by your mother. family/friends/personal. The key for my backstory is making sure it fits with the story I'm telling. A true barbarian among these people is as uncommon as a skilled fighter in a town, and he or she plays a similar role as a protector of the people and a leader in times of war. Sounds excellent to me! When writing your backstory, try to focus on the bigger questions of where they came from. Here's what I have so far in terms of character info: Life of Seclusion: "I was searching for spiritual enlightenment. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Legitimate reason for the blind rage exhibited by a barbarian. Every DnD character has a story, even before the campaign starts. A place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next. I figured I'd put this request here since I couldn't really decide which D&D subreddit was the best place for this kind of thing. if you dont want to spend much time creating a backstory and just want to kill things you could just go with a fighter/barbarian type class since they dont usually require a lot of background. There will always be a … His overall personality is that he is normally stoic in nature. He is described as having wrinkled skin which barely hid the blood vessels, black lips, black hair, and yellow eyes. you need to adventure to find a cure And by deciphering the book. some dnd backstory ideas that give your character a reason to leave home that isn’t “everyone in my family died.” (just to say: i have nothing against those backstories (i use them a lot), but its fun to mix it up!) She is alive and quite successful. The innkeeper is a bit odd, though, she always has her hood up. Get access to the Polar/Cave Bears. Who Has Brandished the Black Knight's Banner? I once did a Barbarian who was part of a tribe that worshipped a silver dragon. I am nocturnal 2. I went ahead and rolled up our 5e dragonborn barbarian at level 5, mainly because I wanted to chat a bit about the abilities you get. D&D 5e Dragonborn Barbarian: Level 5. Or are you going to rp it when it suits you etc? Bonds 4. He/She is looking for someone who is both smarter than them (usually everyone) and stronger than them (good luck finding that) and a better fighter then they (also pretty hard to find). But if your offering is denied, you were expected to pay a blood penance. Unlike his normal calm and reserved manner, he roars, shouts, and attacks relentlessly with no sense of self-control whatsoever. (Any)", Bond: "My isolation gave me great insight into a great evil that only I can destroy. 1st/2nd ASI depending. [r/dnd5e] Looking for Elf Barbarian backstory help! [5e] - Looking for Elf Barbarian backstory help! I think the backstory is ok, what you feel is missing are quirks! Guy Mitchell, Chaotic Good Human Barbarian that works as an Explorer/Wanderer. The first thing we need to do is clarify the purpose of a backstory. Make him drink tea or smoke a pipe when resting. Raging was a form of temporary insanity that explained the lack of concern for wounds and manic strength, and I also dubbed that whenever he raged he had a terrible urge to set things on fire (and again, the bear transformation happened too sometimes). Why didn't he just get someone else to read it to him? Town gets raided by orcs, etc. They are protective to their belongins, but not immediately agressive to strangers. I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplation, becoming oblivious to my surroundings. Give them something to be angry about, not just angry at. Spell choices, weapon choices and where to put ability scores influence how a character comes together mechanically. someone close to you is sick. Hello there! We cooked up a background for my party's Fighter/Barb. Like one of his little quirks is that sometimes, when the full moon is out, he'll wander off to go bask in the moonlight for a bit and ask for guidance from Sehanine, or something like that. "How's my little warrior doing? If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. First of all, I went the Path of the Berserker, which means at 3rd level you go a little more frenzy than even a typical rage gets you. What about something like Beorn from LOTR? This can be done in any way your barbarian sees fit, which means possible knocking out and dragging to cave to make "Snu-Snu". (Info / ^Contact). You could incorporate his rages as a form of PTSD. Can take Barbarian to 4 for 1st ASI too if you wish. When a barbarian who follows this path rages, it is a bellowing roar for freedom, an explosion of expression, manifesting in unpredictable ways. The official WotC Character Sheethas a couple of different sections that delve into a character’s motivation. Toggle Navigation Front Page; skyrim character backstory ideas. One day, they receive new strangers saying that they are lost and need some shelter and food, with their charisma (and maybe some lies) they are welcomed on the tribe to rest a little, but at night these strangers steal most of the tribe wealth (you decide, gold, idols, horses,...) and escape.At dawn your barbarian awakes and notices that they were robed, and creates a little group of tribe men to go after the thieves.They eventually find the thieves and take them down, and notice that they have a lot of wealth with them, far more than they took from them, they problably have been doing this with other people.Your barbarian sees this and thinks about becoming an adventurer, just to get more gold/wealth and send to his tribe. I came up with a table of eight behavioural traits that a barbarian who communes with a leopard (or black panther) spirit animal might have. Custom player character sheets for D&D 5e. This name generator will generate 10 random names for barbarians, influenced by several different styles and cultural backgrounds, so there's a large variety of names to pick from. My current barbarian comes from a bear-themed (bear totem ftw) clan of dwarves living in the mountain. 1 week ago. Depending on your DM, you could open lots of RP avenues with your bond and flaw. He knows that if he stays on the tribe things will never move on as fast as it would be if he goes out on an adventure. Frankenstein is so horrified by his creation that he flees the house, leaving the Monster to his own devices. Almost as cute as the story about the wizard prodigy child teaching the orc barbarian how to read. He had to live in the mountains alone for several months and return with a tamed bear as his steed (bears were a theme, as I took a subclass that allowed him to transform into a bear while raging). I imagined him as a Chaotic Good character, maybe you can change to another alignment of your preference, and add other details to him or his tribe. The backstory is not, as some treat it, to hash out your character’s personality in full, along with the many trials they’ve faced that have made them who they are. The trauma lives in pre-barbarian and he rages out whenever people around him start to get hurt. Random Rumors. ... as im not aware of any detective classes in d&d lore. During the rolling process, the participants recorded the results from our misadventures in a spreadsheet. You were once a priest to the Moonbow, but your elder priest was murdered by another priest of your order driving you to isolation. So yeah, if anybody has any cool on intriguing backstory ideas for this character concept, feel free to let me know in the comments below. I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. I feel like I need some help on creating a character who won't act like a complete douche to the other PCs while maintaining something that makes him special. Life in the wild places of the world is fraught with peril: rival tribes, deadly weather, and terrifying monsters. Ideals 3. Comics. 4-5/6: Barbarian 3 or 4/Druid 2. Depending on how amazing your offering was could win you favor to climb the ranks. After battle he'd eat the heart of his most challenging opponent, while the corpses of the rest were cooked over the fires that inevitably cropped up and eaten by his 77 troops. Instantly likable. Stuff like always maintain your honor no matter what, never back down from a fight, never kill another metallic dragon, always kill a colored dragon or die trying. Barbarian Level Feature 3rd Lingering Magic, Wild Surge 6th Magic Reserves 1d4 Your relationship was friendly. In total there were five testers, including myself. Perfect for your Arcane casters, warforged, or adventures in the Astral Sea. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its Fifth Edition future. Your relationship was friendly. Little pre-barbarian is at home. Comics. 2 weeks ago. Looking for Elf Barbarian backstory help. These backstories will fit respectable characters best, though some could be used for villainous characters as well. _^. ", Personality Traits: "I connect everything that happens to me to a grand, cosmic plan. Make him be sad if he can't see the moon at night. Hey Guys, I was just wondering if any of you had any decent ideas for the background/story of a barbarian. The idea is that your barbarian is dissatisfied with the women (or men, this depends on you) in his tribe and so decides to look for a good man/women to have a good offspring with. 01011000Lehrer. Younger sibling. It's possible to entirely avoid the uneducated and uncivilized stereotype of barbarians by adopting a background similar to Jekyll/Hyde, or the Hulk. Testing their metal can be done by challenging them to duels, asking them question, brawling with them, ways that generally give you a sense of someone's prowess on the battle field. [ r/dnd5e ] Looking for Elf Barbarian backstory help! My barb was savage only in the ways his tribe mandated he prove his manhood. Here's an Idea I was going to use for mine. Hopefully you agree with me in thinking that you could have a lot of extra fun on the table by using these ideas to flesh out your PC’s character. Perhaps a blight, perhaps a curse, regardless your home is being destroyed. I was playing a solo campaign for my barbarian. by ; 2021-01-10 Boom. Backstory Seems simple enough, right? Have you played Dark Souls? 01011000Lehrer. Had all kinds of rules in place that a member of this clan had to follow or be banished. Bear build is finished. Cookies help us deliver our Services. So he has to have someone else read them to him. I fucking love this. They are not difficult to read. See more ideas about Fantasy characters, Rpg character, Barbarian. Basically, how you treat your enemies is NOT how you have to treat your friends. Mar 6, 2019 - Explore Chandler Jensen's board "Half orc barbarian" on Pinterest. BUT he was a nice guy, that tended to bumble without his peers (the other PC's). Can I use this? What about this:A barbarian that lived quietly on a little tribe.