Get a free guide on Knife Sharpening to find out how you can achieve more. 440A (and similar grades including 425M, 420HC, and 6A) High-carbon stainless steels, this grade of stainless can be hardened to a greater degree than 420-grade steel, allowing for greater strength and wear resistance. You can use this chart to try to find the best steel for you. So I can't actually answer the question as to which will hold an edge better. The steel composition is comparable with Japanese AUS-8. You ever was looking for low budget knives, and you bumped into 7cr17MoV knives because that’s how I did found out about it, I needed a 20/30 Usd survival knife, and I found many low-end steels used in this category of knives, on of theme was the 7cr17MoV Steel knife, and since I had no idea about it, I decided to do some researches about it, and I end up doing a 7cr17MoV … Sharpness: the 420hc is very easy to form and sharp. Read More. 8Cr13MoV is a very prevalent Chinese stainless steel. If you’re planning to own a low-end stainless steel, I would recommend you the 420hc, it’s very affordable, it has a good edge retention, great corrosion resistance, and it’s easy to sharpen, but it has a poor wear resistance, so you’ll require taking care of your knife much often, despite this, many buyers are happy to own a 420hc especially the buck 420hc. What is its chemical composition? I have to say, the 420HC from Buck has not disappointed me. A lot of 8Cr13MoV is not that hard. 420HC: 440C: 7CR17MoV: 8Cr13MoV: AUS-8: CTS-BD1: OTHER STEELS. Yes, the 420hc has more than 12% of chromium in it, which makes it stainless steel. If you like to know more about the meaning of “HRC” or “Rockwell Hardness”, Check this post! A.G. Russell Knives, CRKT, Kershaw, and many other makers use it extensively. The 420hc is an evolution of the 420 steel (older steel), it’s low-end stainless steel used for cutlery, custom knives, scissors, and surgical tools, it’s very popular steel in the knife industry. After whittling wood or the plastic handle of my Svord Peasant, the 420HC still is push cutting paper. If hardened to the same hardness, 8Cr13MoV will hold an edge better than 420HC. 420HC Steel For Knives Do you have a knife made out of 420HC steel or are thinking of buying one and are wondering how . Find out how you can achieve more! Don’t be fooled by its affordable price tag. 420HC VS AUS 8. Chinese 8Cr13MoV Stainless Steel. 154cm comes with better edge retention and lower toughness compared to the 420HC. Generally, the harder the steel, the less tough it is and vice versa. 440C and 420HC belong to the same 400 series they both offer very close performance. In choosing the best pocket knife you should pay particular attention to the type of steel used in the blade. 8cr13mov. I decided to do this on 20 point scale, where I assign a maximum of 5 points to the 4 categories of Ease of Sharpening, Toughness, Edge Retention and Corrosion Resistance. 8Cr13MoV is a Chinese made steel but don't let that deter you, the value that this steel brings is great and no one delivers it quite like Kershaw.. The closer to 20 points the “better” the steel. 420HC 8CR13MOV; EDGE RETENTION: 2/10: 1/10: EASE OF SHARPNESS: 7/10: 8/10: CORROSION RESISTANCE: 6/10: 6/10: TOUGHNESS: 6/10: 6/10: 8CR13MOV offers the same corrosion resistance and toughness, with a lower/close edge retention compared to the 420HC. This modified 420 steel has higher amounts of carbon and chromium to boost hardenability and corrosion resistance. Dunno about 8CR13MoV. Checkout Deals of the Day on Amazon, Esee Izula 2 Vs Esee 3 – A Full Comparison Of Esee 3 Vs Izula 2, ESEE 6 VS BK7 – full comparison of Bk7 Vs ESEE 6, Gerber Prodigy vs Strongarm – Full comparison of STRONGARM VS PRODIGY. TWISTED SISAL MERCH - THANKS TO MISHEARDKNIFEREVIEWS: Remember to subscribe for more lunacy - … Again, like the 420HC stainless steel, the 440C stainless steel possesses a high resistance to abrasion, corrosion and wear, making it ideal for knife blades. This is a small list of steels that aren't necessarily in high production anymore, but still offer high-end or mid-range performance. 8CR13MOV offers the same corrosion resistance and toughness, with a lower/close edge retention compared to the 420HC. Please see this thread here in Tech Support: It depends on how hard they are at the end of heat treating. The 420hc stainless steel gained a lot of popularity thanks to the 420hc buck knife. 8cr13mov steel is a low-grade stainless steel produced in China. 8Cr13mov VS 440C Support BladeForums! 8CR13MOV VS 440C. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'knifeuser_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',111,'0','0']));Being low-end stainless steel, the 420hc is a great steel for the low-entry knife, it has decent edge retention, good corrosion resistance, and it’s easy to sharpen, so the answer is Yes, its good for knives. : FastTech Forums In operation since 1998, has led the industry since Day 1. Composition Comparison Graph For The Knife Steels Sandvik 12C27, Latrobe 420HC, AISI 425M, AISI 440A, Aichi AUS-6A, Aichi AUS6A Version 4.36 You can consider which the best for your needs. 8Cr13MoV . Alongside edge geometry and design, blade steel is a critical element that determines how a knife performs. D2 does however have fairly high impact toughness and wear resistance, the impact toughness does however become fairly irrelevant due to its low edge stability. Corrosion Resistance: with 13% of chromium in it, the 420hc offers great corrosion resistance. BladeForums has ZERO TOLERANCE for extremism or calls of violence. The Highlander, Jul 16, 2009 #22. In this section, we’re going to compare our steel with other steels, and for this, I use four criteria; Edge Retention, Corrosion resistance, Ease of Sharpness, and Toughness, and I use a scale or note from 1 to 10. Similar international steel grades are US AISI 440A and Japanese SUS 440A. I do not know what hardness spec Kershaw sets for their Chinese suppliers. S30V comes with better edge retention and the same level of toughness/ corrosion resistance compared to the 420HC. Quality heat treatment raises 420HC’s Rockwell hardness to 56-58 HRC, though its standard rating is 55 HRC. On the other hand, the 8cr13mov can be excellent in its own right because of its fair price. it doesn't quite hold as much potential in theory as 8Cr13MoV however my experience with Kershaw 8Cr13MoV was disappointing I don't feel it compares to Buck 420HC however,,, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. 8CR13MOV 8CR14MOV; EDGE … Discussion in 'General Knife Discussion' started by manowar669, Jul 29, 2012. Similar to AUS-8 in that they are both stainless steel and a great value for the performance that the steels deliver. 8CR13MOV 440C; EDGE RETENTION: 1/10: 2.5/10: EASE OF SHARPNESS: 8/10: 7/10: CORROSION RESISTANCE: 6/10: 7/10: TOUGHNESS: 6/10: 5/10: 440C comes with a slightly better performance compared with 8CR13MOV in both edge retention and corrosion resistance. 420HC VS 8CR13MOV. What is its hardness? 9Cr18MoV really ? 8Cr13mov VS 440C - BladeForums. It increases the carbon content on … Toughness. According to many steel manifactures tests, the420HC hardness is 57HRC. 52100: AEB-L: ATS-34: RWL-34: ZDP-189: The 420hc steel is high in chromium and has enough carbon and vanadium, which make it fairly alow-end steel. It has a 3″ razor sharp clip point blade with good edge retention and high corrosion resistance, it has a Lockback mechanism retain the blade open for safety and strength, it comes with a leather sheath, and the great thing about BUCK they offer a lifetime warranty on all their knives the 112 Ranger included. Joined: Feb 21, 2009 Messages: 389 Location: Toughness: The chemical composition of the 420Hc steel makes it a tough steel thanks to Silicon and Chromium. 14c28n vs 8cr13mov Comparison: 440A Steel : Full Details and Review ... 8cr13MoV Steel For Knives In this article we take a close look at 8cr13MoV steel. Buck Knives and Gerber Knives use 420HC extensively. Like the 420HC stainless steel, the 440C stainless steel has the ability to developing a greater hardness than other grades in the 400 series when heat-treated. This a well-known beast in the knife market, if you’re looking for a Fixed knife LMF II is a great choice, it has a 4.84″ drop point blade with a Serrated Edge, comes with glass-filled Nylon with TPV overmold handle and a reinforced sheath (the sheath has a little practical sharpener in it), in addition of this a pointed buttcap that is made of stainless steel in the end of the blade that can pierce glass (Yes this blade is a beast built for tactical survival situations), it’s ergonomic, comfortable to handle and according to Gerber “its Originally designed to free an aircrew from a downed aircraft”, so Here you have the best-fixed knife in 420Hc steel. The closest steel to our 420hc would only be the old 420, they have the same chemical composition, and yes the 420hc is positively developed than the 420, other than this I couldn’t find any stainless steel with the same spec and properties, Guess the 420Hc is a bit unique. Read More 420HC AUS 8; EDGE RETENTION: … In the battle between the Sandvik 14c28n vs 8cr13mov, the former’s strength lies in the excellent composition. How hard is it? 8cr13MoV: A Chinese Stainless steel that is similar in quality to AUS8 stainless steel. 420HC (420C) is a higher carbon content 420 stainless steel. 7Cr17MoV Stainless Steel. 8Cr13MoV steel is made by Chinese stainless steel manufacturers with reference to AUS-8 stainless steel produced by Aichi steel, and its naming method refers to GB/T 20878, GB/T 1220, GB/T 3280 and GB/T 4356 (see notes below).. Grade 8Cr13MoV stainless steel belongs to the Cr13 series steel. This blade can still pack a punch with its quality and value. After all, most of the people know that about the 14c28n and the 8cr13mov. Is it good and many others). I m sure you already heard of the famous buck series, especially the 420hc buck knives. All the same, 420HC is considered a soft alloy in comparison to superior 400 series grades and other more modern knife blade steel. just to give everyone the all the steel specs list above: 440C = 1% carbon, 17.5% chrome AUS-8 = 0.75% carbon, 14% chrome. We request your assistance dealing with this as we do not want to see the site shut down due to violent threats. So, here we discourse about the 14c28n vs 8cr13mov review. The follwoing formula is a break down in the steel: 8CR part means it is 8% chromium and the 17MoV means .17% molybdenum and .17% Vanadium ... 420HC: A 420 stainless modified with more carbon, and normally a better heat treatment. As to Bos heat treat. I've been carrying an 8Cr13MoV steel blade for a couple months now and it has been able to take a real fine edge. 1095 is tougher and has lower corrosion resistance compared to the 420HC. 420hc's main advantage is its relatively high edge stability, D2 is among the worst steels for edge stability, meaning it chips easily if the cut is not completely straight. The HC stands for "high carbon" and it can be brought to a higher hardness than regular 420 and should not be mistaken for it. 8CR13MOV VS 8CR14MOV. By popular request I have created a steel chart, where I try to simply map out the relative merits of each steel. ... 420HC. AUS 8 and 420HC are very close steels in terms of performance, and the only difference would be the ease of sharpening of the AUS8. Well As a knife user, I couldn’t just walk by, without searching more about it, so if you’re a looking to know more about the 420hc, I tried to answer all the possible questions (What is it? And in comparison with other low-end stainless steel, the 420hc comes in a good place, so owning a 420hc knife would be a smart decision for the money. 420A (420J1) and 420B (420J2) are economical, highly corrosion resistant stainless steel grades. ). I'm pretty sure it slots in around AUS-6/8, but is Chinese rather than Japanese. 7Cr17MoV steel is a Chinese GB standard Martensitic stainless steel grade produced by adding a small amount of molybdenum (Mo) and vanadium (V) to 7Cr17 to improve hardness and wear resistance. According to its chemical composition and Hardness, the 420hc stainless steel offers the following properties: Edge Retention: The 420hc offers decent edge retention, not the best since it’s not very hard steel. 440A is used in many production knives because of its edge retention, ease of resharpening, and corrosion resistance. Machinability: 420hc is very affordable steel that’s great for machinability. However, Buck does harden 420HC to ~58-59. KenWP member. Optimized chemistry provides a top grade knife steel with a unique combination of excellent edge performance, high … Get Up To 95% Off Today! Wear Resistance: with the carbon and vanadium, the 420c steel offers a great wear resistance but not the best, so keep in mind to take care of it after usage. If you search 420Hc steel, there is a high chance you’ll end up with a Buck knife, they mainly use 420hc in their knives, and the most famous one is the 112 Ranger a smaller version of the 110 Buck. With our heat treat, our customers have told us that it holds an edge really well and it is easy to restore the edge when it finally dulls. 14c28n is stainless steel made by the Swedish company @Sandvik, its mainly made for knives, it’s high in Chromium for great corrosion resistance.. Quick History: In fact, 14c28 is an upgrade of the 13C26 “Kershaw asked Sandvik to make their 13C26 steel more resistant to corrosion and the result was 14C28N”. The 112 Ranger is a great folding pocket knife built to be an EDC Knife. Sandvik 14C28N is the latest development in Sandvik's range of knife steels. It is commonly used in the making of scissors, hunting knives, and kitchen knives due to its high carbon and high chromium content. Mainly used for making high-hardness, high-wearing medium and high … In this review, we’ll compare about these two knives steel and help you decide which steel is perfect for your situation! If you're looking for a tough blade at an affordable price you'll have a hard time finding anything better than 8Cr13MoV. a mix) of carbon and iron that is often enriched with other elements to improve certain characteristics depending on the desired … We will explore its makeup and characteristics as a . Ultimate combination of hardness and corrosion resistance. Kershaw precision heat-treats 8Cr13MoV steel to bring out its very best high-performance characteristics: the ability to take and hold an edge, strength, and hardness. Steel is essentially an alloy (i.e. TWISTED SISAL MERCH - THANKS TO MISHEARDKNIFEREVIEWS: Remember to subscribe for more lunacy - … It is better than the Victorinox Inox for sure. 8Cr13MoV (any of the CR series) These are Chinese-produced steels that recently started showing up in Chinese-made knives. Subscribe to our newsletter to get a free guide on ”your subject”.