Advantage is more affordable than Advantix. Ensure you purchase the correct dosage for your pet and that all directions are followed accurately. Keep animal wrapped for 5-10 minutes. In addition to the side effect, there are a … The Cooper and Gracie C&G doesn't have any side effects aside from killing fleas and ticks. Thankfully I haven't had any side effects at all with my dog. Advantage is easy to use and remains effective for a month. Advantage is so gentle that it can be used even on eight-week-old kittens. My poor little buddy is a victim of this toxic marketing ploy. Side Effects and Drug Reactions. If your pet manages to get the treatment in their eyes, flush their eyes immediately with plenty of water and consult with your vet. Advantage Treatment Spray for dogs kills fleas and ticks on contact. I know that he didn't ingest any of the formula. This is not dangerous or harmful and will only last a few days to a week after application. Further, it also inhibits larval development in pet’s surroundings by more than 99 per cent and stops fleas from becoming adults by killing flea larvae. Data Sheet for Advantage Spot On Flea Treatment . Amazing Prices, Great Service, Worldwide Brands, Pet Bucket Ltd is a UK registered company | Company no: 08345021 | BTC Bessemer Drive Stevenage | SG1 2DX UK. Luckily for Jon and the rest of us, leading treatment Advantage is readily available. Advantage multi has two ingredients, Advantage only one, Imedacloprid. Imidacloprid is an effective and typically safe-to-use insecticide that kills fleas. Imidacloprid is safe for use in dogs over 7 weeks of age and cats over 8 weeks. Most Common Side Effects of Frontline for Dogs. Well, to answer all your doubts, here we have briefed down. She passed withing 7 days of use. I choose to buy this Advantage Flea Control … Fleas are good at hiding, so also look at your dog’s skin for black specks that could be flea droppings. I used advantage on my 17 month old bengal and I believe it has made him sick. 5. In rare cases, ingestion of Advantage in dogs may cause adverse reactions including depression, dilated pupils, salivation, incoordination, panting and generalized muscle tremors. It is formulated for dogs and puppies over 12 weeks. … He is now up and walking and eating like nothing happened. I live alone with my 2 best friends, I would die inside if anything happened to "my boys". Owners reported the following signs in their dogs after application of Advantage Multi for Dogs: pruritus, flaky/greasy residue at the treatment site, medicinal odor, lethargy, inappetence, and hyperactivity. Side effects of arnica for dogs ... Because of this side effect, don’t administer homeopathic arnica to your dog before surgery. My precious boy better be okay..I will never forgive myself for using this! 1. The review said that despite the increased toxicity of fipronil-sulfone, it’s unlikely there would be any adverse effects because there is a rate of passage of less than 5% fipronil through the skin. We noticed she had a couple of fleas when we got in the house. Within hours my 6 year old cat "Marshmello" showed signs of a severe reaction: watery eyes, nose, and increased salivation. Unfortunately I read these after I applied it but don't feel comfortable with them using it, so I washed off the area with dawn soap within 30 minutes after I applied it, should my cats be okay? It is better to avoid administering Advantage to dogs that are sensitive to avermectin as it may cause severe side effects. It is formulated for dogs and puppies over 12 weeks. Some side-effects include seizures, vomiting, lethargy, skin burns and death. My puppy has suffered from seizures since she had started to have the Advantage. One treatment prevents further flea infestation for up to four weeks on dogs, treatment should be repeated after four weeks. Checking various benefits of using Advantage and the side effects of this flea treatment, you can decide well why this flea treatment is best for your pet. Fleas are killed within one day following treatment. Help protect your canine companion and your home from parasitic pests with Advantage Flea & Tick Treatment Spray for Dogs. Oh brave, handsome, silly Jon Snow. Make sure you talk to your vet if your pet is on medication, if other pesticides are already being used, or if your pet is underweight, elderly or debilitated. But the worst part was he lost the use of his back legs ! She was up and playing then one day took a turn for the worse. If signs of sensitivity occur, contact your veterinarian immediately. I have had problems with other flea medications. I will probably look into maybe a flea collar or some other type of flea treatment. This can include depression, salivation, pupil … What special precautions are there: Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through skin. Causes moderate eye … Stiffening or the damp appearance of hair, itchiness, redness or pinkish skin may occur but these are temporary side effects. Treatment should be repeated after four weeks. I precisely used it as directed nothing more, nothing less than directed.B… Quick view Johnson's 4fleas Tablets for Puppies and Small Dogs 6 Treatments… 3.8 out of 5 stars 574. I’ll never give them this crap ever again and I’ll tell every single person I know what it caused my dog to experience. Author's note: insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are only found in the central nervous system of the insects, not directly on the muscles as seen in vertebrates. Advocate is used to treat and prevent fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) in both dogs and cats and can be used as part of a routine treatment regime for flea allergic dermatitis (FAD). Quick view Bob Martin Flea Tablets for Cats and Small Dogs Under 11kg. I am so ashamed I didn't know better, I almost lost my best friends. Put Out an ‘Unwelcome’ Mat The first step in flea prevention lies in maintaining your dog or cat’s health. Took him to the vet where he had extensive bloodwork and x-rays. Fleas may then be removed from the coat by picking or combing. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aide on a regular basis. They are both 7 month old kittens and I used Advantage II for small cats. Oh and did I mention it causes reproductive issues? Use por primera vez advantage multi en mis dos gatos, ambos tuvieron reacciones desfavorables, la hembra presentó vómitos, temblores en extremidades, perdida de apetito, desánimo en general dejo de acicalarse y además presentó dificultades para respirar. This product is easy to use I would recommend talking to your vet or local pet store if your unsure how to use it for your dog. He was the end of a line and now it’s over. Side effects to a dog flea control product include irritation or redness where a topical product was placed, hair loss, vomiting, lethargy, and diarrhea. Advantage is nasty... period! £16.99 £ 16. Between treatments with many products, dogs can be re-infected with heartworms and intestinal worms. Any new medication should be run by a vet before use. Just adopted a little 5 year old poodle 4 days ago from city adoption site. My German Shepherd is having a reaction. As of today I applied Advantage and he is being perfectly fine, and snoring on me. If inflammation lasts for numerous days you must consult your vet. My other cat feel asleep belly up and it dried up on it's own. My dear dog is now blind. Never again . By Ruth Edwards on 28 January 2021. If your dog has been saturated with spray products, dry it with a warmed towel and brush. Poor kitty king George . Topically applied, Frontline sometimes causes irritation around the spot of application. Hair grew back, so gave him a 2nd app months later. Do … If you’re looking for a flea shampoo for your cat, try Advantage ® Treatment Spray for Cats & Kittens. I was wondering what other products anyone could recommend. The formulation and dosage schedule are designed to provide a minimum of 4.5 mg/lb (10 mg/kg) imidacloprid and 1.1 mg/lb (2.5 mg/kg) moxidectin based on body weight. Advantage II Cat Flea Treatment is dangerous. 5 stars (167 reviews) 4 stars (31 reviews) 3 stars (4 reviews) 2 stars (2 reviews) 1 stars (2 reviews) Only verified purchasers of this product can leave a review. My make lost half his fur and my female was lethargic, seemed depressed and was peeing large amounts of blood. Dermal Dose Tolerance Study: Advantage Multi for Dogs was administered topically to 8-month-old Beagle dogs … We noticed a strong smell from the fkea stuff. I feel so bad for her. Hello, I used Advantage II (large cat) on my completely healthy cat 11 year old cat and within the next few days he started showing weakness in his hind legs. They gave him a dawn dish soap bath which helped kill the fleas, and gave me Advantage to applied to him. All dogs are different, just like people. Bayer Advantage II Topical Flea Treatment Dogs. © 2021 - All Rights Reserved, Tick Forecast 2021: It’s Summer Time! Right now she is shaking and shivering. This company needs to stop making this product. If enough is ingested, … Can anyone tell me what we might be able to do. Today she had 2 seizures, and she walks a little funny. This is the third time using on one of my kittens and I found this site because I had googled side effects. We could not figure out what hapoened to her. I have read about advantage causing issues in other pets. I haven't found anything that is nearly as effective as Advantage Flea Control for Dogs. Do some research before chosing a flea prevention. Advantage Multi® for Dogs (10% imidacloprid + 2.5% moxidectin) is a colorless to yellow ready-to-use solution packaged in single dose applicator tubes for topical treatment of dogs. Frontline is a tested and safe treatment for cats and dogs. Other side effects can include loss of appetite, itching, biting or chewing at the application site, rash at the application site and lethargy. An increase in thirst is also one of the symptoms of an adverse reaction to Advantage flea treatment. The product has a bitter taste that should discourage licking and ingestion. Using too much of the chemical can be dangerous, and it is highly toxic to cats. 1. Advantage is the fast acting flea treatment as it prevents fleas just within minutes. It is really important to mention that, even though this 'side effects' area mentions many frightful aggressive reactions that may be linked to Capstar flea medicine, in actuality, such reactions are exceedingly uncommon . Consult with your vet prior to use. Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. Side effects of arnica for dogs ⚠️ If your dog has ingested the topical form of arnica, alert Animal Poison Control immediately: (888) 426-4435 Arnica can increase bleeding. If these or other side effects (such as lethargy) occur, consult your veterinarian. Accidental ingestion can cause severe side effects in dogs. I don't think I will continue using it although I didn't have major side effects as many people stated here. dgsgirl She was spaded, and given all her medicines including advantage plus all within 9 days. 500ml £11.75 Add to basket. Although most dogs and cats handle this powerful pesticide just fine, others can have severe reactions, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Thursday. The effects range from mild to severe, depending on the amount of exposure and condition of your cat. We thought this was the end for him. The spray will allow you to cover every area of your dog, and knowing that you have got the treatment all over your dog can let you rest at ease. Also contains Imidacloprid (see Advantage) Available as Advantix 40 (Dogs up to 4kg), Advantix 100 (4-10kg), Advantix 250 (10-25kg), Advantix 400 (25kg+) spot-on pipettes Also effective against ticks - check dosing requirements Side-Effects/Cautions - The Permethrin component is extremely toxic to cats - keep cats away from treated dogs until the application site is dry. Use caution when administering this drug to aging or debilitated pets. Flea and tick medicine poisoning can be fatal if it is not treated by a veterinarian. The wide variety of products helps in taking good care of the pets and keeps them safe from various pests and creepy critters. Stiffening or the damp appearance of hair, itchiness, redness or pinkish skin may occur but these are temporary side effects. Medicinal odour The spot-on solution kills fleas within 12 hours of first application. Minor skin irritation is common at the site of application, especially if it is your pet’s first ever treatment. What are the side effects of Advantage Treatment Spray: Individual sensitivities while rare, may occur after using any pesticide product. We had been working outside all day Monday and she wanted to be outside with us. No hunting, no swimming. One was 12 and 14. If mild symptoms continue, bathe your dog at home with a mild hand-dishwashing detergent. No vet. It hadn't occurred to me that it could have been the advantage. For best results, all dogs should be treated with a similar flea control product such as Advantage Treatment Spray for Dogs to prevent reinfestation. Mehlhorn et al. Gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting, or diarrhea have also been reported. Serious side effects are rare, usually only occurring in animals with individual sensitivities or allergies to the product’s active ingredients or are a result of accidental ingestion or a mistake in the use of the product.The signs should be noticeable quickly and in all circumstances, immediate veterinary attention is needed if you notice any of the following: As mentioned, severe reactions are considered to be very rare with Advantage when it is applied as per instructions. Occasionally hair loss also occurs. Advantage kills 98-100% of adult fleas before they lay eggs. Drontal is available as a one dose deworming … The only prospective side effect noted for Frontline items is skin reactions at the site of application. Put Out an ‘Unwelcome’ Mat Praying he makes it through the night and is ok in the morning. I have been using Advantage Multi on my 2 cats and dog for over 3 months. I feel terrible I don't know what to do. Our vet says to NEVER use this product again. My mother’s 2 dogs also became deathly ill and 1 almost passed away after applying the Advantage. Frontline is a tested and safe treatment for cats and dogs. Mi otro gato un macho presento hiperactividsd y un comportamiento extraño en general. At Animed Direct we have a variety of great flea treatments and tick treatments for dogs such as Frontline, Advantage and many more. Beaphar Dog Flea Spray . It caused her to have pyriproxyfen poisoning...seizures, partial paralysis from seizures, lethargy, licking, and loss of appetite. We use cookies to give … I’d rather just stop using it and if we notice flea, then treat. It is even waterproof so will still work after bathing, swimming, extensive puddle or mud rolling (you know who you are!) We will learn to work with his blindness. I used the same batch on my dog a few weeks later. Causes moderate eye irritation. Thank you. Certain ingredients in flea control products have been known to cause more side effects than others. Usually my dog gets red rashes on her skin if I put a different topical flea treatment, but with Advantage I have not noticed any red rashes. Parasitol Res (2001) 87:198-207, information is regarding mode of action and is not intended to imply parasites can be completely stopped from biting. If you’re giving your dog arnica in a topical form, pay close attention. My cat is having a bad reacion also and I am fearful. Imidacloprid may result in these side effects: Drooling; Irritation at application site; DO NOT GIVE IMIDACLOPRID TO PREGNANT OR LACTATING PETS. CHECK LATEST PRICE. Advantage II made my cats very sick, Vet had me wash the cats and watch to make sure they didn't foam at the mouth or go into convulsions. Put some spray on the finger and gently rub around eyes, nose, and mouth area. Not using this again! I think 1 flea is better than being posioned. This isn’t the first time he’s had a reaction but it’s abaolutly terrifying. This is the reason why side effects and toxicity effects are very uncommon in animals given Imidacloprid-containing Advantage flea control treatments. They are paralysed and die only minutes from coming into contact with Advantage - they don’t even have to bite your pet to be affected. If your pet manages to get the treatment in their eyes, flush their eyes immediately with plenty of water and consult with your vet. Does this sound like what happened to marshmello? We have a 9.5 kg West Highland White Terrier (Westie) and bought the I put advantage on my healthy 12 year old cat . So much for my breeding program now. This product is 100% toxic. If the hair loss spreads or doesn’t grow back then consult your vet. So sorry to hear about your cat. He’s sleeping now and we are praying it will just wear itself off by tomorrow. The only difficulty with this product is that the ingredients are not listed, leaving sensitive pets at possible risk. Permetherin is an example of this and can be found in some spot treatment products. W hen used as directed, d angerous side effects are rare. It is applied through the coat to the dog or cat’s skin and spreads throughout the skin’s oily layer. This topical solution works continuously for a whole month so it can be applied once a month. Designed to aid in the control of flea bite dermatitis, this EPA-regulated spray works to kill and repel fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and lice on contact. Frontline, a common flea preventative that disrupts flea neural receptors, is a suspected carcinogen and endocrine disruptor that can be toxic to the nervous system if ingested. Flea and tick medicine poisoning occurs when your cat has a negative reaction to the medication. I used on my cat, "Advantage II", but never again, made the cat crazy, he bit and scratched me. Best Dog Flea Treatments (In Order) Itch Flea Treatment ; Best Flea Spray for Dogs ; Guide to Buying the Best Flea Treatment ; Frequently Asked Questions; To Conclude; How to Choose the Best Flea Treatment for your Dog. No, the Advantage ® Treatment Spray for Dogs & Puppies should not be used on your cat or kitten. If enough is ingested, it can cause stomach upsets and loss of appetite. Do not believe what anyone tells you, even vets. If the hair loss spreads or doesn’t grow back then consult your vet. Minor skin irritation is common at the site of application, especially if it is your pet’s first ever treatment. Advocate is also used to treat against ear mites (Otodectes cyanotis) and can be used in the prevention of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) and several intestinal worms in dogs and cats including … On that warm summer night in Texas, Bowers applied Hartz Ultra Guard Pro Flea and Tick Drops to the 14-month-old, 68-pound, Diesel.I nipped off the top of the tube and put it on his back, Bowers recalled. The active ingredient in Advantage flea treatment for dogs is able to kill fleas on contact, so fleas don’t have to bite your pet to be killed1. Although it is considered safe to use, this active ingredient can cause adverse reactions by cats. Advantage kills 98-100% of existing fleas within 12 hours of application and will destroy 99% of flea larvae in the pet's surroundings. It is intended for use on kittens and puppies over 8 weeks of age and can be used on pregnant or lactating animals. Advertisement. Shop Now. As a pet owner, you may be thinking how Advantage is good for your dogs and cats. Do not use on sick (systemic diseases, fever, etc) or convalescent dogs. Side Effects. Any suggestions? I'm so scared. If you are using these products in liquid form, commonly called dips, never submerge your pet into the liquid. As for my Marshmallow, after several months, 3 different veterinarians, numerous laboratory tests, $2,000+ in vet bills, he is doing better. Certain medications may interact with pesticides. I purchased the 4 pack for large cats as he did weight 12.5 pounds. After our experience we don’t use any of these things on our dogs. How to Make Valentine’s Day 2021 Special and Safe for Your Pet? Shop Now. It only takes 1 flea for him to have a bad reaction. He had hair loss at application site. Save more with Subscribe & Save. Side Effect for Humans Fipronil is a suspected human carcinogen and endocrine disruptor. I will bring the biggest lawsuit you have ever seen ! Advantage flea treatment is made by the company Bayer, and its active ingredient is imidacloprid. We are prepared to take him to the emergency vets, called and have everything arranged Incase his breathing turns rapid again tonight. - For use on dogs over 6 months - Delivers a whisper-quiet, continuous spray that provides 360-degree coverage while helping to reduce the stress to your dog during treatment - Aids in the control of flea bite dermatitis by killing fleas Moreover, a large chunk of pet parents love CanadaPetCare due to its amazing quality pet supplies and customer services, and this can be reflected on all our product reviews on the website. The topical solution has long lasting effect on the pets as it works for a whole month. I used on my cat last night and right now I'm at an emergency vet as she is trembling and I'm afraid I'm going to lose her , My cat 13yo has had a severe reaction. DO NOT use this product ! Some medications are better or worse than others. It’s poison to more than fleas. When it comes to fleas and ticks, pet parents are often in a quandary as to which product is right for their beloved pets. In some dogs, Advantage may cause lethargy, Pruritus and hyperactivity. For 30 minutes after treatment, ensure that the dog cannot lick their own application site or that of any treated dog. I cant imagine if it had killed my pets how I would feel. The vet said she thinks the seizures maybe just epilepsy. Okay so if i have a dog and a puppy and I just applied their flea stuff and they go to play.. if one bites the other where the flea stuff is are they gonna be fine or? No, the Advantage ® Treatment Spray for Dogs & Puppies should not be used on your cat or kitten. I will not use it again. The current version includes an insect growth regulator, Pyriproxyfen which kills flea eggs, larvae as well as chewing lice. I feel like the meanest person in the world for having to use it on them. 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