1 MOA is roughly equal to 1 inch at 100 yards. My advice if one is on the fence (or if used outside)is to get the 6 MOA. I recently bought the Vortex Strikefire II with the VMX-3T magnifier. You guys have a lot of interesting information along with good explanations. If only to understand how awesome they are compared to old school fixed sights. Elevation adjusts bullet projection vertically. I don’t have plans of swimming with my guns but in case I get caught in the rain, I’d like for it to survive. Entry level 1-4x or 1-6x scopes are around the $150-200 mark, like these red dots, while the next step up ranges from $300 to 600. You need to check out Tacticon Armament, combat veteran own and made in America. Plus, the thing is super durable as seen in this video, where a guy shoots it with a shotgun and it continues working, What about the Sig Romeo 5? Batteries are expensive and the more efficient the better. I use a 6 inch steel plate at 200 yards all the time with a 2 moa aimpoint and usually can hit it every time from the bench. 3/4th of an inch @ 75 yards. Grid lines with click adjustment references and adjustment dial references (1/2 MOA adjustments common on red dot sights) We also provide adjusted range versions for those who only have access to a short range (25 yards), but want a 50/200 or 100 yard zero. I don't think your opinion is valid when compared to 243 years of combat experience. I soaked up as much information as I could online, at competitions, and from tinkering in my workshop. Indoors, you can turn it down, which helps. The Vortex Sparc AR is a newcomer from the very well-known Vortex that is robust with clear glass. They all shot fine but there was a big difference of the Primary Arms and Holosun clarity & eyebox versus the Sparc AR. Some time passed before I went shooting with them and I found a good amount of rust on the Primary Arms (rails, next picture) and Sparc AR (screws of the riser). Accuracy after 100 yards depends on the size of the target and scope design. Hi Peter, we cover it in our overall Best AR-15 Optics, but for this test it was more about red dots with high battery life I would trust on a defensive rifle. When deciding on which reflex red dot sight to pick consider these factors. Felix what did you think of the AT3 red dot, i have the AT3™ LEOS™ Red Dot Sight with Integrated Laser Sight & Riser and wish the red dot was brighter at 50 yards, thanks. Considering ammo moa is good but you should also understand that most red dots are 2 to 4 moa. Making it harder to hit one single can because the dot is larger. The Holosun 403B is the same red dot, with a very slightly different mount - but it's a more common mounting system so that is kind of a plus! . Overall Best AR-15 Red Dot Sights and Optics 1. ... and more importantly smaller viewbox = less light through the glass in low light situations. I do want to purchase an ACOG but damn the price. Next time we update this article, we'll be adding it in. What's your opinion? Pistol mounted micro red dots improve accuracy. 3/8th of an inch @ 75 yards. I am going for lightweight. I like the Spitfire 3x and there's also a good amount of 1x optics (aimpoint, eotech, etc) that have flip-capable magnifiers. So just how much do these clicks adjust bullet impact at 25 yards? What do you currently run on your AR? Brightness Settings: Number of brightness levels the scope can be set to. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. I purchased one for my 300 blackout build, just wondering if anyone has used one. That is based on my 45 shooting. The RMR offers extremely high quality design, rugged features all for a price point that offers tons of value. More importantly turned on. Thanks 4 the review... Do you think the Vortex Sparc II would have fared better or worse? From an ret-Operator, if given the Romeo5 I wouldn't have any concerns. I bought these myself to test them out so this part hurt a little…but if something can’t survive three drops from around 3 feet onto concrete (without being attached to a rifle)…then I probably wouldn’t trust it later anyway. I had to show my receipt for Primary Arms so if you buy one second-hand…you might be out of luck. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Red dots really show their strength with speed shooting and during close-quarters battle (C.Q.B.) Let’s use a 7 MOA red dot sight in this example. If you want to go a little cheaper…check out our Best Red Dots Under $100. https://gundigest.com/gear-ammo/optics/red-dot-optics-and-moa Vortex of course does. Rumor has it that Holosun is the manufacturer of Primary Arms’ red dots (to their specs). In the 5 months since your publish date the Holosun link to Amazon now gives the price starting at $161.50. Optical Specs: 1x20mm multi-coated with Spectracoat and anti-reflection Optic Type: Tube Reflex Reticle: 2 MOA standard red dot My Review: This is hands down one of the best red dot sights on the market today and in my opinion, is probably the best value of any sight you can buy. For robustness and ease of maintenance, I go with the Vortex Sparc AR. Ok…how about how the dots and glass look? If the need to shoot over 25 yards consider the 3 MOA size. Battery life: Leaving a reflex sight on for extended time has many benefits especially for military. Red dot sights have a LED light inside that operates off a small battery. purchase helps support my work in bringing you more awesome gun and gear articles. 20 clicks. Copyright © 2021 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Here are pics of how the red dots actually appear at around 3rd from the brightest setting. The problem is that manufacturers (and reviewers LOL) don't give the height to center info. so I see that as a non issue. I really like the red dot we use cause I am use to it and shoot it well, but i also dig the acog cause the magnifier. Sig’s Romeo 5 takes the prize for me. Red Dot MOA. Activation: How the reflex red dot sight is turned on or off. Privacy Policy and The 2 MOA dot will cover 2 inches at 100 yards. Example: Say you are shooting at 3 pop cans side by side at 100 yards. This is because of not having to look down the tube. 1 MOA per click. Provide actual evidence. Not sure about the Vortex. Increased brightness of red dot uses up more battery. Rifles and shotguns can use either one based on preference. The Romeo 4 has clearer glass than the 5 and is compatible with all the Aimpoint mounts while the 5 is stuck like the Vortex AR, although my Romeo 4A hangs slightly forward on the American Defense mount I use. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); link to Why Can't You Shoot Steel Cased Ammo at a Range? [CDATA[ They also make SOLAR AND Battery models, which will work outside with a dead battery. What’s your take on the Holosun? One of them came with a riser (sorry at the office and can't remember which). Just found your site, and thanks for the info. The shake to wake feature is a must-have for HD. 1/2 MOA is always 1/2 MOA. Which do you prefer and why? A reflex sight with a greater field of view is considered better. Different firearms work better for each type. Here are some of the important specs: The Holosun HS403A is making a splash in the red dot world for really affordable sights with all the bells and whistles. Our favorite guns and gear that we've tested and fully recommend. We cover them in our Ultimate AR-15 Optics Guide. Just my 2 cents. They are also faster for acquiring a target. Tube scopes can be more durable than open sights. A red dot scope with 4 MOA will mean at 100 yards the red dot covers 4 inches. I have two of these on my own rifle as well as my wife’s. Fog-proof: Nitrogen gas is used inside of scope to prevent fogging on lens due to temperature changes or humidity. In my opinion, the HOLOSUN 503GU is tougher and I think the glass is less tinted than the old design of the 403 model you used here. Red dots commonly have a single dot as a reticle. 1) HOLOSUN makes models, like PA, with batteries on the side. Red dot is the most common used name. Tube scope types can be easier to use in bright conditions because the dot is shaded within the tube. You probably have heard of a red dot scope (reflex sight) before. Grest info, you guys always have informative articles. I'd sure like to see about what magnifiers will flip up and align with these out of the box. Looking into the vortex spitfire 3x. The Sparc AR has the added benefit of using AAA batteries but weights almost 2x the weight of the others. And here is the Sparc AR. This is because your dot (given that it is sighted in precisely) will cover 2 inches diameter of a target. So can I assume that a red... Log in or Sign up. Some will say, just turn down the brightness of the 4 MOA T-1, so the dot is semitransparent to get a better sight picture when doing precision work. The Holosun was just as crisp as the Primary Arms. I have a 1 moa EoTech but I still use the 50/200 yard zero with it. If using a red dot for a hunting firearm, you want one that can withstand the elements and any abuse. However, this might cause an increase in the total expenditure of manufacturing a red dot sight which leads to more expensive red dot sights to exist on the market. They can be used for basic target shooting or even hunting. Keep 'em coming! Colors and shape of reticle can be different depending on the brand and model. 1/2 of an inch @ 100 yards. Same can be said with competition shooting and recreation. Its hard to beat the Bushnell Trophy, this red dot sight is what I would recommend. Selecting a Red Dot - What Size MOA should you get? But the Sparc AR had the smaller eyebox. But, it is important to remember that a 4 moa dot is only 2 inches at 50 yards and 1 inch at 25 yards. Larger dot sizes are helpful for fast acquisition while smaller dot sizes are better suited for precision shooting. Thank you! While it is their BASE model, I've bought a 503GU for $199, so it should have been used in the testing in my opinion. IMPORTANT things you forgot to mention that make the HOLOSUN even more dominant. You get a great optic that passed all the tests, didn’t rust, and comes with a riser included in the price. We now have a Best Under $100 Red Dots article and video. The description for many red dot scopes list 2 or 4 MOA. A red dot has an LED emitte… Rugged, 2MOA, HUGE battery life, auto shut-off, and most importantly, motion sensitive auto-on! Reflex sights that allow for co-witnessing. I don't own a red dot yet, so this may be a dumb question, but, if running a red dot with both eyes open, wouldn't the size of the viewbox be somewhat irrelevant? 7. Unlike a laser sight red dots actually point the light towards the shooters eye. Currently serving in the ARNG and when we go shoot, all our M4's are equipped with either ACOG or CCO red dot (pretty much the aimpoint compM4). Vortex, on the other hand, has an unlimited lifetime warranty that is completely transferable. MOA stands for minute of angle, 2 MOA at 100 yards equals 2 inch. Think about if you want one with a different shape. Hey, could you help me out with which part I should be updating? I've never laid hands on their micro dot, but the scopes I've had were really crummy. We have a full hands-on review of the Sig Sauer Romeo5! Better than all of the options in my opinion with the 50,000 hour battery life and the MOTAC automatic shutoff after 2 minutes of being still. hunting) then this is fine. You can find it for a bit cheaper from Palmetto State Armory than on Amazon, $119 shipped right now. The Romeo 5 is a fantastic little budget red dot … Its a good distance because the 50/200 yard zero is great for a 5.56 and aimpoint. You mentioned the auto-off feature, but I didn't see the AUTO-ON mentioned (I have no idea if VORTEX has it). I just finished building my AR and I am currently on the hunt for some optics. I focused on the body instead of the dots so the dots appear fuzzier than in real life. Spent more $$ but I’m very impressed. (*this is an estimate, the actual MOA @ 100 yards is 1.047, but for example’s sake, see above conversion.) “I have a gun that shoots .5 MOA groups”. It also is used for the size of the red dot. 1 MOA increment at 200 yards is 2”. Some use a button some have a switch. The glass is all the same factory, but everything else is assembled by each company. So if you are either shopping for a red dot scope or just experimenting with one you own already then you may want to level up your knowledge a bit on red dots and reflex optics. The PA unit is made by Holosun, kust like the Sig Romeo (another affordable option) . Red dot optics are best for quick target acquisition. Another vote for the Sig Romeo 5. 1 MOA: Most common click value. A red dot scope with 4 MOA will mean at 100 yards the red dot covers 4 inches. ... 1 MOA at 200 yards = 2”, at 400 yards 1 MOA = 4”, at 800 yards = 8”, etc. Do you recommend a fixed sight? Check it out on Amazon here. On the other hand, zeroing a red dot at 50 yards is pretty do-able, even for a beginner… So out of the two (50 yards or 200), the 50 yard zero is the obvious choice. which sight would allow you shoot at individual cans easier? The rubber cover also doesn’t hurt although overall it is much heavier and bulkier than the other two. I combined this test with the temperature test and loaded up a pot with some hot water. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Life time warranty. It’s built like a lank and if you had to, throwing it at the enemy’s face would cause considerable damage. Red Dot scopes are non-magnifying sights that are used for rifles, handguns and shotguns. A 6 MOA dot at 100 yards will cover the can and even the one next to it. Either purchase manufacturer to manufacturer or buy the appropriate riser for one of them. One less thing to think about. A scope with 2 MOA works better for smaller targets at 100 yards. 1/2 of an inch @ 50 yards. This is because some colors are better contrasted in different hunting situations. For slow fire I prefer a 2 but I think that I shoot a 4 better. When someone thinks of red dot scope they are most likely thinking of open reflex sight. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"41cc9fde2d34a250ce64c44541f0cca791de0500-1613648071-1800"}; When you’re shooting at 100 yards, a 50-yard zero will still impact pretty close to your actual point of aim. If you are using this for Home Defense you want the sight to come on when you grab the gun. A 2 MOA at 300 yards grows to 6 inch diameter and so on. Any updates on the Romeo 5... seems to be getting good reviews in comments and other places I've checked... and is coming in at 124 on Amazon today (02/07/2019). The Vortex still goes for $199. 2) The HOLOSUN offers a CIRCLE-DOT reticle (like EOtech) that many people prefer--it definitely can help you shoot faster, but it also allows you to just use the 2MOA dot if you want. Open or exposed reflex sights are the easiest to acquire a target the fastest. If a red dot works for you I'm happy for you. You do not pay anything extra and your Also if you want the ability to change the color. But here are some other sub-$200 ones that seem to do very well. Purchased the Vortex for $139/shipped from PSA and it seems pretty good thus far. MOTAC (Motion Activated Illumination): Red dot sight powers on when motion is detected and automatically turns off when idle. //]]>, We’ve got a dedicated section for the AR-15 here. Unlike other sights, unmagnified red dots have unlimited eye relief…which means there’s no set minimum/maximum distance you need to mount them from your eye. We’ve built dozens of AR’s and we’ll cover all the best AR-15 upgrades such as handguards, triggers, BCGs, gas blocks, and more. Love mine too. This is because your dot (given that it is sighted in precisely) will cover 2 inches diameter of a target. Not your usual anecdotal bs, but actual proof. At 15 yards I fired a mag with the 6 MOA pistol that was awful. This means you don't have to leave the dot on ALL the time (burning battery and shortening LED life). Using a red dot for a home defense go with the larger 4 or 6 MOA, because aiming within 100 yards you want the dot to be easier to see. All three felt fine in hands but the Sparc AR felt extra beefy…like I could have continued drop testing all day long and it would still keep on going. 20 clicks. However, the tint and battery life are pretty bad (days/weeks/or months, but not years), and mine has no auto-off....I think it just kills the battery when you leave it on (unless it's at like 3 or 4). For the longest time I thought it was that a red dot had a red dot reticle…and a holographic sight had the signature big ring and small dot reticle. Shake to turn on, turns off dropped 2 times so far and no damage. In simple words, 2 MOA means that you take 2 minutes of adjustment on your scope. It’s much easier with red dots compared to iron sights and by using both eyes you get a nearly unlimited field of view while still superimposing the dot on your targets. Costs under $200 PSA has them on sale now for $120. I always look forward to your Pew Pew articles over that first cup of coffee in the morning. How Does A 50 Yard Zero Perform At 100 Yards? So, if every 4 clicks = 1 MOA, you will need 5 of those 4 click adjustments, or 20 clicks total. However, the view box of the Vortex is noticeably smaller (this was the main thing people picked up on while I was at the range and asking randoms to check out all three dots). Even though they don’t allow magnification red dots offer greater advantages to stock iron sights. I am a member of Eastern Nebraska Gun Club. The diode modules are available in six different sizes; 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 moa. I would suggest checking out the Romeo 5 and especially the Romeo 4. The range rules are set to help everyone have a... Hey, I'm Eric. I'll keep my Leupold 1-4X scope on my .300 Blackout. Red dots are easier than iron sights to use and are very intuitive. Feyachi RDS-22 2MOA Micro Red Dot Sight Compact Red Dot Scope with 0.83” Riser Mount Absolute Co-Witness with Iron Sight 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,059 $59.99 $ 59 . The choice of which MOA doesn’t matter as much if you are going to be using the scope at a 100 yard gun range. Also the 6 MOA dot shot low for me and I did not adjust. To Field of view (FOV) is something that many shooters take into account with reflex sights. Any thoughts anyone? Thanks. The real name is reflex sight but there are different types. Looking to get into a Rimfire Challenge with my 10/22 Take Down. If you get it on sale its practically disposable. Now enough about red dots…let’s see our test subjects! And now I hope to answer some of yours! Aside from passing all the tests (remember to wipe it dry), you get the ease of AAA batteries and the clearest glass of the bunch. What do you guys think about the AT3 Tactical LEOS red dot? Might look at it for an update of this article. 6 Best AR-10s [2021]: Complete Buyer's Guide, 9 Best AR-15s: Ultimate Guide [2021 Hands-On], 10 Best Online Gun Stores [2021]: New & Used, Best Concealed Carry Holsters [Hands-On Tested], 7 Best .22 LR Rifles: Bigger Isn't Always Better, Best First Aid Classes: Beginner & Intermediate [Guide], Hi, I'm Eric Hung and I got into guns when I was around 25 and started with YouTube videos, scouring forums, and eventually taking a bunch of classes. Open reflex sights works better than tubed on a pistol. “My scope adjusts in 1/4 MOA clicks”. I read your reports on the red dots and the holographic sights. Looking for other kinds of sights? For example, 1 mil at 100 yards equals 3.6 inches, and 7.2 inches at 200 yards. MOA stands for "minutes of angle" and 1 MOA = 1"at 100 yards = 3 cm at 100 meters If you have a 4 MOA, this means that the dot is about 12 cm at 100 m (4" at 100 yards), 6 cm at 50 m and 3 cm at 25m. If weight is not a deal-breaker, I’m pretty sure this red dot can survive almost anything. The Sparc AR seems just a tad lower. I will post if you guys really want to see. Gun safes are essential when you have multiple firearms. Menu Recent Posts. 1/4th of an inch @ 50 yards. It is not something I put on the list but is good to know about. Using a red dot is great for short range target shooting with a rifle and for competition shooting where speed is required. Extra batteries are easy to have ready for targeting shooting, but a firearm for home-defense or in time of need the battery life becomes more important. Windage is for horizontal sighting and elevation is for vertical. Red dot optics are best sighted in at 100 yards. precision rig) I zero at 100 meters and dope from there. Flip up iron sights might also not align or fit with certain reflex sights. And as far as I know, they do. For the $45 I paid for one new, they're a great DEAL. No fumbling for a switch = one less thing to think about. Absolutely awesome on 9mm ar pistol. I have a vortex Viper on my racegun, but to me they have no place on a rifle. Ah ur article is very dated and Holo makes PA? So after all this stuff…what do I recommend? It's coming up a lot...I'll have to check them out when I update this article! It gives you the option of a red-dot like experience with no magnification, but gives you the option to dial up the magnification to operate like an ACOG. That is where I enjoy target practice. Red dots can be more affordable making them an inexpensive upgrade to a gun. Lol the holosun is the same optic lol minus a few features. With 1/4 MOA click sights being much more common than the finer 1/8 MOA click Sights. If the Black Hole is dead centre on this NSRA 2510BR15-18, the red circle shows how far one quarter MOA click will move the bullet impact (with perfect ammunition and a perfect shot). Like a laptop screen almost. I let it cool overnight for the lower end of the temperature spectrum. For best bang-for-the-buck I’d have to go with the Holosun HS403A. At 200 yards the dot would cover 14 inches. How far is red dot accuracy? Mine are usually on 6 or 7 UNLESS I'm shooting for accuracy, when I turn it way down. Love this dot and comes with riser. Open/exposed reflex sight looks similar to a single window. Would the Burris Fastfire III be a better option? Most red dot sights are around 4 MOA which means the dot will cover 4 inches at 100 yards, 2 inches at 50 yards, or 8 inches at 200 yards. At 300 the dot … If you know the rules you shouldn't have to worry about this. The Holosun is no longer available from Amazon... maybe an updated Choice? Would any of these work? I have no personal preference so they were all fine and dandy to me. What about the Weaver Micro Red Dot? Consider if you are going to be shooting in extreme heat or cold or in the rain/snow. This is important for close-quarters combat (C.Q.B.) ditto kiddo. Mounting hardware: A reflex sight can use a simple locking lever (quick release) to be easily attached and removed from rail mount. The dot on a 2 MOA is going to appear small relative to the target requiring more focus to aim. either in warfare or sport. //