The damage is just as insane, only it has the added benefit of being able to dash around dodging attacks instead of focusing on your dps combo. That makes it pair well with any of the attack boons that increase damage by a percentage, such as Athena, Poseidon and Artemis. It’s a great candidate for the standard Aphrodite/Artemis build using Heart Rend. They're not bad, but their minor upgrades just pale in comparison to how powerful the other aspects' gimmicks can get. Honestly I'd pick Aspect of Zagreus as the worst for... pretty much all of them except the Rail (where the extra ammo is quite good). One of the strongest specials even early on, can be used in so many different ways and works well with any boon, Worst: Aspect of Chaos. Watching the health bar tick down constantly was even more enjoyable than doing huge amounts of dps in one combo. Unlike the Aspect of Lucifer, you have some amount of choice when it comes to your build, since you don’t need Zeus’s bounces to activate the special attack. Even if I want a crit focused build I’d go for Chiron aspect, Best: Aspect of Gilgamesh. Coronacht: Chiron. Plus, Concentrated Fire is incompatible. Plus Aspect of Arthur lets you dash-cancel your attack animations, so you can dash around the room while still executing your full attack chain. However, the Zeus shield replaces it with a high damage, high-hit rate projectile that can be passively thrown out to cover areas, can quickly spread stacking curses like Frost and Hangover, and allows you to still attack and Bull Rush while it's out. This allows you to play incredibly defensively by only taking potshots when at a safe distance and dashing while reloading to cover yourself. That evasion buff is surprisingly strong defensively. One of my top bulky build aspects, the extra health plus high damage attack is great, albeit slow sometimes. You play as Zagreus, immortal son of Hades, on his quest to escape from the underworld, fighting through many angry lost souls along the way.Death is a mere inconvenience for Zagreus, returning to his room in Hades' palace each time to reflect in the Mirror of Night and try again. Though, that was due to my inexperience in the game. These bullets do not stagger enemies or cause them to flinch, and they deal low damage. Hard Labor makes that even more dangerous as enemies get closer and closer to instant-killing you. You need it to ramp up in damage to get more impressive DPS out of it, making it a rather unsafe weapon to use. The Adamant Rail's primary attack fires bullets rapidly out of an ammo cache in the direction Zagreusis looking. Everything Stygius is trash all the other weapons and aspects except Chiron are amazing. Best: Aspect of Arthur. Spinning is risky, sure, but the payoff for doing it is so massive that I'm willing to risk it most of the time. by hades fight, survivability is so insane that its really low stress to play, hera bow with dio cast and zue due + demeter due. Achilles is also good, though, if you'd prefer a cast build, but I'm not a fan of how, since it has no method of preventing stones from sticking, you're sort of obligated to use either Stygian Soul or the Ares/Dionysus/Demeter cast. Worst: Guan Yu- Back in the "best" section for the sword, I said all of the hidden aspects have some drawback attached to them, like Arthur being very slow. Best: Zeus- I'm going to come out and say it: I don't like the shield special. Best: Gilgamesh- The main aspect is cool and all for this, but I'm a huge fan of the extra dashes. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Runner up would be Zeus. Almost on par with the power of Gilgamesh. Shield – Aspect of Beowulf: After Investing five Titan’s Blood into Shields, talk to Chaos. Talos is somewhat gimmicky, but is also sort of your only cast option with fists, so I gave it a pass, and Zagreus can work really well with evasion stacking (Greatest Evasion, Ruthless Reflex if you want it, Lambent Plume, Second Wind) to be basically untouchable. Aspect of Arthur attack build. Spear - Aspect of Hades. Best: Aspect of Arthur. The extra 10% crit chance is great, but pales in comparison to the other three aspects. Normally I'm not very good with the spear and rarely run Aspect of Hades, but my gods that build was a blast to play. The Zagreus shield also adds 15 base damage to attacks, which is actually a big deal when you realize the default base damage is only 25, so I left it out here. Aspect of Arthur: You have Holy Excalibur, and +50 Health to your Life Total. Plus a sick Trippy Fog build, crushed Hades in a minute. Aspect of Beowulf (or Hera, but I like shield over bow) cast build with Trippy Shot, Ice Wine, and Festive Fog. Best: Arthur- Arthur simply is incredibly strong. I got the Hammers that make you Sturdy while charging the Spin and Massive Spin (which is absurd on Hades Spear). Worst: well given what I said, I just haven't tried Demeter yet. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Sword - Aspect of Nemesis Attack - Aphrodite Special - Ares (since you just need it for activating critical effect) Dash - Athena Cast - any. It's a projectile that takes a while, it has a low fire rate, it does low damage, and, because you can't attack or use a special until it returns, it bouncing to enemies often feels like a negative. *sigh* I think casting sucks. Best everything. Best: Chiron- Chiron's damage with the special is kind of infamous. Both have excellent bonus damage, but Raging Rush is excellent for zooming in on enemies, plus you get a solid cast bonus which allows very quick decimation, Worst: Aspect or Guan Yu. One of my top bulky build aspects, the extra health plus high damage attack is great, albeit slow sometimes. Worst: Chaos- I said earlier that I'm not a fan of the shield special, so it isn't that surprising that I ranked the Chaos shield so low. Using it targets an area around the cursor and launches a large grenade at i… The Aspect of Arthur is essentially the Stygian Blade's ultimate weapon, and unlike its other forms, this is more of a claymore than a longsword. I’m talking about numbers like 3000+. Its always safer to eliminate one enemy every second in a room with say 10 enemies, than it is to eliminate all 10 at once after 10 seconds. Guan Yu, however, easily has the biggest drawback: -50% health and healing. Achilles is a close second (I know it's one of the weapons of choice for really good players). When the Rail is out of ammo, it must be reloaded. Which is good because in roguelite games thats paramount to staying safe. I also really love it, great for early level manoeuvring. The Aspect of Hera and the Aspect of Zagreus are very good options for a ranged DPS build. The subreddit for Hades, the god-like rogue-like from Supergiant Games. Usually, Greater Reflex is advised because playing with 1 dash is usually pretty hard, but Gilgamesh already fixes that issue. Aura is quite useful at higher heats for tanking damage, Worst: Aspect of Zagreus. Maybe I'm missing what's so good about it, but, to me, it only seems good for either applying Doom for safe DPS or applying a long-lasting, single-stack curse like Weak for Privileged Status. Oh man I had exactly the same vibe as you did towards casting but I am a changed man after some runs. Zagreus is immobile while firing. I'd consider it the best spear for an attack or a special build, imo. There, I said it. This gives swords some build versatility that other Hades weapon types lack. Besides that, Gilgamesh also offers a "debuff" in Maim that is a double-edged sword to be sure, but is situationally good, and it also outputs some fairly big hits reasonably quickly (though slower than the other fists). (Arena Of Valor) - Arthur Hybrid Build (Anti Superman) Jadi inilah Gameplay dan Build Arthur versi Warrior Magic, damage bisa tembus 1.200 per detik..!! Aphrodite is also nice, reducing damage even further if you keep weak on foes. Artemis for your attack is the best for it in my opinion. Glad to see we almost completely agree. Aura is quite useful at higher heats for tanking damage. Probably my most controversial pick in the list but it simply does not work well for me. Attack - Artemis Special - depends on hammer Dash - Athena. Aegis: Chaos. It's a surprisingly high burst damage, extremely safe playstyle that can really help against bosses in particular. The 5 bonus Special hits wreck house. I guess I hate the stop and fire mechanic entirely, and seeing as Hestia’s aspect is entirely dependant on the reload, I don’t see it fitting my playstyle. Merciful end is just so so strong especially paired with the dash. hera bow with aphrodite or athena cast. Hades is a roguelike game from Supergiant Games, creators of Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre. Just spam dash attack and kill everything that moves. 2 Aspect Of Arthur. For Spear there is this one weapon upgrade that I find very satisfying: the triple dash-strike. It just doesn't feel like it works right. Stygius: Arthur. tough to pick between this and Hades, ultimately boiled down to my personal lack of skill with Spin Attack. Almost feels too strong. this is so over powered it alone might make this the best aspect. Instantly laying down Doom on an entire room, or hitting a point blank enemy with five stacks of Hangover/Chill (plus a bunch of damage from all five shields hitting at once) is incredible. Increased Cast Damage (+10/20/30/40/50%) Arthur: You have Holy Excalibur, and +50 Max Health. For comparison, Demeter adds more hits to your special after 12 hits, but, last I checked, it doesn't even work with the dash upper. I'm actually gonna pick Hestia as worst Rail aspect, as I think the focus on reloading makes it kind of clunky to use and the additional damage still pales in comparison to what you can get out of Eris. So I'm just going to put the best ones for the other weapons. Boosting the special lets me rely on the crutch of Doom+Chain Skewer which is basically the only way the Spear works for me. Plus Aspect of Arthur lets you dash-cancel your attack animations, so you can dash around the room while still executing your full attack chain. I find it helpful to compare it to Nemesis here, because, if I want a melee attack build and I want to be faster than Arthur, I would always choose Nemesis over it. Ares Attack, Athena Special and Dash. Spear – Aspect of Guan Yu: After accumulating a couple of Hidden Asepcts, talk to Achilles. The additive damage per tic from the beam requires Zagreus to be stationary. But a +15% dodge change isn’t run saving as compared to the damage boosts you get from the other three aspects, Best: Aspect of Eris. My favorite build used to be the one you mentioned, until I tried out dionysis poison build with Chiron bow and its my new favorite. Worst: Aspect of Zagreus. Each Infernal Arm has 4 Aspects, or variant forms.The Stygian Blade's final form is the Aspect of Arthur which transforms it into Holy Excalibur. However, the Stygian Blade’s strongest form is Aspect of Arthur, which provides you with a heavy attack designed to increase damage output within a certain radius. Even on its own it has solid damage, massive range, and can safely hit things through walls. If not for it then yeah Zagreus is very flavourless, Oh and duude definitely upgrade Demeter it is mad OP. You Bull Rush and then special, Idk like I said its probably just my style but its not very intuitive, I agree with all your other picks. Bull Rush into an enemy for 2700+ damage and leave a cloud behind that slows and zaps them with lightning. Varatha: Hades. Ares attack, Athena dash, merciful end. Aspect of Arthur attack build. Best Shield: Chaos or Zeus are totally different but they're both good in their own way. Hestia is cool too. Aspect of Gilgamesh on the fists, Poseidon dash and then every other boon of his that either increases knockback damage, ruptures, the legendary that knocks them back twice, the duo boon that zaps while knocking back and an extra 3 dashes from Hermes. That spin attack is just too good. Other than Aphrodite and Demeter casts. The ability to hit that rapidly for that amount of damage at range is really great. Best Fists: If I was cheating, I'd make it a three way tie between Gilgamensh, Zagreus and Talos because they're all fantastic. I had a run which lined up perfectly where I got both curse of nausea and low tolerance as duo boons. Getting dash attack buffs is also nice since i found you can sorta link Shield dash>attack>dash attack. Add the huge damage increase from Punish and it's an amazing weapon, especially with Quick Spin. 1) Stygius' Aspect of Arthur: This is the best weapon aspect has down, as it doesn't really have any downsides. And since the bonus damage you get from absorbing your Special applies to ALL damage you deal, this aspect shines on every build (except maybe the Hazard Bomb upgrade), Worst: Aspect of Lucifer. I'm not usually a huge fan of Artemis (another hot take, I know) for non-cast builds because Hunter's Mark is a really awkward curse that honestly isn't worth the trouble, so you're kind of forced to find 2 other curse sources for Privileged Status and apply them quickly. Granted, it has a few traits about it that are great (healing, ranged spin and standard projectile replacing the spear throw), but I really can't justify using them. Some other good weapons to use this build on are the Aspect of Zeus (shield, Dionysus special, Ares attack), Aspect of Rama (bow, Dionysus special/Ares attack), Aspect of Demeter (fist, Dionysus attack/Ares special). Like Coronacht, there are no bad aspects as such, but the raw power of Gilgamesh (plus the bonus Asterius dialogue <3 ) make it my favourite. The shield toss is way too strong, especially when combined with status effects. This means that you can safely grab Ruthless Reflex instead of Greater Reflex on the Mirror of Night. While you could theoretically do more damage by shotgunning up close with the other bows, that requires that you stand close to your opponent while also using an attack that makes you stand still for an extended period of time, and that's risky. Last edited by dustin1280; Dec 20, 2019 @ 9:56pm #9. The subreddit for Hades, the god-like rogue-like from Supergiant Games. I mostly don’t pick Zagreus aspect as the worst when its either crippling (Guan Yu/Lucifer) or meh (Chaos). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All of the aspects also build relatively similarly as well, except for the Aspect of Poseidon (where casts are crucial) and the hidden fourth aspect. Hestia is not exactly Bestia for me either but that reload bonus damage can be pretty powerful with the shotgun upgrade and a high crit boon. 1 Codex entry 2 Fighting style 2.1 Charging Spin Attack 3 Statistics 4 Aspects 4.1 Revealing the Aspect of Guan Yu 4.2 Aspect of Guan Yu Moveset 5 Upgrades The spear delivers repeated long-range stab attacks that can be charged to unleash a spin attack dealing high damage in a wide radius. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. But my real favorites are the ones I put together on the fly and turn out to be unexpectedly awesome. There's a reason this is the weapon I jumped to when I went for my first 32 heat run (and succeeded on my first try with it). But I gotta get them bounties, Ditto, it is genuinely great because its hyper focused on single enemy deletion. Thing is. I do like Zagreus too. My personal favourite is the classic Chiron bow with Artemis on special with Aphrodite on attack with their duo and as much special damage as possible. Aspects that boost casting just make it suck less. So that’s my list, probably shows weakness in my gameplay than in the weapons. Give me a Dio or Demeter boon on that attack and let me loose man. Aspects become available one run after the Rail has been unlocked and the player has collected at least one Titan Blood. Biggest downside is that Cursed Slash is kinda useless on it and it can be difficult to use with Forced Overtime, but otherwise it has everything I could possibly want in a weapon. We have “paused” our recruitment of new Board members until we ensure that we have protocols in place to build an equitable and representative Board of Directors; These are important steps, but they have not always come easily. Worst Spear: Hades is slow, Achilles is awkward but Guan Yu is suicidal. Aspect of chiron is crazy good. When it comes to "cookie cutter" builds I really like Merciful End on the Fists. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Hera was pretty enjoyable too. It's not my personal favorite (that would be Nemesis), but I do think it's the strongest, setting aside my bias against it. Not even Dread Flight synergises with the bonus shields, Best: Aspect of Chiron. I suspect that this one is a bit of a hot take, though. But its totally worthless against the bosses so I can’t rate it as high, I hated the Arthur Aspect at first. The superstar host of a new series called Postcards from You puts out a call for homemade videos for his TV show, setting off a frantic rush among Arthurand his friends to film their lives. Even without those its very powerful for dealing with bosses while strafing and the homing special is strongly homing, Worst: Aspect of Zagreus. Just reload it between each shot and treat it like a sniper instead of a machine gun like the others. Its really subjective but the bonus shields ‘can’ apply Doom/Chill/Hangover to a fair few enemies but the flow is so odd, isnt it? I love clearing 75% of a room with 1 spin attack. i love how the playstyle is really straightforward, chiron with artemis special just feels really nice, zag fists with evasion keepsake, athena attack and dash. This is probably the best of the Hades builds on the Aspect of Chaos. This can be great for those who like hitting buttons fast and hard, but the final aspect of this weapon makes for a much greater, slower, and stronger weapon by giving you King Arthur’s Excalibur. The gun is my least fave weapon because of the inherently low damage per attack hit, but that is all the more reason to be Special focused. Worst: Lucifer- I've always had trouble really making the Lucifer rail work well. More posts from the HadesTheGame community. It's vanilla as fuck, but the last hit in the Arthur attack chain does 200 base damage with a huge attack arc, and you can juice this up to 1300+ damage (2000+ crits) with boons. As such, it’s most effective to use this build to run in and chip the enemy heroes, let his 2 deal some damage and then run back out for a second before getting comboed too hard. It does have good traits going for it, like being able to clear rooms quickly with Doom hitting the entire room, but I just find the other shields do more. Dec 21, 2019 @ 5:39am Originally posted by Promethian: Dionysus on super rapid fire attack isn't very good. Any weapon. Again, this is probably due to my bad Spin Attack play, but the healing benefit is very low compared to the reduction in HP, Best: Aspect of Zeus. I mostly favour dps to survivability, so it could be a personal preference. The downside, of course, is that its attack is extremely slow, but some of that slowness can be mitigated by mastering its somewhat unique ability to dash in between the hits in its attack string. It made the spear my second fave for DPS, maybe for you too? I also don't like the hellfire as much as the bombs because of the added step to detonation. In fact, many of these choices have been spurred by difficult conversations with stakeholders who care deeply about equity and challenge us to be accountable to … More posts from the HadesTheGame community. I haven't had a failed escape with it once since I got it. As with all of the Hades rail aspects, Zeus attack is phenomenal due to the high rate of fire on the weapon. What makes Arthur good among the Hades Sword Aspects is not only that it gives additional survivability, but that its base damage is extremely high. Basically the only downside is that you can't really take Hazard Bomb with it.