Brass; Alpha Gear; About Us; Team Alpha; Distributors; News and Data; Kauber’s Wind Constant Calculator ; Contact; 0 . The easy way to produce 6mm Creedmoor is to make a couple tooling inserts that neck down the in-production 6.5 Creedmoor. Alpha Munitions 6 Dasher Brass – the best off-the-shelf option for 6 Dasher; Hodgdon Varget powder (why mess with success, that so many have had with Dasher and Varget!) Reviews. Furthest down, around the primer pocket, the brass should be firm. There was one shooter who said they were using Norma brass. But, of course, the Dasher isn’t a wildcat anymore! 100-count boxes of Alpha Munitions 6mm Creedmoor Small Rifle Primer brass are $99, compared to Peterson Cartridge 6mm Creedmoor SRP brass which is $39 per 50 (currently priced at Grafs) and Lapua 6.5mm Creedmoor brass which runs anywhere from $100-$115 depending on the vendor and sale pricing (certain vendors often have sales … spclark. 6mm Dasher (Alpha Brass) Copper Creek Cartridge Co. Description. This brass is formed with a custom die. I purchased the Alpha Munitions 6mm DASHER brass. The bigger batch of production brass is due later this year. Cart. If Alpha comes out with 6 Dasher as also rumored, I would use that in my 6.5BRX AR upper. Then Alpha Munitions stepped up to the plate and started offering 6 Dasher Brass, and by all accounts I’ve heard- it’s AWESOME. Meeting place for all the 6 dasher fans I’m extremely impressed with the quality of this brass and No more fire forming brass in my DASHERS. @swannysgear Dasher brass is shipping soon. They are located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Please don't reinvent the dimensions like someone else did. Norma had offered 6 Dasher brass for a period, but they no longer offer that SKU. John Whidden Talks about Sizers, Seaters, and Expanders. At Alpha Munitions, their philosophy of exacting standards without compromise has resulted in a product that is considered by many to be the best available. There was one shooter who said they were using Norma brass. Your email address will not be published. I want some 6mm comp match factory brass! Modified Cases have the primer pockets drilled and tapped to accept a Hornady OAL Gauge. I was going to do 6 Dasher but decided to go 6 BRAI later on. Since there already doing 6.5 Creed, adding the 6 should be simpler and cheaper than something completely different, by a lot I bet. SKU: AM6BRA Category: Brass Tags: 6BRA, 6mmBRA, BRA, reloading, reloading supplies, Small Rifle Primer, SRP. Alpha Grade means we exercise exacting control over every element of the manufacturing process including an industry leading inspection system that touches every case. The Alpha 6mm Dasher brass uses Small Rifle primers and ships in 100 count custom Alpha Munitions plastic cases with perforated bi-layer foam for protection of cases during shipping and can be used for loaded ammunition. For these loads, I used the … At Alpha Munitions, they saw an opportunity to revolutionize the entire manufacturing process and engineer a new standard in match grade precision rifle brass. The circles below the shoulders are markings from pressure testing. ALPHA MUNITIONS 6MM DASHER BRASS 100 CT – Optimized Case Design with Optimized Case Head Technology -Primer pockets sized for small rifle primers -100 count boxes ship in custom Alpha Munitions plastic cases with perforated bi-layer foam for protection of … 6 Dasher Brass. Here, the hardness is nearly twice that of around the neck. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I can guarantee after factoring in the cost of fireforming (which includes barrel life, powder, projectiles no matter how cheap, TIME to do it) and hydroforming all of which end up costing $1.50 per round or more (if your fireforming it b/c it takes time and barrel life), dasher brass can easily be sold for $1.00-1.10 shipped, and people will buy it like crazy.... CRAZY! With this understanding, we are happy to take your Alpha Dasher Brass order. Please send messages to Alpha to let them know of your interest in 6 Dasher brass. Quality Alpha Grade means we exercise exacting control over every element of the manufacturing process including an industry leading inspection system that touches every case. Alpha Grade. The Dasher is now domesticated – thanks to American F Class shooter Shiraz Balolia, who has commissioned Norma to manufacture fully-formed Dasher brass (and 284 as well – ‘effers have no need to neck-up the 6.5-284 Lapua now). I will continue to replace my old brass with Peterson. was successfully added to your cart. Your email address will not be published. Already commented on FB; but, there is a HUGE market for 6 dasher. Alpha Munitions brass is produced in a state of the art facility using the highest level of technology available today. Price from Alpha Munitions should be $1.15 per case, which is on par with Alphan’s other product line. Alpha Munitions is a private U.S. company that - in their own words - is committed to making the best precision rifle brass in the world. It'd be a no brainer to go with the Dasher if Alpha Dasher brass existed. If they offer dasher, I will call my barrel guy asap. Get it while it lasts. Order in boxes of: Clear: 6mm BRA quantity. Based on the “What the Pros Use” article, and input from Alpha Munitions + Friends, I decided to focus on the following for this first round of load development: Alpha Munitions 6 Dasher Brass – the best off-the-shelf option for 6 Dasher Brass manufacturers are aware of the case cosmetics and have worked to mitigate it, but due to equipment design, denting may still occur. I have already hit them up on both Facebook and through their website. Brass; Alpha Gear; About Us; Team Alpha; Distributors; News and Data; Kauber’s Wind Constant Calculator; Contact; 0 . Current Stock: Add to Wish List. I would buy at least 500 pieces anytime. I emailed them but it appears as though they are coming out with 6 Creed here soon. Learn a little more about how these cases and gauges are used HERE. ALPHA MUNITIONS - 6MM DASHER BRASS. 93 talking about this. $115.00. Mfr Part: AM6DR100. Modified Cases have the primer pockets drilled and tapped to accept a Hornady OAL Gauge. A short video of the hydraulic die process of forming 6mm dasher brass from 6mmBR brass. Reactions: ShootDots. Notably, Alpha also makes 6mm Dasher brass, saving you a fire-forming step, and Alpha also produces the new 6GT case popular with PRS shooters. We don’t manufacture different grades of brass. With few exceptions, 6 Dasher has been a “form it yourself” brass proposition, with some outfits offering hydroformed brass. 6mm Dasher (Alpha Brass) Copper Creek Cartridge Co. The brass offers the precision shooter the ultimate in pressure containment and performance. I currently shoot 6 Creedmoor, but would switch to 6 Dasher for my next barrel if Alpha offered brass. Yup. 6 Dasher Components. Legacy reamers are the most consistent reamers available. You are using an out of date browser. Minor dents are normally removed in the first firing and will not affect case life or performance. I should have uniformed primer pockets I guess. You must log in or register to reply here. But, of course, the Dasher isn’t a wildcat anymore! On non-plated brass, you may also notice all the anneal stain might not be polished off, which may give the case neck a pinkish color. Product Information Cartridge: 6mm Dasher Finish: Brass Condition: New Quantity: 100 Primed: No Primer Size: Small Primer Pocket *This is not loaded ammunition. You'll be the talk of the town. Phillip T. - 6.5 CM Brass. I have been forming 6 Competition Match brass from their 260 brass and it’s shot better than anything I shot in … See what all the buzz if about and start loading this great caliber for yourself. Using Varget and 105 hybrids 0.020" off the lands I've got 4 rounds each at 31.8gr, 32.1gr, 32.4gr, and 32.7gr. 6 Dasher Primers 6 Dasher Brass. At Alpha Munitions, their philosophy of exacting standards without compromise has resulted in a product that is considered by many to be the best available. Other than this minor change in neck diameter with this lot of brass, this Lapua 6mm BR Norma brass is essentially the identical product as it has been all along. Alpha 6mm BRA and 6 Dasher brass are available directly from Alpha Munitions, but act soon — this will quickly sell out. Alpha Munitions 6 Dasher brass has been used some of the best shooters in both the PRS & NRL to place amongst the top of the leaderboards. I purchased the Alpha Munitions 6mm DASHER brass. Building my 2018 PRS rig in coming weeks, going 6 creed so I can continue using Alpha brass. I'm interested as well. Required fields are marked * Add to Wish List. I feel they did it since Area 419 was forming 6 creed form Alpha 6.5 brass...but no one really care about that. Comments Required. All Rights Reserved. Product Videos. Required fields are marked *. Includes: • Your Choice of Standard Dies • 100 Pieces of Lapua 6mm BR Norma Brass • 6mm Dasher Hydraulic Form Die • 6mm Dasher Case Gauge We can only ship brass to a US address. Forever. Alpha Munitions is a private U.S. company that - in their own words - is committed to making the best precision rifle brass in the world. Here are five Peterson .308 Win casings after 32 loading/firing cycles (31 at SAAMI max). These cases and gauges are handy for finding the length that a bullet needs to be loaded to get to the barrel lands. Add to cart. I'm on the 8th firing now with no issues. Alpha Dasher brass would revolutionize the sport. You can find some of their collection of brass here, but the real news is that they are starting to make brass for the 6 Dasher … There are no reviews yet. Alpha brass: Ran through a .266 bushing and chamfered mouths. In this video I give you the general outline of the steps I take to reload a the legendary 6 Dasher cartridge. SKU: AM6DR100. If you’re shooting 6 Dasher you need this brass! Custom Field. Alpha Munitions Brass 6mm Dasher Small Rifle Primer – Pre Order-Primer pockets sized for small rifle primers-100 count boxes ship in custom Alpha Munitions plastic cases with perforated bi-layer foam for protection of cases and loaded ammunition-500 count orders ship in custom cardboard boxes with dividers and includes four Alpha Munitions custom plastic cases . Lapua has served me very well over the years - it has proven to be remarkably durable and some of the cases in rotation have well over 25 firings on them but I figure a new-ish Bartlein barrel presents a good opportunity to give the relatively new Alpha brass a whirl. Pre-Order Now Compare. Only reason for review not being 5 star is that I would like to see the Peterson line add a few more calibers to their quality line. In its creation of 6mm brass, Alpha Munitions sweated the smallest of details and found a way to avoid excess brass in the neck and shoulder. Please send messages to Alpha to let them know of your interest in 6 Dasher brass. It seems to me like there would be more demand for dasher brass over 6 Creed. 6mm BRA $ 120.00 – $ 600.00. 1st Match All I did was run it through a Full Length Match Grade Sizing die, primed, loaded and set the bullet and shot a 566 12X. -500 count orders ship in custom cardboard boxes with dividers. It shot very small groups right out of the box with low SD’s. Nov 12, 2017 #4 It needs to be a tougher alloy of brass . This is the cheapest you will find Alpha Dasher brass. 6×47 Lapua.260 Rem 6.5 Creedmoor 6.5×47 Lapua.308 Win. OCD incorporates new metallurgy and an innovative breakthrough manufacturing process. First we are stocking dies in many calibers that are of interest to those who visit this website (such as the 6PPC, 6mm Dasher, 6.5×47 Lapua, .260 Rem, 7mm Shehane, .308 Winchester). It is truly the perfect big 22. These cases and gauges are handy for finding the length that a bullet needs to be loaded to get to the barrel lands. Quality. #alphamunitions #alphagrade #madeintheusa #6dasher #precisionrifle Product Information Cartridge: 6mm Dasher Finish: Brass Condition: New Quantity: 100 Primed: No Primer Size: Small Primer Pocket *This is not loaded ammunition. Done the right way, there is only 0.001" difference between the finished brass 98% of people use Lapua brass for 6mm Dasher, so there isn’t much need to show a chart for that! Lapua doesn’t make brass specifically for the Dasher, but most start with Lapua’s 6mm Norma BR case and fireform it for the Dasher (What is fireform?). I would put a 6 Dasher barrel on my AI if they offered brass. HLR 6 Dasher brass is in use by multiple nationally ranked shooters in the country. Visit Robert Whitley’s website for more information on Grendel-based cartridges, and his site for info on the 6mmBR Improved Dasher, 6-6.5×47, and 6.5×47. Neck turning 90% skim cut of the original neck diameter…about perfect. I have already hit them up on both Facebook and through their website. As a small thank you we are offering some Alpha 6mm Dasher at a banging price. Alpha Munitions: 6mm Dasher 100/Box Alpha Munitions. It seems to me like there would be more demand for dasher brass over 6 Creed. To build on the above comment, when it comes to tooling I have thrown out Josh Kunz name from patriot valley arms as a point of contact, since A Josh is a gift to our sport, B we want the prints and tooling to mirror that of fire formed lapua brass, and keep and hopefully keep the same internal case capacity. I would spin up a 6 Dashed barrel for my TL3 if they offered brass for sure. Earlier this year I was ready to build a 6 Dasher when I saw a lot of buzz on the interwebs about a new caliber George Gardner ... Like the cases I formed from 6.5×47 Lapua brass, the Alpha 6GT brass will use a small rifle primer. Sizes the case neck, shoulder, and body Deprimes and expands the case neck Allows the case to be re-chambered in a SAAMI minimum size rifle chamber Precisely positioned vent hole located in the threaded or recessed portion of the die body prevent Alpha OCD Case Head Technology 6mm - er Brass.... Comes in 100 Ct boxes . Alpha 6GT brass has 1.5 to 1.7 grains more case capacity. The Dasher is now domesticated – thanks to American F Class shooter Shiraz Balolia, who has commissioned Norma to manufacture fully-formed Dasher brass (and 284 as well – ‘effers have no need to neck-up the 6.5-284 Lapua now). At Alpha Munitions, their philosophy of exacting standards without compromise has resulted in a product that is considered by many to be the best available. Gold $$ Contributor. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The HLR 6 Dasher brass is ready to load and sized to a 0.267 neck. Just got ahold of both once fired Lapua Dasher brass and some fresh Alpha brass. mikecr. View Details. One can only hope we get domestic producers that expand beyond "stocked on every sporting goods shelf" type cartridge brass. As some of you know, there is a company called Alpha Munitions. ALPHA MUNITIONS 6MM DASHER BRASS 100 CT – Optimized Case Design with Optimized Case Head Technology -Primer pockets sized for small rifle primers -100 count boxes ship in custom Alpha Munitions plastic cases with perforated bi-layer foam for protection of cases and loaded ammunition Product Description: This die is custom made for Alpha 6mm Dasher Brass. Create Wish List × Description – Optimized Case Design with Optimized … Ultra-Accurate 6mm Dasher Built by Dad Trystan’s rifle features a 1.550″ BAT B dual-port action and Krieger 1:8″-twist HV barrel chambered in 6mm Dasher. So, I figured I'd give Alpha 6 Dasher brass a try. In its creation of 6mm brass, Alpha Munitions sweated the smallest of details and found a way to avoid excess brass in the neck and shoulder. Alpha. Norma had offered 6 Dasher brass for a period, but they no longer offer that SKU. Review Subject Required. Select the best brass – Lapua’s .223 Remington. Poof, instant 6mm Creedmoor. Internal volumes are different than Lapua, requiring different powder charges, but accuracy seems to be on par. I'm running 31.6 of Varget at 2915. This story comes from the Peterson Cartridge website. What is the 6mm GT: The 6mm GT was birthed from a collaboration between George Gardner (owner GA Precision) and Tom Jacobs (owner … They are located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Review Subject Required. I'm running alpha brass in my dasher and love it. We are proud to offer the shooting community a new grade of rifle brass. 6mm Dasher has 2,416 members. Their proprietary manufacturing processes minimize any … 32.6 runs 2958 in alpha and no pressure signs. Quick view. Lead Time is 4-8 Weeks. I would buy a metric ton of alpha dasher brass. Lapua doesn’t make brass specifically for the Dasher, but most start with Lapua’s 6mm Norma BR case and fireform it for the Dasher (What is fireform?). This item is currently unavailable for backorder. Excellent Brass, Consistent measurements. It's truly the last piece of the puzzle. Alpha. I never really push em hard though. Poof, instant 6mm Creedmoor. $1.15. Alpha Munitions brass is produced in a state of the art facility using the highest level of technology available today. Click links below: Comments Required. 100-count boxes of Alpha Munitions 6mm Creedmoor Small Rifle Primer brass are $99, compared to Peterson Cartridge 6mm Creedmoor SRP brass which is $39 per 50 (currently priced at Grafs) and Lapua 6.5mm Creedmoor brass which runs anywhere from $100-$115 depending on the vendor and sale pricing (certain … Produces bullet hole groups at 100 yards with 1-3fps SDs with proper reloading procedures implemented. Sold. In this video I give you the general outline of the steps I take to reload a the legendary 6 Dasher cartridge. Sniper’s Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. Email Required. It’s packed full of OCD Technology and absolutely hammers. These cases start off with the best possible raw materials with the narrowest tolerances. But, it must work in lapua chambers. The structure of the material reveals the hardness. My barrel likes 32.6 with lapua and runs around 2960. Without a doubt the fastest growing caliber over the last 1.5 years amongst the tactical circuit. Be the first to review “6mm Dasher FL Sizing Die Custom Honed for Alpha Dasher Brass” Cancel reply. Tough Brass — Peterson .308 Win Brass Strong After 32 Firings. I sized them all and created a very brief ladder test with both cases to compare the two. I emailed them but it appears as though they are coming out with 6 Creed here soon. – Optimized Case Design with Optimized Case Head Technology, -Primer pockets sized for small rifle primers, -100 count boxes ship in custom Alpha Munitions plastic cases with perforated bi-layer foam for protection of cases and loaded ammunition. American Made. Alert Me When Available. Rating Required. CCI BR4 primers (bench rest) Berger 105 grain Hybrid Target bullets (have won many matches) Berger 109 grain Long Range Hybrid Target bullets (new, and with higher BC) Loading Gear. Write a Review × Alpha Munitions Alpha Munitions: 6mm Dasher 100/Box. The final factor for Alpha Munitions brass is the price. They did the 6 creed and it is fine since it is not a major change in tooling but honestly the 6 creed market is not that big. They are producing some amazing brass that is extremely consistent, I would put it on par with Lapua, but you are getting brass that is in ammo boxes and not all dinged up from the factory. Home Brass 6mm BRA. Alpha 6mm BRA and 6 Dasher brass are available directly from Alpha Munitions, but act soon — this will quickly sell out. Learn a little more about how these cases and gauges are used HERE. The easy way to produce 6mm Creedmoor is to make a couple tooling inserts that neck down the in-production 6.5 Creedmoor. BIG NEWS: Alpha recently started producing 6mm BRA (6BR Ackley) brass. Founded by Frank Galli in 2014, Sniper’s Hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to it’s users in one location. We are well beyond them figuring out the 6 creed, there might even be 22 creedmoor out here soon... As far a completely new caliber, there iseems to be some discussion of dasher vs a SAUM case. Forming brass is the only thing that keeps me from switching to Dasher. BIG NEWS: Alpha recently started producing 6mm BRA (6BR Ackley) brass. @bluecollarreloading First & foremost, Happy Veterans Day, especially the 1% . ... Peterson Brass 6mm Dasher Unprimed Bulk Box of 500 ... Add a Review. Write a Review Write a Review × Alpha Munitions 6mm - er (6 dasher) OCD Case Head Technology (100 ct) Rating * Name Email * Review Subject * Comments * × You May Also Like... Quick view Details. 223 Remington Match Brass . Shop Alpha Munitions 6mm Dasher Brass | $5.00 Off Be The First To Review Alpha Munitions 6mm Dasher Brass New Product + Free Shipping over $49. 6 Dasher Primers. The problem with doing it that way is the excess brass that ends up in the neck and shoulder. 1st Match All I did was run it through a Full Length Match Grade Sizing die, primed, loaded and set the bullet and shot a 566 12X. I have about 500 of their 6.5 Creedmoor brass and it's been excellent. Made in the U.S.A. Guaranteed. Phillip T. - 6.5 CM Brass. Hodgdon Titewad powder and Cream of Wheat. Logical, and was the only thing required to bring 22 creedmoor to the very front of the pack when choosing hot 22 cals. With few exceptions, 6 Dasher has been a “form it yourself” brass proposition, with some outfits offering hydroformed brass. My second highest score in F Class. Alpha Munitions is excited to take Alpha Grade to another level with the launch of our new Optimized Case Design (OCD). We have shot this brass for over 5 years and it is match proven. The final factor for Alpha Munitions brass is the price. $120.00 (You save $5.00 ) (No reviews yet) Write a Review. Be the first to review this product! Excellent brass. Alpha Munitions 6mm - er (6 dasher) OCD Case Head Technology (100 ct) Pre - order (2-2.5 weeks out) Alpha OCD Case Head Technology 6mm - er Brass.... Comes in 100 Ct boxes $115.00. At Alpha Munitions, their philosophy of exacting standards without compromise has resulted in a product that … Name Required. You can find some of their collection of brass here, but the real news is that they are starting to make brass for the 6 Dasher caliber. It may not display this or other websites correctly. – Optimized Case Design with Optimized Case Head Technology -Primer pockets sized for small rifle primers -100 count boxes ship in custom Alpha … An interesting note, Trystan shot some of the new Alpha Dasher brass on some targets, using his 6mm Dasher. Product Reviews. I would definitely buy some. Alpha Munitions 6mm GT Brass. I've been fighting back n forth over a 6x47 or 6 creed, but I'd do a 6 Dasher in a heartbeat. Weight: 2.15 lbs: Dimensions: 6.5 × 3.5 × 2.75 in: Related Products. To pre-order the brass, CLICK HERE. was successfully added to your cart. Your email address will not be published. The brass remained intact, with no cracks. While my formed Lapua brass is great, assuming quality, dimensions, and cost were comparable to Lapua, I'd switch to avoid forming. Also would interested in dasher brass if specs were the same as current Chamberings and case capacity was same as lapua fire formed. Our brass is ready for load development and match ready. The 6 Dasher is one of those cartridges that packs a ton of power and performance in a tiny package, and we decided to make them based on requests from our friends in these disciplines” Peterson said. At Alpha Munitions, they saw an opportunity to revolutionize the entire manufacturing process and engineer a new standard in match grade precision rifle brass. The 6mm Dasher cases also feature Alpha's Optimized Case Head Techonology which improves primer pocket life and pressure containment for extended brass life. All key dimensions on our reamers are guaranteed to be within 4 microns or 0.0001574803” with a majority falling within 2 microns or 0.0000787402”. © 2021 Alpha Munitions. Once the reserved brass has been distributed, all other orders will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis. *Brass must be tumbled after receiving and prior to loading to ensure no left over residue from forming* Additional information. There are two sides to our die business. Alpha Munitions 6mm GT brass has been used some of the best shooters in both the PRS & NRL to place amongst the top of the leaderboards. I’m extremely impressed with the quality of this brass and No more fire forming brass in my DASHERS.