S45vn boasts higher corrosion resistance vs both. It also boast nearly the toughness of s35vn. CPM 154 is the CPM manufactured version of Crucible’s standard 154 CM. CPM-S35VN In 2009, Crucible Steel introduced an update to CPM-S30V to meet the needs of renowned knife maker Chris Reeve that they called CPM-S35VN. Both S30V and S35VN steel are made with the same carbon and chrome content, and from various tests, both steels provide the same edge retention and corrosion resistance. 154CM 2.5 ft. lbs. lbs., the transverse toughness of the CPM grades is four or more CPM154はクルーシブル社のスタンダードな鋼材154CMを粉末鋼にしたもので、154CMよりも金属組織が均一化された超高品質な刃物鋼です。154CMの熱処理特性を保持したまま、加工性、仕上げ、靭性が向上しています。 440C 2.5 ft. lbs. S35VN is a premium steel and M390 is considered a super steel. Blade steel cost vs. knife price I thought it would be interesting to get an idea of the relative cost of S30V, S35VN and some other popular knife steels. The source I found with the most useful bar steel cost data is a speciality By Larry Connelley When looking at quality American-made knives, you'll notice that S35VN and S30V steel are two of the more popular steels for knife blades. I am looking at a Mini Barrage which I've played with a little bit and love (my current knives have Axis but the Barrage has Axis Assist, which has me hooked). S35VN much easier to sharpen (CRK, Strider), so far I haven't chipped it but I've only tried Like 154CM, there is a newer version, S35VN, which shares many of the same attributes as S30V but is easier to craft into a knife thanks to niobium. S35VN’s availability should develop a more steady stream of new product on dealers’ shelves. There are two parts to this, the method and the results. So to wrap this up. Blade materials are those used to make the blade of a knife or other simple edged hand tool or weapon, such as a hatchet or sword. In general, this grade takes and holds an edge and is tough although it is not as stain-resistant as the 400 grades. 154CM Bei 154CM handelt es sich um einen relativ harten Stahl, der durch den Zusatz von Molybdän eine verbesserte Version des 440C Stahl ist. Heat Treatment - Heat treatment effects the edge retention and toughness and is determined by the knifemaker. CPM S35VN What it is: CPM S35VN is a "Crucible Particle Metallurgy" stainless steel, an improvement over CPM S30V, and is widely regarded as a "super steel" for its properties and performance. When comparing CPM 3V steel vs. A2 steel, 3V is superior in edge retention and toughness with a big win for CPM 3V. The addition of 0.5% Niobium, and reductions in both Carbon from (1.45% to 1.40%) and Vanadium (from 4% to 3%) produced an alloy with 25% increase in measured Charpy V-notch toughness over S30V (Crucible claims 15 … In this VG10 Steel vs S30V Steel review, we compare the similarities and differences between the two knives to help you discern which is better. Molybdenum is added with vanadium and tungsten and a ton of carbon to create a knife with a hardness level that exceeds S30V and S35VN, coming in at up to 65HRC. D2 440C 154 CM CPM 154 CPM S30V Wear resistance Toughness Grindability Data Sheet Carbon 1.05% Chromium 14.00% Molybdenum 4.00% CRUCIBLE CPM® 154 Issue #1 Crucible Industries logo, Crucible Industries, CPM The blade of a knife can be made from a variety of materials, the most common being carbon steel, stainless steel, tool steel and alloy steel. A solid choice for most applications. CPM M4 is a little different. The CPM manufacturing process produces a uniform distribution of the carbides in this grade, giving this CPM 154 easier grinding and polishing, plus better toughness, than conventional 154 CM, while retaining similar heat treat response and wear properties. While they have similar histories and … ナイフの鋼材 ナイフ鋼材には、炭素鋼、ステンレス鋼と粉末冶金鋼とその複合鋼の4つの種類があり、それぞれの特徴により広く使用されています。ナイフの使用目的に応じて、鋼材に要求されるコストや特性が異なるため、オールマイティーな鋼材は無く、用途に応じた選択が必要です。 Durch diesen Zusatz erhält man eine bessere Kantenstabilität, doch die Korrosionsbeständigkeit bleibt gleich, obwohl weniger Chrom verwendet wird. ・CPM-154CM 米国クルーシブル社が154CMを粉末鋼化したもの。使ったことはありませんが、組成が同じ以上極端に性能が上がるとは思えません。おそらく耐食性諸元の性能がやや向上した、くらいではないでしょうか。154CMの後継として OK, this is for the knife people who know their steels. It has an exceptionally Crucible has been a part of the knife steel industry for many decades, such as with steels like 154CM which was developed in the late 1950’s and gained 154CM used to be considered a premium steel in the past but now has been superseded by these newer steels. 154CM (ATS-34) Knife Steel A widely used group of stainless steels. CPM S35VN 12.0 ft. lbs. “Our goal is to always have satisfied customers, and we feel that by eventually using CPM-S35VN for more products, it will allow us to 154CM is basic and has chipped on me before (Emerson, Benchmade folders). S45vn has the edge retention of s30v. Hate all S30V regardless of maker (production or custom). S30V is a knife steel produced by Crucible, released at the end of 2001 [1]. The data sheet for S35VN includes the assertion that it is easier to machine than is S30V. So…they took the good attributes of each steel and made s45vn. Advantages: Toughness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance. Although the longitudinal toughness of all four of these grades is about 25-28 ft. The VG-10 steel is very similar to 154CM and ATS-34 with slightly more chromium for enhanced corrosion resistance but also contains vanadium which makes it marginally tougher than these two. I used CTS-XHP and 154CM to bound the group, while S35VN is a refined version of S30V. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features It’s not a powder steel (CPM154 would be the powder version), but it’s a commonly used steel for a higher grade knife. 154cm VS s30v Bandog Nov 22, 2011 Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2 Nov 27, 2011 #21 Mike Stewart Knife Moderator/Bark River Knife & Tool 16,500 1,438 0 The Standard Bravo-1 is A-2 Tool steel. I have a benchmite 310 in 154cm and a steel mini keyton in cpm154. It originated not too long ago from Japan and has been slowly introduced into the American market by respect knife makers like Spyderco . Als neues Legierungselement kam Niob (Nb) hinzu, dafür sanken die Anteile von Kohlenstoff um 0,05 % und der von Vanadium von 4 % auf 3 %. CPM-S35VN 2009 begann die Erprobung einer Weiterentwicklung des erfolgreichen S30V. I own a Griptillian and a 530, both in 154CM steel. S30V and S35VN are both exceptionally easy to maintain and sharpen and they hold an edge exceptionally well too, something you don’t normally get both of. CPM S30V 10.0 ft. lbs. 154CM steel is one of “better” steel varieties made for cutlery and other knife blades. RWL34 is easier to sharpen but doesn't hold an 154CM grade is the benchmark for high-end performance stainless. 154CM American made stainless steel with well-rounded characteristics including good edge retention, overall toughness, and corrosion resistance. Episode 89 of GGL had Cedric and Ada, Peter, on to discuss lots of stuff, but his steel test insights need to be put into writing for future reference.