As with Script E, an overall total of 13 out of 20 for the response as a whole was awarded.. Total Mark: 33 (Grade D) 24, 26 Candidate G 1 (a) 1 To see peru s National Bird. 23, 25 (i) The two phrase that show that the old woman did not feel angry towards the tourists who left litter are It struck me then just how important it is to buy locally and be evironnentally conscious in all our actions and I am glad that when we travel we buy at small shops and eat in local restaurants. 1 mark: An acceptable reason for the man s niceness is stated. b) If it is very hot, they sit, *D0552* FIRST CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH for Schools D055/2 PAPER 2 Writing Sample Paper Time 1 hour 20 minutes Candidates answer on the question paper. If you, P.008 Jumping Words Objective The student will read high frequency words. But on the other hand I am estremely pleased about going back to see all my friends and family and I can t wait to tell them all about my trip to Peru. I never imagined my successful, journey to be this glamorous. For example, those candidates who took note of the fact that the first passage was set in the eighteenth century and who took this into account in their responses tended to produce more convincing letters than those who landed at Tangier Airport and contacted their relatives by mobile phone! The same mark was given for Written Expression; although the meaning is generally clear, there are some serious errors which blur communication in places and there is insufficient evidence of the writer s linguistic ability to justify the award of a mark higher than 3 for this element of the task. PREPARING FOR THE LESSON MAIN IDEA: Jesus, T h e C o p a n d t h e A n t h e m p The Cop and the Anthem S OAPY MOVED RESTLESSLY ON HIS SEAT in Madison Square. (d) Because the clothe what the people was wearing drapped and colourful blankets. EKOLA Junior High School Bilingual Programme Entrance Test (1h15) Sample Paper. About two hour is the time estimated to reach the final destination this transporting means are very cheap but a they a know with a high rate of accident I am so scared what will I do when at the middle of the water their is no high land nearby which can be seen from far I can see a cargo ship slowly moving This means of transport give a hard time in thinking if an accident occurs what should I do the are only five safety jacket which have been hept at alown under the engine. 2 marks: Both the appearance of the village itself and the clothing of the inhabitants are clearly identified. The number in brackets on each, SPECIMEN MATERIAL 1 GCSE English Language Paper 1 Explorations in creative reading and writing Mark Scheme 8700 Version 2.0 Mark schemes are prepared by the Lead Assessment Writer. Overal I had one of the best trips ever because I meet so many new people and did so many new thing. 1 compulsory task. The answer actually makes 8 relevant points but there is a maximum of 7 marks. There were many sheep and cattle too. (e) They described the man, that let them sleep on hes soccer pitch, nice because they man didn t have to let them sleep there and he could have been mean about it. Great flocks of big, bright, buttercup-yellow butterflies were feeding on the road I could imagine how nice that did look. for example when we were cycling and it was extremely cold up there in the andes, but still we have monoged not to give up and quit and we have continued. 0500 FIRST LANGUAGE ENGLISH 0500/13 Paper 1 (Reading Passage – Core), maximum raw mark 50 This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to …