High quality baseballs, like a professional grade ball, will also give you better readings than balls of a lesser quality. Anyone with a wood bat speed of 90 will be looked at. Question about Bat Speed (Tee Exit Velocity). Begin in the middle, touching center cone. And it is possible to have 100mph bat speed and still be a bad hitter. The bottom plot shows that short hang time (along with high exit speed) is achieved with … In another at bat you may hit it hard but right at a player resulting in an out. You see the pros put so much spin on the ball, they can back it up. Secondly, I want to know how adjustable they are. However, there has been much debate on the importance of pitch speed on the ultimate exit velocity… I saw Zepp offered this info at Baseball Heaven. Now the post above says exit speeds in the 70's aren't good enough for HS varsity? These are the aspects that directly create exit velocityin a batted ball: 1. bat speed 2. mass of the bat 3. pitch speed 4. collision efficiency (hitting the ball on the sweet spot) All other factors are indirect parts of the equation that produce bat speed. In 2006 Pujols had his bat speed measured at 87mph. High spin rates are desirable on short shots so you can "stick" the ball on the green. It even got an old … • If you want to understand how improving Impact Momentum translates to the game – for every +1 a hitter adds to their Impact Momentum, it equates to roughly a 1.5 MPH increase in exit velocity. Technology will begin to take over, things like HitTrax, Trackman, and Rapsodo and even newer technology will be in every HS, college, and training facility over the next decade if not sooner. BALL EXIT SPEED 63.08 62.75 63.4 65.28 61.02 5-10-5 SHUTTLE TIME 5.129 5.179 5.18 5.257 20 YARD SPRINT 3.013 3.051 3.052 40 YARD SPRINT 5.783 5.671 5.705 3.087 5.687 11th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade Junior High YOUTH PLAYER PHYSICAL MEASURABLES AVERAGES OVER 20,000 PLAYERS MEASURED SINCE 2010 OVERHAND THROW VELOCITY 58.37 57.38 58.45 56.25. Home; Featured; How Do You Rate? https://twitter.com/R3X_Davis/...s/488474684011589632. Pro agility shuttle: Position three cones five yards apart in a straight line. OF velocity: 87+ MPH (verified by a neutral source) Slugging: at least 5 HRs as a high school junior and senior.750 (minimum 2 at bats per game) OBP: .500; Division 2. 9. What he mentioned at the end of his post is the most important thing. … IME - With a 12” ball from a tee I’d say the kids in the upper 20% (A class players) have the following exit speeds: And probably d1 as well. How are these speeds being measured? Owner/Instructor - Orange County School of Baseball. We do use exit velocity off the tee as part of our tryout for this simple reason: it doesn't tell me who CAN hit, but it tells me who CAN'T hit. (This is problematic since you don't know where in the swing plane you achieved the speed - ex after contact, etc. Height: 5’11” Weight: 180 lbs. You may or may not succeed but you will be drafted. The top plot shows exit speed versus offset and demonstrates that a high exit speed can be achieved with a wide range of offsets. Seeing is believing! If you hit 75 off the tee as a sophomore, you will probably get cut in large class California, and be all-state at a small school in Delaware. 2/13/2010 added high school exit speeds 2/14/2010 clarified exit speed chart - wood vs. non-wood 2/16/2010 added COR definition Ball Bat Collision Dr. Alan Nathan Exit speed (aka, batted ball speed, speed off the bat) is the ultimate goal in hitting. Giving Signs: nail polish, stickers, chalk? It is probably just as big of a difference as the players’ actual bat speed. 82 mph exit velocity off the tee. Delivery: Smooth drop-and-drive delivery. While working and developing high school players, I have never had a player move on to D1 who’s exit velocity was under 90 MPH. However, bat speed will never compensate for sound pitch recognition, a good approach, and an understanding of what the pitcher and defense is trying to do to you. However, having a 100 mph fastball tends to create a lot more opportunities than having 100mph bat speed. Then, for consistency the exit speed measurement HAS to been done off a tee, not a moving ball, to eliminate the variability of the ball. If you can get 75+, give me a call (haha). How to Increase Exit Velocity When Hitting. Arm: RH. That would be the hitting strategy if the goal is to hit a home run. Exit speed is the speed the ball is moving as it comes off the bat: exit speed (aka, batted ball speed, speed off the bat) is the ultimate goal in hitting. But on the other hand there are numbers that guarantee failure and numbers that at least show potential. This showed me their RAW power with no added variables that could be measured and compared to any other hitter, at any time. Long, clean arm action, high-¾ release. And they are a great objective way to see if your son is on track. Measure ball’s exit speed from behind the batter. If you hit a ball softly and it’s hit away from a player, you may get a hit. A player can have a very high HHA but lower than normal average velocity, while also have a higher avg. Division II middle infielders must be polished in at least one phase of the game (fielding or hitting), but more often than not they are more of an asset defensively and have things to work on from a hitting standpoint. Just get faster each time. These are still high and effective exit velocities. The numbers do matter. A Chart of Average Throwing Velocities By Age; 2015 AL MVP Josh Donaldson’s Swing – What Makes It So Good? Collegiate guys? A golf ball of mass 0.045 kg is hit off the tee at a speed of 40 m/s. Just has to work a little harder. Above average carry. Our interests lie in how many balls are getting squared up in each environment. There is out of control bat speed and there is under control bat speed. A table displaying leaders in Statcast metrics such as Sweet Spot % (SwSp%), Barrels, Exit Velocity (EV), ... How high/low, in degrees, a ball was hit by a batter. We're sorry. Similar to the way throwing velocity has been used as a benchmark for evaluating pitchers for decades, coaches and scouts are now using exit velocity as a metric for assessing hitters’ ability and chance for success at the next level. Note: if you proceed, you will no longer be following. Hardest Hit Softball by an Elementary School hitter: Kaity, 77mph; In my experience, if a high school softball hitter can legitimately hit 70mph on the radar gun, their chances of playing a high level of softball are high. 10U 45-55 average 12U 50-58 average 14U 53-60 Average 16U 55-62 Average 18U 58-65 Average Top speeds very but can approach 70-80MPH plus... College/NPF Exit speed is anywhere from 5-10MPH + depending on temps, pitch speed, altitude, spin, bat type, etc.. Any speeds under 3 ses H2F is above average. See the table below: As you can see the average velocity dips below under a 10mph difference against this players max velocity which is a little low. Look at the exit speed data referenced above. My bad. IMO, hitting the moving pitch is a better indicator of future performance. However, after watching hundreds of Exit Velocities being showcased off the tee, using HitTrax, and studying trending results in different environments that translate to game speed. Ball Exit Velocity: 88 +. HitTrax allows my players to visualize the adjustments that are needed to achieve higher exit velos and optimize launch angles. We currently have 14 guys at 80+ off the tee (with wood). Tag: Average exit velocity by age What is Exit Velocity and How Do You Measure It? Young man from Colorado by the name of Greg Pickett is playing in the PG 17u World Series this week in Arizona. College - 82-93 with low level at 82-86, mid level at 87 - 89, and high level at 90-93. 0. What type of exit speed should we be striving for as a high school player? Early on here I have encountered some really smart baseball people. So much is depended upon size of field, competition, level of school, etc. 70s definitely makes it into the OF if it is "squared up". If you’re involved in the game of baseball as a player, coach, parent or fan, then there is no doubt that you have heard the term “Exit Velocity” in recent years. Current Visitors: 38 (3 members, 35 guests). Bet I could find a large bodybuilder who can hit 90 off a tee, doesn't mean he's a baseball player. velocity to max velocity. But the answer is not to say the numbers are invalid. C - 72 mph. Definition. Above, the HHA would have been .400 where below a lower avg. In recent years, the Cardinals’ exit-velocity leader has been Matt Holliday, a savage-high-average hitter who routinely hit the Cardinals’ hardest zingers. This is the first time we have encountered this. Published by at January 31, … Sigh, bat speed means nothing. Threw from a high ¾ slot, short arm action, throws topped at 78 mph from outfield. Remember its not just about power. But in the real world, rarely are all things equal. That's what Billy Butler did last night on his rbi single - 112mph exit speed. Such discussions matter because of how well exit velocity correlates with high batting averages and high slugging percentages. So if you’re a softball player, make it a goal to try and hit 70mph (it would be like pitching 60+). Average Exit Velocity for 2018 Class: 90.5 mph. Take the three best times out of five attempts and calculate the average exit speed of all valid hits. (Babe Ruth) Tags: None. These speeds could be roughly 8 mph higher if they used non-wood bats. There are players that are under that number who are recruited, but it will be tough to hit at the D1 level without an exit velocity in the Mid-90’s or above. Go ahead, he's gotten no interest from anyone I know of. Some coaches base their whole hitting evaluation of a player on it and it's quite ridiculous. See table below: The HHA average jumps to .600 a 20% increase despite the average velocity dropping an entire 3mph. The major league average for ball exit speed is about 94 mph. It isn’t rocket science or voodoo, it is the real deal! They can see each swing correction and the immediate effect it has on the hit. Great MLB (wood bat, and 90 mph pitches) exit speeds are 100+. College - 82-93 with low level at 82-86, mid level at 87 - 89, and high level at 90-93. I think the numbers were 2000 avg and 3500 high rpm.And that is backwards from the Trackman page on Spin Rate for Golf. Hitting is a ballistic movement, wh… Good bat speed. If your swing isn’t efficient off the tee, it is highly unlikely that it will operate efficiently with multiple pitch speeds in game situations. Numbers do matter to most baseball guy's. In recent years, the Cardinals’ exit-velocity leader has been Matt Holliday, a savage-high-average hitter who routinely hit the Cardinals’ hardest zingers. The farthest hit balls did not have the highest exit speed. This is a measurement of the speed of the ball as it comes off the bat. Exit velocity is what I meant. The highest on a homerun in 2016 was 120.5 by Mike Trout. )Exit speed is the speed of the ball after it hits the bat. In my defense, though, I have recently hit a 390' HR with a wood bat in a competitive game. What speed should he be targeting? (Side note: while those things are MOST important, your most talented players should have the types of intangibles coaches look for anyway, and probably will. So, all the showcases that report exit velocity are primarily reporting whether or not a kid squared a ball up in at a 0% angle with the radar gun. A higher average exit velocity doesn’t always translate to more hard hits, and more hard hits don’t always translate to the best result (if we are simply measuring from a tee) Therefore we can test and work to improve HHA as well as average exit velocity in challenging hitting environments, or performance zones such as live pitching, simulated life using a Hack Attack off-set for righty and/or lefty release points mixing up pitches rather than training zones such as tee work, flips, and batting practice. Per the Demarini Top 96 Evaluation sheet: Based on hitting a line drive off of a tee with a BBCOR bat. Bat speed alone doesn't get the job done. By standing with the Stalker radar gun behind the tee, you’ll get an accurate reading of the player’s “bat speed.” To get an accurate reading, make sure you are using decent baseballs as well as a WOOD bat. The average exit velocity for each of these 3 players is 93.9, 93.0 and 92.4 respectively. A Chart of Average Throwing Velocities By Age. Exit speed is the speed the ball is moving as it comes off the bat: exit speed (aka, batted ball speed, speed off the bat) is the ultimate goal in hitting. An exit velocity of 75  is going to be too slow for pro ball. So if you're look for a kid who can really mash, exit speed alone may not get it done. in regards to force, it's not the acceleration that's the defineing variable, it's the ability of the batter to put his mass behind the bat. The golf club was in contact with the ball for {eq}5.3 \times 10^{-3} {/eq} s. Behind the plate, quick footwork, clean exchange from glove to hand, accuracy on throws. From the outfield, played through the ball, fluid footwork. I'm not sure I understand that. As well as a simple measurement that could be documented and tracked throughout time without adding additional variables. This is often referred to as Exit Velocity or sometimes referred to as Ball Exit Speed. Sweet Spot. There is often confusion as to the exact meaning of the term. Numbers are just a benchmark and often don't tell the whole story. All things being equal, the higher exit speed should equate to a longer ball. That information will then need to be quantified in order to give college coaches, and pro-scouts the best possible data they can on recruiting players, High School coaches can use 100% objective data to determine the best players for their potential teams and THEN look at things like culture, effort, and attitude. So, with strength, maturity and practice, 84-85 should be attainable in time. Chances are they were lower than today’s hitters, because of the fact that pitchers throw faster today and the overall increased competitive nature of the game. His average exit velocity went up by nearly 6 mph, yet his BABIP and ISO sunk. For one, it is the norm to hit ground balls at higher exit speeds, but pre-dominantly hitting ground balls does not produce as high of an average or contribute as much to run production as hard line drives, preferably measured at 19 to 26 degree launch angles, therefore that is where I want to know their potential exit velocities and if they can re-create that power in the air. January 19, 2016. Thank you. High School - 63-78 mph with 69 considered average. I coach in the largest classification in Missouri. I agree that "control" is most important. But I highly doubt there are guys that hit it 75 that are going D-1. Obviously, it's somewhat important because bat speed will allow a hitter to wait longer before starting his swing, thus giving him more time to recognize the pitch and decide to swing or not. One metric that is currently being used at the highest levels of baseball and softball that has trickled down into the high school and youth levels is a hitter’s exit velocity, or the speed of the baseball or softball off the bat. If someone told me that there is a kid coming up to bat with a 105mph exit speed, I'm not leaving until I see him hit. The exit velocity of a baseball hit off a tee is something that EVERY player can do to give himself an idea of where he stands in comparison to different levels of hitters. (provided that the hitter has a minimum of athletic ability; i.e a good enough bat speed to catch up with a fastball). Angle has that big of an impact. So if you're look for a kid who can really mash, exit speed alone may not get it done. He hasn't had it measured off a pitched ball as of yet. By standing with the Stalker radar gun behind the tee, you’ll get an accurate reading of the player’s “bat speed.” To get an accurate reading, make sure you are using decent baseballs as well as a WOOD bat.