The bar line (or barline) is a vertical line written in the music which separates the bars. A bar gets its name from the high … snack bar definition: 1. a small, informal restaurant where small meals can be eaten or bought to take away: 2. a small…. It is defined as exactly equal to 100,000 Pa (100 kPa), or slightly less than the current average atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level (approximately 1.013 bar). A strong and independent Bar … A solid oblong block of a substance or combination of ingredients, such as soap or candy. By the barometric formula, 1 bar is roughly the atmospheric pressure on Earth at an altitude of 111 metres at 15 °C. Tending bar requires special skills, such as learning special recipes, measuring, mixing and serving drinks, and chatting with guests. When you switch a language by using the Language bar, the keyboard layout changes to the keyboard for that language. A relatively long, straight, rigid piece of solid material used as a fastener, support, barrier, or structural or mechanical member. Roll it outdoors or place it … Study the lists and expressions bartenders use. BAR abbr. The British have been drinking ale in pubs (public houses or ale houses) since the bronze age serving traditional English ale which was made solely from fermented malt and distinctive to each ale house.. It was supposed to replace the French Chauchat and the M1909 Benet-Mercie machine guns.. View the pronunciation for bar. Each bar is a small amount of time. This is the British English definition of bar.View American English definition of bar. A party to a case or criminal defendant is "before the bar" when he/she is inside the railing. The bar is a metric unit of pressure, but not part of the International System of Units (SI). The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) was a group of American automatic rifles and light machine guns.It was used by the United States and several other countries. About the Bar. Most music has a regular beat (or pulse) which can be felt. Each bar usually has the same number of beats in it. Pub is short for Public House. bar. b. History. The most-used type of BAR was the M1918.It was designed by John Browning in 1917. Translate Bar. Uh oh, there might be something better than a Snickers bar. Use the Language bar when you: Want to switch between languages with a Latin alphabet, such as English, Spanish, or French, and a language with a non-Latin alphabet, such as Arabic or Chinese. Portable bar: Some home bars have wheels, both hidden and in sight, that let you roll the piece of furniture to wherever it fits. The BAR was designed to be … 2. a. One thing you should know about English chocolate bars: They're made with glucose syrup rather than the high-fructose corn syrup that we're so (disgustingly) familiar with here in the States, and it makes a BIG difference in terms of texture and quality of sweetness. Change your default dictionary to American English. Then read the dialogue and check your understanding. Bars emerged in the US; they were places where hard liquor and locally brewed spirits were served. No matter which country you are working in, you are sure to come across English patrons who want a cold drink. Music that feels like 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 will be divided into bars with four beats worth of music in each bar. Browning automatic rifle bar 1 (bär) n. 1. A bar cart is ideal because they're small, lightweight, and packed with stemware holders and shelving. See 4 authoritative translations of Bar in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Learn more. 1) n. collectively all attorneys, as "the bar," which comes from the bar or railing which separates the general spectator area of the courtroom from the area reserved for judges, attorneys, parties and court officials. Definition and synonyms of bar from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. The independent, practising Bar of England and Wales is more than 16,500 strong and plays a crucial role in upholding the principles of government accountability under law and vindication of legal rights through the courts.