The plant is shedding the older leaves to make room for new growth. The moisture in the soil brought by overwatering causes the roots to rot. Large Alocasia m. 'Borneo Giant' pup - 2 nice leaves. Alocasia sanderiana, also known as the Kris plant, has extremely dark green foliage and provides an exotic-looking houseplant.Its long, pointed leaves are have white veins and scalloped edges outlined in white. Plants must be free of brown spots and brown leaf edges, often caused by insufficient humidity and/or the potting soil being too dry. Good evening! It’s important to place a sleeve around the plants in the cold months. The Alocasia black velvet is a beautiful indoor plant popular for its foliage. Why does the new growing Alocasia plant lose a leaf with the growth of a new one? An Alocasia's mushy stem is also a sign of cold damage. Alocasia Frydek (Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’) is a stunning tropical perennial houseplant with large arrow-shaped leaves with thick white veins.Also called the Green Velvet plant, the Alocasia Frydek grows well indoors if it gets enough light and humidity. Too much water can be just as damaging to leaves. The exception to this is when yellow Alocasia leaves are caused by a disease. The Alocasia Black Velvet Care includes a warm and humid place with indirect light. It is part of the alocasia family, so that is the other name you may hear it called. LEFT: An example of underwatering on a drooping leaf of the Alocasia Frydek. Yellow spots on your elephant ear plant can indicate a problem with watering, says Ingstrom. Besides, it looks like that most of its roots were fragile and most of them desintegrated. A stunning plant with large heart-shaped leaves and wavy edges, it’s easy to see where the Elephant’s Ear got its common name. Proper Alocasia plant care begins with the soil. Like many people, I was seduced by the dark green, glossy leaves with sharply contrasting veins, as well as by the striking shape and form of the leaves. If the leaves are turning yellow, it could mean there is a problem. If it's just the bottom leaf and it's slowly drooping down before turning yellow, I wouldn't bother too much. Then prune off the yellow leaves to give your plant a fresh start. The alocasia zebrina owes its name to the unique – and eye-catching – yellow and black zebra print-esque markings found on its stems that contrast with its lush green leaves. Some yellowing is natural because they are the older leaves, especially at the bottom of the plant. Small young Alocasia Plants are unable to maintain more than a few leaves. Large Colocasia- 4 not so impressive leaves. Hi Everyone, I've had an Alocasia for about a year now. Today I noticed that the two youngest leaves have gone yellow and the stems are completely floppy, the smallest one was really soft to the touch so I have got rid of it. This can also cause the plant to droop. The plant develops spots on the leaves at temperatures below 12-15°C. ALOCASIA 'CALIDORA' Big, dramatic hybrid of A. gagaena and A. odora, reaching five to seven feet tall with rounded, sky-pointing, dark green leaves nearly four feet long and three feet wide. Alocasia Lauterbachiana is a stunning perennial plant that flowers during the spring season and grows vibrant leaves with beautiful shapes and color schemes. I have had this Alocasia Zebrina for a few weeks now and it has seemed happy. The striking feature of Alocasia ‘Polly’ is its glossy green leaves contrasting with their with creamy-white veins. Its leaves are prone to scorching under full sun. Your Alocasia is tropical, so it will thrive in more humid environments. All are commonly caused by over-watering and wet leaves. If you don’t note a positive change, return to the plant’s original feeding regimen and check other factors. I bought my alocasia 5 months ago. If this condition prevails for a long period of time, then the plant will eventually die. Here’s everything you need to know to keep Elephant’s Ears plants healthy and growing. This is because the Alocasia Plant stalk is constantly expanding. Its leaves are in fact believed to mirror the floppy ears of an elephant – hence the alocasia zebrina… Although the plant loves a little dampness on the soil, it still wants a well-drained soil. Alocasia Zebrina Yellow Leaves Help. … Both species have very large leaves, and both are called elephant’s ears. The specimen in your photo appears to be a hybrid known as Alocasia Amazonica. Alocasia Amazonica is often confused with Alocasia micholitziana (mik-oh-lit-zee-AY … A few yellow leaves here and there does not have to be the kiss of death for your plants. It's been doing great but about a month or two ago I noticed some of its leaves turning yellow. A young and small plant is mostly unable to carry more than a few leaves. If you notice a few leaves have become yellow, first, pinpoint the problem and address it accordingly. Similarly, locations that are too dark will cause its huge, beautiful leaves to turn yellow. If Alocasia has yellow leaves, it's been too wet or too dry. Alocasia x. amazonica is a hybrid that features leathery, wavy-edged, arrowhead-shaped, dark bronze-green leaves (up to 16” long) ; The truly enormous Alocasia … It is mostly because the stalk of the plant is constantly expanding. Alocasia is a … September 2017 in Plants. RIGHT: Brown spotting or holes in the leaves can signal that the plant isn't receiving enough water. Alocasia is sensitive to cold. The leaves of the Alocasia Polly turn yellow easily when the soil is left sitting in too much water. Just because the leaves of this gorgeous plant are dark and moody, doesn’t mean it likes the darkness. Small Alocasia calidora pup - only 1 petiole whose leaf browned & died as a spike (so nothing coming out of the pot but a single green stem) Small Colocasia e. It feels like every time a new leaf comes up one goes down. Alocasia zebrina is one such beautiful tropical perennial plant with big, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. Note the leaf is yellowing and losing its structure. The leaves turn yellow and then droop. I won’t go into that discussion here, but a simple analogy for this is the same for humans. If Alocasia has yellow leaves, it’s been too wet or too dry. Like all species of Alocasia, the Green Velvet alocasia produces unusual white, slightly fragrant flowers. She was stable until this weekend when suddenly all of its leaves are turning yellow. The drooping foliage and dry soil are what confirms this Alocasia Polly needs more water. lisaar Posts: 1. Alocasia Macrorrhiza Light. Forms a “trunk” and thick sturdy stalks. Recently, more leaves have been turning yellow … Alocasia x amazonica care is not insurmountable by any means once you understand it. Increase the humidity around your plant by misting the leaves on a regular basis, using a pebble tray, or moving a humidifier nearby. So, you want to give it some kind of shade or indirect light for the best results. When the soil doesn't drain well, an overdose of water leaves the soil waterlogged and root systems can literally drown. The intoxicatingly beautiful, arrow-shaped black leaves with attractive silvery veins grow on dwarf stems. This indoor plant is famous for its attractive foliage. This means your plant has been over-watered. The leaves have a wonderfully deep, glossy texture. It can happen if it is an immature plant. m. 'Black Stem' pup - 1 nice leaf. An Alocasia Plant may lose a leaf every time it gets a new leaf when it is an imature plant. Alocasia and Colocasia are both plants of the Araceae family. Huge, they can reach 3-6 ft. … Some varieties want more light or water than other species. These can also be caused by scorching as a result of too much sun. Root or stem rot can occur sometimes. As the Alocasia Plant stalk expands it forces the smaller leaves to drop off. Very large yellow spots at the edges of the leaves indicate lack of water, but smaller yellow spots closer to the roots of the plants indicate too much water. Watering. Brown and black spots surrounded by a yellowish rim on the leaves of an Alocasia plant can be the result of a variety of diseases like Root Rot, Crown Stem, Xanthomonas, and Leaf Spot. The alocasia macrorrhiza grows best in partial sun or partial shade. My alocasia lowrider has been popping up with a yellow leaf once a week for the last 4 weeks. I have my plants a little crammed together underneath some grow lights in my room and everyone is doing very well except for my alocasia low rider. Before they drop, though, the leaves will typically turn yellow. The pale leaves are likely due to lack of … Remove the yellow leaves and ensure to keep the leaves dry. If the soil is dry and this is happening, make it a point to get the plant on a regular watering schedule. The large leaves are deep green colored along with white veins. Alocasia Zebrina Plant Care: Conclusion. The Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly,’ or African Mask plant, is an evergreen tropical perennial houseplant with stunning dark green, arrow-shaped leaves and lobed, wavy edges. Root or stem rot can occur sometimes. Small Alocasia. See more ideas about alocasia plant, plants, plant leaves. Very large yellow spots at the edges of the leaves indicate lack of water, but smaller yellow spots closer to the roots of the plants indicate too much water. A striking beauty with its dramatic, gigantic leaves, Alocasia macrorrhiza (Giant Taro) is a rhizomatous evergreen perennial which is excellent for bringing a lush look to gardens. Also called the Amazon Elephant Ear, Alocasia amazonica ‘Polly’ produces spathe … Alocasia polly is an important and beautiful member of the aroid family. Preventive measures. Resembling the ears of an elephant, thick, prominently-veined, ruffled, green leaves are borne on rigid stalks (petioles) which jut vertically from a stout upright trunk. Depending on the source, the hybrid was created by crossing Alocasia watsoniana x Alocasia sanderiana while another source indicates the parentage to be Alocasia watsoniana x Alocasia noblis. As long as there are new, healthy leaves growing you're doing okay. Not only are these plants gorgeous to look at, but they are also effortless to grow and easy to maintain. I thought that it was just the cycle of life and nothing was wrong. Not enough light. Trim Away Damaged Leaves Slice through the fleshy stem at the base of any yellow leaves with a … Generally, the most common problem for yellow leaves on your Alocasia Polly plant is due to improper soil moisture. The fast-growing Alocasia reginula gets dormant in winter. Since these plants love water and are not drought-resistant, dehydration is a serious problem and can cause the leaves’ immediate dullness. Apr 29, 2019 - Explore Herbert Waldron (8)'s board "alocasia-species", followed by 245 people on Pinterest. You’ll be enjoying luscious green growth in no time! I have a different type of Alocasia, but they shed their old foliage pretty swiftly. alocasia plant; bought from a nursery; placed in a well-lit corner of the room, without direct sunlight; plant is not over-watered, only watered when soil dries; got it for about 3 weeks now; issues - day 21. some of the plant leaves are getting yellow: big …